NE NE - Jason Jolkowski -19 - Omaha - 13 Jun 2001 - #4

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Even implying that the co-worker (whom JJ was going to meet in the H.S. parking lot) was involved with his disappearance is ludicrous. IIRC his car was unexpectedly in the shop so he couldn't easily get to work. And, she was asked by her management/boss to go pick up JJ so he could come in and help at the restaurant. This all makes perfect sense.

By all accounts & re: the cameras in the parking lot(s), he never made it to the H.S. parking lot & she never saw him. I don't see why she would even be considered a suspect.

Note per the video that was posted in thread #3, it wasn't an extremely short walk from JJ's house to the H.S. parking lot. It seems that even someone walking fast & making no stops may take 15 or so minutes to get there. That being said, the time it took would depend on which route they took - since there were apparently at least 2 ways to get there (or at least there were back in 2001).

And I believe there was a very short window between her leaving the HS, arriving back at the pizza parlor, and calling Jason's house again, looking for him, like 15 or so minutes? Hardly enough time to do anything nefarious.

Exactly. And, this is the main reason I don't think JJ would have even attempted to make a 'side-trip' after leaving his house on foot. Apparently his co-worker stated (I'm paraphrasing) "You had better be there". I.e., it doesn't sound like the co-worker waited for him that long in the parking lot; she probably waited the length of time it would reasonably take him to walk there. And, when he didn't show up in that reasonable amount of time - she drove back to the restaurant.
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In my opinion the accusations without any shred of evidence of people around a victim is why those people probably never come to places like this.

I think there were even suspicions directed at the neighbor who now posts regularly in this thread a long time back (before they joined and started posting).

I understand the desire to solve cases. But considering every person who knew the victim as a suspect without any cause does not help a case.
And to be clear, the neighbour who contributes here is a different neighbour than the one who saw Jason bring in the garbage cans. The one who saw him bring them in lived across from Jason. The one who contributes here lived behind him, and I hope he continues to come here to chat. Great to have someone here who knew Jason. :)
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I just went back to the article I posted here in April 2020 that was publish in the Omaha World Herald in July 2001. According to the article, Fazol's called Jason at 10:30 am, and he was out the door at 10:45. The coworker waited at the school for him for 30 minutes. IF jason had something else planned that day and needed to cancel, he had very little time to do so between getting the call to come in, and leaving to start the walk. He had 15 minutes to shower and get ready and be out the door. It's just all around such a tight timeframe that it makes it hard to factor in anything planned, but it also makes it hard to factor in anything random/opportunistic as well.
I just went back to the article I posted here in April 2020 that was publish in the Omaha World Herald in July 2001. According to the article, Fazol's called Jason at 10:30 am, and he was out the door at 10:45. The coworker waited at the school for him for 30 minutes. IF jason had something else planned that day and needed to cancel, he had very little time to do so between getting the call to come in, and leaving to start the walk. He had 15 minutes to shower and get ready and be out the door. It's just all around such a tight timeframe that it makes it hard to factor in anything planned, but it also makes it hard to factor in anything random/opportunistic as well.

Thanks for the info./clarification. So, breaking this down:

It stands to reason that if JJ left the house @ 10:45am (approximately) & if it would typically take him 15 minutes (or so) to get to the H.S., he should have gotten there roughly around 11:00am - barring any stops.

If the co-worker worker left the restaurant right after she confirmed JJ would need to be picked up, she would have left @ roughly 10:30-10:35am. If it took her 10 minutes to get to the H.S. from the restaurant, she would have gotten there at roughly 10:40-10:45am (give or take). So, if she stayed there for 30 minutes waiting for him, she would have left around 11:10-11:15am - after he failed to show up.

So, whatever happened to JJ probably occurred roughly between 10:47?!- 11:00am. Note that the beginning time-frame is assuming both the brother & neighbor across the street both went back inside their respective houses soon after they saw JJ walking away.
Just starting to learn about this case. I haven't quite finished reading all the threads, and maybe I missed it, but was the neighborhood searched? As in the homes and buildings between his house and the high school, along either route he may have taken?
I know this connection has been made before, but Branson Perry disappeared under mysterious circumstances two months before Jason. They were both the same age, similar profiles and both vanished in broad daylight. Perry had been living a riskier lifestyle than Jason. He had been known to take drugs, and a few days before he disappeared, he had been sexually exploited by his neighbour, Jason Biermann. Apparently Jason Biermann had an history of targeting young gay men.

The police also suspected Jack Wayne Rogers, a church pastor who was arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges and for a botched backstreet operation on a trans-woman. They found Rogers was posting on message boards where he claimed to have raped and murdered a blonde hitchhiker fitting Branson's description. Investigators also found a necklace in his possession similar to one Branson owned.

Skidmore to Omaha is only two hours. Is it possible that whomever took Branson was also behind Jason's disappearance? Most missing people are usually found alive or dead. The fact there's no trace of Branson or Jason might point to someone highly organised and experienced in kidnapping/murder... or someone with enough low-cunning and dumb luck to get away with it.

My gut tells me no, the cases aren't linked, but I'm gonna put it out there anyway.
I know this connection has been made before, but Branson Perry disappeared under mysterious circumstances two months before Jason. They were both the same age, similar profiles and both vanished in broad daylight. Perry had been living a riskier lifestyle than Jason. He had been known to take drugs, and a few days before he disappeared, he had been sexually exploited by his neighbour, Jason Biermann. Apparently Jason Biermann had an history of targeting young gay men.

The police also suspected Jack Wayne Rogers, a church pastor who was arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges and for a botched backstreet operation on a trans-woman. They found Rogers was posting on message boards where he claimed to have raped and murdered a blonde hitchhiker fitting Branson's description. Investigators also found a necklace in his possession similar to one Branson owned.

Skidmore to Omaha is only two hours. Is it possible that whomever took Branson was also behind Jason's disappearance? Most missing people are usually found alive or dead. The fact there's no trace of Branson or Jason might point to someone highly organised and experienced in kidnapping/murder... or someone with enough low-cunning and dumb luck to get away with it.

My gut tells me no, the cases aren't linked, but I'm gonna put it out there anyway.
Rogers never actually confessed to anything right? Seems pretty likely that he is behind Perry's disappearance. The necklace is pretty damning; like I said I don't like coincidences. I wonder if anyone asked him about JJ,though I doubt he'd ever admit it. Given the small timeframe of Jason's disappearance, it would be impossible of a chance that he was randomly strolling by 2 hours from home, so it would have had to be arranged beforehand. Rogers posted on the message board that the hitchhiker was buried in the Ozarks which is a lot of land to cover.
I think there were even suspicions directed at the neighbor who now posts regularly in this thread a long time back (before they joined and started posting).
Yep, that was me, but I should be a suspect as well as my other neighbor, and Jason's family. I had already visited this forum on occasions, but it gave me a chance to create a login and get more involved, be part of the community and not an outsider.

Matt saw weird sales information on my house about the same time all of this happened. I had bought that house with a fiancé who did not stick around, and I did a quick claim on the house with her, then later refinanced. In the middle of all that my Pathfinder got totaled by the same hail store that damaged JJ's car and I had to replace it. That was a crazy year.
Then 9/11... I even had wild theory at one time that JJ ran from his parents, then joined the military an completed his disappearance that way.
Just starting to learn about this case. I haven't quite finished reading all the threads, and maybe I missed it, but was the neighborhood searched? As in the homes and buildings between his house and the high school, along either route he may have taken?
I believe the neighbor who saw Jason take in the garbage cans allowed a search. I'm the neighbor who lived behind JJ and the police never even knocked on my door to talk to me or my son. Though JJ would have been walking the other direction, I still find that sloppy.

On top of that JJs parents never informed me. I found out from my mother who worked with the Saint Vincent DePaul Society with them, maybe ten days later. I went to their front door and offered my condolences and help. In fairness, they did not know me that well. Jim and JJ pushed me out of a snowbank once. They waved when I walked by with my beagle. That visit was the longest I had ever talked to them.
In my opinion the accusations without any shred of evidence of people around a victim is why those people probably never come to places like this.

I think there were even suspicions directed at the neighbor who now posts regularly in this thread a long time back (before they joined and started posting).

I understand the desire to solve cases. But considering every person who knew the victim as a suspect without any cause does not help a case.

Exactly. I posted similar sentiments months ago in this thread. If I ever witness a crime, I will never talk to media or anyone else about it unnecessarily.
Thanks for the info./clarification. So, breaking this down:

It stands to reason that if JJ left the house @ 10:45am (approximately) & if it would typically take him 15 minutes (or so) to get to the H.S., he should have gotten there roughly around 11:00am - barring any stops.

If the co-worker worker left the restaurant right after she confirmed JJ would need to be picked up, she would have left @ roughly 10:30-10:35am. If it took her 10 minutes to get to the H.S. from the restaurant, she would have gotten there at roughly 10:40-10:45am (give or take). So, if she stayed there for 30 minutes waiting for him, she would have left around 11:10-11:15am - after he failed to show up.

So, whatever happened to JJ probably occurred roughly between 10:47?!- 11:00am. Note that the beginning time-frame is assuming both the brother & neighbor across the street both went back inside their respective houses soon after they saw JJ walking away.
That's about the size of it, yes! Incredible isn't it?! Just to mention, I saw a brief interview with the neighbour across the street at the 20 yr. memorial get-together for Jason last year, and I'm not sure really if the neighbour was outside when he saw Jason or inside. Either way, that is a very tight time frame when Jason disappeared!!!
I believe the neighbor who saw Jason take in the garbage cans allowed a search. I'm the neighbor who lived behind JJ and the police never even knocked on my door to talk to me or my son. Though JJ would have been walking the other direction, I still find that sloppy.

On top of that JJs parents never informed me. I found out from my mother who worked with the Saint Vincent DePaul Society with them, maybe ten days later. I went to their front door and offered my condolences and help. In fairness, they did not know me that well. Jim and JJ pushed me out of a snowbank once. They waved when I walked by with my beagle. That visit was the longest I had ever talked to them.
And I've probably mentioned this to you before, but what was the construction situation on nearby roads? I think there was something being worked on if I recall correctly? Is there any chance Jason could have had an accident by falling into a building site. I know it is highly unlikely but is one of the things people think may've happened.
I know this connection has been made before, but Branson Perry disappeared under mysterious circumstances two months before Jason. They were both the same age, similar profiles and both vanished in broad daylight. Perry had been living a riskier lifestyle than Jason. He had been known to take drugs, and a few days before he disappeared, he had been sexually exploited by his neighbour, Jason Biermann. Apparently Jason Biermann had an history of targeting young gay men.

The police also suspected Jack Wayne Rogers, a church pastor who was arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges and for a botched backstreet operation on a trans-woman. They found Rogers was posting on message boards where he claimed to have raped and murdered a blonde hitchhiker fitting Branson's description. Investigators also found a necklace in his possession similar to one Branson owned.

Skidmore to Omaha is only two hours. Is it possible that whomever took Branson was also behind Jason's disappearance? Most missing people are usually found alive or dead. The fact there's no trace of Branson or Jason might point to someone highly organised and experienced in kidnapping/murder... or someone with enough low-cunning and dumb luck to get away with it.

My gut tells me no, the cases aren't linked, but I'm gonna put it out there anyway.
Wow! Where can I read more about Branson? I knew of his disappearance but not these details.
And I've probably mentioned this to you before, but what was the construction situation on nearby roads? I think there was something being worked on if I recall correctly? Is there any chance Jason could have had an accident by falling into a building site. I know it is highly unlikely but is one of the things people think may've happened.

I've always thought this was a slim possibility as well.

Going along with this, a while back I watched the underrated romantic dramedy The Upside of Anger (2005), starring Kevin Costner & Joan Allen. This is definitely worth checking out to those who like these types of films. SPOILERS below to those who haven't seen the film yet & want to be surprised:

One of the main plot-points in the movie involves a woman (Allen) whose husband suddenly vanishes, and she strongly believes he has run off with his secretary (with whom he was having an affair) to another country - without telling her. Three years after he vanishes, some new construction work is being done around her home - and her husband's body is discovered. It turns out he had fallen down an abandoned well, gotten injured, & died. And, if the new construction work hadn't uncovered his body - he may never have been discovered.

Not saying this is similar to what happened to JJ. But, we don't really know how thoroughly the area was searched after his disappearance. If he was taking a short-cut?! to where he was going & depending on what the construction was like in the area ATT - IMHO it's borderline-conceivable that he did fall down a hole & got trapped/seriously injured. So, as extremely unlikely as this possibility is, I can see how he could have died via this type of accident...without anyone knowing about this. And, even if the area was searched - he could have easily been missed.

That being said, you would also think he would have been found in 20+ years....maybe. That also being said, to those of us on here who follow true crime - we know that bodies/bones can be found many years after someone passes.

Again, barring any evidence/clues that give us some idea of how/why he vanished - AFAIC almost anything is possible.
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Not saying this is similar to what happened to JJ. But, we don't really know how thoroughly the area was searched after his disappearance. If he was taking a short-cut?! to where he was going & depending on what the construction was like in the area ATT - IMHO it's borderline-conceivable that he did fall down a hole & got trapped/seriously injured. So, as extremely unlikely as this possibility is, I can see how he could have died via this type of accident...without anyone knowing about this. And, even if the area was searched - he could have easily been missed.

I've considered such in the past and it is quite unlikely.

The only possible construction in the area would have been either houses being built and road construction on flat roads. There would have been construction workers present at 10:30 AM on an early June day in either case. This makes it unlikely that he would have cut through such a site and basically impossible that he could have been trapped at such a site without being noticed.

My current position is that there is a 99% chance he entered a house or a vehicle along his route.
Yeah, I think getting into a car or entering someone's home must have happened, and pretty quickly too (ie. for him to have vanished in such a small span of time, with no sightings, camera captures). I wonder if he's still in that neighborhood. I know LE used helicopters and infrared light/technology, but he could have been missed. Did they ever use cadaver dogs?
Unfound posted an updated video about this case one month ago on YouTube but it's mostly a repeat of the 2016 broadcast. I'm listening to it now.
I've considered such in the past and it is quite unlikely.

The only possible construction in the area would have been either houses being built and road construction on flat roads. There would have been construction workers present at 10:30 AM on an early June day in either case. This makes it unlikely that he would have cut through such a site and basically impossible that he could have been trapped at such a site without being noticed.

My current position is that there is a 99% chance he entered a house or a vehicle along his route.
Same. And as you mention, it ws
I've considered such in the past and it is quite unlikely.

The only possible construction in the area would have been either houses being built and road construction on flat roads. There would have been construction workers present at 10:30 AM on an early June day in either case. This makes it unlikely that he would have cut through such a site and basically impossible that he could have been trapped at such a site without being noticed.

My current position is that there is a 99% chance he entered a house or a vehicle along his route.
Yes, I agree with the 99 percent chance. I hadn't really considered that construction workers would be out and about if there was construction going on. Especially since it was a Wednesday mid-morning when Jason disappeared.
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I 'bit the bullet' and wrote to the contact listed on the Namus page to do with the skull found in Salt Creek near Ashland in 2017, which is about a half hour's drive from Omaha, just to ask if an 'elimination' of JJ is possible. I read of two other eliminations of missing persons in an article. I do think it is a possibility. The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
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