NE NE - Jason Jolkowski, 19, Omaha, 13 June 2001 - #1

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Kelly said:
Any leads have been VERY few and far between and never amounted to anything. Mostly crackpot types, to be honest.

Thank you, Karen.


You're welcome. I feel so endeared to your son for some reason. It's something about his face. I can tell what a nice person he is.
I wanted to thank Lanie for her very kind post and burning a candle for Jason. Even when the candle is extinguished, I know it burns deep within your heart.

Thanks CeeJay for caring. I hope that Lanie's answer helped you in regards to the JG situation.

Karen, you are so right about Jason. He's just the nicest person. No one could ever dislike him or hate him.

God bless,
I just can't imagine the endurance test that this family goes through daily. I can't help but still question the woman who was supposed to pick him up. Maybe unwittingly, she didn't realize she had some stalker, or controlling boyfriend after her. I still don't understand why he was called in early. Manager's decision? Assistant's decision? Jealously of something/anything? Something is so wrong here... I now know, that the restaurant where he worked is sort of a fast-food Italian place.. was it a sort of high school hangout?
I would also like to know who on that walk to the school had any sort of criminal background... including some domestic dispute problems along the route... maybe he heard someone cry for help, went to assist at the wrong place/wrong time...
I know time keeps on ticking, but still, I hope a good PI could find out the backgrounds on these locals...

I will continue to pray for this family and friends. And, hold my loved ones a little closer.
Kelly said:
Thank you, Gabby. There are many who feel as you do. I wish I had some motherly intuition about it all, but I do not. I can only assume that there is a reason why that is so and trust in God to continue to guide me down this path.

Peace, joy, and love to you,

Kelly, I think my intuition is through believing in God and his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.. You are too close to the situation, and you are afraid to hope, but afraid not to also.... I just feel in my "gut" Jason is alive, and there is a very very good reason he isn't in touch.... My prayers are with you and your family, as well as all of the families of the missing and the lost in this holiday season, where we celebrate CHRIST'S birth...

Thanks to all.

I have the gift of hope and no one can take that away from me. The only thing that can is the truth, and that is not for us at this time. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, who knows?

The restaraunt was not a teen hang out, not at all. All of the employees were thoroughly questioned. The girl who went to pick him up was questioned several times. They were short help that day, as is typical with fast food and lower end jobs...nothing unusual in that. The manager called Jason to see if he could help out. That was it.

We also had a PI who was very agressive who questioned them, too. Let's just say that I wouldn't want to be on the other side of the table from him.

Neither LE nor the PI found anything to suspect or follow-up with them. LE also canvassed the neighborhood and a extensive on foot search was performed.

How did it come to pass that I was to receive the most beautiful Message of Hope? There were so many lovely ones that touched my heart, but this one brought a tear to my eye.

Written by Joanna from NY, and posted on Jason's guestbook:

"Well Kelly, after sending 3 messages of hope to other families at your request, I couldn't pass you by. What a fine young man you have in Jason. You say he would ask us to think of others at this time rather than himself. Now I know where he got that from! It took me a while to find this site, you were so busy pointing us to others! Your "project Jason" and this website are a beautiful tribute to a wonderful young man who has so much to give to everyone he touches. No words can express my admiration for you and your whole family, for your strength and your courage, and for creating Project Jason, and for the hope you give to others whilst suffering so much yourselves. And more than anything, I thank you for touching my soul, introducing me to J.J. and making me aware of how difficult it is for you and other families at this time of year. I will give a special thought to "St. Anthony" from now on and pray to him that you will receive the very best news over this holiday season. Save some of that hope for yourselves and be kind to yourselves this Christmas. I'll still be thinking of Jason in the New Year."

It is a privelege for me to be able to be in this position and to serve other families who suffer this same tragedy. It is a privelege I do not take lightly, and I am blessed to have been given the gifts from Above to do what I must. All we are and have comes from Above.

I continue to learn lessons from Jason, even though he is not here. I find it miraculous that a person who is not with us could have such cause and effect on so many. It is surely what he would want us to do. The reasons behind his disappearance might always remain a mystery, but the result of it is crystal clear.

Thank you, Joanna, and to all of you who touch my heart on a daily basis.

The world is not such a bad place, as the media would have us think. I see the good in mankind every day. I am blessed indeed.

Merry Christmas to one and all!

Dear Kelly,
Thank you for all you do for others. This message you have shared is a wonderful reminder that, even though we often times forget, your own son is still missing. Without dedicated folks like you, many families would not have the tools to conduct a thorough search, nor know where to turn for emotional and spiritual support.

You inspire so many. Jason is blessed that you are his mother.
All glory to God for all fruits coming to bear.

With love and HOPE this blessed Christmas season.
Your friend and sister, Lanie
May the new year bring your family peace of mind, heart, and soul and everything you wish for. Keeping Jason and his family in my thoughts and prayers.
Omaha,NE: January 13, 2005 will mark 3 years and 7 months since then 19 year-old Jason Jolkowski disappeared without a trace from the driveway of his Omaha, NE home.

While no viable clues have ever revealed the fate of their son, Jim and Kelly Jolkowski have not remained idle in their quest to make sure that other family members of a missing person will be able to get the proper assistance in their time of need.

In January 2003, the Jolkowskis introduced Jason's Law into the open session of the Nebraska State legislature. Jason's Law will establish a true Missing Person's Clearinghouse in Nebraska. The future law is named to honor their missing son, Jason.

Some of the benefits of the proposed law include a website with photos and information of missing persons of all ages, an 800 number to report sightings and get information, additional training for Law Enforcement, a uniform and required reporting system, and a library of related materials.

As Nebraska's budget was at a deficit the past two years, Jason's Law was not passed. Now a new legislative session has begun, and Jason's Law has been introduced again as LB111. The Jolkowski's are not going to give up on getting the bill signed into law, regardless of budgetary issues.

You may read the full text of the bill by going to the Nebraska Legislature website, located at Enter 111, the bill number, into the search box, and click on search.

Kelly Jolkowski has sought funding from dozens of charities and foundations without success. She commented: "The people must be educated about this cause. Unless it happens to them, or someone they love, it will remain on the back burner in their minds. They do not realize that it is a fact that every 37 seconds in America a child disappears. Every state bears the burden of helping and protecting their citizens, and Nebraska is no exception. We will continue our fight to educate the public and get Jason's Law passed. I will not give up until they have signed on the dotted line."

The next step in the legislative process will be a hearing, in which the Jolkowskis, along with other interested parties, will be allowed to testify for the bill in front of a senate committee. The hearing has not yet been scheduled.

For additional information, contact:

Kelly Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
Boy, I'm glad I figured out how to copy and paste this,.'
Kelly......will you keep us informed on this bill?And, also isn't this the best time for us to send a message to the legislature in Nebraska? Do you Kelly have an email address for us to do this?
Let us know. EDITED to ADD: IF we are able to get an email through to the legislature............I think it is very important that when you mention "Nebraska" to write, The "Great State of Nebraska". Everyone agree?
Thanks so much,
With much love and prayers for your and your family.

LB111 LB 111
Introduced by Bourne, 8
Read first time January 6, 2005
Committee: Judiciary
1 FOR AN ACT relating to the Nebraska State Patrol; to amend sections
2 29-212 to 29-214, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska;
3 to establish the Missing Persons Information
4 Clearinghouse; to provide powers and duties for the
5 patrol and local law enforcement agencies; to harmonize
6 provisions; and to repeal the original sections.
7 Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska,
LB111 LB 111
1 Section 1. Section 29-212, Reissue Revised Statutes of
2 Nebraska, is amended to read:
3 29-212. For purposes of sections 29-212 to 29-214 and ___
4 section 4 of this act, unless the context otherwise requires: _____________________ _
5 (1) Missing , missing person shall mean means a person ____________ — ——————— ————— ———— _____
6 who has been reported as missing to a law enforcement agency; and _____
7 (2) Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse means the _________________________________________________________
8 repository established within the Nebraska State Patrol pursuant to ___________________________________________________________________
9 section 4 of this act. _____________________
10 Sec. 2. Section 29-213, Reissue Revised Statutes of
11 Nebraska, is amended to read:
12 29-213. When a report of a missing person has been
13 received by a law enforcement agency having jurisdiction, the
14 agency shall notify:
15 (1) On-duty personnel of the agency, as soon as
16 practicable, through internal means and over the appropriate police
17 radio network;
18 (2) All law enforcement agencies considered to be
19 involved by the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction;
20 (3) All law enforcement agencies to which the person
21 filing the report requests that the information be sent, if the
22 request is reasonable in light of the information contained in the
23 report; and ———
24 (4) All law enforcement agencies requesting the
25 information; and _____
26 (5) The Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse. _________________________________________________
27 Sec. 3. Section 29-214, Reissue Revised Statutes of
28 Nebraska, is amended to read:
LB111 LB 111
1 29-214. (1) If a report of a missing person involves an
2 unemancipated minor, the law enforcement agency shall immediately
3 transmit the proper information for inclusion in the National Crime
4 Information Center computer and the Missing Persons Information _______________________________________
5 Clearinghouse. _____________
6 (2) If a report of a missing person involves an
7 unemancipated minor, a law enforcement agency shall not prevent an
8 immediate active investigation on the basis of an agency rule which
9 specifies an automatic time limitation for a missing person
10 investigation.
11 Sec. 4. (1) The Missing Persons Information ___________________________________________
12 Clearinghouse is established within the Nebraska State Patrol. The ___________________________________________________________________
13 Nebraska State Patrol shall provide for the administration of the ___________________________________________________________________
14 clearinghouse and may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to ___________________________________________________________________
15 carry out the provisions of this section. _________________________________________
16 (2) The Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse shall _________________________________________________________
17 be used by all law enforcement agencies in the state as a central ___________________________________________________________________
18 repository for information on missing persons. Such information ___________________________________________________________________
19 shall be provided on a uniform form prescribed by the Nebraska ___________________________________________________________________
20 State Patrol. _____________
21 (3) In connection with the Missing Persons Information _________________________________________________________
22 Clearinghouse, the Nebraska State Patrol shall: _______________________________________________
23 (a) Collect, process, maintain, and disseminate _________________________________________________________
24 information about missing persons in Nebraska through hard copy or ___________________________________________________________________
25 electronic means; _________________
26 (b) Develop training programs for law enforcement _________________________________________________________
27 agencies concerning the appropriate procedures to report missing ___________________________________________________________________
28 persons to the clearinghouse; _____________________________
LB111 LB 111
1 (c) Cooperate with other states and the National Crime _________________________________________________________
2 Information Center in the exchange of information on missing ___________________________________________________________________
3 persons; ________
4 (d) Maintain a statewide, toll-free telephone line, _________________________________________________________
5 twenty-four hours a day, to receive and disseminate information ___________________________________________________________________
6 related to missing persons; ___________________________
7 (e) Maintain an Internet website accessible to law _________________________________________________________
8 enforcement agencies and to the public with information on missing ___________________________________________________________________
9 persons and with information about the resources available through ___________________________________________________________________
10 the clearinghouse. Nothing in this section shall prevent the ___________________________________________________________________
11 Nebraska State Patrol from establishing a separate link accessible ___________________________________________________________________
12 only to law enforcement agencies for the dissemination and ___________________________________________________________________
13 collection of sensitive information as determined by the Nebraska ___________________________________________________________________
14 State Patrol; _____________
15 (f) Develop training programs to assist in the prevention _________________________________________________________
16 of kidnapping; ______________
17 (g) Maintain a registry of prevention and education _________________________________________________________
18 materials and programs regarding missing and runaway minors through ___________________________________________________________________
19 hard copy or electronic means; ______________________________
20 (h) Distribute through hard copy or electronic means _________________________________________________________
21 monthly missing persons bulletins to local law enforcement agencies ___________________________________________________________________
22 and to other interested individuals, agencies, and media outlets ___________________________________________________________________
23 which request such information. The bulletins shall contain ___________________________________________________________________
24 information on missing persons in Nebraska, including names, ___________________________________________________________________
25 photographs or other images, if available, descriptions of missing ___________________________________________________________________
26 persons, the law enforcement agencies or persons to contact with ___________________________________________________________________
27 information regarding missing persons, and the names of persons ___________________________________________________________________
28 reported missing whose locations have been determined and ___________________________________________________________________
LB111 LB 111
1 confirmed; __________
2 (i) Produce, update at least weekly, and distribute, _________________________________________________________
3 through hard copy or electronic means, press releases about missing ___________________________________________________________________
4 persons to media outlets which request missing person information, ___________________________________________________________________
5 containing the same or similar information contained in the monthly ___________________________________________________________________
6 missing persons bulletin; _________________________
7 (j) Compile statistics relating to the incidence of _________________________________________________________
8 missing persons within Nebraska; and ____________________________________
9 (k) Encourage and seek both financial and in-kind support _________________________________________________________
10 from private individuals and organizations to assist in carrying ___________________________________________________________________
11 out the provisions of this section. ___________________________________
12 (4) The purpose of the Missing Persons Information _________________________________________________________
13 Clearinghouse is to serve as a repository. The clearinghouse does ___________________________________________________________________
14 not relieve the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over a ___________________________________________________________________
15 missing persons case of its investigatory duties and does not ___________________________________________________________________
16 automatically involve the Nebraska State Patrol as the primary ___________________________________________________________________
17 investigatory agency in such case. __________________________________
18 (5) The Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse shall _________________________________________________________
19 be notified after the location of a missing person has been ___________________________________________________________________
20 determined and confirmed. After the location of a missing person ___________________________________________________________________
21 has been determined and confirmed, the clearinghouse shall only ___________________________________________________________________
22 release information described in subdivision (3)(h) of this section ___________________________________________________________________
23 concerning the located person. Other information concerning the ___________________________________________________________________
24 history of the missing person case shall be disclosed only to law ___________________________________________________________________
25 enforcement agencies of this state and other jurisdictions when ___________________________________________________________________
26 necessary for the discharge of official duties, and to the juvenile ___________________________________________________________________
27 court in the county of residence of a formerly missing person who ___________________________________________________________________
28 is a minor. All information in the clearinghouse relating to a ___________________________________________________________________
LB111 LB 111
1 missing person who is an adult shall be purged when the person's ___________________________________________________________________
2 location has been determined and confirmed. All information in the ___________________________________________________________________
3 clearinghouse relating to a missing person who is a minor shall be ___________________________________________________________________
4 purged when the person reaches eighteen years of age and the ___________________________________________________________________
5 person's location has been determined and confirmed. ____________________________________________________
6 Sec. 5. Original sections 29-212 to 29-214, Reissue
7 Revised Statutes of Nebraska, are repealed.
Thanks to all. I have high hopes for this to be the year, too.

Thanks for posting this, Mama. I will keep you all informed, gladly.

There will be a time for letter writing, but it would be done for two reasons:

The Bill stays stuck in the committee and we email the members of that committee to send it to the floor for debate.

The Bill goes to the floor, and we want to let all of the senators understand its importance.

The problem is that letters from people who are not Nebraska citizens will not hold much clout, if any. If you know people who live here, when the time comes, I would ask them to write. I will let you when and to whom they would write.

God bless you!

Kelly said:
Thanks to all. I have high hopes for this to be the year, too.

Thanks for posting this, Mama. I will keep you all informed, gladly.

There will be a time for letter writing, but it would be done for two reasons:

The Bill stays stuck in the committee and we email the members of that committee to send it to the floor for debate.

The Bill goes to the floor, and we want to let all of the senators understand its importance.

The problem is that letters from people who are not Nebraska citizens will not hold much clout, if any. If you know people who live here, when the time comes, I would ask them to write. I will let you when and to whom they would write.

God bless you!


Kelly.......thanks so much. Now I get it. We want this bill sent to the Floor for debate. Okay, I don't live in Neb. but 3 of my best girlfriends were born there and one of them just went back there and bought a house for her brother who is not able to work. Now darn it...........I think that mail from a native would mean a lot and I'm sure you agree. ANd the best thing is that all three of my friend's would get a email off in a minute if I asked them! They're all very proud of their home state!

Wow Kelly, you truely have done some amazing work and I hope you continue to get positive results! I have learned so much from your website! I think of you and Jason often and keep you in my prayers.

I have a couple questions about his case. Maybe fresh eyes will help; I hope you dont mind me asking. Was the coworker's car ever searched for clues or Jason's DNA? I know you said she was interviewed by a PI and LE and was cleared. And did anyone witness Jason walking in the direction of the school/meeting place?

For some reason I can not shake the feeling that Jason's disappearance is connected to something or someone at the restaurant and not some random act.

Also thanks again for the tip about the ID kits, Usher
Mama, I will let everyone know when the time comes for the letter writing campaign, you bet!

Thank you, Usher. I hope you have kits filled out for all family members, including yourself.

No one saw Jason beyond the driveway. The school has cameras and those were all viewed. Jason was not seen on those videos. The girl that came to pick him up was questioned many times. As Jason was not seen on the video, and they did not feel she seemed guilty of anything, that would be why it stopped at that.

I doubt that they searched her car for those reasons. If they had, they would be checking for fingerprints or other evidence rather than DNA. I would also suppose that without just reason, to search her car would be a violation of her rights.

Thank you.

Kelly, I just found this site and have read it through.

I want to tell you that you are an inspiration to us all. Your strength and courage under such conditions is more than incredable. By the Grace of God, I have no idea what you must be faced with every morning when you awaken and the reality comes rushing in.

May God bless you and your family and continue to give you strenght you didn't know you had. I will pray that you find Jason and your heart is mended. Kelly, I am a Christian and I know I am not to ask Him why, but sometimes I tell God that I just need some understanding on these things.

You have touched my heart and I will keep you in mine.

Thank you, Tammy, and may God bless you and your family.

It is by His Grace that I am able to do what I have. He enables me to still be able to laugh and feel joy.

Life is like a rose among the thorns. Some people only see the thorns, but if your eyes are open, you see the rose, too.

Many blessings,
I received an age progressed "photo" of Jason, done by NCMEC. (National Center for Missing & Exploited Children) They are experts at doing this sort of thing. I have seen hundreds of such photos, and it looks like they do a good job. What they do is take photos of the parents at an age close to the time of the disappearance of the child, and do a blending of features and give consideration to the current age.

You can see his old photo and the age progression side by side on the NCMEC poster. While you are there, please consider printing out a few and posting them where you live.

Thank you.


Poster Link with Age Progression Included
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