GUILTY NE - Juliette Geurts, 2, beaten to death, Gering, 11 July 2008

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I wish you could have met your little sister and your brand new baby brother Juliette. :tears:
My daughter loves babies... I bet you would have loved them too. Most girls your age do.
This is so unfair. It's just unbelievable.
Yep, baby brother a week old or so.
Just about every 8 year old girl I know LOVES babies. My girls are 10.

It just one more thing that Juliette is missing out on. It's not fair.
We have been trying for a 3rd child and my kids are SO excited about a possible baby sibling.
It just hits me harder that Juliette isn't here to meet her siblings. :tears:

As far as the case goes, according to Aunt Monica:
Charyse can still be charged up to 7 years after Juliette died if new evidence comes forward.

It also appears that Dustin got the best attorney possible.
This may result in Charyse getting grilled on the witness stand...
Which also may result in a trial lasting much longer than a week.
Which may result in new evidence coming forward and more charges.

At this point I'm a bit torn on whether anyone else should be charged.
Maybe I'm just losing hope in the justice system altogether. :sigh:
TY. Well, I am with you on the justice system for sure it sucks. Everything is geared to go for the defendant and screw the victim.

From the looks of the family love, Mom & Dad seem to have put Juliette in the past, and all is forgiven about Charyse's guilt in Juliette's murder. Oh well, not my call.
I bet a family reunion would be tense.

Good luck on #3. Great :)
Late in posting, but there was a hearing yesterday (March 17th at 2pm).

Chauncey seeks to dismiss indictment in Juliette case

An attorney for a Colorado man charged in the death of a 2-year-old girl has filed a motion to dismiss a grand jury indictment.

Within the first month of representing Dustin Chauncey, a man accused in the July 11, 2008, death of Juliette Geurts, Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy Attorney Todd Lancaster filed a motion to dismiss a grand jury indictment that resulted in charges being filed against Chauncey four years after the girl’s death. The motion was filed Feb. 5.
More at this link:

Another article (there is a video at the link):

Attorney for man charged in Gering toddler's murder seeking for Grand Jury testimony to be released

A Scotts Bluff County District Judge is taking under consideration a motion to release information obtained in a Grand Jury investigation for the 2008 death of Juliette Geurts.


Defense Attorney Todd Lancaster says that under state statute, all information gathered during the investigation merit the charges against Chauncey. Grand Jury testimony from roommate Brandon Townsend was used to arrest Chauncey on probable cause.
More at this link:

One more article:

Chauncey attorney seeks grand jury records
To prepare for the trial of Dustin Chauncey, a man accused in the July 11, 2008 death of Juliette Geurts, Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy Attorney Todd Lancaster filed two motions seeking release of the grand jury report in the indictment and other materials from the proceedings. Lancaster presented arguments on the motion in Scotts Bluff County District Court Monday.

Chauncey is currently scheduled for trial Aug. 7-15.

Grand jury proceedings are secret, unless release of testimony or other information from the proceedings is granted by a judge. Chauncey’s previous attorney, Bernard Straetker, was already allowed transcripts of testimony by pathologist Richard Simmons, who performed the autopsy of the girl, and Brandon Townsend, the third adult in the Geurts’ home when the girl died.

In the filing, Lancaster says that state statute permits the district court to dismiss any indictment of the grand jury, particularly if release of all or portions of the grand jury report would result in the exoneration of a person.
More at this link:
A post made yesterday on FB (Justice for Juliette):

The Judge could decide to throw out the only remaining indictment from the grand jury proceedings. The current indictment has a 7 year statute of limitations but the other indictments against Charyse Geurts the mother and 2 other indictments against Dustin Chauncey were eliminated due to statute of limitations. The question Nebraskans should be asking their Senators & Congressmen & women is if a child is beaten to death in their state is that not murder? So why do they hav...e statute of limitations on charges linked to child abuse cases including those who cover up for the perpetrator in a homicide case of a child? They need to change their laws and Nebraskan's need to raise their voice for that to happen. In the end if Judge Dobovolny tosses out the last indictment per his view of the case Juliette will never see any earthly justice. A child beaten to death will once again be forgotten and become another horrific statistic in America...
Juliette's aunt Monica
They are still waiting for the judge's decision on whether to throw out the remaining charges. :please:
Great news!
There is enough probable cause to send the creep to trial!

In a ruling filed on April 15, Dobrovolny ruled there was sufficient evidence to determine probable cause on the charge of child abuse resulting in death.

In fact, Dobrovolny ruled, probable cause had existed for the grand jury indictment of Chauncey on the charge of manslaughter. He reserved ruling on the charge of providing false information to an officer, saying that further evidence would be necessary to rule on that charge.

In his ruling, Dobrovolny said that the defense had relied on testimony from one witness for its arguments. That testimony was referred to as Exhibit 1 in the ruling.

“Exhibit 1 shows that a crime was committed and probable cause that Dustin Chauncey committed the crimes of manslaughter and child abuse,” Dobrovolny said in the ruling.

^^ The above link also has the document.

I have updated the Case Archive as well.

Juliette Serenity and her twin were born November 2, 2005.


Juliette was beaten to death July 11, 2008. Her twin was abused.

There were 3 people in the tiny house that night. None were questioned or charged.

The police waited 5 days to seal off the house and remove Juliette's twin.


Juliette lived 32 months.

She died 72 months ago.

She has now been dead, more than twice as long as she lived.


July 11, 2014 marked 6 years since Juliette's murder...

6 years that her twin lived without her.


Juliette is another big eyed, beautiful 2 year old little girl who was brutally murdered in the summer of 2008.

There was a crime scene and people of interest. We knew Juliette was beaten to death. There were only 3 people there.


Juliette did not get a swift arrest and prosecution.
Juliette didn't get an arrest at all until 1700 people signed a petition to convene a grand jury!

She does not have constant coverage from Nancy, or Jane, or Greta or anyone else.


Instead she has a guy who has worked on "dozens of dead babies."


We now have 1 person out of the 3 in the house that night... who has been charged.
Though those charges are still not enough in our opinion... we are trying to be grateful that there is ANY justice.
Due to the lack of investigation, questioning and work in the beginning... these are the only charges possible.


Justice For Juliette

Contact information for family can be found at the bottom of this page:

The most complete video to learn about the case, including the "dozens of dead babies" comment. :banghead:

A defense attorney wants to keep out evidence that a Colorado man accused in the death of a toddler had been under the influence of alcohol and drugs in the hours preceding the girl’s death.


“We think it is highly relevant,” Zimmerman said, noting that an emergency room physician noted Chauncey to be intoxicated when treating the girl in the early morning hours before her death.


Dobrovolny did not make rulings on any of the issues in the motion in limine, but he did grant a defense motion to prevent “Justice for Juliette” supporters from wearing T-shirts, buttons and displaying photographs near the entrances of the courthouse, in the courthouse and in the courtroom.

Chauncey’s trial is currently scheduled to begin on Aug. 11 with voir dire, or jury selection.


Lancaster has indicated that the defense is readying to file a motion to change venue if a jury can’t be seated.
This article is a bit longer. Defense wants a lot of evidence thrown out. The sperm factions evidence will likely be thrown out (prejudicial) because even though it was on Juliette's undershirt, it was all about Charyse supposedly.

This poor little sweet baby. Nobody in that house, and especially not that pig of a mother cared if she lived or died.
I am still following this case as closely as ever... but to keep my membership at WS have had to refrain comment most of the time.
Just so people know I didn't forget Juliette. :twocents:
I am still following this case as closely as ever... but to keep my membership at WS have had to refrain comment most of the time.
Just so people know I didn't forget Juliette. :twocents:

This is a horrible case. There are so many here , it's hard to follow them all or even a fraction. I've stopped in a time or two and am grateful to all of you who follow this closely. It is hard to bite your tongue. But Juliette needs you to not get banned :) I have been known to post a ' string of TOS' and leave it at that. There are no words anyway, so why get in trouble over it?
I just browsed back through because it's been awhile. Can one of you who is here regularly tell me what got Chauncey arrested? I mean I know about the petition, etc. but is there evidence against him that separates him from the other adults in the home ? TIA
I just saw this posted on Juliette's Aunt Monica's page. Her post: "It Never Ends!!! Hearing will be on Monday August 11th at 9:00a.m. Mountain Standard time on below defense motions!"

Chauncey seeking to quash indictment in Juliette case


Dustin Chauncey, 28, is currently scheduled to be tried in October on charges in the death of 2-year-old Juliette Geurts. Chauncey had been one of three adults in the home when the girl died. A grand jury, convened after supporters of the Geurts family petitioned, indicted Chauncey in January 2013 on three charges — child abuse resulting in the death of a child, a Class IB felony; manslaughter; a Class II felony; and providing false information to an officer, a Class I misdemeanor.

The manslaughter and providing false information charges were dismissed because of statute of limitations on the charges. A remaining charge of child abuse, resulting in death, remains. Chauncey had been slated to be tried on those charges, beginning Monday, but trial has since been postponed.
On Aug. 1, Chauncey’s attorney, Todd Lancaster of the Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy, filed a motion to withdraw a not guilty plea entered by Chauncey in the case and a motion to quash in the case. A Scotts Bluff County District Court judge will hear arguments Monday.

Chauncey is seeking to withdraw his plea in order to file a motion to quash the original indictment, according to the motion filed in Scotts Bluff County District Court. A motion to quash argues that the court or a party of the court, such as the judge or an attorney, had acted in error or by mistake, nulling and voiding the charges against a defendant. In this case, Chauncey’s attorney is citing the appointment of a special prosecutor in the case and the actions of the prosecutor during grand jury proceedings.

(more at the link)

I am still following this case as closely as ever... but to keep my membership at WS have had to refrain comment most of the time.
Just so people know I didn't forget Juliette. :twocents:

I know exactly what you mean! The only thing that helps me accept all of this mess is that I know Juliette will NEVER be hurt again. RIP Precious Baby Girl

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