GUILTY NE - Juliette Geurts, 2, beaten to death, Gering, 11 July 2008

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Today in court, the motion to quash was presented, but not ruled on.

Next court date for motions: September 15.

Juliette's Aunt Monica posted a link to an article on the Justice for Juliette FB page:

Be sure to read the comments. It appears that Juliette's mom and dad are still together (which some of us knew) and are now in hiding so that Charyse will not have to testify against Dustin. can't make this stuff up! Who goes in hiding so you don't have to testify against the man accused of murdering your flesh and blood unless you, yourself, have something to hide?

For those that aren't on FB, this is the article that Monica has linked in the FB post:
Disgusting, huh? It's one thing that "mom" is in hiding to avoid testifying against the man (her ex) that allegedly killed her baby. BUT -- the babies dad is in hiding with her? How can he not want justice for his precious baby girl? How must they feel when they look at her twin sister knowing that they are hiding to IMHO assist the defense? How can "dad" continue in a relationship with the woman he entrusted his children's lives with, much less have more children? I just don't understand it.
Disposable babies :( Surely we are all going to hell. Here's a society so bent on self gratification, political correctness, no fault , no shame, that we allow this to happen over and over and over and over again. Yes, you and I do not allow it to happen, but society does. Many parents are sitting around partying , living in trashy homes, with several children and roommates and no one is watching the kids. No one cares if they are hungry. No one cares if nasty strangers are living 3 feet away from their babies. Bring some booze and some drugs and we'll party and forget we're parents for a little while. Once upon a time, if a home was like that, someone would intervene. Family members or neighbors would call and report and say these kids need help. But somehow, we all got too busy or too afraid to make a stand for the kids. Far too many times it happens. If you want to live like a rock star, give your kids to someone who can feed them and keep them safe. Quit having babies that you don't want ! I'm sure you ' love your babies', but that's not evident by your actions. It's a couple of over used words that are basically meaningless. Anyone who sits idly by and sees this happen will suffer. You will be judged , if not by God , then by karma and fate and the universe and that baby's soul! You cannot HIDE from that. You cannot HIDE from nightmares and anguish and guilt . Good luck trying.
Just posted on the Justice for Juliette FB page:

"PRAYERS needed for a miracle tomorrow!!! Monday September 15 2014 hearing at 10:30a.m. mountain time regarding the Grand Jury Special prosecutor being appointed by the judge and not the Governor that may result in throwing out the only remaining indictment. If it is null and voided then we all need to contact the new DA in Gering/Scottsbluff to charge Dustin Chauncey with the same statue of Child abuse and neglect resulting in death of a child. He has the authority to do so. So Please Pray and stand up for Juliette Serenity Geurts once again..."
NO DECISION ON THE DEFENSE MOTION YET to dismiss the remaining Grand Jury indictment d/t the appointment of a special prosecutor by the judge and not the Governor!
Defense: Twin said another man caused her sister's death
Posted: Monday, September 15, 2014 12:00 pm
By MAUNETTE LOEKS New Media Editor

The key question in the July 2008 death of 2-year-old girl has always been about which of three adults in the home was responsible for the girl’s death.

Dustin Chauncey, 28, has been charged with child abuse resulting in the death of a child, a Class IB felony, in the July 11, 2008, death of Juliette Geurts. Motions filed by Chauncey’s attorney show he intends to use statements by the girl’s twin sister to point the finger at another man.

The girl, Jaelyn Geurts, would have been only 2 years old at the time, and the alleged statement came just days after her twin, Juliette, had died, according to the motion. The defense has signaled that it intends to offer evidence accusing Brandon Townsend, another man who stayed in the Geurts’ home, of killing the girl. The twins shared a bedroom, and Jaelyn “had an opportunity to witness the blunt force trauma” that caused Juliette’s death, the defense says in its motion.

The motion says that Jaelyn Guerts “spontaneously told her maternal grandmother Lynn Baum that Brandon spanked Juliette because she was naughty and would not go to bed.” In subsequent statements, the motion says, “Jaelyn told her paternal grandmother Mary Jo Geurts, ‘Sissy is dead. Mr. Brandon killed her.’”

More at the link:

In the comments, under that article, the admin for the page (Juliette's Aunt Monica) posted the following:

Justice for Juliette Jaelyn did not talk like that when she was two years old and was hard to understand at that time. Mr. Brandon was not a part of her verbage back then. The defense is fishing and hoping to create doubt. Grandma Lynn will do anything to protect her daughter and her former boyfriend at that time because it makes them all look bad. When her daughter was still married to my brother and living with two men with her 2 year old twin granddaughters in a home less than 800sq ft in size...

So why is Charyse Geurts/Vardeman in hiding so they can't find her to testify at her daughter's murder trial is the other question? What does she have to hide?

A tragic, sick and twisted true story that never ends. It makes me sick to my stomach that they just won't tell the darn truth for Juliette & Jaelyn's sake instead of adults always trying to protect themselves. The children are the victims here and are always forgotten...

I find this new strategy despicable. With the help of her own Grandma, her own mother and father, the defense plans to throw the surviving twin into even more life turmoil.

Think about it, at 2 1/2 and asleep, babies should be dreaming on clean sheets, soft blanket and a sense of contentment. The twins had none of this. Drunken and drugged up Mom and boyfriends all are guilty for exposing children to this pathetic life the lived.

I don't even want to type more, I am just sickened over this.
I am confused at the insistence that Charyse is in hiding.
Why don't they call Casey and ask where she is?
I am certain he knows since they have a baby and are living as a family.

They both had active facebook a few weeks ago... only recently have they disappeared.
So, if they can't find Charyse then Casey must be gone too. (And the three surviving kids are where?)
So either Casey is aiding and abetting Charyse in hiding... or something isn't being communicated here.

I think at this point if Charyse is the bad guy... Casey can't be the good guy.
He trusts her enough to have 2 more children with her after Juliette's death. They are a happy family unit.
If she is trying to hide from testifying, he must be complicit in that unless they broke up VERY recently again. :twocents:

Unfortunately I am seeing some supporters drop off for this reason.
People are thinking that if Casey can have more babies with her, she must be innocent.
Aunt Monica appears to be the only family member fighting for Justice. That's pretty sad. :twocents:
From the Justice for Juliette FB page:


FINALLY THERE WILL BE A TRIAL FOR JULIETTE BEGINNING OCTOBER 27TH WITH JURY SELECTION!!! It was a team effort and could not have gotten this far without the prayers & effort from all of you. Let the trial & the questioning with the evidence begin...
BY Kevin Mooney | September 25, 2014

Pre-trial motions filed by defense attorneys for 28 year old Dustin Chauncey have been dismissed by Scotts Bluff County District Judge Leo Dobrovolny. Chauncey is facing trial the week of October 27th in the 2008 death of 2 year old Juliette Geurts of Gering after being indicted by a grand jury.

Dobrolvolny Tuesday dismissed a defense motion to quash the indictment, saying the court found the evidence heard by the grand jury supports a finding of probable cause that the defendant committed the crime. Chauncey’s lawyer, Todd Lancaster with the Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy, had argued that the public’s dissatisfaction with the County Attorney’s office for not originally filing charges did not justify the appointment of a special prosecutor. But Dobrovolny said whether the grand jury may have been given erroneous advice does not matter if the indicted offense is supported by the evidence.

Lancaster also requested the court strike 11 prospective jurors based solely on responses given in a written questionaire. But Dobrovolny agreed with Assistant Attorney general Doug Warner that it is not appropriate for jurors to be dismissed for cause without them being interviewed under oath as part of the jury selection process.

More at the link:
I am confused at the insistence that Charyse is in hiding.
Why don't they call Casey and ask where she is?
I am certain he knows since they have a baby and are living as a family.

They both had active facebook a few weeks ago... only recently have they disappeared.
So, if they can't find Charyse then Casey must be gone too. (And the three surviving kids are where?)
So either Casey is aiding and abetting Charyse in hiding... or something isn't being communicated here.

I think at this point if Charyse is the bad guy... Casey can't be the good guy.
He trusts her enough to have 2 more children with her after Juliette's death. They are a happy family unit.
If she is trying to hide from testifying, he must be complicit in that unless they broke up VERY recently again. :twocents:

Unfortunately I am seeing some supporters drop off for this reason.
People are thinking that if Casey can have more babies with her, she must be innocent.
Aunt Monica appears to be the only family member fighting for Justice. That's pretty sad. :twocents:

From what I understand, Casey and Charyse have gone into hiding, along with the children. But shouldn't the other twin be in school? It's all a mess.

Aunt Monica is estranged from the family and, fwiu, is the only one that has fought to bring Justice for Juliette. Monica had never met her niece, so they apparently didn't understand why she was doing this.'s her niece regardless if she had ever met or not. (see comment quoted below from Monica)

And he got back together with the mother after that precious baby and her twin were abused? What? I literally have no words to describe how that makes me feel.

Yes, he is back with the mom after Juliette's murder. Not only are they together, they've had 2 MORE children together. I have words to describe my feelings, but I enjoy my posting privileges on WS.

This is a comment from Monica on the JfJ page that discusses Jaelyn's "memory" of that night.

Jaelyn did not talk like that when she was two years old and was hard to understand at that time. Mr. Brandon was not a part of her verbage back then. The defense is fishing and hoping to create doubt. Grandma Lynn will do anything to protect her daughter and her former boyfriend at that time because it makes them all look bad. When her daughter was still married to my brother and living with two men with her 2 year old twin granddaughters in a home less than 800sq ft in size...

A tragic, sick and twisted true story that never ends. It makes me sick to my stomach that they just won't tell the darn truth for Juliette & Jaelyn's sake instead of adults always trying to protect themselves. The children are the victims here and are always forgotten...

Another comment Monica made on the JfJ page:
Justice for Juliette It continues to be a daily struggle and it would have been so easy to just give up and walk away like so many others have. However, if we do walk away and forget then they get away with murdering an innocent child. I am so sick & tired of the ugly truth is that so many self centered family & friends who care more about themselves than about the murder of this innocent child. Far too often it is the victim who gets forgotten because so many feel it's more important to get on with their lives like nothing ever happened. It has completely & painfully divided our family and why these cases are so often buried and forgotten. The personal sacrifices to seek justice has been extremely high and one day may share the struggles with everyone here on what it really took to see some earthly justice for Juliette...

What most people don't know is that because I never met or knew my niece Juliette in life some family members feel I have no right to fight for her justice. Which includes the mother and the father... Do you see or hear them fighting for her? But on the contrary, it is because she was an innocent child and my niece that it is my duty to fight for her along with nearly 40,000 people on this sight who never actually met her who believe those responsible for her murder need to be held accountable. We cannot bring Juliette back but it is our duty to make sure no other child suffers the same fate as Juliette Serenity Geurts. Any one viewing Justice for Juliette's sight for over the past 4 years can see this has always been about fighting both tooth and nail for Justice for Juliette and nothing more... Thank you for all of your support over the past 4 years because we could not have done any of this without your support and help.

August 11 at 5:43pm

Chauncey trial continued until January

The trial of a man accused in the death of a 2-year-old girl six years ago has been continued.

Scotts Bluff County District Court Judge Leo Dobrovolny has scheduled trial of Dustin Chauncey, 28, for the January jury term. Trial is tentatively scheduled for Jan. 4 to Jan. 9.

Chauncey has been charged with child abuse resulting in the death of a child, a Class IB felony, in the July 11, 2008, death of Juliette Geurts.

Chauncey had been scheduled for trial later this month, but defense attorneys asked for a continuance during a court hearing on Tuesday.

The defense requested the motion after Dobrovolny granted a motion by the state to endorse a witness, Paul Caldwell. Endorsed witnesses are generally witnesses with some type of expert testimony, such as doctors or other professionals in an area of practice.

More at the link:
I sure hope they are watching social media if Casey and Charyse are still "missing." :twocents:

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