GUILTY NE - Juliette Geurts, 2, beaten to death, Gering, 11 July 2008

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DNA Solves
The flag pictures are perfect for the 4th of July weekend, hope you all don't mind me sharing these on facebook through the holiday!
OMG!!! I can not believe how many of you are fighting like mad for Juliette. First let me say I am sorry that it seemed I was sleeping at the wheel. I never say the number of pages on this post. When I finally did, I lost my stinking password. But I am in again!!

I have seen a few comments about the website emails. There appears to be an email address that is not correct in our contact us part. However, I do make sure that all of the emails are sent to Monica.

I live a short distance from Nebraska and I am very active in Juliette's search for justice. Monica works a million hours and lives over 1,000 miles away. Sometimes it is hard for her to handle all of the suggestions that come to us. Please know, you can contact me here, email or facebook as well. Monica and I talk daily and I have become the local spokes person for Juliette.
Special thoughts to all those involved in this sad story, I hope justice is done for precious little Juliette, rest easy little angel.

Too far away to be of help but not too far away to care.
I wish I knew what to tell you on how to help.
We keep sending letters to the authorities, calling them and emailing them. They probably delete the emails like they hang up on the phone calls.
We have tried America's Most Wanted. I know John would have gotten us our answers but the police department in charge of Juliette's cage refuses to let them help! Yes, you read it right, REFUSES the help of professionals who have been solving crimes successfully for years. How sad. If they aren't covering something up, then why wouldn't they want the big boys to come aid them in their efforts of finding the killer?
Which really shouldn't be that hard, seeing as there we 3 people in the home at the time of her death! But instead the DA in Juliette's case is waiting for a confession! Like that is really ever going to happen! What are they hiding that they are using the death of Juliette to keep covered up??? :maddening: :bump:

If I may, I haven't read the entire thread but I have looked at some of your links. I think you are being too hard on the police and I can see why they might consider you an "enemy" of sorts.

From what I have learned and seen in dealing with criminal investigators it is usually pretty clear to them what happened.

At the same time getting a conviction is their priority. In your sweet Juliette's case there is a lot of "reasonable doubt" involved that would make it difficult to win a conviction and it seems to me they are trying to find a charge and make it STICK.

If you take a look at the Casey Anthony trial you might be shocked to see there are quite a few people who are not sure they could convict her based on "reasonable doubt"

In the case with Juliette we have three adults in the home. Unfortunately they can not be tried as a team. They will be tried separately and each other person automatically creates a "reasonable doubt alibi" of sorts that could create an opportunity of a NOT GUILTY. If that happens they will walk away scott free.

I've seen cases like this on Mystery 48 hours and the cops are trying to get a conviction. It may take a while because they know that it is not easy to convict someone with circumstantial evidence.

In the case of Scott Peterson he's the only one who stood out as a possible suspect other than a total stranger. So it was pretty easy to get a conviction.

Unfortunately in Juliette's case there are three people involved. So who is guilty? Without a confession or breaking one of the suspects there's not much they can do. What they often do is try to pull the person in for another arrest and use that as leverage to get them to talk or to just simply get them convicted on a lesser charge that holds a lengthy jail sentence. It seems to me this is what they are trying to do. It doesn't look like a "cover up."

I feel for you, and I think it is amazing you are fighting for Juliette. I think it is noble and brave of you.

But it is unrealistic to push for an arrest and a trial when you know the person will get off. We have double jeopardy in this country which seems to be why the cops are not arresting anyone. Once arrested you have the right to a speedy trial. This is not always the case but at the same time by pushing this the WRONG way you can actually hurt the chances of a conviction.

I just wanted to throw that out there. It's pretty obvious that all three of these adults need to be sitting in a jail cell. Unfortunately not everyone who sits on a jury operates with common sense.

My prayers are with you and your family.
If I may, I haven't read the entire thread but I have looked at some of your links. I think you are being too hard on the police and I can see why they might consider you an "enemy" of sorts.

It doesn't look like a "cover up."

Thank you for your kind words. At this time I will clear a little up for you about the information that was shared.

Firstly, you tell me why we should not be royally disgusted with the police department investigating this information. This ball was dropped long before the DA (who called the Aunt an enemy) was working on charges.

When Juliette was found dead, the home was not secured for 4 to 5 days after the death. When it finally was, windows were left open and the 3 people came and went. I am an EMT, one thing they have taught me is anyone you find that is dead needs to be treated like it is a murder until it is proven legally that it is not. Rule number one that was broken.

Next rule, drugs were found in the home. No charges were filed for drugs and no drug testing was done. They could have at least held the 3 on drug charges and collected the correct information for a murder case. If that step was followed, we would not have had a problem with the 3 being given the correct amount of time to make a story work, clean up the house, move the crime scene, ect.

Next rule that was broken, there is a specific report that needs to be filed when there is "death of a child", explain to me, why it took this department over 2 years to file that said report.

Why were witnesses not questioned? Why were prior injuries to Juliette (that pointed at abuse) never investigated?

I am getting a little heated, and I apologize, it is not at you. When you write down all the mistakes that were made, it is hard not to just want to destroy the department.

Here is a good question, when the man was attacked with a baseball bat, he was never arrested for it until after Juliette's murder, why? The investigator did not do her job because there were children involved. The mother of the twins was never questioned for her role in the assault, either, why?

This is a young police force, who crossed the line too many times. The ball was in their hands and it was dropped. There are so many more things that they have done incorrectly, but due to most of the records still being sealed, we will never know the damages. I have been asked to keep some of the other "boo-boos" private, due to the case still being open.

The more I work on this case, the more I just want to scream. I regret not being able to take a stand against this due to a personal situation. Once my life calms down, I plan on tackling Justice for Juliette head on.

Thank you so much for your support. God Bless! <3 Juliette's Adopted Auntie Jess
Do you have this in writing? Do you have correspondence with AMW? I would take this to the press. If they wont write it up for you, buy some space and put it in yourself.

Keep on hitting up the press, local and national. And as much as I can't stand the Nancy Grace Show - I kept emailing her until she broadcasted Emma's story. We can help with an Email blitz - so can the followers on FB. Someone will listen.

Has Juliette's daddy had the ER records and ME report evaluated?

I'm assuming you have talked with a local attorney, if not they may be able to get you some inside information re LE and the DA.

Are all three perps still out of state?

I would also suggest going with a civil wrongful death suit.

Any word on Juliette's aunt joining us here?

Sorry it is taking me so long to get back here...The problem we have had with sharing the PD's strange action of refusing AMW is not very many people want to report the story. The local station's manager is the brother-in-law of the DA. A FOx station from Omaha did a great story, however, it didn't reach all the way to the local area. Which is right where the information needed to go. The local station, KOTA, reported a good story a few weeks ago. But it needs to keep grown further and further away from the point of impact. I never thought of posting that information myself in an ad space...hum, sounds like a good plan.

I know that bunches of emails are sent to Nancy Grace. I keep telling myself once we are done with tot mommy, we can move on to Juliette. Crossed fingers.

I am not sure who, if any, has looked over the er and mi reports. I have see the mi reports, personally, and I am really confused about a few things. There is a substance that made it impossible to test for pot and coke in Juliette's tissue samples. I am also doing research on how much, if any, ethyl alcohol is produced post-mortem. That level is insanely high.

All three are not in NE. You are right, there. One of them is in jail in CO for five-finger discounting. I want someone to contact where he is and ask if they are aware of this murder. Also, would be nice if I can get those authorities to contact the cell mates and ask them if he has said anything. I know people talk in prison. The other is working in CO. We found his facebook page and I spoke to him personally. He informed me that he was surprised that no one had been charged due to the information that he told the PD. The mother is too close for comfort for me. I can't really say where or much less. All I know, is I don't like her where she is.

I hope this helps you. God Bless you for your support and I am so sorry it took me forever to find this! For some reason I never saw that this post was more than 1 page. My bad! <3 Juliette's Adopted Auntie, Jess.
I'm unable to contact the page owners on Facebook, but I have an idea or 2 for their vigil. Does anyone know how to make contact with the family?

I can share my thoughts with you and you can pass them along. I'm in FL and although the Caylee/Casey case is the top news ATM, the media will need something to discuss whilst the jury deliberates.

The absolute horror of a baby murdered during that same time, and still awaiting justice may be the story for them to air.

I am not family, however, I am as it seems the local spokes person for Justice for Juliette. I can be reached here, now that I see there is more than one page :banghead: or at

God Bless and Much love
Is there anywhere we can get info on what stories were told by the three adults that were in the house? I read that the stories keep changing, and I'm just curious as to what these three adults (or even one of them) say happened. I truly hope that Juliette gets the justice she so deserves, and SOON!

Sadly, since it is "still an active investigation" we can not get copies of their statements. A real shame. I would love to see.
I will be happy to write letters for a letter campaign to get this story out to the media. I just need to know who to write. This truly is awful to think that the daddy to this little girl is serving our country and we can't bring the killer of his daughter to justice. I am so sorry for the family of little Juliette and want to encourage the family to keep on with your fight for justice. You are Juliette's heroes. I did send an email to NG. Perhaps if she gets a lot of emails about this case she will pay attention. Right now, the focus is on Caylee Anthony but when this trial is over she's going to need something else to focus on. Unfortunately, these cases are not rare. I wonder what this says about the way we value our children in this country. No child should ever suffer. Once again, I am sorry for your loss and will help in any manner I can.

Monica posts a long list of emails: Contact the National News Media so they will investigate & expose the issues with this case & why the authorities have not arrested anyone in 3 years. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;mailto;
ElRushbo@eibnet. com;;;;
shortened JFJ's post

I am not sure who, if any, has looked over the er and mi reports. I have see the mi reports, personally, and I am really confused about a few things. There is a substance that made it impossible to test for pot and coke in Juliette's tissue samples. I am also doing research on how much, if any, ethyl alcohol is produced post-mortem. That level is insanely high.

I do not profess to know a thing about ethyl alcohol, and it's formation post-mortem.

I did find this, which seems to indicate that the formation starts immediately upon death, that the temperature of the environment directly impacts levels, as does the lack of preservation of the remains (I think).

The relatively short time required for microbes to begin producing ethanol complicates the interpretation of a positive ethanol result in postmortem specimens. The potential for postmortem ethanol formation is disconcerting when considering that a positive ethanol result may help discern the cause of an aviation accident. Therefore, the preservation of biological specimens to minimize postmortem ethanol formation has been a priority for nearly 30 years.
We found that without preservative, specimens stored at 4°C for 96 h showed an average increase in ethanol concentration of 1470%. At 25°C, these same specimens showed an average ethanol increase of 1432% after 48 h. With the addition of 1.00% sodium fluoride, there was no significant increase in ethanol concentration at either temperature.

As has been well documented, under normal circumstances following ingestion, ethanol distributes throughout the body according to the water content of various tissues and fluids (23-28). Therefore, when abnormal ethanol distribution is observed between two or more tissues and/or fluids from one victim, postmortem ethanol formation may be suspected.
I might add also, 2 cents here, that I wonder if it is possible that the "usual" methods of preserving Juliette's remains were not followed, thus, allowing the ethyl alcohol levels to be extremely high, as you say?
I might add also, 2 cents here, that I wonder if it is possible that the "usual" methods of preserving Juliette's remains were not followed, thus, allowing the ethyl alcohol levels to be extremely high, as you say?

That report was done about 24 hours after her time line of death. I have asked many many doctors, sadly, I don't know any pathologists. They have told me from the level in the tissue sample, Juliette was most likely given alcohol made for human consumption before death.

Leaving me even more upset. Why, why, why was there alcohol in the system of a 2 year old?

I am close friends with the medical examiner where I live locally and I am going to contact him about it. See what, if anything, he knows.

One doctor point blank told me, "This is just a case of child abuse." Which we knew, but it was nice to have at least that confirmed. The other interesting thing in the report was that unknown substance that made it impossible to test for pot and coke. What is that, and why is it there?

So many questions :banghead: nothing adds up at all. I just feel that somewhere there is a stone that has been left is a matter of finding it!
I am not sure who, if any, has looked over the er and mi reports. I have see the mi reports, personally, and I am really confused about a few things. There is a substance that made it impossible to test for pot and coke in Juliette's tissue samples. I am also doing research on how much, if any, ethyl alcohol is produced post-mortem. That level is insanely high.

I know there are some awesomely qualified people who may already be helping the family with this, but if not, I have some connections I'd be happy to put them in touch with for both the ED and ME review.
I know there are some awesomely qualified people who may already be helping the family with this, but if not, I have some connections I'd be happy to put them in touch with for both the ED and ME review.

Monica said something about that like, last week I think. I don't remember. She gave me the weekend off....says I work on this too much....can't help not to. I will touch base with her tomorrow and double check to see if she took them up on the offer. I know she has been pretty busy. Thank you very much for your help and support! <3

I'm working my way down this list. I just wonder if more people can get on the letter writing campaign. I would think a blitz of correspondence would attract more attention but perhaps I am wrong. Thanks so much for this information. The murder mystery of this sweet baby needs to be solved and it does not seem to be getting the attention it deserves from law enforcement.
Just a heads up regarding the email addresses for emailing to call attn. to this case. The first address listed is invalid as well as the one for 20/20. Wanted to let anyone writing letters know. Since making my way through this list a lot of my emails have been returned as undeliverable. Just a heads up.

I was going to do it since you were not here... but since you are back... will you please make a summary of the MOST important points to be put out there. (I can still do it if you'd like.)

Such as:

Juliette's Daddy is a soldier.
3 people in the house.
3 years later no charges.
Juliette's twin also abused.
Juliette was beaten and had a 4 inch laceration to her liver.

A reasonable summary but the MOST important points to get the media's attention.
A draft letter of what should be sent to the media.

Those who are finding bad emails in the media email list, please re-post the list WITHOUT those email addresses!

Now that we have NO Justice for Caylee it is time to work on getting Justice for Juliette.

We have time before the anniversary. I always look for a silver lining... at least we have Caylee's case resolved before Juliette's anniversary. A better chance of getting her some attention.

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