GUILTY NE - Kerra Wilson, 8, Mitchell, 21 Sep 2011

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Has there been a child actually taken by a random perp from inside or outside of a school in the part decade or so?

No idea what the exact stats are today. Perhaps that being the reason school abductions are low or next to nil. Schools and Parents are much more aware and diligent.
I am so sad for Kerra Wilson. I am so angry with the SF, I can't write what I feel towards him.

As I've read the pages of the thread, there have been many comments about schools calling home. As a retired teacher, I did that "duty" for a number of years. It's a major responsibility. Many parents will say their children left for school or took the bus (secondary school). Attendance was double-checked with the current teacher/class and many times it was an error or the student tried to cover up lateness by appearing at the first class but not homeroom where the attendance was taken. Unfortunately, in our school, the daily attendance list was usually pages long, with two columns per page. The first person on duty would listen to the tapes and mark in green the parents who had called their children in. I was second and would call down the list for as long as possible. It was rare for me to be able to finish the list in the time I had. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough personnel to complete the list and office staff had to do it in their rare free moments. Finances didn't allow for a full time position to do this task.

What always frightened me the most were the parents who covered for their children. They didn't know where they were, but didn't tell us that. However, after 31 years of teaching and seeing this process work sometimes and not work sometimes, we never had a student abducted from school grounds that we knew of.

Elementary students are of much more concern. They are so much more vulnerable to abduction and it is so important to take safety precautions that I have read about in other posts, so I won't repeat.

One thing I do know. Safety precautions at schools need to be a top priority. I hate when they are subject to budget cuts. Every school needs someone to call the parents personally (not a computer). To contact the parent of one child can take numerous calls. My priority was the home phone, parents' work phones, and if available, cell phones. There were days when a total of six calls were made for one student, only to leave six messages on voice mail.

While, as many of you have said, it made no difference in this case, it could have and will possibly be beneficial in future situations.

This post has inspired me to do some work on my own time.

My precious granddaughter will be starting school in the next two years (!!!). When she does, I am going to volunteer my services at her school to make these phone calls to the parents of absent children. Since I will be at the school anyway to drop her off and pick her up, it will not be a burden on me to provide this type of much needed volunteerism. I think that providing this type of service is vitally important to help ensure the safety of our nation's youth.

A couple of years ago, I had a new cell phone service provider. I was given a new phone number. Over the course of several weeks, I kept receiving computerized phone calls from a local junior high school regarding the absenteeism of a student. What alarmed me the most was that these phone calls were not even made/received until after 8pm in the evening!

To top it all off, due to the quality of the computerized calling system, I could not even understand the name of the school involved. I finally was able to stop the phone calls from coming through (I was getting them almost everyday!) by calling the local board of education and they backtracked the calls by using my phone number. I often wondered what the story was behind the seemingly chronic absenteeism of that one particular child.

We, as parents and grandparents, and citizens concerned for the safety of our youth, must take action, even if it is something as simple as making phone calls to verify the whereabouts of a child. We need to protect our children from the predators of today's world.
Has there been a child actually taken by a random perp from inside or outside of a school in the part decade or so?

Can not think of a ONE concerning a child. There was the case where the girl went missing because she left her school voluntarily (high school) and they caught her on the security camera in her last images.
Has there been a child actually taken by a random perp from inside or outside of a school in the part decade or so?

I can't think of any and I can't think of a less likely place for an SO to hang out looking for a victim either. Elementary schools and their grounds are very busy places in the morning and after school. There are numerous parents and teachers around and everyone knows at least someone and in most cases there are numerous people who know pretty much everyone. I can't think of a place where a random male predator would look more out of place and obvious. In the only case that I'm aware of up here in Canada where a child was abducted from the school grounds, or just outside the school perimeter, after school by a random stranger, it was a female who brought the child to her alleged male accomplice. (he is still awaiting trial)

That's why, IMO, LE have a hard time believing random stranger abduction when a child goes missing right from school property. There are just too many witnesses for this to be considered a logical explanation when a child is missing. Not to mention that many schools have video surveillence and many more are just awaiting the funding to do so.

So in both the case of Kerra and Kyron, it was just not probable odds that they were victims of a random stranger after being dropped off at school. It can and does happen, however, in cases where children are walking alone and usually some distance outside the perimeter of the school grounds. Sommer Thompson comes to mind as an example.

I've been away for a few days and was hoping that Kerra would be found safe and sound over the weekend. Sadly, this was not to be. :(

R.I.P. Kerra. :rose:
Has there been a child actually taken by a random perp from inside or outside of a school in the part decade or so?

If you scroll down, there's a chart that shows the percentage of non-family abductions and stereotypical kidnappings from each location. They estimate that 2% of the 115 stereotypical kidnappings happen at school. However, they also note that there are too few sample cases for the estimate to be reliable.

I would assume that a child being abducted from school by a stranger would get a fair amount of media coverage. I would think on a website filled with people who are passionate about missing children and pay attention to these cases and they stay in our minds, we would be able to name other children abducted from school, at least in the past decade. Just think about how many children you can name who were abducted from their bedrooms (Elizabeth Smart, Danielle Van Dam, Jessica Lunsford) compared to children abducted from their school (possibly Kyron...)
I can't think of any and I can't think of a less likely place for an SO to hang out looking for a victim either. Elementary schools and their grounds are very busy places in the morning and after school. There are numerous parents and teachers around and everyone knows at least someone and in most cases there are numerous people who know pretty much everyone. I can't think of a place where a random male predator would look more out of place and obvious. In the only case that I'm aware of up here in Canada where a child was abducted from the school grounds, or just outside the school perimeter, after school by a random stranger, it was a female who brought the child to her alleged male accomplice. (he is still awaiting trial)

That's why, IMO, LE have a hard time believing random stranger abduction when a child goes missing right from school property. There are just too many witnesses for this to be considered a logical explanation when a child is missing. Not to mention that many schools have video surveillence and many more are just awaiting the funding to do so.

So in both the case of Kerra and Kyron, it was just not probable odds that they were victims of a random stranger after being dropped off at school. It can and does happen, however, in cases where children are walking alone and usually some distance outside the perimeter of the school grounds. Sommer Thompson comes to mind as an example.

I've been away for a few days and was hoping that Kerra would be found safe and sound over the weekend. Sadly, this was not to be. :(

R.I.P. Kerra. :rose:

So perhaps there's more need to be watchful with those who walk to school?
Especially the younger ones, and those who seem to be alone?

Also, when a child is reported missing, or an Amber Alert goes out, why not get in car and start looking? Perhaps for perp's car/van, and then call it in?

Or just get out with a partner/dog, and look in the immediate vicinity? Especially in the early hours .. which are most important.

Remember recently, the man who saw a child taken, or a neighbor told him, and he got in car and followed? Child was saved.

Just getting involved immediately, since the time is short, to find them alive.
What exactly do you mean by that last sentence, if I may ask? I don't mean to be rude, but what exactly does LE not allow and doesn't want, etc.? IMO, I think LE would LOVE for parents and citizens to be more watchful and protective of these kids or for people to report anyone or anything that looks suspicious, especially around schools, playgrounds, etc. But, I don't think it has anything at all to do with the school, or when her absence was reported, or what time the mother showed up after hearing her child was absent.
There are many, many people who are actively working on better laws to protect our children and grandchildren, but sometimes these things just happen. Let's not place blame on the school or on LE... they can't be expected to know where every child is at every minute. It's quite possible that NO ONE could have expected this to happen to this child, not even the mother or grandmother.
If this guy had no criminal record, and never showed any signs that he could be a child killer... how on earth could the mother, the teachers, or LE be blamed for this happening? It's HIS fault... he chose to do what he did.

BBM: Let me first say, I was steaming mad, when I wrote this.

And I think what I meant to say was, when LE tells family or public, to NOT search, not get involved, after a child is reported missing. WHY? I know the usual reasons of interfering and causing problems, but I say, go anyway, and look around the area, if you live near where an Amber Alert has been reported.

I would NEVER stay inside, if an alert was called near my neighborhood, I'd be out looking for the perp's car/van. I know enough not to get too close, and to call 911, etc. But I can't see sitting in your home, when you just MIGHT find the perp, and the child.

I feel there's so much red tape, rules, regulations ... and we've been told it's for our own good, and better not to interfere or mess things up, and our children keep dying .. and dying and dying.

Sorry ... I'm a rebel anyway ... and I will NOT sit idly by anymore!

Edited to add: None of this was directed at you TxLady, I'm just SO angry and heartbroken, spent most of the day yesterday, crying .... so yeah, I just think it's time to get involved, when my gut says so. :hug:
Has there been a child actually taken by a random perp from inside or outside of a school in the part decade or so?

The Amber Dubois case is still alive and well in San Diego. Amber was abducted and killed by the monster John Gardner just (300) yards away from her school.

It changed the way parents drop off their children, and even fewer walk to school anymore.

There will always be a John Gardner out there, and thanks to those who have stepped up their cause to protect children going to/from school.


Can not think of a ONE concerning a child. There was the case where the girl went missing because she left her school voluntarily (high school) and they caught her on the security camera in her last images.

Kara Kopetsky, I think. She was seen leaving the high school, and then, never again. So yes, she did not vanish from school.

I do agree that at the elementary school level, at least, calls home should be made within the first hour of taking attendance. There is no reason on earth this can't be done. At least in Kyron's case, as well as Kerra's, the search would have been on right away, not 7-8 hours later. And I still find it hard to believe that as of 2010, when Kyron went missing, all schools did not have cameras at the entrances. (I know many still don't, but in this century, when we are photographed everywhere, it is ridiculous not to have the schools covered, just in case.)
Has there been a child actually taken by a random perp from inside or outside of a school in the part decade or so?
I got this link from Kyron's thread. This happened more than 30 years ago.
she was lured to a car by a stranger who met her in the hall at West Gresham as she was headed to the restroom. The man, tall and brown-haired, told her he had some things in his car and that the school principal said she could help.
Walking home alone in 4th grade, a man in a car stopped to ask me directions. I remember my Mom warning me about this tactic & NEVER get to close to a car, because you could be pulled in. I stayed back however I was close enough to see he had no pants/shorts or underware on. I took off running, while running I remember my Mom had said to go to the nearest house where someone was home...there wasn't any, so that made me panic running faster. I don't know if he would have grabbed me or if he got his thrills exposing himself. I was terrified & when I collapsed at home telling my mother...she didn't believe me. Go figure.

Big danger walking to/from school or the bus stop.
Walking home alone in 4th grade, a man in a car stopped to ask me directions. I remember my Mom warning me about this tactic & NEVER get to close to a car, because you could be pulled in. I stayed back however I was close enough to see he had no pants/shorts or underware on. I took off running, while running I remember my Mom had said to go to the nearest house where someone was home...there wasn't any, so that made me panic running faster. I don't know if he would have grabbed me or if he got his thrills exposing himself. I was terrified & when I collapsed at home telling my mother...she didn't believe me. Go figure.

Big danger walking to/from school or the bus stop.

I'm glad she had warned you so you did the right thing and were able to escape this pervert. It makes me mad that she didn't believe you, but at least you were safe.
I know that the percentage of children that go missing from school is low. I guess my motto has ways been that I will be as vigilant as I can be. I always say- Not on my watch :)
Also, if volunteers are manning bus stops and areas around the school, I can see them getting to know the kids and noticing any signs that might seem off. How often do we hear of neighbors stating things like "I knew something was wrong in that household..." Maybe we can be more proactive.
Lopez to be arraigned at 9 a.m. Monday

The rural Mitchell man charged with first-degree murder Friday in the death his 8-year-old stepdaughter will be arraigned Monday morning at 9 a.m. in Sioux County Court in Harrison.
Hoping we get answers to some of our questions after the arraignment.

Understanding why and how this happened won't bring sweet Kerra back. But it may cause others to look within their own sphere of influence and speak out if they see something within a family that needs to be addressed.

It's too early to form conclusions, but I have a strong gut feeling about Kerra. I'm so sorry that someone she should have been able to trust, killed her. It breaks my heart to imagine how scared she must have been.
Hoping we get answers to some of our questions after the arraignment.

Understanding why and how this happened won't bring sweet Kerra back. But it may cause others to look within their own sphere of influence and speak out if they see something within a family that needs to be addressed.

It's too early to form conclusions, but I have a strong gut feeling about Kerra. I'm so sorry that someone she should have been able to trust, killed her. It breaks my heart to imagine how scared she must have been.

Knox, I was just thinking the exact same thing, almost word for word. I am so sad. Sometimes I feel the hink -- but nothing I can finger for authorities. Like so many posters over the last few days I am feeling these cases more and more personally like I should be doin' more.
It is almost impossible to prevent these crimes that take place within the home. One can't go calling LE just based on suspicions, without some type of evidence. I wonder if Kerra was particularly quiet in class. Of course, so early in a school year, a teacher would not know her well enough to see a change, probably. It is really up to the other adults in a household to look out for anything unusual with their children. Sadly, by the time someone notices, usually the child has been harmed already, but perhaps noticing, at least, could prevent them from actually being killed...
It is almost impossible to prevent these crimes that take place within the home. One can't go calling LE just based on suspicions, without some type of evidence. I wonder if Kerra was particularly quiet in class. Of course, so early in a school year, a teacher would not know her well enough to see a change, probably. It is really up to the other adults in a household to look out for anything unusual with their children. Sadly, by the time someone notices, usually the child has been harmed already, but perhaps noticing, at least, could prevent them from actually being killed...

I'm sure you did not mean what I think you are saying. I'm tired and maybe a little over-sensitive tonight.

But you can make that call if you suspect something is wrong with a child. Producing evidence or proof would be up to LE. The important aspect is bringing it to their attention. As you stated, it's hard to prevent what is not done in public.

We should all have the mentality of a mandatory reporter.
I'm sure you did not mean what I think you are saying. I'm tired and maybe a little over-sensitive tonight.

But you can make that call if you suspect something is wrong with a child. Producing evidence or proof would be up to LE. The important aspect is bringing it to their attention. As you stated, it's hard to prevent what is not done in public.

We should all have the mentality of a mandatory reporter.

You should have to have some reason for calling...otherwise people would be calling on neighbors they don't like all the time.

Anyway I think teachers are probably best-placed for seeing a child on a regular basis.
Hoping we get answers to some of our questions after the arraignment.

Understanding why and how this happened won't bring sweet Kerra back. But it may cause others to look within their own sphere of influence and speak out if they see something within a family that needs to be addressed.

It's too early to form conclusions, but I have a strong gut feeling about Kerra. I'm so sorry that someone she should have been able to trust, killed her. It breaks my heart to imagine how scared she must have been.

UGH.. I love you but that pic makes me throw up in my mouth a little :( don't want to see it anymore {wiping tears} the face of true and unexplainable evil
It is almost impossible to prevent these crimes that take place within the home. One can't go calling LE just based on suspicions, without some type of evidence. I wonder if Kerra was particularly quiet in class. Of course, so early in a school year, a teacher would not know her well enough to see a change, probably. It is really up to the other adults in a household to look out for anything unusual with their children. Sadly, by the time someone notices, usually the child has been harmed already, but perhaps noticing, at least, could prevent them from actually being killed...

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. I strongly feel like I, and others CAN make a difference.

I will leave it at that.

May Kerra receive swift justice and may this animal receive severe punishment.

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