Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 - #3

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Something has been bothering me all day. Let me preface the following by saying I think AT and BB murdered SL and I think it was intentional. BUT something about the demeanor of BB and AT on all the surveillance tapes shows that BB is on a mission. AT seems a little worried- you see him looking around while checking out at the antique mall, standing back and paying at Home Depot while BB gets right to sacking items.
My gut feeling is BB is the mastermind
Interesting. That thought has never crossed my mind, honestly. Hmm......

I also think profit is one motive (in addition to fulfilling his fantasy life), but the profit comes selling the video or charging viewers, imo. He's filming on spec, imo.

But if you have info about an upfront buyer, is the source of info something other than his mouth - or is it your opinion?

It's the only logical explanation. Why they were so sloppy, why they ran, where they went, where they didnt go.......
It's the only logical explanation. Why they were so sloppy, why they ran, where they went, where they didnt go.......
But do you have a source? Your post didn't indicate it's your opinion so I'm asking if you have a source about the upfront buyer as a fact.

I just went down that way yesterday on my way to Beatrice. While driving between Lincoln and the turn for Wilber, I really started thinking about their car ride. How could someone drive that far with someone knowing they're taking them somewhere to kill and dismember them? What kind of conversation could they have had in the car? She had a LONG time to change her mind. Just thinking of BB in that car making small talk with an excited SL, along with the surveillance videos of her just being cool as a cucumber, makes be also lean toward her being 100% on board with what was going on.
But do you have a source? Your post didn't indicate it's your opinion so I'm asking if you have a source about the upfront buyer as a fact.

Apologies, my posts a few pages back outlined a trail of logic leading to that conclusion. Of course, sometimes people do illogical things, or maybe it was for personal religious reasons, but probability points strongly to a potential buyer and the missing organs are likely involved as well. All their actions state there was a profit angle, and they surely didnt commit such a sloppy crime on the hope that maybe they could somehow turn it into profit down the road. Also, some of his media statements AT made were pretty clearly messages to someone. "Make wilber famous" for example.

In my opinion, the deal went wrong and they never got paid. If so, where are the items in question?
Apologies, my posts a few pages back outlined a trail of logic leading to that conclusion. Of course, sometimes people do illogical things, or maybe it was for personal religious reasons, but probability points strongly to a potential buyer and the missing organs are likely involved as well. All their actions state there was a profit angle, and they surely didnt commit such a sloppy crime on the hope that maybe they could somehow turn it into profit down the road. Also, some of his media statements AT made were pretty clearly messages to someone. "Make wilber famous" for example.

In my opinion, the deal went wrong and they never got paid. If so, where are the items in question?
Cool, but if your statement is not a fact that can be sourced with a link, it needs to be clear it was your opinion. That's a WS rule, remember.

We don't know there was in fact an upfront buyer, even if it seems like a logical conclusion to you. Ykwim?

But I totally agree profit was likely one of the major motivations in the crime and I agree there were potential buyers for his crap, imo. I just haven't seen evidence there was a sponsor upfront.

To be clear, however, there has been no mention by LE that I know of regarding the existence of a film or any party offering to purchase a film or body parts. Obviously more info will be forthcoming and some info may never come out. All we can do is sleuth with the info we have and watch the trials.
Cool, but if your statement is not a fact that can be sourced with a link, it needs to be clear it was your opinion. That's a WS rule, remember.

We don't know there was in fact an upfront buyer, even if it seems like a logical conclusion to you. Ykwim?

But I totally agree profit was likely one of the major motivations in the crime and I agree there were potential buyers for his crap, imo. I just haven't seen evidence there was a sponsor upfront.

My statement was and corresponding prior statements were worded as an opinion in relation to the overall discussion. Apologies for any lack of clarity on my part.
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To be clear, however, there has been no mention by LE that I know of regarding the existence of a film or any party offering to purchase a film or body parts. Obviously more info will be forthcoming and some info may never come out. All we can do is sleuth with the info we have and watch the trials.
There was a link upthread to an interview AT gave with LE. In that interview, AT mentioned video of the crime. IIRC, the video was played in the courtroom. The info was posted a couple of days ago, followed by some discussion.


Edited to add for clarity: The video shown in the courtroom was the interview between LE and AT .... not the video of the crime.
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There was a link upthread to an interview AT gave with LE. In that interview, AT mentioned video of the crime. IIRC, the video was played in the courtroom. The info was posted a couple of days ago, followed by some discussion.


Edited to add for clarity: The video shown in the courtroom was the interview between LE and AT .... not the video of the crime.
Monday, July 1st:
*Trial continues (Day 9) (@ 9am CT) - NE - Sydney Loofe (24) (Nov. 15, 2017, Lincoln; found Dec. 4 & 5, 2017 in Edgar, east of Clay Center) – only for *Aubrey C. Trail (51) charged & indicted (6/11/18) & arraigned (7/13/18) with 1st degree murder & improper disposal of human remains (plead guilty to this charge 6/18/19) & charged (3/1/19) with conspiracy to commit murder. Plead not guilty. No bond. DA will seek DP.
Trial started 6/17/19 with jury selection. Trial started on 6/18/19 & runs thru 7/8/19. Jurors: 7 women & 5 men, with 2 alternates. One juror excused were 3 alternates.
Court info & Trial info from Day 1-7 (6/11/19 to 6/27/19) reference post #807 here:
Found Deceased - NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 - #3

6/28/19 Day 8: State witnesses: Saline County correction officer Lindsay Schurman (re about intercepted coded letters Trail wrote to Boswell while in the county jail). Prosecution offered to publish these letters as evidence to the jury, but defense attorney Joe Murray objected on the basis of foundation, questioning the authenticity & relevance of the letters. Council deliberated with District Judge Vicky Johnson behind closed doors on separate, five-minute occasions, & Johnson sustained Murray's objection. Saline County correction officer Christina Stahl (found another letter). What the letters said was not revealed to the jurors, and the letters were not submitted as evidence. After jury is adjourned for lunch, Judge Vicky Johnson was apparently handed a note from the bailiff, & upon receiving it, stopped proceedings, & then asked to see one of the jurors in her chambers after adjournment. State witnesses: FBI special agent Mike Maset (presented a DVD that contained a nearly 3-hour interview with Trail from June 11, 2018 at the Saline County Jail in Wilber. Jury hears tape of how he killed Sydney. One juror was excused for family emergency. Trial continues to Monday, 7/1.
*Bailey M. Boswell (23) – Next Pretrial hearing on 8/9. Trial starts 10/25 thru 11/1/19.
To be clear, however, there has been no mention by LE that I know of regarding the existence of a film or any party offering to purchase a film or body parts. Obviously more info will be forthcoming and some info may never come out. All we can do is sleuth with the info we have and watch the trials.

Which is why everyday is so daunting waiting for all the answers we have so long waited for. It's like watching a who done it movie, and through the whole thing your brain is juat spinning with omg that is why, do you think, or the times where it comes from behind. Arrgh. I am really annoying to watch movies with. I always want to see if ibam right in the end. 95% of the time, i am.
Maybe prior victims were brainwashed followers? It seems like he is manipulative enough that he would make sure the victims also committed a crime themselves - so if they reported a crime against him, they would be afraid of also being charged with crimes they committed.

That's my hunch, not fact.

That is a very good thought! IMO he’s a huge manipulator, so seems quite likely he’d manipulate his victims into believing they were not victims due to laws they broke that he could turn them in for. With the addition of drugs (just speculation) to his extensive manipulation, i could unfortunately see him getting away with a lot before he finally got caught this time. All JMO
Trails video interview was difficult to hear at times due to the acoustics of the courtroom and his speech which is often mumbled . In looking back at my notes there are a few things he said then often contradicted himself
He said the body was cut into 8 pieces ( not true) said it was cut this way due to the way she died. Said if this had been an intentional death it would have only been cut into 6 pieces. At first he denied knowing anything about the heart being missing but then a few minutes later talked about putting it in a container with blood so it would incarnate faster. He at one point said he drank the blood then said it was put in container

He indicated SL arrived at their apartment after that he called the other 2 girls. He would not divulge who they were but did say it took only 20 minutes for them to arrive. I think this is BS as kaitlyn and Ashlie both live a much further distance . He also said he wouldn’t divulge who they were but later named them and their part in the cleanup. He also indicated each person had to give up something with the evidence as an apology. He left a ring that meant a lot to him (not heard of this yet), Katie left a cat collar, BB left shoes. Someone left favorite sex toy-maybe Ashlie
He also indicated both he and BB wore sauna suits He was asked about the torn crotch in one but his response was mumbled
According to Trail after body was cut up and put into trunk he and BB dropped the other 2 off( how did they get there?) then drove to the “spot”. Said BB drove . Later moved body parts from trunk to back seat
When he was talking about drinking the blood he talked about the crazy women that come to his house. He said these 2 comments which make no sense to me.
“Katie crawling around house eating out of cat bowl”
and “Ashlie wanting to skin people alive”
Then he goes on to say his house is all about Money sex and Women
He also said that after SL and the other girls arrived that they all went somewhere and this was before SL died in his bedroom
My thoughts are if there
was a fantasy of some sort the 2 girls were just actors not the buyers
I am only putting down what I heard and still believe AT is trying to bring others into it that may not have been there
I also think there was never a sex fantasy planned but an intentional murder for $ that AT is trying to cover up
IDK. My theories seem to change daily

At first he denied knowing anything about the heart being missing but then a few minutes later talked about putting it in a container with blood so it would incarnate faster. He at one point said he drank the blood then said it was put in container
Saying he put the heart in the jar with blood to me may be what he was referencing about her soul. Maybe in this situation heart and soul are interchangeable. I do however get the sick vibe from him that he, if not all of the participants in the murder, drank at least some of her blood.

Katie left a cat collar
When he was talking about drinking the blood he talked about the crazy women that come to his house. He said these 2 comments which make no sense to me.
“Katie crawling around house eating out of cat bowl”
I wonder if she participated in what I think is referred to as ‘furry’ sex. People dress up and act like animals in a form of role play. I have seen it referenced it at least one other case here on Websleuths, but it was so long ago that I don’t recall which case(s). Maybe the cat collar she left behind was one she wore when playing her role. Who knows, and not that it really even matters, but if that is an aspect it opens it up to another community of buyers. Not saying that people who participate in this type of fantasy are bad people or anything like that, just trying to make some sense out of senseless murder, I suppose. Some info on the possible furry angle I mentioned above.
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One more thought then I will quit hijacking this thread
Last week it was stated to me by someone close to the case that they think AT will be in court when the “women” testify as he is all about control and may think he can influence their testimony by being there
Also indicated the women’s testimony will divulge things regarding their time spent with AT and BB that are beyond anything you could ever imagine. No specifics given

I am going again this week as I have to stick it out. I guarantee this will be the last murder trial I ever attend. I do not know how the LE and FBI do this everyday and retain any bit of of sanity
Thank you for continuing to attend and passing the information along to all of us
According to this article, this week " women apparently involved in these sexual fantasy will testify."

In FBI interview, Trail shares his account of how Sydney Loofe died

In this article, I noticed Trail stated the following:

"If you have a dead body laying in your bed, if you're a criminal and you have cash and dope in your house, if you've got three hysterical women who you can't leave, yelling and screaming and freaking out, you're stressed," Trail said.

But the landlord, his wife and her son, who were in the house heard nothing that night? I think this is another of his lies. JMO.
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