Neighbor and eyewitness Jim Kelley

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I agree, I'm sure when I read the article before, it mentioned the woman had blond hair.

Could be that particular detail was "scrubbed" from the article online - which would lend more credence to the sightings IMO.
The blond hair was never in the article, but came from a post from someone who saw a picture of a SO with blond hair and posted about it, and unfortunately, the myth took off from there.
Well, I haven't been able to find a link. BUT, I'm new to WS's and I wasn't here before there was a dedicated forum, so I couldn't have seen it there. And I specifically remember that I first read JK's account in the msm. I don't think I got the blonde info from a post here w/o msm back-up, because I'm pretty good about separating rumor from msm in my head -- especially about a crucial fact such as that. Even if I read it here first, it's something that I would have needed to verify on my own. A red-head driving a pick-up on a deserted road w/i days after the disapperance would have been something I wouldn't have relied on a post here for, with respect to all of the members :)

jmoo...and again, I'm happy to be wrong. I just feel strongly that I read this in msm, b/c otherwise I would have concluded a long time ago that it was definitely significant. And I hadn't.

I agree, I'm sure when I read the article before, it mentioned the woman had blond hair.

This has snagged me a couple of times, so I searched the old combined threads starting from #1 to find out when/where the 'blonde' detail came from.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #3[/ame]
The original post has been deleted. The person who posted it later says [ame=""]'no one said the saw a "blonde", just a woman.' [/ame]
This has snagged me a couple of times, so I searched the old combined threads starting from #1 to find out when/where the 'blonde' detail came from.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #3
The original post has been deleted. The person who posted it later says 'no one said the saw a "blonde", just a woman.'

Thank you for searching that out. In a case with so much misinformation, innuendo, and mistakes, I'm glad at least one person took the time to correct a mistake, too.
Thank you for searching that out. In a case with so much misinformation, innuendo, and mistakes, I'm glad at least one person took the time to correct a mistake, too.

A few weeks ago (don't remember exactly when), the 'blond hair' thing was brought up again. I searched and searched and couldn't find any reference to it anywhere, not in news articles, other forums, blogs, comments to articles ... nothing. Except here, in the posts made after the RO was brought up. I truly believe that's where 'blond' came from.
A few weeks ago (don't remember exactly when), the 'blond hair' thing was brought up again. I searched and searched and couldn't find any reference to it anywhere, not in news articles, other forums, blogs, comments to articles ... nothing. Except here, in the posts made after the RO was brought up. I truly believe that's where 'blond' came from.

I didn't read any of the RO posts, though. Or I didn't think I did. *shrug* Oh, well, at least it's cleared up.
I didn't read any of the RO posts, though.

Oh, I know. What I mean is that it's popped up here and there since then. I honestly believed I'd seen it somewhere too, but after searching I had to admit it probably all stemmed from that one post.

'course, my Googler could be broken :)
Oh my goodness, can't believe we're still talking about a blonde driving the truck. It's all my fault.

I had posted a link way back on 6/6 or 6/7 to a local RSO who drove a white pick up who had long blonde hair. And I asked the question: "Could this be the blonde woman who JK saw driving the truck?" What I should have asked is "could this blonde be the woman who JK saw driving the truck?"

I corrected it twice, but the post and corrections seems to have been removed. I hope this clears it up. NO ONE SAID JK SAW A BLONDE. See how easy rumors get started.....LOL
Oh my goodness, can't believe we're still talking about a blonde driving the truck. It's all my fault.

I had posted a link way back on 6/6 or 6/7 to a local RSO who drove a white pick up who had long blonde hair. And I asked the question: "Could this be the blonde woman who JK saw driving the truck?" What I should have asked is "could this blonde be the woman who JK saw driving the truck?"

I corrected it twice, but the post and corrections seems to have been removed. I hope this clears it up. NO ONE SAID JK SAW A BLONDE. See how easy rumors get started.....LOL

lolz, I tried not to out you, Billylee! :D

I posted your correction though.
I didn't read any of the RO posts, though. Or I didn't think I did. *shrug* Oh, well, at least it's cleared up.

I saw the blonde comment on the RO and I *still* don't think that's where I got it. lol But, like Calli, I've googled my fingers off and can't find it anywhere. So I'm gonna have to cop to crazy and let it go at that. On the good side, that means there's a better possibility that the Kelley sightings are related :)
Oh my goodness, can't believe we're still talking about a blonde driving the truck. It's all my fault.

I had posted a link way back on 6/6 or 6/7 to a local RSO who drove a white pick up who had long blonde hair. And I asked the question: "Could this be the blonde woman who JK saw driving the truck?" What I should have asked is "could this blonde be the woman who JK saw driving the truck?"

I corrected it twice, but the post and corrections seems to have been removed. I hope this clears it up. NO ONE SAID JK SAW A BLONDE. See how easy rumors get started.....LOL

I most definitely did not see that post. The only place I remember seeing it was in this thread. Now I'm willing to believe that somebody had seen your post and mentioned it here, but........I dunno.

Stranger things have happened, that's for sure.
Oh my goodness, can't believe we're still talking about a blonde driving the truck. It's all my fault.

I had posted a link way back on 6/6 or 6/7 to a local RSO who drove a white pick up who had long blonde hair. And I asked the question: "Could this be the blonde woman who JK saw driving the truck?" What I should have asked is "could this blonde be the woman who JK saw driving the truck?"

I corrected it twice, but the post and corrections seems to have been removed. I hope this clears it up. NO ONE SAID JK SAW A BLONDE. See how easy rumors get started.....LOL

:floorlaugh: Was that YOU? !!!

Ah HA!

I remember your post. :) And I remember you trying to correct it. :blowkisses:

Life of it's own, that one!

This is why a good publicist is worth their weight in gold. ;)

I wonder if Dede S. owns a white truck ?
I'm interested in the 2:00 am second sighting.May I please ask does someone have a link or remember what the person said about it.Didn't they say it was a camper type truck or trailer on back or something?What other street ect... are around this area?
I'm interested in the 2:00 am second sighting.May I please ask does someone have a link or remember what the person said about it.Didn't they say it was a camper type truck or trailer on back or something?What other street ect... are around this area?

Nope they said it was a white truck the same one i believe as was there earlier in the day.
It's amazing that someone just happened to be up at that time, be looking out at the street and luck into seeing this truck. Even more amazing that they happened to have seen it the first time around. This person must spend a lot of time staring out at the road.
Such a shame that the truck in question doesn't have GPS, so much could be answered.
Nope they said it was a white truck the same one i believe as was there earlier in the day.
Thank you.I thought I remembered something different.Does any one have a link to where this person says what they recounted seeing at that time?

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