Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

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One other thing I've been trying to find is a report that SA was under investigation for two separate rapes in 2005, before he was arrested for the gun violation and later charged with Halbach's murder. Can't remember where I saw it. But I believe it was a newspaper report that said SA had confided to his girlfriend Jodi that he did indeed rape a particular girl. The story said the girl didn't want to come forward in order to maintain her privacy. And SA was already being charged with the murder, so it wasn't pursued. Anybody else hear about this? Dang, I wish I would've bookmarked it or something.

Yes--it was reported back in the 2005 thread, not sure what page or pages. I've read that she was a teenager at the time and I've only read she was raped by Avery, not 2 different women(girls). It also said the rape happened in 2004. I found that odd--because it stated she was not moving forward because he had already been arrested for TH's murder. I went back to see if he was charged and the charges dropped but I couldn't find anything.
Did Strang say Avery left Halbach a voicemail asking why she never showed up?

No, but that is a good point....we have the propane driver saying he saw TH leave the Avery property and then we have the mysterious phone call by Avery...I posted that I thought that TH might have really left the property and then returned to fetch something she had left there---could it be that Avery summoned her back to the property on that phone call because she really did leave something at his property, accidentially? Things that make you go hum.
Someone posted a video of the very first Dassey "confession" that was taken at the cabin while the family was up north on 11/7/2005. This was taken in the back of a police cruiser. Don't think Barb even knew they were interrogating Brendan at this point. :(


I had read that Marinette County had searched the vehicles at the cabin, I'm wondering if Marinette County would have been the ones interviewing him? By the way Crivitz (where the cabin is located in is Marinette County) Funny, we looked at a cabin to purchase about a mile down the road from that cabin last year, it was a very remote area.
[/I][/COLOR]Yes--it was reported back in the 2005 thread, not sure what page or pages. I've read that she was a teenager at the time and I've only read she was raped by Avery, not 2 different women(girls). It also said the rape happened in 2004. I found that odd--because it stated she was not moving forward because he had already been arrested for TH's murder. I went back to see if he was charged and the charges dropped but I couldn't find anything.

I do believe these are accusations made, these are not convictions, to my understanding never even tried. Had he been tried in these so called rape cases he still should have the presumption of innocence going into those so called charges. As every American should be if ever arrested in this country. You can not make charges of murder stick to someone taking away all their freedom on unproven accusations. This is part of the problem with the justice system.
No, but that is a good point....we have the propane driver saying he saw TH leave the Avery property and then we have the mysterious phone call by Avery...I posted that I thought that TH might have really left the property and then returned to fetch something she had left there---could it be that Avery summoned her back to the property on that phone call because she really did leave something at his property, accidentially? Things that make you go hum.

An interesting thought as Avery called TH at around 4:35 PM. But she would have returned to a bunch of folks at the Dassey household, including
Barb who had gotten home around 5 and left again later. And I think all of the boys would've been home as well at around 5 or so.
[/I][/COLOR]Yes--it was reported back in the 2005 thread, not sure what page or pages. I've read that she was a teenager at the time and I've only read she was raped by Avery, not 2 different women(girls). It also said the rape happened in 2004. I found that odd--because it stated she was not moving forward because he had already been arrested for TH's murder. I went back to see if he was charged and the charges dropped but I couldn't find anything.

I do believe these are accusations made, these are not convictions, to my understanding never even tried. Had he been tried in these so called rape cases he still should have the presumption of innocence going into those so called charges. As every American should be if ever arrested in this country. You can not make charges of murder stick to someone taking away all their freedom on unproven accusations. This is part of the problem with the justice system.[/QUOTE]

It didn't sound that way to me--it sounded like she was in the process but never completed it because he was arrested for TH murder and was likely to spend the rest of his life in jail. I'll have to go back and try to dig something up on it. I'm not familiar with the criminal arena, (never been accused or arrested for a crime :)) so I really don't know how all that works--when a victim comes forward but does not press charges.

this has Fassbender's summary of his interview with SA the day he was arrested.

He said he called Auto Trader in the morning and called again later and they told him she would be coming (do we know about that call???? the 2nd one to Auto Trader?) He said he did call her cell number, 2 or 3 times that day, and that Auto Trader gave it to him awhile back (so he did have it and didn't call her directly earlier in the day???) He does say he called her back later (after she was there) to take photo's of another vehicle but there was no answer.

It's interesting, wish there was a transcript or the video instead. So much can be lost in a 'summary', I think of it like websleuths..... my summary may be different than someone else's summary, depending on whether you think there is guilt there or not, right? LOL

Ugggh though, I'm leaning towards him not doing it.... and I do think it was someone that lives there and was there that day.

ETA: and who is TW????? apparently she is the one that tells SA that a cop told her another cop planted the SUV
You answered your own was deer season and no one thought anything about it.

Not sure how Brookita478, " answered her own questions by asking how come no one heard any gunshots? I'm glad she chimed in though, because there is absolutely zero proof that TH was shot 10 times. Just like there is no evidence that she was raped, or stabbed, or pleaded for her life ect... That was just a sick fantasy spun by a mentally ill DA, in order to taint the jury pool.

Even in hunting season, ten shotgun blasts, fired in a neighbor's garage would have people going WTF? At least in my neighborhood .
oh and also....
SA talks about a deer that Bobby got... it was roadkill, this same deer is mentioned in his cross-examination (I actually made a note of it lol) I can't help but wonder if this deer and the damage to the SUV are related. The days are a little unclear about when it happened though.

There are a few things that I have thought about.... did TH hit the deer (or even a different deer)... she pulls over, realizes there is damage, maybe the wheel well is broken and hanging there, she goes to the back of her SUV to get a tool to take it off/fix it and someone else is there and hurts her/kills her? ***** There was a tool missing from her tool box in her SUV ***** Or did 'someone' hit that deer with the SUV while driving it later in the week???? I only wonder this because it's not really clear about when BoD picked up this deer. It sure was lucky for him to have come across it though if that is the source of the damage to her SUV.
I would expect more damage to the SUV though I think if it killed the deer, but I'm not sure. I live in the city, but the area I live in has a high deer population... I have seen vehicles with little and lots of damage after hitting and killing a deer. I have been sitting on this theory because I just don't know .... SA mentioning that the deer may have been at Barbs on the Monday may have just put me over the edge LOL
Not sure how Brookita478, " answered her own questions by asking how come no one heard any gunshots? I'm glad she chimed in though, because there is absolutely zero proof that TH was shot 10 times. Just like there is no evidence that she was raped, or stabbed, or pleaded for her life ect... That was just a sick fantasy spun by a mentally ill DA, in order to taint the jury pool.

Even in hunting season, ten shotgun blasts, fired in a neighbor's garage would have people going WTF? At least in my neighborhood .
That is assuming that the shots were successive, no one knows IF the time frame between the 10 shots were successive, meaning one right after the other.
An interesting thought as Avery called TH at around 4:35 PM. But she would have returned to a bunch of folks at the Dassey household, including
Barb who had gotten home around 5 and left again later. And I think all of the boys would've been home as well at around 5 or so.

...and would that fit into the deleted voice mails as well?? hum?
...and would that fit into the deleted voice mails as well?? hum?

Don't know, but if TH went back around 5 to retrieve something, I would have my doubts as to whether SA killed her at that time. I believe there was a report that SA was outside around 5 talking to Barb when she arrived home, spoke to Jodi at around 5:35 PM for 15 minutes, and then spoke to Chuck shortly thereafter for another 5 mins. According to reports, all of the Dassey boys would've been home around 5 as well.

If we are to believe the propane truck driver, someone was driving TH's RAV4 off Avery Rd and onto Rt 147 at around 4 PM. It could've been the killer with TH in the back unconscious or it might have actually been TH.
I do believe these are accusations made, these are not convictions, to my understanding never even tried. Had he been tried in these so called rape cases he still should have the presumption of innocence going into those so called charges. As every American should be if ever arrested in this country. You can not make charges of murder stick to someone taking away all their freedom on unproven accusations. This is part of the problem with the justice system.

It didn't sound that way to me--it sounded like she was in the process but never completed it because he was arrested for TH murder and was likely to spend the rest of his life in jail. I'll have to go back and try to dig something up on it. I'm not familiar with the criminal arena, (never been accused or arrested for a crime :)) so I really don't know how all that works--when a victim comes forward but does not press charges.[/QUOTE]

I found the original thread from 44 at the bottom...sorry I don't know how to link it to here :(
​04-12-2006, 1:13 PM

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no new charges for avery
No charges at this time against Avery at this time for alleged rape of a TEENAGE girl in 2004. No charges unless he is NOT sentenced to life in consideration for victim.


Sorry. It's late here and I could be a lil cranky... The "She was shot 10 or 11 times" myth is one I find particularly heinous. I don't buy it for a NY second. And I think it's cruel to perpetuate that particular fabrication, ( as well as the whole rape, stabbing, begging senerio). The newbie was just asking question about shotgun blasts, I did not see how she also answered her own question, as I have the same one, (if only theoretically, as I firmly believe that never happened).

this is Det. O'Neill's summary of an interview with SA on Nov. 5th, it was at the cabin.

Something I didn't realize..... and I know it confused me a few times, SA said he and Charles were on the way to Menards at about 8pm on Thursday night, the 3rd, and he seen tail lights by his place, they turned around and he took a flashlight and checked around his trailer and didn't see anything. Then on the 4th, Charles left and was on the way to the cabin, he called SA, who was outside talking to Bobby, and told him that he seen headlights back in the salvage yard behind Chuck's place. Steven said that he and Bobby got into Steve's truck and went and checked it out. This is also the same night that Barb came home and said she seen a deer had been struck (I thought Bobby found it lol ) and it was reported to the police (would there be a record of this???)

ETA: forgot to say.... I thought the headlight incident was only one night, and I have heard Thursday and Friday, I was confused, but now I get it LOL

this has Fassbender's summary of his interview with SA the day he was arrested.

He said he called Auto Trader in the morning and called again later and they told him she would be coming (do we know about that call???? the 2nd one to Auto Trader?) He said he did call her cell number, 2 or 3 times that day, and that Auto Trader gave it to him awhile back (so he did have it and didn't call her directly earlier in the day???) He does say he called her back later (after she was there) to take photo's of another vehicle but there was no answer.

It's interesting, wish there was a transcript or the video instead. So much can be lost in a 'summary', I think of it like websleuths..... my summary may be different than someone else's summary, depending on whether you think there is guilt there or not, right? LOL

Ugggh though, I'm leaning towards him not doing it.... and I do think it was someone that lives there and was there that day.

ETA: and who is TW????? apparently she is the one that tells SA that a cop told her another cop planted the SUV

Excellent! This is what i've been wanted to read. SA had a normal and it explains why he called TH so many times.

- He called her twice in the morning to see if she come sooner than later. It was Barb's van that the pictures were for; hence leaving her name.
- He called her again on her cell as he wanted her to come back to take a picture of a loader.

Also, after she left, he saw Bobby's truck gone, and her signaling left down the road.

So I'm working my way through the transcripts, and am nearly through day 2, and would like to share something interesting that happened out of the presence of the jury that I have not seen mentioned:

During the testimony of Joellen Zipperer, Kratz gets upset at testimony about a phone call George Zipperer received from the Sheriff's department the night Teresa was reported missing. He claimed it was hearsay, and wanted to speak outside of court. Turns out, the information that he was trying to get from Joellen was this:

On Nov 3, after 5PM, Corporal Lemieux (Calumet Co) calls Mr. Zipperer, and he becomes belligerant on the phone.

That same night, Investigator Dedering (Calumet Sheriff's Dept) does a followup at 9:40P. He describes that: George was extremely belligerant initially, threatened to have his dog eat anyone who would come on the property, wanted Teresa arrested even after being told she was a missing person, and denied that he had ever contacted Auto Trader or arranged photos of the car. He told Lemieux, and then Dedering, a series of lies about what he and his grandson Jason were doing that day, as well insisting Teresa was a trespasser on his property.

Strang argues this was relevant to show that the investigation was not conducted objectively w.o bias. Avery and Zipperer should have been on the same level: They both had known appointments that afternoon w. Teresa, George Zipperer became belligerent and uncooperative w. police, and continues w. this even when told she is missing and police need help, and tells the police a whole series of lies about that afternoon. Strang argues that police should have pursued Zipperer w. further investigation, since he was one of the last people to see Teresa, and was lying about everything that came out of his mouth. He was hostile, uncooperative, yet received no further investigation.

The judge sustains Kratz's objection, but it appears that they will try to get the testimony out anyway through Dedering, so we will see if that happens. Kratz is asked if he plans to call Lemieux, but he says he doesn't know "he'll see".

Had anyone heard any of this before?
Excellent! This is what i've been wanted to read. SA had a normal and it explains why he called TH so many times.

- He called her twice in the morning to see if she come sooner than later. It was Barb's van that the pictures were for; hence leaving her name.
- He called her again on her cell as he wanted her to come back to take a picture of a loader.

Also, after she left, he saw Bobby's truck gone, and her signaling left down the road.


I've been looking for some of that info Thanks!!
Thought this might be interesting, a woman and man claim they saw Steve Avery on October 31, 2005...


  • Capture-10-31-2005.PNG
    452.7 KB · Views: 77
Excellent! This is what i've been wanted to read. SA had a normal and it explains why he called TH so many times.

- He called her twice in the morning to see if she come sooner than later. It was Barb's van that the pictures were for; hence leaving her name.
- He called her again on her cell as he wanted her to come back to take a picture of a loader.

Also, after she left, he saw Bobby's truck gone, and her signaling left down the road.


Yes. This is how I've always viewed it also. Never could understand all the nonsense about the phone calls. SA was very open about her appointment. He didnt "lure" her to her doom. Also giving the name B Janda was done so the bill of sale could be printed correctly, not used as an alias! This is yet another train of thought that I find unbelievable that anyone would buy a ticket on. It's utterly mundane and exceeding un-sinister, how that photo session was arranged. Just like his, coming to the door in a towel, was not an act of depravity. His lawyer DS has said SA had been cooling off in a small wading pool, before hand. No big deal.

When people have to grasp at straws like this, you know theres a huge problem with "reasonable doubt".
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