Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

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I still dont know how she drove 40 mins to GZ's did her appointment making her there around 2:25 at GZ's residence how could she be 10 mins out then. she would have just been arriving or in the middle of her pictures when Auto trader talked to her at 2:27. Took about 50 mins from the first location to Avery's Yard. Making it 2:35 about the time shed be arriving at the Junk Yard, making that Auto trader call more sensible. She couldnt be in two places at once and evidence points to her being at the Averys around 2:30. Which would make that her second to last stop.


Trial Day 2 page 101/102 Ms Pliszka (worked at Auto-Trader) (I left the line numbers, so I apologize if it is hard to read)
I have read her whole testimony, maybe I missed it, but nowhere did it say she was 10 minutes away. It was interesting to read. She is the one that Teresa told SA came to the door with a towel (heard not in the presence of the jury)
15 Q. And this phone conversation that you had with her
16 at 2:27 p.m. you had some brief discussion and
17 she said that she was on her way to the Avery's?
18 A. Yes, she did.
19 Q. She said the Avery brothers; is that what she
20 said?
21 A. She said the Avery brothers, yes.
22 Q. She seemed very familiar with them?
23 A. Yes, she did.
24 Q. You don't know whether she meant she was on her
25 way directly or whether she intended to make
1 another stop before she got there?
2 A. No, I do not. I just assumed -- She said she was
3 on her way there right now, so, I assumed.
4 Q. Okay. So, if she was not there for another hour,
5 you don't know whether she would have made
6 another stop, get a bite to eat, something like
7 that?
8 A. No, I would not.
9 Q. Or if she had another hustle shot in between?
10 A. No, I would not.
11 Q. More importantly, you don't know whether after
12 Mr. Avery, Teresa had a private hustle shot where
13 she was going, where she was planning to go to,
14 do you?
15 A. She didn't mention it but, no, I did not.
The one thing i'm stuck on is the blood smear in the Rav 4.

If he was wearing gloves (which a lot of people speculate because of the lack of fingerprints) and cut himself through the gloves I believe it would look a lot different. Its just my own personal opinion coming from a lot of experience. I wear gloves ALL the time. I cut myself through them unfortunately and it just doesn't look like that. Now that is assuming he was wearing rubber or latex gloves (like myself), the blood acts like a suction and you just sort of leave bloody smears, not anything with darker pools and lighter streaks (thats the best I can describe what it looks like in the photos). If he was wearing work gloves or anything that was lined with cloth like material I'd be surprised he wouldn't have noticed it and knew to look to see if he left any evidence.

And you would think that once he got back to wherever to get rid of the gloves he's going to notice a big cut in the glove! Maybe retrace his steps to make sure he didn't leave any bloody fingerprints anywhere? If he went to all the trouble to Dexter style clean the garage I'd think he'd notice something like that.

Gloves do not make sense to me either, and dripping blood in the RAV4 but not leaving 1 fingerprint??? Nope!

btw..... nice to see someone else from the flat lands on here, I instantly noticed your location! LOL :happydance:
So where did the "10 minutes out" line originate? Interesting.
I'm not sure Tawny.... I've been reading a lot the last few hours, so maybe I missed it, I hope someone else has a look and corrects me if I'm wrong. I was only paying attention to it because MysticJynx has been bringing up the timeline and how it didn't make sense.

the trial transcripts are also "searchable" I did not find a 10 minute reference in her testimony FYI
but but but.... the other officer that was with them, the babysitter, did indeed pick it up and hold it so they could verify that it was a toyota key. Oh and.... he was just sitting on SA's bed doing his paper work and IIRC he didn't change his gloves. I wonder where that trace DNA could have come from.

They were in Avery's bathroom collecting sink and toilet samples just before that.
Wonder where I got that info about being 10 mins out from the Avery's. She does say shes headed to the Avery's. Thanks for the retake on that testimony Missy1974. I am looking into it. I think it may have been mentioned in KK's closing but am not sure
Wonder where I got that info about being 10 mins out from the Avery's. She does say shes headed to the Avery's. Thanks for the retake on that testimony Missy1974.

I was under the assumption she had said that too, now I'm wondering where I first saw it and why it seems to be assumed as fact?
They were in Avery's bathroom collecting sink and toilet samples just before that.

If you think about it, it really isn't surprising that a key lying on SA's bedroom floor would have SA's DNA on it.....It would be more surprising if it didn't.
To me, the far MORE significant piece is that it did not have TH's DNA on it.
I was under the assumption she had said that too, now I'm wondering where I first saw it and why it seems to be assumed as fact?

Me too. I thought I heard in in MaM but I could be wrong. I kept thinking Strang or Buting mentioned it during a question. Since it wasn't objected to I assumed the question was factually correct.
Wonder where I got that info about being 10 mins out from the Avery's. She does say shes headed to the Avery's. Thanks for the retake on that testimony Missy1974. I am looking into it. I think it may have been mentioned in KK's closing but am not sure

Mystic...... I have just jumped to JoEllen Zipperers testimony.... interestingggggggg! What she is not allowed to talk about is way more interesting than what she does testify too!

Zipperer apparently got belligerent with investigators when they called the evening of November 3rd. Strang wanted the wife to testify to what she heard her husband say, which the judge did not allow. Strang wanted to use it as "another lead that wasn't followed" or investigative bias.

Steven Schmitz' testimony is also on Day 2.
I was under the assumption she had said that too, now I'm wondering where I first saw it and why it seems to be assumed as fact?

I had heard it too.... I only pointed it out to Mystic because she (?lol) has been looking at the timeline.

Zipperers testimony is not going to help with the timeline LOL it seems to be all over the place too.... 2-3ish
I did not see it in the closing arguments in either of the trials. I know I heard it not read it so I will have to go through some interviews. I think it was KK who says it but not sure.
ok..... I'm a bit on information overload at the moment.... but reading these statements, Scott, Bobby, Blaine.... starting to read the trial transcripts.... I don't know if he is innocent, but geesh with the traffic in that area that night... no one saw anything???? No one noticed an odor coming from the fire, which to me means, they didn't smell a body burning AND they didn't smell tires burning. The questions about her timeline that day. I thought the defense did a good job pointing out that SA had called TH before without going through Auto Trader, only a few weeks before, but called Auto Trader this day to get a hold of her (the girl testifying kinda made a comment that maybe he lost her number), leaving a trail. If he was obsessed with her or was planning this.... keeping her number would be pretty important on his list, don't ya think?
I had heard it too.... I only pointed it out to Mystic because she (?lol) has been looking at the timeline.

Zipperers testimony is not going to help with the timeline LOL it seems to be all over the place too.... 2-3ish

Actually 3ish makes more sense. The bus driver saw her at Avery's taking pictures at 3:40 (give or take a few minutes) and she has zero reason to lie about what she saw.
Actually 3ish makes more sense. The bus driver saw her at Avery's taking pictures at 3:40 (give or take a few minutes) and she has zero reason to lie about what she saw.

But Blaine did not. In his statement he said that there was no one there and no vehicles that weren't normally or supposed to be there.

It has also been brought up that the bus driver would have been quite far away to be able to "see" that.
It has crossed my mind that she may have seen the van that was being photographed sitting there (maybe not a normal spot for it and would be noticeable from down the road) and assumed that it was TH's vehicle when thinking back about that day. IMO
Mystic...... I have just jumped to JoEllen Zipperers testimony.... interestingggggggg! What she is not allowed to talk about is way more interesting than what she does testify too!

Zipperer apparently got belligerent with investigators when they called the evening of November 3rd. Strang wanted the wife to testify to what she heard her husband say, which the judge did not allow. Strang wanted to use it as "another lead that wasn't followed" or investigative bias.

Steven Schmitz' testimony is also on Day 2.

So... Mr Z allegedly, according to Strang, was hostile with investigators and they were like "well ok then".

Jeez do we have another contender here!?
But Blaine did not. In his statement he said that there was no one there and no vehicles that weren't normally or supposed to be there.

It has also been brought up that the bus driver would have been quite far away to be able to "see" that.
It has crossed my mind that she may have seen the van that was being photographed sitting there (maybe not a normal spot for it and would be noticeable from down the road) and assumed that it was TH's vehicle when thinking back about that day. IMO

IMO, the bus driver has zero reason to lie about seeing Teresa, but Blaine might, considering his relationship with potential suspects?
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