Found Deceased Netherlands - Anne Faber, 25, Utrecht, 28 Sept 2017 *Arrest*

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'High risk of recidivism must be the basis for TBS' [ Criminal Insanity Treatment ]

'The thought that people are dangerous because they have a disorder and that, if you resolve that disorder, they are no longer dangerous, has turned out to be a misconception,' according to psychologist and researcher at The Forensic Care Specialists, Wineke Smid.

The big question in the Anne Faber case is why suspect Michael P. was not sentenced to TBS in 2010. Former president of the Supreme Court, Geert Corstens, said in Buitenhof television programme on Sunday that the judge can only impose TBS if there is a mental disorder that is at the root of the offence.

If the accused refuses to cooperate with a psychiatric examination and there are no facts to suggest such a disorder, the judge cannot impose TBS. The judge has only recently gained the possibility to use minimal information, but that minimal information must be there.

Psychologist and researcher at the Forensic Care Specialists Wineke Smid, who graduated in 2014 on the risk assessment of sex offenders, said in Buitenhof that the core of the problem is the 1911 law. The underlying idea is that people are dangerous because they have a disorder and that, if you correct it, they are no longer dangerous. That thought, says Smid, has proved to be a misconception over the last hundred years. According to her 'the disorder doesn't matter that much' and the recidivism factors are much more important.

A surprising statement:' The offender's disorder doesn't matter that much'

Maybe I have been somewhat exagerating. Someone who is psychotic can try to kill someone out of that disorder. But that does not mean, however, that the recidivism risk is also high. Many people think that if you don't cure someone for his disorder, the risk of recidivism also remains high. That is not true.

There are risk factors that can also be the symptom of a disorder. For example, impulsiveness is a risk factor, but also a symptom of a number of disorders. If you have already measured that impulsiveness with your risk assessment, it doesn't matter if you have measured it as part of a personality disorder, for example.

We have two types of instruments. The first consists of easily scored facts for which the cooperation of the defendant is not necessary. These are already making very good predictions. You can refine this with' dynamic risk factors'. For that you need a little more cooperation. Such a dynamic factor is, for example, the total disinterest in the well-being of others, psychopathy. Moreover, people with a high degree of psychopathy usually also score on other factors. The dynamic factors are needed to see exactly where you need to focus the treatment.

If the disorder doesn't matter so much, why should you impose TBS? What exactly are you treating then?

In the treatment practice, we have had the motto for a long time: 'No cure but control'. We are not so much concerned with curing disorders as we are with reducing risk factors. In the treatment we do take disorders into account. For a person who is poorly gifted, a psychodynamic talk therapy makes little sense, because he doesn't understand that much.

The treatment of risk factors usually comes down to teaching people to behave differently. A paedophile offender cannot be healed from his paedophilia, but you can teach him to behave differently'.

You also said in Buitenhof that for most sex offenders punishments help very well.

That is always considered a surprise. People think that punishments do not help. But most sex offenders do not have such a high risk of relapse. They think: this won't happen to me again. They have had enough punishment. Someone who says that he is proud of his rapes is a very rare exception. Most people don't really like what they have done. But there are also sex offenders who are particularly prone to recidivism. They should be treated.'

You argue that the penalty should be imposed taking into account the risk of recidivism and imposing TBS in the event of a high risk. Does the law need to be changed for that?

That is the easiest thing. However, it is also true that those who report to the judicial authorities are far from using all the available space allowed under current law. The author of the report should not be too quick in saying that no report can be made. For example, the law does not state at all that the suspect must cooperate with the diagnosis.

It is also objectionable that the offence for which the accused is now being charged should not be included in the report. You cannot say: this crime is so bizarre, anyone who has done so must be disturbed. This is particularly problematic in the case of young' first offenders' who have a high risk profile on the basis of their first offence, but with whom there is no way forward if the first offence cannot be included in determining a disorder. This should not be allowed because, if the defendant were acquitted, the reporting still continues to be valid.

The problem lies in the fact that the court wants to establish both the accused's guilt and the need for treatment in one single judgment. One solution may be to keep those things apart. The assessment of disorder and risk profile is placed in a closed envelope that is only opened when the accused has been declared guilty.


Read this well:

The judge: I cannot impose TBS if the defendant refuses to cooperate.

The forensic psychologist: the law does not state at all that the suspect must cooperate with the diagnosis.

They can't be both right, can they?
Petittion has reached over 400.000 signatures.

Lydia Jong who started the petition was faced with the gigantic task of having to print it all, or to hand over a memory stick ..... not the kind of grand gesture that suggests hundreds of thousands supporters.
Lydia turned to SM for help and found a printing factory within a day. They will print the signatures for free ~ I saw an estimate of 14000 pages, and counting.

Petition is still open:
Can anyone Dutch comment on why convicted criminals have their names protected in the news? I notice that they only use first initial and last name. It seems so strange that they would protect a criminals identity... especially in cases of murder and rape. :( I would genuinely like to know for the sake of interest, however.
Can anyone Dutch comment on why convicted criminals have their names protected in the news? I notice that they only use first initial and last name. It seems so strange that they would protect a criminals identity... especially in cases of murder and rape. :( I would genuinely like to know for the sake of interest, however.

It's a gentleman's agreement from way-back-when between the chief editors of the major newspapers, and everyone is still more or less sticking to it. They started doing it because of the whole innocent until proven guilty thing. However they also keep it up when they've been proven guilty, which is nonsense to me.
It's a gentleman's agreement from way-back-when between the chief editors of the major newspapers, and everyone is still more or less sticking to it. They started doing it because of the whole innocent until proven guilty thing. However they also keep it up when they've been proven guilty, which is nonsense to me.

His name and picture can be found on this thread, and in all corners of the internet.

Dutch Police. Press release.

Where does the investigation into the death of Anne Faber stand?

At the moment, the investigation into what exactly happened to Anne and the role played by the suspect arrested is still in full progress.

The suspect is in a situation of restriction, which means that the suspect may only have contact with his lawyer. This means that the Police and the Public Prosecution Service must also be very reluctant to provide information about the case. That is one of the reasons why there is little coverage of the progress of the investigation. In addition, the investigation team does not currently have a specific request to the public. There is no specific issue that we now need additional information about. There is still a great deal of data in the investigation that we need to work out. Think of telecom data, camera images, traces, tips and statements. As soon as there are developments that we can report, such as a question to the public, we will communicate them.

The public prosecutor's office reports on the course of the criminal proceedings against the accused. We will share their reports as much as possible.

But not in the Dutch newspapers, which is what asgaror was wondering about.

There are NO rules governing the posting of information on the
internet hence why we can virtually find anything out on there!

Also, in Europe we have ECHR ( European Convention on Human Rights ) and sometimes this info to identify those suspected of committing a crime is not released into MSM because of the right to privacy laws and innocent until proven guilty etc...
If it is released, it has to be documented as to wether it is justified, proportionate to the crime and necessary to release it before it can be formally given out to MSM.
There are some good things to come from ECHR laws, however, like a lot of things these days, they are misinterpreted or overly abused which dilutes their effectiveness and unfortunately we are finding that often the Criminals ( or suspects ) have more 'RIGHTS' than the Victim which is totally wrong in MOO and makes the legal process so much more difficult. Victims rights ??? What Victim rights ??? I get so frustrated by the way in which these laws and bill of rights which were implemented to assist /protect the population of Europe are in fact being used against them !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Michael P., the man suspected of involvement in the murder of Anne Faber, must remain in prison for at least 90 more days. The court in the Middle Netherlands has indicated that the suspicion against him is 'strong enough to hold him for a longer period of time'.

A pro forma hearing is scheduled for 10 January, the court reports. The content of the case will not be dealt with yet. P. also remains confined to full limitation, which means that he may only have contact with his lawyer. It is possible that the restriction may be lifted next week. Then more information could be released about the disappearance and death of the 25-year-old woamn from Utrecht.

The police are still investigating the exact nature of the crime. P.'s movements are being checked from the moment Anne disappeared on 29 September during a bicycle ride.

P. was staying at the forensic psychiatric hospital Altrecht Aventurijn in Den Dolder to prepare for a gradual return to society. [ * ] He was imprisoned for the violent rape of two girls of sixteen and seventeen in 2010.


* gradual return to society should be read as: able to come, go and do as he pleased, including a regular roll in the hay with his supervisor.
Here is an article that explains why (suspected) criminals are not fully named by most Dutch newspapers. As I said, it's a gentleman's agreement - they are more than legally allowed to post such information but they choose not to.

There are no laws that regulate this, Dutch, European or otherwise. The newspapers basically censor themselves.
* gradual return to society should be read as: able to come, go and do as he pleased, including a regular roll in the hay with his supervisor.


This tho. It's maddening but hits the nail on the head.
Any reporting regarding the supervisor he had a relationship with? Do I remember correctly that he even fathered a child while in this institution? I might mis-remember.

Raymond Janssen, reporter RN7

This afternoon, a farewell was said for Anne Faber in the Sint Stevenskerk in Nijmegen. A very impressive event.



Raymond Janssen, reporter RN7

This afternoon, a farewell was said for Anne Faber in the Sint Stevenskerk in Nijmegen. A very impressive event.



Wonderful Anne. RIP. I really hope her missing case ending up so badly is going to make the necessary changes how we deal with the missing and to our justice system....a very low bow for you you, Anne.

"Anne Faber's death was my blackest scenario."

At the age of 16, Laura (30) was pulled off her bike and raped. The death of Anne Faber unleashes so much in her that she breaks through years of silence. "Many years later things happen in exactly the same way!"

"I was raped and strangled when I was 16. I am lucky to say that I have survived. In the spring I cycled home after field hockey training, while it was still light. That should be possible. The last leg I cycled alone and the attacker struck."

From the centre of Utrecht he rides behind her. On a remote road along a ditch, he pulls the 16-year-old schoolgirl off her bike. "I fought very hard at first. I hit him with my hockey stick. He threw my bike into the ditch, so I couldn't get away anymore. I'll kill you! I kill you! he shouted, while he strangled me. He raped me. Suddenly he let me go after that."

Laura runs away as fast as she can. "All alone, along the railway tracks." She calls the police from the nearest farm. "I had no phone or purse with me. That was back then. On the phone, I said: go there now! That man had to cross two more bridges towards the city. The police didn't go after him, but came to me."

Laura went with them to the police station for the report. "Only then I noticed that entire plucks of head hair were coming loose. My body was so in survival mode that I felt the pain much later."

In the following five weeks her offender repeats his attacks three times. "He tied one woman with tiewraps, stuck her with a knife and locked in her cellar box. Horror."

The news about 25-year-old Anne Faber from Utrecht hits Laura like a sledgehammer. The day after Anne was found dead, emotions overwhelm Laura on her way to work. "Suddenly I was in tears. The death of Anne Faber was my darkest scenario."

In Laura's case, the traces of DNA clearly prove that the 42-year-old Juan M. from Utrecht was the perpetrator. His sperm was on the clothes of various girls and his blood was found on a coat of a injured young woman. "What a blessing that DNA research exists."

In Anne's case, too, DNA leads to a breakthrough. The DNA is discovered on her coat found a week after her disappearance in the forest. It corresponds to that of 27-year-old Michael P. from Zeewolde, who was obliged to submit a DNA sample in 2010 after his conviction for multiple rape and a series of robberies. On Queen's Day that year he raped two girls aged 16 and 17 from Nijkerk.

The attackers of Anne and Laura have a remarkable number of traits in common:

Both used cocaine.
They raped several girls.
Both used violence.
The two men threatened to murder, Michael P. even ended up murdering Anne.
Both of them repeatedly committed violent robberies.
Both showed no repentance.
Both of them did not want any TBS at all.
They therefore refused to cooperate with research in the Pieter Baan Centre.
Both were given a lower penalty on appeal.
Both were released from prison early.

"More than thirteen years ago, I was very angry with the fact that often no TBS [ Criminal Insanity Treatment ] follows when a suspect does not cooperate with the behavioural investigation. We are many years later now and nothing has changed!"

Laura's offender came to the court with a very confused and incoherent statement. "He talked about 'a big fish' and he was' the little fish'. Because the big fish would be the culprit, he could not promise that he himself would not reoffend. If you don't think you're in control of yourself and if you don't care about something as evil as that, you clearly tell messed up, twisted things."

Anne's offender was sentenced to sixteen years' imprisonment in 2010. In appeal proceedings this was reduced to eleven. In the Netherlands, a convicted person is serving only two-thirds of his sentence. Eighteen months before release, offenders can prepare themselves for a return to society. This is probably the reason why Michael P. was in a psychiatric clinic, and Aventurijn in Den Dolder gave him so many liberties that - just seven years later - he was able to strike again.

"If Anne's murderer had not appeared on the radar, we might perhaps speak of blunt misfortune. There will always be madmen. But this man was a crazed, disturbed repeat offender who was proud of his rapes. I find it incredible how clinics and the rule of law work. If they don't keep an eye on this fellow, what should you have done to be under surveillance? The fact that he was able to kill Anne, in particular, makes this matter even more painful. The crazier you are, the stronger lawyers will discourage you from participating in personality testing. That is a mistake in our system. That makes me angry. Someone who repeatedly goes on a trip and pulls girls off their bike simply needs help. Period. People who want TBS the least are probably those who need it most."

"Anne has given a face to the failure of this system."

The terror of cycling women

Between 6 March and 12 April 2003, Juan M. struck four times. Because of attempted manslaughter, rapes and robberies, the public prosecutor demanded TBS enforcement and eight years in prison, or fourteen years' imprisonment. JM. refused to cooperate with the psycholigical investigation. He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment. Reduced to 8 years in appeal. He got no TBS.


Flight cars stand-by at tense info-evening

Zeist - Flight cars were kept ready in case things would get out of hand inside. But nobody needed to be evacuated at the information session about Anne Faber's death. The atmosphere was tense but respectful.

The church hall in Den Dolder is full of questions this Sunday afternoon, which the spokespersons of the municipality, police, ministry and mental health care institution cannot answer all. How is it possible that Michael P. simply walked away from the institution? Is Altrecht really in a position to take responsibility for serious sex offenders? What about drinking and drug use and relationships between staff and patients?

"Drugs are not allowed on our premises.'' This statement of director Floor van Dijk of Aventurijn is met with jeers and laughter. "On the street I get fined when I drink a beer,'' an angry man says. "At your place, the joints and beer cans are simply lying around outside."

The main issue that people living in the neighbourhood are concerned about is whether they will be facing another life-threatening madman on leave tomorrow. Van Dijk hesitates about the answer. "So you cannot guarantee that," the questioner immediately snaps. The director tries to explain that every step on the way to greater freedom is surrounded by controls, but nobody seems convinced.

Van Dijk and Roxanne Vernimmen, director of Altrecht Mental Health, both appear down and affected. "The event has a big impact on us," Vernimmen explains. The security around the institution has been increased, also because the staff has been seriously threatened.

"I find it brave that those administrators dare to come here,'' one of the visitors replied. "This must be a lion's den for them now."

Yes it is brave of them to face those angry citizens. It's good they did that, it's a first step, and hopefully not the last.

Many local residents only want one thing, according to reporter Tanja Braun. "That the forensic psychiatric ward is closed. That people with mental illness are no longer admitted in the final stage of their imprisonment." Although the clinic wants to leave Den Dolder in the long term, no promises have been made at the meeting.

Participants in the meeting said they were worried about their safety. "I feel threatened regularly," a 19-year-old woman, resident of Den Dolder, said. "When I go to school, I am cat-called. I don't know very well how to react because they can appear very threatening."

Additional measures have been taken at the clinic since the arrest of P. This means that extra neighbourhood coaches are deployed and more security staff have been hired. The municipality of Zeist and Aventurijn now want to review every three weeks which additional security measures are still needed.

After the first meeting, local residents did not feel reassured. "I did not get all the answers to all the questions that exist in the community. And these answers will only come when all the investigations have been completed," a man said.

Others believe that not enough action is being taken. "We don't feel safe. Then there will be an extra three weeks of police and after three weeks they will see if this can be done again for another three weeks. These measures are mere stopgaps."


The neighborhood will soon be told what crimes the clinic's residents have committed, Van Dijk promised. "Rapists and murderers are a minority'', she answered a question from a concerned neighbour.

Altrecht Aventurijn, the Ministry of Justice and the municipality showed their sympathy for ''emotions, cynicism, bitterness'' on Sunday, but still many listeners were dissatisfied. That everyone was silent about the ongoing investigation into P. and Anne's death did not please many neighbours either.

Various investigations are under way into what happened. According to Van Dijk, this could reveal that P. did not belong in the clinic but needed a different regime. She didn't want to say this Sunday if mistakes had been made in her clinic. On Monday there is another meeting for local residents in Den Dolder.

At Altrecht Aventurijn, 24-hour security and more police surveillance has been in place since the events surrounding Anne. However, local residents say that they hardly notice this and fear that the generous leave scheme for patients has not changed.


The two investigations into the forensic psychiatry clinic Altrecht Aventurijn in Den Dolder have started. One investigation focuses on whether the clinic provides safe and responsible care, the other on the decisions of the organisations involved with Michael P., the man suspected of having caused Anne Faber's death.

The investigation by the Inspectorate for Safety and Justice and the Inspectorate for Health Care and Youth is carried out at the request of Minister Stef Blok (Safety and Justice). The first visits were carried out on Friday. It is not yet clear when the results will be known.

During a residents' meeting yesterday, it became clear that local residents were concerned about the safety situation around the clinic. The director of the institution made a striking statement at that meeting: Michael P. shouldn't have been admitted to the forensic psychiatric ward where he was staying.

The death of Anne Faber and the arrest of Michael P. are not the first incident involving the institution in Den Dolder. Several cars went up in flames earlier this year. Two patients of Altrecht were arrested. Two years ago, a dangerous criminal with a history of fire arms escaped.

Additional temporary safety measures were taken after Anne Faber's death. For example, police officers are supervising more and Altrecht sends more supporting coaches to the streets. That will basically be for three weeks.

Letter from Lydia de Jong to all who signed the petition:

After the terrible news about Anne Faber, I started the petition out of disbelief, anger and sorrow. That this has been possible........ I didn't want to let it get past me. The petition has been signed by many, more than 412000 people, thank you so much for this! The discussion has begun and investigations follow. Let us not only limit this to a simple investigation, but let us also actually apply improvements where necessary!

The petition closes and I am handing over it to the Ministry of Security and Justice this week. I will do so without involving the media, and I have my reasons for doing so. I have received an invitation from the Ministry to meet with Mr. Dhr. Stef Block.
We have been able to make our voice heard and we are continuing to follow developments. I wish the Faber family, her friend, family and friends a lot of strength and courage in the face of this immense loss. Thank you once again for your support and I will make sure that it reaches the right place. Lydia the Jong


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