Netherlands - Gino van der Straeten, 9, didn't return from playground, found deceased, Kerkrade, 1 Jun 2022 *Arrest*

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Zoektocht Gino: lichaam gevonden in Geleen

In the search for Gino van der Straeten, a body was found in Geleen on Saturday morning. The police 'strongly suspect that this is the missing Gino', they just announced.

The body was found near the house on the Opbraakstraat in the neighbourhood of Landgraaf, where a suspect in the case was arrested in the night of Friday to Saturday.

The man who is in custody because of the disappearance of nine-year-old Gino van der Straeten is 'currently' suspected of kidnapping. The suspect is said to be 22-year-old Donny M. from Geleen, although the police cannot yet confirm this. The man is known to the police and the judiciary, but lawyer Sjanneke de Crom does not want to elaborate on that. "This man is my client, but I will not go into this or previous cases," she told L1.

The man was arrested in the night of Friday to Saturday and has been heard by the police. The police are now busy investigating in and around the place where the man was arrested. A green strip with a playground near the Opbraakstraat is currently blocked off. Officers and detectives are combing the area.

Reporter Frank Moonen reports that the body was found on the border of the garden where the suspect was arrested, and a green strip. He also reports that the house where the body was found had been unoccupied for several weeks after a fire.
Fire was two weeks ago, probable cause is that they were growing cannabis.

That was quite a fire. Started in the garage IMO, and also affected the adjacent garage and the side of the neighbouring house.

i wonder how he managed to go back into that house? Usually, after a fire and after the find of a hemp plantation, the premises are locked and secured.

The fire was on May 17, hardly 2 weeks ago. No wonder he already had a lawyer.

After a suspect was arrested in the investigation into the disappearance of Gino van der Straeten, a body was found this morning at a house in Geleen, police said in a statement. Police believe it is the body of the missing boy, but they were still investigating at the scene late Saturday morning.
The man that’s arrested, Donny M….. (not hard to find his real name) is so young, only 22. What’s wrong with people.
And how suspicious hanging around THAT house, being so damaged, at 4 in the morning.
Reporter Jermaine Ellenkamp

"We got hold of a suspect towards the end of the afternoon of yesterday. He has been arrested. On the suspect's instructions, we found a body this morning," the police said.

The home of the suspect and the place where #Gino was found are crime scenes. They are still investigating the matter into the night.

On the instructions of the suspect, #Gino has been found. The suspect is currently in custody with restraints, he may only have contact with his lawyer and the investigation team.
OMG. This is terrible! 3 previous SA crimes! How is it possible he was able to act again? What is wrong with the judicial system that allows this sickness to continue? Prayers for Gino’s loved ones.
Godspeed Gino.
Crime Reporter Jolande van der Graaf

Maria from Limburg is certain: her ten-year-old son was almost certainly attacked and almost kidnapped in March this year by Donny M., the suspect arrested today in the horrific case of the murdered boy Gino (9) from Kerkrade. "My son saw M.'s picture on social media this afternoon. He immediately recognised him as one of the occupants of a grey Tesla that tried to overpower him on the street in March. One of, because there were two other men in that Tesla."

Although I have no official confirmation from the police and the OM, I have decided to include Maria's story on my website tonight. Even if it was not Donny M. who tried to kidnap her son at the time, this case is serious enough. For Maria and her child were not taken seriously at all by the police. And if it was Donny M. who struck in Geleen and surroundings in March - possibly with two accomplices - with various kidnapping attempts, then as far as I am concerned it is time for a parliamentary inquiry into the umpteenth investigation scandal in this country.

First, let's go back to yesterday. When Gino from Kerkrade was still missing on Friday morning, I started looking on the Internet. I stumbled across an article dated 29 March on the website of the Limburg broadcaster L1. In it the police asked residents of Geleen and surroundings at the time to be extra alert due to reports of a child molester. Similar reports had also been received from Genhout, Beek about a man who tried to take children from a grey Tesla, the media reported two months ago. The police then reported that the man was armed with a knife and asked residents to report any children being molested.

Could there be a link and could this be the same man who took Gino, my tweet read on Friday morning. After all, there are many similarities: the man who struck in March was targeting boys the same age as Gino. He was armed and apparently did not hesitate to try several times to lure boys from a grey Tesla on the street with his sight. This perpetrator therefore took a lot of risks.


"I was at home that day", Maria remembers. "My son had gone to the football field in our village. Afterwards, he cycled home with a cousin and my younger son. Because he had lost one of his football shoes at some point and his brother and nephew were cycling on, he had fallen a little behind."

At that moment, a grey Tesla suddenly drove up beside the boy. "My son is sure it was a Tesla," Maria continues. One of the three occupants then got out, Maria was later told by her child. "Meanwhile, the man behind the wheel shouted at my child that he would get new football gear if he got in. Thank God my son didn't think twice. He was terrified and cycled home at breakneck speed. The man who had got out of the car ran after him.

Her child came home totally upset, Maria looks back. "He was completely panicking, but nevertheless managed to tell me very clearly what had happened."

After contacting her parents-in-law, Maria decided to call the police that same evening. "I wanted to report it, because I consider an attempted abduction of a child a very serious matter. But the officer I spoke to told me I could not come to the police station because of Corona. I was also told that I could not report the incident. I could only make a report. Because nothing happened to your child,' the officer said. I spoke to the police for ten minutes at most. After that I never heard anything."

Maria did find out that three other children - all boys around ten years old - had also been harassed by men in a grey Tesla.
So that would mean that at least four young boys had been harassed in the same area at that time by a group of perpetrators in the same car.


I've skipped some paragraphs from Jolande van der Graaf's report, because contrary to what she apparently claims, LE did not remain passive.

Politie vraagt om alertheid na melding kinderlokker met mes MARCH 29, 2022

The police are asking for extra alertness from Geleen residents after a report of a child molester. Reports of a child molester in Genhout in the municipality of Beek are also shared on social media.

The report came in last Wednesday, a police spokesperson told L1. The child molester would have a knife in his car.

"The district agent uses the information in the neighbourhood and talks about it with local residents. We ask for extra alertness and for people or children who have experienced something to report it. We do not yet have a description", according to the police.

According to reports on social media, the child molester would drive a grey Tesla near schools and playgrounds. In these places he would ask children to get into his car. There are already many warnings on social media.

Online, several parents claim to have informed the police after one of their children became a victim. Yet that does not always seem to be the case: the police say they have only received one report.


No grey Tesla has been mentioned in connection with suspect Donny M yet, AFAIK
Crime Reporter Jolande van der Graaf

Maria from Limburg is certain: her ten-year-old son was almost certainly attacked and almost kidnapped in March this year by Donny M., the suspect arrested today in the horrific case of the murdered boy Gino (9) from Kerkrade. "My son saw M.'s picture on social media this afternoon. He immediately recognised him as one of the occupants of a grey Tesla that tried to overpower him on the street in March. One of, because there were two other men in that Tesla."

Although I have no official confirmation from the police and the OM, I have decided to include Maria's story on my website tonight. Even if it was not Donny M. who tried to kidnap her son at the time, this case is serious enough. For Maria and her child were not taken seriously at all by the police. And if it was Donny M. who struck in Geleen and surroundings in March - possibly with two accomplices - with various kidnapping attempts, then as far as I am concerned it is time for a parliamentary inquiry into the umpteenth investigation scandal in this country.

First, let's go back to yesterday. When Gino from Kerkrade was still missing on Friday morning, I started looking on the Internet. I stumbled across an article dated 29 March on the website of the Limburg broadcaster L1. In it the police asked residents of Geleen and surroundings at the time to be extra alert due to reports of a child molester. Similar reports had also been received from Genhout, Beek about a man who tried to take children from a grey Tesla, the media reported two months ago. The police then reported that the man was armed with a knife and asked residents to report any children being molested.

Could there be a link and could this be the same man who took Gino, my tweet read on Friday morning. After all, there are many similarities: the man who struck in March was targeting boys the same age as Gino. He was armed and apparently did not hesitate to try several times to lure boys from a grey Tesla on the street with his sight. This perpetrator therefore took a lot of risks.


"I was at home that day", Maria remembers. "My son had gone to the football field in our village. Afterwards, he cycled home with a cousin and my younger son. Because he had lost one of his football shoes at some point and his brother and nephew were cycling on, he had fallen a little behind."

At that moment, a grey Tesla suddenly drove up beside the boy. "My son is sure it was a Tesla," Maria continues. One of the three occupants then got out, Maria was later told by her child. "Meanwhile, the man behind the wheel shouted at my child that he would get new football gear if he got in. Thank God my son didn't think twice. He was terrified and cycled home at breakneck speed. The man who had got out of the car ran after him.

Her child came home totally upset, Maria looks back. "He was completely panicking, but nevertheless managed to tell me very clearly what had happened."

After contacting her parents-in-law, Maria decided to call the police that same evening. "I wanted to report it, because I consider an attempted abduction of a child a very serious matter. But the officer I spoke to told me I could not come to the police station because of Corona. I was also told that I could not report the incident. I could only make a report. Because nothing happened to your child,' the officer said. I spoke to the police for ten minutes at most. After that I never heard anything."

Maria did find out that three other children - all boys around ten years old - had also been harassed by men in a grey Tesla.
So that would mean that at least four young boys had been harassed in the same area at that time by a group of perpetrators in the same car.


I've skipped some paragraphs from Jolande van der Graaf's report, because contrary to what she apparently claims, LE did not remain passive.

Politie vraagt om alertheid na melding kinderlokker met mes MARCH 29, 2022

The police are asking for extra alertness from Geleen residents after a report of a child molester. Reports of a child molester in Genhout in the municipality of Beek are also shared on social media.

The report came in last Wednesday, a police spokesperson told L1. The child molester would have a knife in his car.

"The district agent uses the information in the neighbourhood and talks about it with local residents. We ask for extra alertness and for people or children who have experienced something to report it. We do not yet have a description", according to the police.

According to reports on social media, the child molester would drive a grey Tesla near schools and playgrounds. In these places he would ask children to get into his car. There are already many warnings on social media.

Online, several parents claim to have informed the police after one of their children became a victim. Yet that does not always seem to be the case: the police say they have only received one report.


No grey Tesla has been mentioned in connection with suspect Donny M yet, AFAIK

Jolande van der Graaf has added the reaction of two former police investigators to her report:

"If I had still worked for the police, I would definitely have made an official report," former investigator Peter Staal responds. "After all, there is an attempt to kidnap once the execution has started. And that is certainly the case in this matter involving Maria's son. I don't know why it hasn't happened. Incomprehensible."

Former detective Dick Gosewehr - with whom I have been investigating unsolved cases for years and wrote the book 'Moordsporen' - is also crystal clear about it. "There were sufficient reasons for the police to take up reports in March and to start investigating. It is ridiculous that this did not happen. Even when a child in such a setting is only asked to accompany someone, that ground is already there. And if the case does have a different, innocent background, then a suspect can explain that. Moreover, regardless of whether it was suspect M. or not: prevention is better than cure. But here, what so often happens, has happened again. The police already had an opinion on the matter, without doing any investigation first. Very bad."

The Prosecutor's Office in Limburg - that is investigating the Gino case - could not be reached for comment on Sunday afternoon.


A grey Tesla in the area, how difficult can it be?

Meanwhile, if only a %% of the rumours on social media has some truth in it, the judicial system once again failed to protect society and vulnerable boys like Gino from repeat offenders like Donny M.
'Gino-verdachte' eerder veroordeeld voor kindermisbruik

The case of Gino (9), who went missing and was later killed, is not the first case in which the name of Donny M. (22) turns up as a suspect. He was already convicted in 2017 of sexually abusing and assaulting two young boys in Sittard.

This has emerged from documents held by L1 and conversations with parties involved. Phil Boonen, lawyer of one of the victims, confirms the conviction.

In December of that year, the judge in Maastricht sentenced M. to almost five months' juvenile detention and, on top of that, clinical treatment at the Catamaran in Eindhoven, an institution that provides mental health care to young people up to 23 years old.

At the time, Donny was also threatened with a three-year placement in a juvenile correctional facility, but this measure was imposed conditionally.
Later on, he would find the police on his trail more often for, for example, driving without a license. On Tuesday or Wednesday, the young man in his twenties will be brought before the investigating judge in the Gino case.


I've amended this post with new info.
Last edited:
Politie dringend op zoek naar dashcambeelden onderzoek Gino

Police urgently looking for dashcam images in investigation Gino

Kerkrade / Geleen - The police request special cooperation in obtaining images in the investigation into the death of Gino. The police are urgently looking for dashcam images and images from other fixed camera positions overlooking the public road and which were made between June 1, 2022 at 18:50 and 19:30.

The police are asking motorists, bus drivers and others for images showing a blue Volkswagen type Lupo.
If you have images between the times mentioned and on the route and places indicated, we urge you to share these images with the police.

This specifically concerns images of 1 June 2022 from 18:50, the area of the Zonstraat/Hertogenlaan Kerkrade from (the place where Gino was last seen), the area of the car park of swimming pool the Bende (the place where a scooter was found), images in the area of the district "Landgraaf" in Geleen and public roads between these locations.
It is important to check whether a blue Volkswagen Lupo can be seen on the images in question.

Route camera request

Zonstraat, Kerkrade ( about 18.50h)
Sint Pieterstraat, Kerkrade
Roderlandbaan, Kerkrade
Dentgenbachweg, Kerkrade
N300 (Ring Parkstad) Northbound.
Hoogstraat, Landgraaf
In de bende, Landgraaf (approx. 19.00h)
N300 (Ring Parkstad) Northern direction.
N276 direction Windraak
Provincialeweg Noord, Doenrade
Windraak, Windraak
Windrakerberg, Windraak
Middenweg, Sittard-Geleen
Westelijke Randweg, Sittard-Geleen
Laan van Algarve, Sittard-Geleen
Elsenburglaan, Sittard-Geleen
Steenbergstraat, Sittard-Geleen
Maaslaan, Sittard-Geleen
Amerstraat, Sittard-Geleen (at about 19.30h)

Memebers of the public can share images with the police via


So Gino was driving a Blue VW Lepo. No grey Tesla in this incident?

Maybe the Tesla was a rental earlier?

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