Netherlands - Gino van der Straeten, 9, didn't return from playground, found deceased, Kerkrade, 1 Jun 2022 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
So Gino was driving a Blue VW Lepo. No grey Tesla in this incident?

Maybe the Tesla was a rental earlier?

If the grey Tesla was a rental, the person who rented it was obliged to give his personal details, and would be easily traceable.
It is not known to whom the Tesla belonged. The neighbours of Donny M. never mentioned it.
Tesla is an expensive car.
Volkswagen Lupo (in production from 1998 - 2005) is still available second hand, a Lupo from 1999 / 2000 will cost you +/- 1000 - 1500 euros.
Donny M. allegedly lost his job recently, a fuel-efficient and cheap second hand car would fit his profile better IMO.
If the grey Tesla was a rental, the person who rented it was obliged to give his personal details, and would be easily traceable.
It is not known to whom the Tesla belonged. The neighbours of Donny M. never mentioned it.
Tesla is an expensive car.
Volkswagen Lupo (in production from 1998 - 2005) is still available second hand, a Lupo from 1999 / 2000 will cost you +/- 1000 - 1500 euros.
Donny M. allegedly lost his job recently, a fuel-efficient and cheap second hand car would fit his profile better IMO.
Yes, I agree.

I am just trying to piece together whether the earlier attempted incidents with young boys by the Tesla occupants, involved this same suspect or not.
Wie houdt toezicht op veroordeelde zedendelinquenten zoals verdachte (22) van dood Gino?

Who supervises convicted sex offenders like the suspect (22) in death of Gino?

The 22-year old Donny M. from Geleen who is suspected of being involved in the death of the nine-year old Gino from Kerkrade, was previously convicted for sexual abuse and maltreatment of two boys. Who actually supervises former sex offenders?


The appartment of Donny M. in Geleen.

Assuming that during the trial it turns out that Donny M. is indeed involved in the death of Gino, Richard Korver, who as a lawyer assists victims and suspects in vice cases, can tell a few things.

"If it turns out that he is the perpetrator, we can say that the supervision has not had the desired effect,"
Korver says. The lawyer is also chairman of the LANGZS Foundation, a national lawyers' network for victims of violence and sexual abuse.

At the age of 17, the now 22-year-old M. was sentenced to almost five months' juvenile detention and youth tbs, a treatment in an institution for young people. According to Korver, this is a severe measure that fits a serious crime.

The compulsory treatment is intended to protect society against someone who has committed a crime because he suffers from a pathological disorder. The treatment consists of all kinds of therapies. Gradually, the convict is given more freedom. This might involve supervised living, for example, and later a more open residential setting, with or without treatment.

Sometimes the probation service, which provides supervision, attaches conditions to this freedom. Someone is no longer allowed to be in a certain area, he gets an ankle bracelet or he has to report for therapy three times a week, for example. This is all tailor-made, different for each individual case.

"The supervision is tough," says Korver. "Psychologists and psychiatrists are watching." The probation service determines how long the supervision is needed. "At some point it's finished. A convicted person does not remain under supervision indefinitely."

The probation office itself states that Donny M. is not known to that organisation. According to spokesperson Stephanie van Erve, this does not have to mean that there is no supervision at all, because that supervision could also lie with the juvenile probation service. Korver says that he has heard about the latter. "But I don't know whether that has ended in the meantime." The executor of the juvenile probation service mentioned by Korver could not provide any clarity about this on Monday evening.

According to local residents, Donny M. came to live on the Dommelstraat in the Geleen district of Landgraaf seven months ago. His flat is about fifty metres from where Gino's body was found. According to local residents, he showed eccentric behaviour and led a reclusive life. From the beginning, he had taped up his windows with newspapers. He also hung up cameras. According to the residents, it was known in the neighbourhood that Donny had come into contact with the police several times.

Municipalities are primarily responsible for housing. According to Van Erve of Reclassering Nederland, a mayor therefore knows that someone who has been convicted of a sex offence is coming to live in the municipality.
"After all, he or she is responsible for public order. Eventually, someone who has served his or her sentence returns to society. That is how we have regulated it in the Netherlands."


"If it turns out that he is the perpetrator, we can say that the supervision has not had the desired effect"

really? who would have thought....
Donny M. toonde als tiener al zorgwekkend gedrag: ’De duivel zit in die jongen’

Suspect Donny M. had sexually violated children before
Donny M. already showed worrying behaviour as a teenager: 'The devil lives in that boy'

Geleen - How can a boy with such an innocent and shy expression be capable of such atrocities? Locals in Geleen are still upset about the tragedy that hit their town in recent days. They call their neighbour Donny M., suspect in the case of the death of 9-year-old Gino, a strange type. "He never looked straight at you."

Donny M. did not spend his childhood with his real parents, but with foster parents, several sources tell De Telegraaf. His foster mother would have run a childcare centre in the tree district of Sittard, and in those days - Donny was still a young teenager - it was already clear that he showed strongly deviant and worrying behaviour. In the years that followed, it only went downhill, with the provisional low point being his arrest in 2017 when, as a 17-year-old, he lured two young boys into a stairwell, where he mistreated and abused them.

Marja Rullens is the mother of one of them. She realises after Gino's body was found in the Opbraakstraat, after days of searching for him, that her own son escaped death. "They got tape on their mouth and a blindfold", the 49-year old from Sittard describes the sadistic actions of M. One boy had to drop his trousers and perform sexual acts, she adds in shivers.

The two boyfriends had been persuaded to come and see a three-legged dog belonging to a handicapped local resident. They managed to escape after her son, seven years of age at the time, deliverd a hard kick in the crotch of M,, and they jumped down from a great height. "My child could also have been lying dead near that house", the emotional mother is well aware.

Lawyer Phil Boonen of Staan Advocaten confirms that the woman was assisted in the case by a colleague of his. M. was quickly arrested five years ago, mainly because everyone knew who the owner was of a dog that was missing a leg. In December of that year, the court in Maastricht sentenced the juvenile to a three-year conditional placement in a juvenile detention centre. He also received almost five months' juvenile detention and clinical treatment at an institution in Eindhoven.

During the trial, it was mentioned that M. had numerous problems and that he was personally in a lot of trouble. Marja remembers that his foster parents mentioned that he 'could not be left alone'. "Things like ADHD, autism have been discussed." With his foster parents he is not in the right place: he is described as neglected. And as someone who does not let punishment stop him. "A long treatment was badly needed", Marja remembers. "But that did not happen. With all its consequences.

Neighbours of the house on the Dommelstraat, where he was dragged out of his house with a hood over his head on Saturday morning ten minutes past four because he was in the picture in the Gino case, describe him as a strange type, with whom you hardly had any contact. "He never looked directly at you," said neighbourhood father Stefan. "I just got a bad feeling about it. Look, I'm 61 years old, and at a certain point you can feel what someone is like. He always looked neat and tidy. Clean-shaven, his hair nicely trimmed. But in the meantime..." On his Facebook page, M. says that he worked for a company as an international lorry driver. Neighbours say that he was no longer employed there. "He had a different job every time. He never stayed in a job for long."

At the football field in Kerkrade, where Gino was taken, on Monday it was full of flowers and teddy bears. Residents there realise that it is difficult to recognise a child abuser. "It's not always dirty old men with grey hair waiting behind a tree," says Peter. "Even if someone looks so normal, it doesn't mean anything." About Donny, he says: "The devil must live inside him."

The police will have to find out if M. acted alone, or if he had help. Especially after a warning was issued in the region in May. Police officers were extra alert after a report of a child molester. A man had allegedly asked children to get into a grey Tesla. Two parents wrote about it on social media: 'It happened to my son who came home completely panicked', one of them reported. Whether the incident with the plug-in car will be included in the investigation is something the police cannot say because of the ongoing investigation, but a spokeswoman says it is certainly 'possible' that several people may be in the picture. "Everything that is of importance to the investigation will be included," she says. For the time being, the investigation is focusing solely on M.


His foster mother would have run a childcare centre in the tree district of Sittard, and in those days - Donny was still a young teenager - it was already clear that he showed strongly deviant and worrying behaviour.

The strongly deviant behaviour is alluded to, but not specified in this report. If the rumours on social media are true, Donny M. would have sexually assaulted the very young children at the daycare centre when he, Donny, was only 12 years of age. I'm waiting for these details to be confirmed in the MSM. If confirmed, it beggars belief how he got away with it, the alleged facts are deeply disturbing.
Here's the story with specific details, via Welingelichte Kringen, based on a publication by Het Laatste Nieuws, a Belgian news outlet

Donny M. (22) maakte als 12-jarige al een slachtoffer in kinderopvang -

"I haven't slept a wink last night", says a woman from Sittard to Het Laatste Nieuws. Her son was in the care of Donny M's foster mother 10 years ago. "My son first went to that centre when he was 3.5 months old. That was convenient because I worked night shifts."
Shortly before his first birthday, the mother noticed something was wrong. "When I went to pick him up his genitals were sometimes irritated. I reported it. The childcare agency then immediately started an investigation. Donny confessed almost immediately." According to the woman, Donny M. confessed that he was very curious sexually, but that his foster parents did not help him. "So he went to investigate on his own", says the woman. She speaks of several victims, both boys and girls, all under four years of age. Officially, nobody wants to confirm this.

The mother is very firm. "Donny was too young to be punished. Everyone advised me not to take any further steps. I had to console myself with the fact that his foster mother was no longer allowed to take care of children and therefore Donny would not be able to do it again."

She feels guilty now: wouldn't there have been a fatality if she had sounded the alarm even louder back then?


Donny M. was 12 years of age at the time.
Verdachte zaak Gino verdacht van moord, voor onderzoek naar Pieter Baan Centrum

Suspect in Gino case, suspected of murder, sent to forensic Pieter Baan Centre for examination

The pre-trial detention of the 22-year-old man from Geleen who is suspected of the murder of 9-year-old Gino van der Straeten has been extended.

The examining magistrate decided so on Tuesday afternoon after the arraignment, according to the District Court in Maastricht. The magistrate also ordered that the suspect must be examined by the Pieter Baan Centre [ PBC is a forensic psychiatric observation clinic ].

Donny M. is also suspected of kidnapping Gino. The man from Geleen was arrested early Saturday morning and told the police where Gino's body was. He is still under restrictions, which means that he is only allowed to speak to his lawyer and that all parties involved (police, judiciary and lawyer) remain silent towards the outside world. The police are investigating whether more people may have been involved in the abduction and death of Gino and have appealed to the public to share images of a blue Volkswagen Lupo, the car in which M. was allegedly driving, on a specific route between Kerkrade, where Gino disappeared, and Geleen. There, Gino's body was found on Saturday at the direction of the suspect, a stone's throw from M.'s flat. At this stage of the investigation, the Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) cannot say whether there are concrete indications of the involvement of more than one person.

M. was already convicted in 2017, at the age of 17, of raping a young boy and assaulting the friend of that boy whom he had lured into an apartment complex. He was found to have diminished mental capacity and received almost five months' juvenile detention and compulsory treatment in a mental health institution during the two-year probationary period. The experts deemed placement "in an institution for juveniles appropriate to prevent the suspect from terminating his treatment prematurely, as had happened several times in the past," the verdict states. M. had already been convicted before for assault, it appears from the judgement.

In June 2017, according to the experts, M. was a 'seriously damaged young man'. The risk of repetition was estimated as 'moderate'. The verdict also states that Donny M. was 'neglected and badly damaged' in his youth. A psychiatrist and a psychologist who examined Donny diagnosed an autism spectrum disorder, a reactive attachment disorder, attention problems and ADHD. There is an antisocial development, but there are no clear indications of psychosexual problems'. Furthermore, according to the experts, M. could not live without supervision and hardly learned anything from punishment. This was confirmed by the foster parents. It is not clear whether the supervision was terminated or was still ongoing.


So, even before he was 17, Donny M. had already been convicted of assault before AND he had received therapy treatment, which he had interrupted several times. o_O
Donny M. na misbruiken jongen in 2017: 'Dom van mezelf'

Donny M. after molesting boy in 2017: 'Stupid of me'.

An incident, once but never again. That's how Donny M. (22) viewed the abuse of a ten-year-old boy in Sittard in 2017.
What happened that summer to the man who is now suspected of abducting and killing Gino (9) from Kerkrade?

L1 has reviewed all of Donny's 2017 interrogations with the police, as well as related documents.

It was October 1999 when Donny was born in Sittard. His mother was a drug addict and as a result her son came into the world with an addiction. Nineteen months later he was placed in a foster family in Sittard. The years that followed were tough. Donny, who struggled with autism and ADHD, was supervised by a psychologist from AmaCura in Geleen and a psychiatrist in Kerkrade.

Also the care office Talent supervised Donny and at the Xaveriusschool in Sittard he received special care. After school, he was taken to Odigos, an after-school care centre for children 'with a care requirement'. His foster mother would later tell the police that Donny could not be left alone for a moment. "He is constantly up to something," she said.

When Donny was fifteen, his biological father died at the age of 52. Even then he barely had had anycontact with his father. The last contact with his mother dates from 2014. She moved to Rotterdam. "My mother says things that are not true and makes promises that she does not keep," Donny explained to the police.

On 28 June 2017, the then underage Donny went with his foster parents and foster brother to visit a family friend in the Sittard district of Limbrichterveld. After watching the football match between Portugal and Chile, Donny suggested walking the family friend's dog. It was while walking the dog that he encountered two underage boys.

The boys would later state that they had been lured along by Donny, the young man from Sittard claimed during interrogations that they had simply walked with him. Be that as it may, the encounter ended with the abuse of one of the boys. The victim claimed to have been forced into oral sex. Donny stated that he made the boy perform sexual acts and hit his penis against the victim's lip, but that oral sex was not involved.

Donny admitted to the police that he had more or less threatened the boys. "I told them that if they told anything, scary men would come." And on the incident itself: "I think it was stupid of me, shouldn't have done it." He also told the vice squad that he was worried about his parents. "I know they're not doing well, they're very shocked."

In that regard, history has repeated itself. Just like in 2017, his foster parents are drawn into a criminal case in which 'their' Donny is a suspect. In the Gino case, the parents are actually being subject to serious threats.
Remarkable, because in 2017 it was Donny's foster mother who made partly incriminating statements about her foster son. She explained to the police how she saw Donny peeping through the bushes at the later victims.

A justidicial spokeswoman did not want to make any announcements about possible protection for Donny's parents.

Inspectie buigt zich over Donny M.: ‘We gaan na welke organisatie wanneer betrokken was’

The Justice and Security Inspectorate (JenV) is going to check which organisation was involved, and when, with Donny M., the suspect in the murder of 9-year-old Gino van der Straeten. Based on this information, the agency will decide whether an investigation is necessary into how agencies dealt with the sex offender, a spokesperson confirms to this site.

In the past ten years, numerous (care) organisations and institutions have been involved in the treatment and supervision of the now 22-year old Donny M. Because the suspect has a history of vice and a whole series of disorders, the question arises among relatives and experts how it is possible that within five years after abusing a young child M. could once again be living in a neighbourhood full of young families.

Experts stated in a report that the suspect can't actually live without supervision, and that he hardly learns anything from punishment. His foster parents endorsed this: they stated a few years ago that M. 'actually cannot be left alone'. In short, there is a description of a seriously damaged young man, who is in a state of diminished responsibility and who urgently needs treatment.

In the meantime, Gino's surviving relatives are greatly perplexed. 'How is it possible that such a monster can walk around freely?' a woman lamented at the silent march in Kerkrade, speaking on behalf of the family. 'Why does it have to go so wrong before politicians in the Netherlands wake up?'

It is known that Donny M. was under supervision of the William Schrikker Foundation, a national institution for youth protection, youth probation and foster care until at least December 2019. The foundation focuses on children with a disability or chronic illness. After his conviction for a sex offence, M. was required to report to William Schrikker 'as often and as long as possible' during his probationary period, as long as the probation service deemed this necessary. He was also expected to cooperate with outpatient treatment and/or assisted living.

It is not clear how exactly this process went and whether Donny was indeed strictly monitored after his treatment. The youth probation and the GGZ in Eindhoven, that treated Donny after his conviction, do not want to react. 'This is a tragic event that leaves no one unmoved. Also within our organisation we were horrified to hear the news,' is the only thing they want to say in Eindhoven.

Donny remained in the picture at Xonar Foster Care until 2017. After his conviction, they do not know what happened to him. 'We never had any feedback either,' a spokesman says. According to research by this site, Donny has led a turbulent life in recent years. If you make a list of all the little incidents, conflicts, fires, thefts and other law-breaking in which Donny M. was involved, the list is endless, his acquaintances say.

In his teens, Donny received guidance from care agency Talent and at the Xaverius school in Sittard he followed special education. After school, he went to Odigos, an after-school care centre for children 'with a need for care'. Furthermore, he was still under treatment of a psychiatrist in Kerkrade and of a psychologist of AmaCura in Geleen.

An investigation is needed to establish whether the institutions involved have failed to take action. One of the organisations involved hinted by telephone earlier today that they expect a phone call from the Justice and Safety Inspectorate (JenV) soon. 'I do expect that,' according to a spokesperson.

JenV Inspectorate supervises implementing organisations in the area of justice and security. There is also the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ), which supervises the quality and safety of care and youth assistance in the Netherlands. A spokesperson could not give a reaction today.

In the investigation into the death of 9-year-old Gino, the police are looking into the possible involvement of other suspects in his abduction and death. That is what a police spokesperson said when asked. She could not or would not say anything further.

The police have now received several images from dash cams and other image carriers. The police asked for 'special cooperation' from the public in obtaining images in the investigation into the death of Gino. Specifically, this concerns images in which a blue Volkswagen Lupo can be seen.

This concerns images of the public road taken on Wednesday 1 June between 18:50 and 19:30. They include images of the area around Zonstraat and Hertogenlaan in Kerkrade, where Gino was last seen. In addition, images are requested of the area around the swimming pool In de Bende in Landgraaf, where a scooter was found, and the area around De Landgraaf in Geleen, as well as the public roads between these locations.


An investigation is needed to establish whether the institutions involved have failed to take action.

Let me guess what the outcome of that investigation will be.... we have seen it all before.
I closely followed the Confederacy of Dunces in the case of Anne Faber, murdered by a dangerous man who could go unsupervised as he pleased because he was being prepared for his return to society.
If you haven't heard about this case, the link goes below, it isn't happy reading.

Found Deceased - Netherlands - Anne Faber, 25, Utrecht, 28 Sept 2017 *Arrest*

After Anne Faber, the Dutch PM promised the system would be repaierd, improved. Nothing has happened.
There needs to be a way to objectively confirm a person has an irresistible compulsion to victimize others - especially the defenseless. This guy would have known that he would definitely go down hard for something like this. Is it because the compulsion is irresistible? Or is it because the penalties are inadequate and to him the risk was actually worth the sick reward?
Donny M. óók veroordeeld voor poging doodslag: gooide zware tegel van viaduct naar auto

Donny M. also convicted of attempted manslaughter: threw heavy paving stone from flyover onto car

Donny M. was found guilty of attempted manslaughter two years before his conviction for abuse in 2017. He threw a heavy paving stone from a viaduct in Sittard towards a car. Because experts said he was mentally disabled, the judge limited the punishment to 100 hours of community service, of which 50 hours were suspended.

This emerges from a ruling by the District Court of Limburg that De Limburger requested. Donny M. (22), suspected of kidnapping and killing Gino van der Straeten (9), was 15 years old at the time. In April 2015, he threw a paving stone from the viaduct on the Rijksweg-Zuid in Sittard at a car in which a woman was sitting. Donny M. stated that there was no intent and that he had thrown the stone behind the car. The victim, however, stated that the pavement stone had fallen just in front of the car and that she had escaped with shock. The judge considered her statement to be the most credible. The indictment stated that the accused intended to 'deliberately take the victim's life'.

Besides attempted manslaughter, Donny M. was also charged with possession of a 'torch in the form of a bludgeon.' However, the judge did not take this into account in his punishment. He stated that it could not be proven that Donny M. knew that he could use the torch as a weapon.

The public prosecutor demanded 180 hours of community service, of which 100 hours were suspended. In determining this punishment, he took into account the fact that according to experts, Donny M. was 'less accountable'. He based this on a report that states that the suspect has an 'autism spectrum disorder and an attention deficit disorder'. Moreover, he is 'weakly gifted' and 'very vulnerable'. The judge then reduced the punishment to 100 hours of community service, of which 50 hours were suspended. He did this because Donny M. showed remorse during the hearing and had not been sentenced before by the juvenile court.

The judge also ordered that Donny M. should be placed under supervision of the William Schrikker Foundation, the youth probation service. He was given a probation period of two years, which began in September 2015, during which time he was not allowed to transgress. But he did. In June 2017, he assaulted two children aged 10 and 7 in Sittard and abused one of them. M. was later sentenced to 139 days' juvenile detention and youth psychiatric treatment. Donny M. also came under supervision of the juvenile probation service, again for two years.

One and a half weeks ago, on Saturday morning 4 June at 04.10 a.m., M. was arrested in his house in the Geleen neighbourhood of Landgraaf. He then gave the police directions as to where Gino's lifeless body lay, fifty metres away, behind a burnt-out house. Donny M. is now suspected of the kidnapping and murder of Gino. He will be brought before the court again on Thursday.

Justitie voegt bezit kinderporno toe aan verdenking Donny M.

The Public Prosecution Service has extended the indictment against Donny M. (22). Besides the suspicion of kidnapping and killing the nine-year-old Gino, the Sittard native is now also suspected of possession of child po rnography.
Various sources have told this in conversation with L1.


Should we really be surprised? Of course no one in the system saw it coming.
L1mburg Centraal: Donny M. verdacht van bezit kinderporno

Donny M., the 22-year old man who is suspected of abducting and murdering the 9-year old Gino van de Straeten, is now also suspected of possessing child po-rnography. With this charge, the Justice department expanded the charges against Donny M. today. The suspect appeared before in court, which ruled that Donny M. must remain in pre-trial detention for at least three months longer.


Not making spelling mistakes here, but certain words are apparently banned or *advertiser censored* .... dear advertisers, this is a crime forum and child abuse does happen, no censoring of words will prevent or solve that.

I sincerely hope that this new charge has nothing to do with the abduction an murder of Gino.
Herhaalde oproep voor camerabeelden onderzoek Gino

Repeat call for camera images investigation Gino

Kerkrade - In the investigation into the disappearance and death of Gino van der Straeten, the initial focus was on finding the 9-year-old boy. Now that a suspect has been arrested, the investigation continues unabated. With the discovery of Gino's body and the arrest of the 22-year-old suspect, the investigation team's attention shifted from finding Gino to finding out exactly what has happened since he went missing.

A timeline is an absolute priority in this respect. In order to complete this timeline, an appeal was made earlier for various camera images. This concerned images of the place where Gino was last seen, the place where his scooter was later found and the place where his body was finally found.

The appeal resulted in various images. Most of them were of the area around the playground in Kerkrade. However, in order to be able to draw up the timeline as carefully and specifically as possible, the investigation team would still like to receive previously unavailable visual material. In addition, this new request is broader than the one made in the first instance. The earlier call for images showing a blue Volkswagen Lupo has been extended to include images not showing this car.

The time frame has also been extended. Where initially images were requested from 18.50 to 19.30 hours, this starting time has been extended to 18.30 hours. This means that the investigation team is not only zooming in on the suspect's vehicle, but there may also be people on the video who have seen or heard something but have not yet reported it. For example, because they are not aware that their observation can be valuable for the timeline.


Camera images from both facades and, for example, dash cams, are often only kept for a certain period of time. In addition, the passage of time also influences the memories of witnesses. It has therefore been decided to make this appeal one more time and to intensively carry out a neighbourhood investigation once more on Thursday. Residents in Kerkrade have already been approached several times to tell their story about what they may have seen or heard. Today, they will be approached again on a large scale. This will ensure that the investigation is carried out as carefully as possible and that the investigation team can be sure that they have all the available information and images at their disposal.

Police are visiting the groundfoor appartment of the suspect again after alleged break in. Neighbours say the police-seal had been broken. Dutch news-article.

Politie onderzoekt inbraak in flat van Donny M., verdacht van ontvoering en moord op Gino (9)


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