GUILTY Netherlands - Jos Brech, 55, wanted for murder, Vosges (Fr) winter 2018

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No new allegations against Jos Brech

The police in Poland and the Netherlands have not received any allegations against Jos Brech, who is suspected of involvement in the death of Nicky Verstappen. The police and the judiciary in Poland and the Netherlands report this to this website.

"There is no information to indicate that he committed a crime here, no alarming signals have been received," according to a Polish police spokesman in the region around Krakow. Brech regularly stayed there with various scouting clubs after he was sent away from the Dutch scouting. Last week, possible Polish victims and their parents were asked to report to the authorities, but nothing has happened so far. This week the Polish police will send a file to the Dutch criminal investigation containing all known information about Brechs stay in Poland. "We do so via Interpol."

The Dutch police tipline received no less than 1600 tips about the suspect in the Nicky Verstappen case. But here neither were any reports or allegations of other criminal offences, a spokesman for the Public Prosecutor in Maastricht says. Brech was active for years in scouting associations in South Limburg. He also worked at a childcare centre and a toddlers' playgroup.

In 2002, Brech received an urgent request from a scouting member to leave, when it became known that the Limburger had committed sexual abuse in the past with two boys.

Brech was arrested last week in Spain. Tomorrow afternoon he is expected in the Netherlands. Later this year he will have to answer in court about his DNA found on Nicky's clothing. Nicky disappeared from a youth camp in 1998 at the Brunssummerheide at the age of 11. A day later the boy from Heibloem was found dead in a field more than a kilometre from the campsite. He was probably abused.

Jos Brech bijgestaan door Roethof

Jos Brech, the 55-year-old Dutchman suspected of involvement in the death of 11-year-old Nicky Verstappen in 1998, will be supported by lawyer Gerald Roethof. Brech will be brought before the examining magistrate at the police headquarters in Eindhoven on Friday.

The examining magistrate must then decide whether the evidence against the man is strong enough to keep him in detention for longer. The first public hearing will take place in a few months. Pre-trial hearings always take place behind closed doors.

After the preliminary hearing, Brechs DNA will be taken and the interrogations by investigators will start.
Gerald Roethof, Brech's lawyer, did not want to react yet. Earlier, Roethof defended the woman who threw her baby from the top floor in the Bijenkorf [ store] and then jumped after it, the man who was suspected of having sold deadly white heroin on the street, and he assisted the ex-girlfriend and child of Mitch Henriques, who died in police violence.

Brech arrived at Schiphol on Thursday afternoon around 17.00 hrs with a special flight from Spain. He had been there since his arrest on 27 August. The extradition to the Netherlands took place so quickly because Brech did not object to it.

Jos Brech kende kampplaats De Heikop als zijn broekzak

Jos knew the campingplace De Heikop very well

. Research by 'De Limburger' shows that Brech knew the place where Nicky disappeared as his pocket.

Jos Brech, suspect in the case of Nicky Verstappen and almost twenty years 'accidental passer-by' in the police file, knew the Heikop, where Nicky disappeared, on his thumb. As a fervent scoutingman he spent years at this camp site in Brunssum, thus explaining several sources, including scouting colleagues to the editorial staff of De Limburger.

The question of whether Brech's familiarity with the crime scene was known or could have been known to the police, the OM did not want to answer on Thursday."He knew every path on De Heikop", according to one of the scouting colleagues.

Explorer leader
At the time of Nicky's death, Brech was a scout leader at scouting Welten in neighboring Heerlen. Scouting Welten regularly held training sessions and district competitions at De Heikop, sometimes with overnight accommodation. Brech has always been referred to by the police as an 'accidental passer-by'.

On 12 August 1998 at 00.30 hours at night, a few hours after the discovery of Nicky's body, Brech was held in the vicinity by the Marechaussee. He cycled up and down and drew the attention. His data were noted and in 2001 he was heard twice as a witness. Brech stated that he cycled there to deliver mail for scouting.

According to the scouting leaders, that is an unbelievable story. Scouting Welten had no members in Brunssum or on that side of the Brunssummerheide. The area is also not on the route between the Heerlen district Welten and Brechs residence Simpelveld. "It was a big story", according to one of the leaders from that time.

Former detective Frank Peters, as a policeman not involved in the investigation into the death of Nicky Verstappen, breathed Brech in 2001 at the scouting. Peters, a scouting driver, did so after a warning from a fellow policeman. This week, Peters reported to the criminal investigation that Brech did not deliver any mail in August 1998.

The Heerlenaar speaks of "a lie" of Brech to justify his presence close to Nicky's site.The research management stated earlier that at the time of the scouting inquiries were made whether Brech did indeed deliver letters, which resulted in a confirmation Brech landed at Schiphol yesterday He is assisted by criminal lawyer Gerald Roethof.
Jos Brech blijft in beperking zitten

Jos Brech's lawyer wants to be able to speak more in public about the case concerning the suspect of involvement in the death of Nicky Verstappen. Brech returned Thursday evening from Spain where he had been arrested. He will be brought before the examining magistrate on Friday.

"I'm going to address the restrictions in particular there because I find it bizarre in a case that is so old, where so much is already out on the street and in which the family can and may say anything about the case and I can't do that", said Gerald Roethof on NPO Radio 1.

"A special feature of this case is that without a hearing of the gentleman, the examining magistrate has decided to detain him. This is allowed by law, but it is striking. After that the police will hear him," the lawyer said.

According to Roethof, the media attention puts extra pressure on everyone. "I think that the pressure on the investigation team in particular will be extremely high. There is great pressure to finally deliver results.


Team Roethof here. The attention of the media is bizarre Jos Brech has arrived in the courthouse in Eindhoven!!! .... as if the manhunt is still going on. The only news we will probably get today is that he will remain in custody, and no one expects another outcome.

Also agree with his remarks about the restrictions. Why should these be on the defendant and his lawyer and not on the rest of the world? For instance, HOW does a newspaper get hold of this info:

Jos Brech kende kampplaats De Heikop als zijn broekzak

This week, Peters reported to the criminal investigation that Brech did not deliver any mail in August 1998.

The Heerlenaar speaks of "a lie" of Brech to justify his presence close to Nicky's site


A lawyer would want to react to that ~ why is it that 20 years ago you agreed and now all of a sudden you come up with a different version, after 20 years?

Defense lawyer Gerald Roethof has a reputation of being very good, and nasty at times, he does hide his lack of trust in the legal system.

So here's hoping for a fair trial for Jos Brech.
Jos Brech blijft in beperking zitten

Jos Brech, the man suspected of involvement in the death of Nicky Verstappen, remains in restricted detention. He is not allowed to have any contact with the outside world for the next two weeks, only with his lawyer.

His lawyer Gerald Roethof reported this on the doorstep of the police station in Eindhoven where Brech was heard. Roethof is therefore not allowed to let us know whether Brech is prepared to talk or explain.

Roethof would like to see the restrictions lifted, he calls this decision of the examining magistrate "very annoying". The lawyer calls it "unbalanced", because the police, the judiciary and the van Verstappen family, among others, have brought out a lot about the case, but he is not allowed to do so. "I want to put the image that is depicted of my client into proportion."

The lawyer is not allowed to tell how Brech is doing. "But in general I can tell you that if you are treated like a terrorist, this won't leave anyone unaffected."

The 55-year-old man from Simpelveld is in pre-trial detention for the next two weeks. After that, the court chamber can decide whether to extend the pre-trial detention again, for a maximum of ninety days. After that, he must appear before the judge for a non-substantive hearing.

I guess the police (at that time) never checked his story about delivering mail and JB slipped through their fingers
So maybe the scouting colleagues were never questioned,because JB was not a POI but written down by the Marechausee as passer-by (without that good insight from them his name would never been filed)

And imo,he did know the campingside very well
Don't know if it was an oppertunity crime but if the camp was hold at the same place,same time...well guess he would have known about it

The Belgium profiler (Carine H) in the case has a lot of facts right about the (then unknown) suspect.
I hope she is right about "the quilt feeling" and he comes clean for the family

But I am not his lawyer and I don't have to raise questions or doubts.

To me personally I do think he gets a fair trial,a lot of child abusers /killers,walk free after a few years
Look at Anne Faber,Maartje Pieck,Rowena Rikkers etc etc

Am sure that Jos b will be trailed,based on proven evidence and his lawyer gets his name ranked up

Either way..time will tell...
Insults for lawyer Roethof for defence of Jos Brech

Lawyer Gerald Roethof is receiving insults via the internet because he has taken on the defence of Jos Brech. "If anyeone in the Netherlands needs a lawyer, it is this gentleman,'' 45-year-old Roethof says about his client, who is suspected of the violent death of Nicky Verstappen.

Roethof, who first met Brech in person today, says in Pauw's broadcast that he understands that he 'doesn't make friends' by taking up the defence of Brech. "There are always a few people who want to express their anger." Today Roethof's office received twenty-five hate e-mails. "Yes, that's more than usual," the lawyer agrees.

Roethof is not deterred by the many negative reactions. "If I didn't assist someone out of fear of annoying sentiments or a negative view from the audience, I wouldn't be worth a second glance." The reactions are mainly via the internet. "People no longer come to you, but mail you. No, no threats, but insults."

There also came calls to the office. "A few ugly things were said." Some angry callers sought contact with the wrong office, that of Roethof's sister. The lawyer is not surprised. "When a case concerns the abuse or death of a child, it is very sensitive." That's why it's also important to get clarity quickly, he thinks. "The only question is whether my client can provide that clarity."

Brech is in restrictions and so his counsellor is not allowed to say much about the case. As a result, according to the lawyer, a one-sided view now emerges. "I want to bring the image sketched of my client into proportion. A case always has two sides. At the moment you have only heard one side of the case and I am not allowed to tell you anything about the other side,'' Roethof said earlier this week.

According to the lawyer, 'two sides' of the case should be highlighted, but that is impossible at the moment. He's not even allowed to say how Brech is doing and whether he's willing to talk. "Generally speaking, I can tell you that if you are treated like a terrorist, it won't leave anyone unaffected." This morning Roethof complained about the speech ban.

Despite the negativity and insults, the lawyer, whose office was 'called to assist him', is ready for his client. Whether the restrictions are lifted or not. "There is a lot at stake for the Public Prosecution Service, so I expect a lot of hearings. I try to be there myself, yes, or otherwise good colleagues. He won't be alone.''

According to crime reporter Peter R. de Vries, Roethofs' attitude does not give the impression that Brech shares the suspicion. "The tone is more like: All sorts of claims are being made and I would like to counter them'', according to De Vries who assists the family of Nicky Verstappen. De Vries understands that the lawyer wants to speak freely.

"In recent years and months much has been said and written about the case, the question is how relevant those restrictions are." Roethof endorses the latter at the table on air with Pauw. "Everything is out on the street, what can still frustrate the investigation after twenty years,'' he wonders. In general, Roethof notes that it can be in the interest of the investigation to 'let a suspect talk'.

The mystery of Nicky Verstappen still has not been solved

L1-reporter Jos van den Broek (JB) made an overview of the open questions in a video. Video was shot on a misty day on the Brunsummerheide.

Transcript, translated:

The mystery of Nicky Verstappen still has not been solved.

On a very hot summer day more than twenty years ago, he disappeared here from the Brunsummerheide. And a day and a half later he was found dead.

cause of death

How Nicky died exactly remains unclear. Also after section on his body.
It is clear to the offender expert Carine Hutsebaut (CH), who made an offender profile at the request of the Police and the Prosecutor.

CH: "What I notice is that the child had an abnormally red colour. Which points to carbon monoxide. And that has to be investigated. Because I have other things where-
JB: "Suffocation?"
CH: "Suffocation is not enough, it is breathing in a carbon substance. I have other cases too and then you see it's a copy of Nicky's body. Where was he stuck, somewhere in the boot of a car with a running engine in a garage and did it go wrong there?"

DNA trace

[ reporter assumes that the DNA found originates from sperm. Meanwhile, it has become clear that the DNA stems from a grip-trace. I have not translated this bit. ]


Did the main suspect act alone or not? It looks more and more like he did. But even so, other DNA traces were found near Nicky and also on his body. Police and Prosecutor want to leave no stone unturned now. For the offender expert it is also clear: Jos Brech acted alone

CH: "Sigh. More and more things indicate that this is the case. He is not a man who has friends. Who could help him with crimes like that. To my knowledge he has never been linked to any network, and then the body would not have been found that way either. And there are indications that he had to drag this child all by himself."

last hours

What has Nicky experienced in the last hours of his life? That remains a big mystery. There are three locations that matter. The site where he disappeared from the camp. The spot where he was found dead and the third, unknown location where he was probably abused. The offender expert reads from her offender profile:

CH: "The place of the crime itself is unknown. This may be at the offender's home, but he may just as well have abused this child in a hidden place he knows. In any case, it must be a place where he knows he can proceed undisturbed. This could be a caravan, a weekend home or an empty building in the area. It is unlikely that this would have happened outdoors. There are no traces found anywhere on Nicky's body that indicate being tied up to prevent escape."

The place where Nicky was found is probably not the place where he was abused, only that location was never found. Only main suspect Jos Brech can provide clarity about this, and that is only possible if he is willing to tell his story.


Coming from someone who, in a previous interview, said she could not tell all due to the secrecy of the investigation, this is pretty spectacular.

I am surprised about the red colour and the conclusions she draws. According to the uncle who found Nicky, his body had a bluish colour. Does red turn to blue? Yet she speaks about noticing the red colour.
Also I would be surprised if Jos Brech had a car. It was never mentioned, and he seems to have walked or gone out on his bike all the time. IMHO if a car was used, this would discharge Jos Brech rather than incriminate him.

Don't know what to make of this.
Thank you @ZaZara for the work on the translation
I did read somewhere (don't know exactly where or which source but it was suggested that he also could have been sedated,because of the color of his face and lack of defence wounds)
I don't know but the weather was very hot that day so maybe it could be a sunburn ?

Also in the translation that you posted "CH: "Sigh. More and more things indicate that this is the case. He is not a man who has friends. Who could help him with crimes like that. To my knowledge he has never been linked to any network, and then the body would not have been found that way either. And there are indications that he had to drag this child all by himself."

There seems to be some contradictory reporting about the crime scene
surroundings but it is known that at the beginning of this case,a lot of mistakes were made.
Unfortunately, the grass was mown quickly after the crime (picture:camp site and the crime scene place)

A Crime Scene always tells a specific story. The story of the perpetrator. What are they now?
instructions of quilt feeling in the drama of Nicky Verstappen?
There are no indications of serious acts of violence on the child which could
point out psychopathic elements
Nicky was found fairly quickly, near the camp site
His body was not hidden underbranches, nor was it buried
The perpetrator had to carry the child (at some point in his/her arms or over the shoulder behave (which undeniably required direct physical contact)
Nicky was placed on a very small, closed area of spruce on a very specifically Place
To reach that place,where he was found , the perpetrator had possible to climb/step across barbed wire with a child of =/ 30 kg in his arms

-It looks like he chosen this location because it was fenced and the child in that context,protected

The body was not simply left behind carelessly,but neatly deposited
There are so many elements that indicate a sense of guilt and / or actions that are not
specifically needed in this crime
What I also find very odd,it that 1Limburg first report in 1998,that Nicky was found without any clothing..

And also when I googled about cause of death Nicky Verstappen,this also came up under the search items Maudoortwijn (<known for conspiracy theories)
a comparison is made with the possible cause of death of Sybine Jansons and Nicky Verstappen and similarities
Hi worldwatcher, as far as I can see, this databank is someone's blog and not a verified source. Perhaps you can find the original MSM sources? (MSM = main stream media)
Maud O is a no-go area here too on Websleuths.

The letter by Carine Hutsebaut, published by MSM L1 is a great find!

This has bothered me before. If Nicky was abused at an unknown place, not a building on De Heikop, why did someone bring him back to where he was likely to be found? Why not hide him, across the border, or dig a grave? CH says this is due to feelings of guilt.
Unless of course the place where Nicky was found IS the crime scene and everybody is wrong about the alleged third location. Jos Brech had a bicycle. Would he have carried a sedated or dead 11-year old on his bike to and from a summer house or a caravan, or even 20 kilometers to his home and back to De Heikop?

IMHO if this part of CH's theories holds, there must have been a car involved, and I have yet to read the first thing about Jos Brech having a car at his disposal.

Perry Vermeulen -(journalist,crime reporter) and he is also the host of DNA-databank wordpress
The same contest and also mention of mistakes that were made during the investigation (ATT)
IMO,it does seem correct that a lot of forensic evidence was lost 'the grass was mown quickly after the crime'

Yes..that's why I didn't post Maud O. link here,but thought it was worth a mention...
Soon after Nicky's death, Jos Brech took part in a scouting camp

Less than two weeks after the boy's death, Jos Brech, suspected of involvement in the death of Nicky Verstappen, went on a summer camp of young scouts in Belgium. He helped out for a few days as a guest leader, according to research by De Limburger.

Scouting Sint Hubertus from Nuth stayed from 22 to 29 August 1998 in Ozo in the Belgian Ardennes. Nicky's death was reason enough to bring the tents on that camp closer together, one of the leaders remembers.

The leaders also made additional security rounds. During the camp they talked about the tragic death of Nicky. " And there was Jos among them. Unbelievable."

The week after his stay in the Ardennes, Brech also went on a camp with scouting Welten to Broekhuizen. Brech, whose DNA was found on Nicky Verstappen's clothing, is detained in all restrictions. Brech is not allowed to have any contact with the outside world except with his lawyer.


And apparently, nothing happened.
Idd,like you posted underneath the article
"And apparently,nothing happened"

Seems like the Dutch media is,clutching at straws, now that JB,nor his lawyer can not speak freely about the case.
Exclusive video Jos Brech: a portrait of one of the most mentioned suspects in Dutch history.

He was a bit odd, living in his own world. But also gentle and helpful. 'De Limburger' dived into the past of Jos Brech, the man who is being held in prison for involvement in the death of Nicky Verstappen, twenty years ago.

For a detailed profile, De Limburger spoke with dozens of inhabitants of Simpelveld, with people at the scouting, the preschool and the bushcrafting, where Brech was active. The image of a cool murderer does not arise from this profile in any way.

A friend calls him 'a soft egg'. He leaves the scouting when he admits that he is attracted to boys aged 10 to 14. But nobody says they have ever noticed signals that he would have had a bad intention with children. If Brech was indeed involved in the death of Nicky Verstappen, then according to the people with whom De Limburger was speaking, it must have happened almost by accident.


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