GUILTY Netherlands - Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 #4

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The Netherlands is discussing with its allies an international tribunal to prosecute those suspected of downing a Malaysian airliner over rebel-held eastern Ukraine last year, sources familiar with the discussions have told Reuters.

The chance of a successful prosecution is considered slim at best but the Dutch still hope that, by pushing for a U.N.-style court with the backing of Western allies, they could pressure Russia, whose role in the process is critical, into cooperating.

Of the 298 dead passengers and crew on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, two-thirds were Dutch. With the anniversary of the disaster looming on July 17, the government is under intense pressure to act from a public who mostly believe Russia either shot down the plane or supplied the rocket to those who did.

Two sources in the Netherlands, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said the legal and political complexities of the case had persuaded it to focus on creating an international court backed by the U.N. Security Council, once a multinational investigation finishes and suspects are named.

Asked about the plan, a high-level Dutch government official who also declined to be named told Reuters: "A U.N. tribunal is the best option. We expect that it will provide the greatest chance of cooperation from all countries involved."

A trial in Ukraine itself appears a non-starter, since the pro-Russian rebels are as unlikely to attend as the Russian government, which sympathizes with and influences them but strenuously denies involvement in the incident or the rebellion.

And, while Dutch law provides a form of universal jurisdiction for war crimes, the downing of a civilian airliner during a civil war, possibly by mistake, is not a good legal fit. Malaysia, the flight's destination, is even farther from the crime scene.

Other legal options are still being considered, the sources said, but an international tribunal, rather than a domestic court, is seen as providing the greatest chance of success.


After recovering human remains and wreckage, experts from the Joint Investigative Team -- comprising members from Ukraine, Malaysia, Australia, the United States and Britain -- returned to the crash site on June 15 to "gather evidence to support or eliminate various scenarios".

Experts have cited radio intercepts, photo and video material and satellite imagery as evidence that the rebels shot down MH17 with an advanced BUK missile system that was transported from Russian territory shortly before the incident.

This raises the possibility that Russian nationals could be named in the indictment; the Dutch have not named anyone but say they are looking at all possible avenues of inquiry.


More info about the political and legal games at link

Almost a year after the disaster flight MH17 still no trace of two Dutch victims has been found. Since August 2014, when the first remains of the victims arrived in the Netherlands, forensic experts in the Korporaal Van Oudheusden Kazerne in Hilversum have been working to establish the identity of the victims.

Of almost all samples [of human remains that were located] useful DNA has been compared to that of family members. No DNA of Alex Ploeg (58) from Maarssen and Gary Slok (16) from Maassluis was found.

The Dutch Cabinet promised surviving relatives that the identification process would be finished by July 1. In order to be able to identify the last two victims, the research team of the National Forensic Investigation Team (LTFO) was expanded. To this date with no result.

The surviving relatives of the two victims have received to this day no message from the detective supporting them that their relative has been found. There is no doubt that they were on board. On July 17, moments before departure, Gary Slok uploaded a picture of himself and his mother on the plane on Facebook.

The family of Alex Ploeg have said their farewells to him during the funeral of his wife Edith and son Robert, who were identified in November.


Several samples of DNA will be preserved with an eye on future investigation once advances in technology allow this.

The Telegraph

Igor Girkin, the leader of Russian separatist forces in eastern Ukraine, was on Wednesday formally accused of orchestrating the shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines flight, MH17, in July last year.

A writ filed in Chicago also alleges that Mr Girkin was acting with the blessing of the Kremlin when his forces fired at the Boeing 777 en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

The case has been brought on behalf of the families of 18 of the passengers on board the aircraft, including six Britons.

They are claiming a total of $900 million (£575 million).

In all 298 people died when a missile was fired at the aircraft as it flew over eastern Ukraine.


Myroslava Reginskaya, a spokesman for Igor Girkin, who also goes by the non-de-guerre Igor Strelkov, said the former commander would not be responding to the allegations.

"We have no comment to make and we will not be making a comment in this situation. If these people are idiots then they are idiots," she said.


more at link, with video
Pierre Crom @PierreCrom

100 pro-Russian rebels arrived at the #MH17 crash to secure the area a day prior the commemoration ceremony

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Aric Toler ‏@AricToler

Tomorrow, @MH17Live will recreate the social media reactions to the downing of MH17 in real time via retweets (w/ translations) from locals.

On @Mh17live we will narrate the day via retweets/VK posts from locals, transcripts from SBU intercepts at time of calls, and photos/videos


You can find @MH17Live on

Documenting July 17, 2014, as it happened. Ran by @bellingcat team

MH17 Live ‏@MH17Live

Tomorrow we'll be recreating the events of July 17 as they happened, using open source information to show the truth of what occurred #MH17


The downing of MH17 saw the rise of Eliot Higgins and Bellingcat. I wrote about this before, I saw it happen under my very eyes on Twitter. People from all corners of the world, posting information, pictures, videos and finding one another. Citizen journalists, real journalists, citizen investigators. The path of the BUK was traced, the aircraft reconstructed from pictures of debris before the Dutch Safety Board had even arrived in the area.

Mashable on Bellingcat:

Now I wonder, do I want to relive that day?

My thought are with tha passengers and the crew, with their families and friend and all those who have to live without them.

New video of the aftermath has been released by Australian news media.

Video shows Russian backed rebels inspecting the wreckage and it captures their surprise at discovering that the downed aircraft was a civilian airliner. Already western media such as CNN are tying to spin this video as proof that Russia was involved in the shoot down but I believe it is still inclusive. Even if Russian backed rebels shot down MH-17 the question remains why did air controllers in Kiev route a commercial airliner over an area that they were bombing with their own fighters?
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Today, in a few minutes MH19 will leave from Schiphol Airport to Kuala Lumpur.
Same plane. same time, same destination, only the flightnumber is 19 and not 17.

How sad. How eerie.

(Picture thanks to Erwin Witteveen)

5 minutes to go ........
Picture of MH-19 taking off from Schiphol a few minutes ago on the one year anniversary of the downing of MH-17. The flight number MH-17 was retired after the crash and replaced with MH-19. I wonder if any special commemoration of this tragic anniversary will take place on board MH-19 on its flight to Kuala Lumpur today.

MH17 Live ‏@MH17Live tweeting various messages as it happened one year ago

Report of something being shot down

Сніжинка @HuSnizhne
Снежное: самолет пролетел и грохот.
То ли бомбанул что-то, то ли упал.

"Snizhne: a plane flew by and then a bang. Either it bombed something or it crashed."

"Something just made a loud as hell sound from the direction of Shakhtarsk"

Smoke rises from the crash site shortly after MH17 is shot down (English subtitles) [video=youtube;ho3S38i1Nsw][/video] …

MH17 Li tweets (continued)

"In Shakhtarsk they just now shot down a little birdie. Glory to Donbass!"

Locals discuss the sounds they just heard. [video=twitter;489763529176907778][/video] …

"Black smoke in a neighborhood area of Torez. Zello: a plane dropped a bomb and blew up. We are confirming."

MH17 Live tweets (continued)

"Dima, got it, something buzzed above us but not like a plane, they say that a rocket went up to it" …

"And it seemed to us that it was in Snizhne"

"I heard an uninterrupted droning for like 70-90 seconds"

"And maybe a volley and then after the explosion of an unguided missile from a plane..."

Conversation between separtists about the crash intercepted by the SBU …



Russia vetoed a United Nations Security Council draft resolution on Wednesday that would have set up an international tribunal to prosecute those suspected of downing a Malaysia Airlines passenger airliner last year in eastern Ukraine.

Eleven countries on the 15-member council voted in favour of the proposal by Malaysia, Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium and Ukraine, while three countries abstained: China, Angola and Venezuela. A resolution needs nine votes in favour to pass and no veto by Russia, the United States, China, Britain or France.

Flight MH17 was shot down in July 2014 with 298 passengers on board, two-thirds of them Dutch. It crashed in Ukrainian territory held by Russian-backed separatists.

"Those responsible may believe that they can now hide behind the Russian Federation's veto. They will not be allowed to evade justice," Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told the council. There were 39 Australians on board flight MH17.

She said Australia, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Belgium and Ukraine would now seek an alternative prosecution mechanism.

Ukraine and Western countries accuse the rebels in eastern Ukraine of shooting down the plane with a Russian-made missile. But Moscow has rejected accusations it supplied the rebels with SA-11 Buk anti-aircraft missile systems.

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, told the council that "no veto will stand in the way of this heinous crime being investigated and prosecuted."


One could have seen this coming with closed eyes. First send a draft of the final report of the Dutch Safety Board to all parties involved, including Russia, and then propose that they hang both themselves and their friends. One really wonders why the Russians vetoed.

:sigh: :sigh: :sigh:
Two of my friends died on MH17. They were on their way to New Zealand to see Newcastle United play some pre-season friendly games. They were both staunch Newcastle United fans. I knew John Alder as I had seen him at every single game I went to. He was legendary (known as the Undertaker as he always wore a suit at the games) and Liam Sweeney was a young lad who had been to loads of away games on the same bus as I went on. Throughout the last football (soccer) season Newcastle United fans stood on the 17th minute of every game, home and away and applauded John and Liam's memory, our closest local rivals, Sunderland, who we normally won't even give the time of day to raised £33,000 for charity for them. It was groundbreaking as a rivalry that had been based on what bordered on hatred up to then had changed somewhat. We are still rivals and won't associate most of the time with each other but there is a new respect for what they did. I was devastated when they died. It was like two of our brothers had been killed. A music track has just been released to raise money for charity. I don't know if I'm able to link to the iTunes place so you can hear it. But if I can I will. Rest in peace John and Liam, and the others who perished. We miss you, our Geordie brothers.
Staff at my local supermarket, where Liam worked, held another fundraising day recently. They had the whole store decked out in Newcastle United colours with shirts everywhere, collection buckets etc. It was beautifully done. Here's a quick article I found through google:

Supermarket staff remember MH17 victims - 17 July 2015 at 11:50am

Staff at Morrisons in Killingworth, are hosting fundraising events today in Liam's memory.
They have donated that to the Marie Curie Hospice's Pay for a Day initiative.
It will pay for a hospice's running costs for one day.
Morrisons in Killingworth today.

Staff at the store wear Newcastle kits in memory of Liam Sweeney, who loved the club. Credit: ITV News

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