New developments in unsolved Jennings murders

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This post is by no means reflected on JDP LE.

It’s very difficult, if not impossible, for me to rationalize those that are sworn to uphold the law and placed in a position of trust to betray the public confidence. After all, our State motto is Union, Justice and Confidence.

What makes LE ignore the oaths they take to uphold the law? I have a few opinions as I’m sure alot of you do. Greed, Power, Money, Influence, and what else can we think of? The fear of embarassment, pressure from their superiors? I once heard it said on national television by the Governor of Texas “we have no innocent people in jail” now you tell me, is that a rational statement?

Lately, as the poster stated: Google LE and you might learn more than what you bargained for. Judges, LE officers, firemen, they are all one’s that have fallen from grace. Keep in mind, not all LE are bad. You do have some that love the job and will not do anything wrong. However, you have many that are overzealous during an arrest that they (LE) does not stop to think if they have enough evidence to make the charge stick. So, they are told by their superiors or some other higher authority, make this charge stick, no matter what you have to do…and in order to prevent LE or the judicial system from appearing foolish, a mirage of evidence appears, maybe even planted and the officer uses his imagination and perjures himself/herself on the stand and you obtain a conviction. You’ve just saved LE from looking foolish and convicted, probably, an innocent person.

These cases, while some may be isolated, are more prevalent than we think. I often wonder, how many innocent people are in jail, how many innocent people have been executed, how many innocent people have been framed.

I was reading a US Supreme Court Precedent where a woman was on trial, plead guilty and was sentenced. She appealed her case. Keep in mind that you cannot appeal when you plead guilty. However, in Louisiana, there is what is known as a Crosby plea where you can reserve your right to appeal even after you plead guilty. Her attorney stated before the justices that she had a choice…go to trial and get the maximum, that was the threat issued to her by the assistant district attorney or plead guilty and receive probation and a suspended sentence. The maximum sentence in her case would have been 15 years. Didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Sometimes the judicial system can put people against the wall and they have no choice but to perjure themselves and admit to a crime or crimes they didn’t commit. Her attorney stated on record before the justices that many times people plead guilty to crimes they didn’t commit because of fear of harsher sentences and I have to agree with him.

I remember the case of Mary Beth Dolan from Lake Arthur, Louisiana. She was accused of killing her roommate at USL. She maintained her innocence. It took 28 days before the a preliminary examination cleared her or didn’t have enough evidence that she committed the crime. The DA in Lafayette persisted that they had the right person that committed the crime. The headlines in the newspaper stated very vividly KILLER CAUGHT. This was just an arrest, what happened to innocent until proven guilty. The DA was wrong. Mary Beth Dolan had nothing to do with the crime. How do I know? Because a person in Missouri confessed to the crime prior to his death. This fact was establish and proven that he was responsible for the roommates death.

Often times, the media portrays someone guilty before they know all the facts. If you want to research a good story, go to and read her story. There is even a book out called “Media Tried, Justice Denied” and this woman was convicted based on a silly string incident. She is now on death row in Texas.

There is a difference between controversial judgments and just plain incompetence, then there’s covering up crimes that digs deeper into the criminal aspect of things.

I do know this…if I am ever arrested, I will go to trial and take my chances before a jury before I put my trust in a judge and LE. We are told not to commit perjury…but when you are innocent and forced to plead guilty to a crime you didn’t commit with threats of harsher sentences, what is that? Shouldn’t that be perjury committed by the state or at the very least, intimidation of a witness.

You are the jury. You decide by local LE in JDP. I am not speaking about them because every jurisdiction has their problems with LE. You are the jury of local LE. You judge them, they work for you and its your tax dollars at work. Remember, speech is golden when used right but it can also be deadly if you keep quiet. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again…”if the system fails even one of us then it fails us all.”

Thank you,
Mr. Menard, I know I should have not typed names, I do apologize. For some reason though, I feel something else from that post of yours. Just not sure if I'm correct.
OK, we have talked a lot about local LE and politics for the region.

What we haven't addressed fully is the basis of crime. Motive, means and opportunity. We have discussed what has been reported as high risk lifestyles for the victims. But, truly what in the world could these victims contribute to the downfall of any local LE or politicos? Would anyone believe them if they ratted...I doubt it. They would have to be so politically charged as to being believable and no one would give a drug addict (if true) that much credence.

That brings me back to serial killings. Motive, is in the eye of the murderer, means is anything at their disposal and opportunity is people who are on the fringe and easily stalked.

Why is serial killer so not admitted? There have been many in south Louisiana. As Bobby pointed out it could be a church oriented demented individual who has misconstrued its Domingue of Houma. Other things not reported is method of killing...organized or disorganized. If disorganized could this be a schizophrenic off meds? Having a personality disorder along with mental illness...wouldn't be the first time and won't be the last.

I don't believe this is a fat cat mayor of a small town doing the killings but rather a serial killer who may have had other prey undiscovered or not reported missing. There are lots of throwaway people in unfortunate...but it is true. We are looking at 7 murders discovered in a tiny Louisiana town that no one visits, no one knows where it is, and at least in my tiny birth town there is Tobasco. This parish is a stomping ground for a killer. I wonder if a lot of unknown victims could have been plucked off I 10? Then, when he couldn't lure anymore he went local? Again, my fast food connection isn't gone from my mind along with easy ingress and egress from I 10.
I will apologize in advance for posting before I have read the whole thread.
It seems like for the most part these women were high risk. A lot of times they do not pay taxes or vote so investigating their killer(s) does not take a high priority. In a lot of these cases the killer feels that he is commiting and act of public service. They usually are found to have a church background even if they do not attend now, are mentally off like Sean Vincent Gillis. or are occasionally LE or LE connected. The LE connected ones are rare. The church connected ones usually seem like good citizens to the neighbors that all found him to be such a nice guy. The crazies are abundant as well.

I question whether the 17 year old girl was involved with this SK. She does not seem to fit in with the similarities shared by the other victims.

Has a full FBI profile been released?

Has a geographical profile been generated? Number three affects this in that she was dumped a long way away. If related, this would probably be closer to the perps old address or a friends house than with a profile of his own home comfort zone. I looked at Dr. Godwin's site and did not find a profile that he had done for Jennings.

Does any physical evidence link the victims or is there any reason to think it is the same perp other than the victims being high risk?

The I-49 killings are a minimum 40 miles away. Jennings to Slidell is about 180 miles. Most SK's find these mileages outside their comfort zone. Not all though. Most SK's are found to have high mileage on their vehicles. This is attributed to local trolling for victims and riding around stalking potential victims.

The petrochemical industry brings in a vast workforce. This is also a big rice producing area. Other victims could be lost forever in a rice field.

Are there any locals here that can provide any information about local rumor?

Thanks in advance for answers and corrections.
Hi Bobby62 :seeya:….glad you stopped by….and no need to apologize by the way.

Unfortunately since we’re working with a “thread” here versus a dedicated forum….much of the information we’ve come across is just randomly spread throughout the thread. A blog has been set up and what details are available have been assimilated there…..if you’re interested.

On the surface it may appear they were “high risk” based on the terminology selected by the local sheriff and media although, personally, I’m still not convinced that is a completely accurate label that’s been put on them.

What very closely ties 17 year old Brittney to the deaths, prior to her own, is that the 3rd victim, Kristen Gary Lopez was Brittney’s cousin. The 5th victim, Muggy Brown, was described as “good friends” with Brittney. As a matter of fact….it’s been reported that Brittney knew 4th victim, Whitnei Dubois and 6th victim, Crystal Zeno. And there’s more….Brittney’s mother, Theresa, stated in an interview that she herself at one time had worked with 2nd victim, Ernestine Patterson. I’m just sayin…….

As for a profile….the local sheriff, Ricky Edwards sputtered out a profile a couple of months ago to local media….whether it’s from the FBI I couldn’t tell you….didn’t sound like an FBI profile to me. A sound, comprehensive geographic and psychological profile would most likely be very welcomed in this case….perhaps Dr. Godwin will consider detailing such sometime down the road.

As far as I know….there has been ZERO released publicly about possible evidence….in the grand scheme of things…..there hasn’t been much released about these deaths at all!!
Please brownie if you have something to say you can email me privately anytime. My email address is listed. No need to apologize. I didn;t see where you typed names.
HOUMA — State Police have yet to make a decision on whether to conduct an investigation of the Houma Police Department.
Last week, Terrebonne District Attorney Joe Waitz Jr. and Parish President Michel Claudet asked State Police to conduct the investigation.
GRAMBLING — The drama within Grambling’s City Hall continues with the battle for governmental control heating up on two separate fronts.
When Grambling Police Chief Tommy Clark arrived at work Friday morning, a note had been slipped under his door informing him Mayor Martha Andrus had terminated him from his job.
MARKSVILLE -- Longtime Avoyelles Parish Sheriff Bill Belt has been indicted, along with his wife and sister, by a federal grand jury and charged with illegally pocketing profits from telephone services provided at the parish jails.
Waterproof Mayor Bobby Higginbotham and Police Chief Miles Jenkins were arrested Wednesday morning on felony corruption charges.

Sorry for the long (and slightly off topic) post but a little Googling can turn up a lot. Just an FYI into the background perspective of small town/rural Louisiana politics. Lately there also seems to have been a rash of LE excessive force in some cases. Complex issues to say the least.

Cases like these demonstrate why small town/rural LA LE and politicians might seem <cough, cough> reluctant to ask for and/or accept help from outside souces such as the feds, AMW, etc.

Just to clarify, I wasn't implying that LE or a politician could be involved (directly or indirectly) in these murders (though anything is possible), just that local authorities might not want outside help because often outside investigators could bring to light malfeasance, fraud and who only knows what else within the local government. That's all. Political expediency, IYKWIM. There is at least one missing person case in my parish that seems to have been swept under the rug (LE won't even involve the regional Crimestoppers network).

And I am not saying that all LE and/or civic governments are dirty, just seems to be fairly common in small town/rural Louisiana.
Well stated AdoraBlue, and that's what I think we may be looking at here, it would certainly explain a lot.
Since no media will help, and America's Most Wanted has been turned down, how about calling in the most fearless and vocal groups around. I'm making calls and emailing the ACLU and the NAACP. Please let me know if you want to call them and need the numbers. I will be glad to supply them! WE NEED HELP IN THESE MURDERS!
concerned....good post.....not gonna quote it LOL.

You brought up a good point....motive (the reason, the purpose). I don't remember that being discussed with this case too much.

What was the reason, the purpose behind killing Loretta, Ernestine, Kristen, Whitnei, Muggy, Crystal (Shay), and Brittney? Any thoughts on this anyone?
concerned....good post.....not gonna quote it LOL.

You brought up a good point....motive (the reason, the purpose). I don't remember that being discussed with this case too much.

What was the reason, the purpose behind killing Loretta, Ernestine, Kristen, Whitnei, Muggy, Crystal (Shay), and Brittney? Any thoughts on this anyone?

Yes, that there is no motive. Just that they were stalked and easy prey for the sk, go beyond that. How did they meet?Why were they so comfortable going with him? These are the questions that will bring closure.
Yes, that there is no motive. Just that they were stalked and easy prey for the sk, go beyond that. How did they meet?Why were they so comfortable going with him? These are the questions that will bring closure.

No motive? I'm surprised to hear you say that. How can someone kill 7 girls whose lives were admittedly intertwined in many ways and not have a motive? It can't be just happenstance. I think there is a motive....a clear was to silence them.
No motive? I'm surprised to hear you say that. How can someone kill 7 girls whose lives were admittedly intertwined in many ways and not have a motive? It can't be just happenstance. I think there is a motive....a clear was to silence them.

SK's have a motive only to themselves and that is where we need to focus. The quirk here is the small town and that they ( the victims) had knowledge of each other.
But, truly what in the world could these victims contribute to the downfall of any local LE or politicos? Would anyone believe them if they ratted...I doubt it. They would have to be so politically charged as to being believable and no one would give a drug addict (if true) that much credence.

[FONT=&quot]Initially....I agree with what you're sounds logical. What cop or politician would possibly be afraid of some young, drugged out young woman in a rural [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Louisiana[/FONT][FONT=&quot] area? Especially worried enough to murder or, have the young lady murdered.

There are many in high positions that basically have no fear of anyone or anything. I've personally witnessed that. Their egos are huge and they seem to have a habit of walking near what I describe as &#8220;very close to the edge&#8221; and yet they have no fear. They don't really ever worry themselves about someone &#8220;telling on them&#8221;. That possibility does not exist in their world. They're above being brought down and it's just not really an option they ever consider.

Then you have another group, the other whatever percent, that "walk very close to the edge"....flaunt their position and yet, DO experience fear while walking close to the edge. They DO fear being caught, exposed&#8230;they ARE paranoid. Whether their paranoia has a basis or not....all that really matters is how they perceive the situation and what they have to do to protect themselves.......whether it is warranted or not. No matter how petty the threat of someone in a lower, insignificant role may appear to you or I&#8230;&#8230;someone that doesn&#8217;t have a high confidence level may perceive it an entirely different manner.[/FONT]
No motive? I'm surprised to hear you say that. How can someone kill 7 girls whose lives were admittedly intertwined in many ways and not have a motive? It can't be just happenstance. I think there is a motive....a clear was to silence them.

Since the girls were all intertwined together, it's likely they all knew some of the same people. These are the people that need to be looked at; possible dealers, shady characters that have known all the women or most of them. Granted it is a rural area, it should make it easier to who they all may have known. There's got to be a common denominator amongst them. As well as did they all have similiar experiences, i.e. being locked up in the same jail (different times), did they all know someone who may have been locked up for something, they all have knowledge of something?.. etc
Whoever is killing the girls is confident about it. Their bodies were all found around the same area. Despite their lifestyles, in such a small area, if the killer is a local (which it seems, wish Godwin would do a geographical profile) it's a higher risk of the killer being caught since it is a small area, most people know each other. The killer is bold and doesn't care. He even leaves a body on the road leading to the police shooting range.
If the killer wasn't as bold, then maybe he'd travel a distance to kill women in other areas. He doesn't seem to care, and he is knowledgeable about the Jennings area.
Whoever is killing the girls is confident about it. Their bodies were all found around the same area. Despite their lifestyles, in such a small area, if the killer is a local (which it seems, wish Godwin would do a geographical profile) it's a higher risk of the killer being caught since it is a small area, most people know each other. The killer is bold and doesn't care. He even leaves a body on the road leading to the police shooting range.
If the killer wasn't as bold, then maybe he'd travel a distance to kill women in other areas. He doesn't seem to care, and he is knowledgeable about the Jennings area.

He does seem very confident but possibly calculated risks. If you have ever been to a small town during the night it is rare to see anyone up and about. So, the opportunity for someone to see him dump bodies is smaller. I still believe there is a primary crime scene in the area and then he uses his vehicle to move the bodies. I would be looking for a truck or commercial van since this killer knows about forensics and has used bleach on one victim. He would be cautious to use bleach for clean up in his vehicle too. Wouldn't it be great if he used his credit card to purchase large amounts of bleach? I don't think he would be that careless though.
concerned....good post.....not gonna quote it LOL.

You brought up a good point....motive (the reason, the purpose). I don't remember that being discussed with this case too much.

What was the reason, the purpose behind killing Loretta, Ernestine, Kristen, Whitnei, Muggy, Crystal (Shay), and Brittney? Any thoughts on this anyone?

I can't tell you what is in the killers mind, nor can I tell you what is in LE's mind (tho I wish I had that power LOL) I can only tell what is a persistent rumor that has been around since the finding of Loretta, and been repeated with each.
Before the murders, there was a large drug/prostitution sting in Jennings. 7 girls were arrested and held. All were released at the same time(this in itself cause people to wonder). There is one girl that was arrested and released, and soon left the area and has not been seen, to my knowledge.
All that have been murdered were in this group, with the exception of Brittney and the missing girl. Brittney was very close to most of these women, and probably knew all the secrets. Was that why she was killed, or as a warning to the one still alive and missing?
That is what is being said...
I think the killer is local. It was said Brittany went away to her relatives in Texas. She was only here, what a month, then she was killed. Now, she said "you just don't know who you can trust anymore" I'm willing to bet someone threathend her when she returned, or she heard something from someone else. No offense to her mother, but I would have immediately asked; "Brittany, what do you mean by that statment." That should have been asked by the police as well. Now, I don't know if it was or not, because I wasn't there, neither do I know the family members to ask.

That answer might be the key to the killer.
Wow, what was the one girl that is missing's name? Can you say? Who was in control of that ring? Male/Female? Was the bust in the papers?
Wow, what was the one girl that is missing's name? Can you say? Who was in control of that ring? Male/Female? Was the bust in the papers?

Again, from what is said, the bust was hushed up as quick as it happened. I don't know if it was in the papers(if it was, it was probably a very small article, look at how little news the murders of the girls made until a minor was killed), but there is even a question as to whether was a drug sting, or a prostitution sting. I have heard the missing woman's name. But for the sake of what little protection is available to her, I will not say.
Fear saturates this area. Our cell phone calls are being tapped into, illegally, if we express an opinion or state a fact on a thread we are called from the sheriffs office by an officer and told we will be sued, and to delete it.(refer to an insessions post by lamom). and women are dying, being raped, assaulted, and lets not forget the sudden surge of shootings. All this in a town of about 10,000.
Follow that with the fact of the slow, almost non existent response by LE when Brittney was reported missing (it was suggested over and over that she was a run away, why wasn't an Amber Alert done right away?)
The insistence by LE of repeating over and over the "lifestyles" of 6 dead women and lack of media attention until YOUNG Brittney was found and the heat turned up. AND the fact that with the unlimited resources and knowledge that AMERICA'S MOST WANTED has to offer, yet the Sheriff turns them down flat(the big question there is WHY). Do you have to wonder why no one is talking and calling in tips to the hotline??? (one number is reported to be a cell phone) Many are wondering what is being hidden behind office doors....

And please let me add this...South side is no different then any other lower income area of any other town. Yes, you have what I have heard called the slums in a larger town, also the quarters, the flats, many other names. it is what it is. But having been thru that part of town, you also see the houses of people struggling to make the best with what they have, trying and seceding in make it a home. One that may not look the best, but is comfortable and safe and full of memories and family. (Martha Stewert decorating ain't all that its cracked up to be, IMHO)

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