New Docs Part 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I completely agree, Panthera. I'm just flabbergasted that so many people who wouldn't believe a word Casey says otherwise are so anxious to leap onto the sexual abuse and incest bandwagon.

Your so right! As a SAS myself I've carefully looked at everything that I can find for docs surrounding her disclosures as well as putting them in context of all other docs to get a complete picture of the situation(s) & circumstance(s) that were going on around the time of disclosures - I do not believe her. (and I don't casually make an opinion about SA charges)
Panthera found them!! Originally Posted by panthera
I had to look them up again!

Part 5 starting at pg. 37 of the pdf.

And yes, I was shocked because I *know* she said she wasn't a customer's just where she and some guys pushed the car when it ran out of gas. I know she lies, yet it threw me because (again) it was an obvious and easily provable lie.
Is this any different though than her taking LE to Universal to her "office"??? She's remarkable, isn't she? :eek: MOO
I think she may blame Cindy for forcing her to go through with the pregnancy. But wasn't she pretty far along in her pregnancy before Cindy ever found out? Was she far enough along to be past the abortion limits?

Right. But I'm sure KC knew she was pregnant months before Cindy found out. If there was a chance that she was carrying her brother's child I do believe she would have been tested and terminated the pregnancy after missing a period or two at the most.

I wouldn't expect her or anyone else to have an abortion at 7-8 months... I just don't feel for a second it would have gotten to that point or that Cindy would have ever known KC was pregnant - much less with Lee's child.
I don't have the time to look it up right now, any similarities between the NAthan on the show and Nate, AL's roomate at Sutton Place? the same name thing grabbed me.

I don't think so, I haven't watched, I just read the synopsis. The Nathan in the read seemed to me to be more JG than Nate the roommate. Just strange that she surrounds herself with either people with the same names as the show or diff. names, but storyline of the show!
This is exactly what I was thinking last night while reading the thoughts about LA potentially being Caylee's father. KC isn't stupid, and I believe that if there was any chance Lee could have been the father she would have had an abortion faster than she can text a message! She wouldn't have had to worry about Cindy or anyone else wanting her to keep the baby because she wouldn't have stayed pregnant long enough to even show! (And I see nothing to indicate that she has any morals that might make her rule out abortion as an option.)

And as far as her having a 'Cinderella Complex' - well that's not something I see either. She clearly thinks she's 'all that' and her behavior is more egotistical / narcissist than indicative of someone lacking self esteem. Granted she might have wanted a man to take care of her but IMO that's because she felt entitled to it. Plus I'm sure it was hard work maintaining her charade of having a pretend career while her parents were taking care of all her financial needs.

I wonder how many more lives she'll destroy before all is said and done...

~Happy Thanksgiving!~

Has it crossed anyone's mind that perhaps she never intended on revealing her pregnancy to begin with? There have been cases where some people have given birth, and get rid of/dispose the baby immediately afterward. 7 months of pregnancy is an awful long time to hide, and the only way the secret really 'came out' according to Uncle Rick, is when he said something. Just makes me wonder..
Maybe because it's so common and a good deal of the people who actually were molested weren't believed at least at first. No matter the vic, no one would want to accuse someone of lying about molestation, because those of us that have been there know how hard it was to tell and how much harder it was to hear that we were lying about it. JMO.

I'm sorry that you understand so much about this. Your opinion is valuable on this subject and gave me extra pause to rethink. Thank you.
I've thought a lot about this. I used to wonder the same thing, but I think CA cared deeply about Caylee's safety. Maybe on some level she knew that pushing Casey about custody could lead to no one having custody.

I think CA and GA really, really loved Caylee, but they just aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. They turned a blind eye to KC's antics over and over and over again.

You can see and hear how much they loved her by watching the videos and looking at the pictures. CA is beaming with pride in that picture in the pool.
Here is the episode of One Tree Hill that Casey googled. more at link
Alright, it's time for that kidnapping we've all been waiting for! Skills lets Jamie go to the bathroom by himself, but nanny Carrie intercepts him and talks him into leaving with her. She says that Haley is allowing them to hang out again, and since poor Jamie doesn't know any better he believes it.
Nathan grabs the cops and tells them that Dan ran off with Jamie. However, little do they know that he's really in nanny Carrie's motel room and about to get his hair dyed black. This will help the two of them evade the police now that Carrie is his "new mommy." Carrie leaves Jamie alone at the motel so she can go out and run an errand, but she's unaware of the fact that Dan is sitting outside watching her.
That is an interesting question, just remember that mr. lead investigators wife works in sex crimes. Seems a little odd, just thought I would pointing that out. Not to mention that in a lot of overworked departments, sex crimes, and child abuse are the same division.

Its just interesting because on the same date (12 SEPT )the same LEO signed a statement and ticked the child abuse option for referral.
And the biggest issue is that the satements do not follow. I want to know why?
Your so right! As a SAS myself I've carefully looked at everything that I can find for docs surrounding her disclosures as well as putting them in context of all other docs to get a complete picture of the situation(s) & circumstance(s) that were going on around the time of disclosures - I do not believe her. (and I don't casually make an opinion about SA charges)

As a survivor of sexual abuse as well, I do believe her. Just because she has lied about almost everything else doesn't mean this is a lie. I was told I was lying when I finally told my mom about my father molesting me.

I just don't get the feeling KC was lying in this case.
OK, regarding the One Tree Hill search on her computer - get ready for more reading! Here is a synopsis of each season. See if any names jump out at you and if any of the characters sound like "players" in KC's real life!! It's kind of twisted, but I can see her trying to plug some of this into her crazy head!

Haley = KC
Nathan = JG
Brooke = Annie
Haley = KC
Karen = CA
lots more!

There was a "Quentin"(sp?) in KC's cell phone - one in this show too.
There is an Andy
A Nathan
A little girl named Lily
A nanny who is psychopathic and kidnaps a boy named Jamie (4 1/2 yrs old)
A Rachael

Oh, I can't even begin to tell you how many similarities there are...this is spooky that a KC would seem to try to "live" a television show!!! Drugs, "dark place", betrayal, sex, cheating, not graduating due to pregnancy, lying about a pregnancy to the supposed father, miscarriage, on and on and on...


Small side note - CA would totally be "Deb" (Dan's wife). She is a crazy pill popper mom. She has alot of mental and financial problems and lies ALOT and hates Dan so much that she wants to murder him. She is now dating her son's (nathan) best friend....half her age!
Just too many people overlooked and excused her behavior until it was too late for Caylee, imo. I agree with you, but also remember that despite this forged deposit slip, GA even put Casey as a signatory on Caylee's college trust fund, so she could help herself to it and drained it down to $5. MOO

He probably thought that as much of a liar and thief that Casey was, even SHE wouldn't sink to the level of stealing her own little girl's money. And then she takes it one step further, and even cleans out Caylee's little piggy bank! Omg, that one just infuriated me! :furious:
Has it crossed anyone's mind that perhaps she never intended on revealing her pregnancy to begin with? There have been cases where some people have given birth, and get rid of/dispose the baby immediately afterward. 7 months of pregnancy is an awful long time to hide, and the only way the secret really 'came out' according to Uncle Rick, is when he said something. Just makes me wonder..
Yes I thought of that ~ she might have intended to get rid of little Caylee right after birth. Sadly, that happens more often than not in this world. Otherwise it just doesn't make much sense to not tell anybody about it, especially since was legally an adult and could've terminated the pregnancy early on if she knew about it in time to do so. MOO
He probably thought that as much of a liar and thief that Casey was, even SHE wouldn't sink to the level of stealing her own little girl's money. And then she takes it one step further, and even cleans out Caylee's little piggy bank! Omg, that one just infuriated me! :furious:
Even after listening to GA's interviews, I still can't figure out when she started doing this. I think it might go to premeditation, like "Caylee won't be using this money, she's going to be dead anyway". :mad: MOO
I'm sorry that you understand so much about this. Your opinion is valuable on this subject and gave me extra pause to rethink. Thank you.

I still haven't made up my mind about whether I buy her story or not. I'm still thinking about it. But, I have this policy of always at least considering an abuse story no matter who tells it. My father was a molester, currently serving 55-99 for multiple counts. There was a "Casey" in our family,( my sister) crazy stories all the time, a kid that she pawned off on whomever, stealing, sleeping around, whatever she wanted. Our family found out that she was pregnant, after months of pressuring her, she refused to give up the name of the father, finally she blurted out that it was our father, said he had raped her. needless to say, no one bought it. Until the baby was born and DNA testing showed that she was telling the truth.
That is probably the reason that I am so hesitant to disbelieve Caseys story. I think that she may have elaborated a releatively minor incident, if sh eisn't flat out lying, but I just can't make up my mind.
As a survivor of sexual abuse as well, I do believe her. Just because she has lied about almost everything else doesn't mean this is a lie. I was told I was lying when I finally told my mom about my father molesting me.

I just don't get the feeling KC was lying in this case.

I am sorry about your experience. :blowkiss: Been there, but I was so young that i couldn't put it so anyone would understand.
Maybe because it's so common and a good deal of the people who actually were molested weren't believed at least at first. No matter the vic, no one would want to accuse someone of lying about molestation, because those of us that have been there know how hard it was to tell and how much harder it was to hear that we were lying about it. JMO.

Perhaps those who are geniune victims of sexual abuse are too sensitive about the issue of not being believed and are going too far in believing Casey because of this. In other words, if you are a victim, don't let your experiences color your reaction.

I think everyone on this board wants to think no one would lie about such a thing, but when someone lies about everything else, I have to think this is a lie as well.
I still haven't made up my mind about whether I buy her story or not. I'm still thinking about it. But, I have this policy of always at least considering an abuse story no matter who tells it. My father was a molester, currently serving 55-99 for multiple counts. There was a "Casey" in our family,( my sister) crazy stories all the time, a kid that she pawned off on whomever, stealing, sleeping around, whatever she wanted. Our family found out that she was pregnant, after months of pressuring her, she refused to give up the name of the father, finally she blurted out that it was our father, said he had raped her. needless to say, no one bought it. Until the baby was born and DNA testing showed that she was telling the truth.
That is probably the reason that I am so hesitant to disbelieve Caseys story. I think that she may have elaborated a releatively minor incident, if sh eisn't flat out lying, but I just can't make up my mind.

People tend to automatically assume a victim of sexual abuse is lying even if they aren't. I know, because I lived it. Earlier when it was mentioned that LA might be Caylee's father I didn't believe it. Now, after the recent documents, I believe that abuse might have been going on. I'm not saying that LA is Caylee's father, but I'm not ready to say that KC was lying about the abuse.
I still haven't made up my mind about whether I buy her story or not. I'm still thinking about it. But, I have this policy of always at least considering an abuse story no matter who tells it. My father was a molester, currently serving 55-99 for multiple counts. There was a "Casey" in our family,( my sister) crazy stories all the time, a kid that she pawned off on whomever, stealing, sleeping around, whatever she wanted. Our family found out that she was pregnant, after months of pressuring her, she refused to give up the name of the father, finally she blurted out that it was our father, said he had raped her. needless to say, no one bought it. Until the baby was born and DNA testing showed that she was telling the truth.
That is probably the reason that I am so hesitant to disbelieve Caseys story. I think that she may have elaborated a releatively minor incident, if sh eisn't flat out lying, but I just can't make up my mind.
I'll admit, what you've said about your sister does sound a lot like Casey's behavior. :waitasec: MOO
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