New Letter On Haleigh May Prove Helpful

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still looking, getting sidetracked though by information I have never read before. Do you guys remember Crystal doing an interview with Greta where she said that Misty seemed like a very nice person, but she never sat down and had a conversation with her before?
still looking, getting sidetracked though by information I have never read before. Do you guys remember Crystal doing an interview with Greta where she said that Misty seemed like a very nice person, but she never sat down and had a conversation with her before?

YES, and she also said that her kids loved Misty...she seemed to treat them good...etc...

I'll help you look.
I am looking in the stickies cause i know darn well I read RC's precious address on WS somewhere because i am not a member anywhere else...I am stumped why i can't find it. I bet Busy knows...
If Jim Batchelor pointed out the would indicate I am correct on my calculation which would put it almost in his backyard. So I think that settles that issue. ;)

Batchelor's house is approximately 1/4 mile from Haleigh's house and impossible to see from there, imo. I just checked it on the map again to be certain. No way he could see those kids playing, imo.
If Jim Batchelor pointed out the would indicate I am correct on my calculation which would put it almost in his backyard. So I think that settles that issue. ;)

I thought your calculation was very close to accurate SS. So, do you think that LE searched his back yard and dug EXACTLY where the tipster directed them?

Is anyone else's computer all messed up. My font is so small I can barely read the postings here. Everywhere else i go the pages load normal but for some reason is teeny.
Did they dig at all? Batchelor didn't give any indication they did any digging. He said they were "asking about" the well. So how far did they go in the investigation of this area? Did they just use the cadaver dogs and use the rods to poke into the ground? Or did they actually dig down to find out if the letter was wrong?
Did they dig at all? Batchelor didn't give any indication they did any digging. He said they were "asking about" the well. So how far did they go in the investigation of this area?

well according to this paragraph

"Check the back of father's mobile home. From the right end of the mobile home extending out continue for 540 yards straight. At that point go north 12 yards. Dig 2-3 feet, will strike metal covering an old well, check inside, black plastic garbage bag. Circumstances extend statewide and beyond."

LE was directed to dig. LE said they investigated the tip. Wouldn't they need to dig to do that?

ETA. The well is underground 2 to the feet? weird.
Did they dig at all?

SS, I'm not sure if it's true but I'm leaning towards it being true. I read on other forums that digging up a well was going on behind Ron's mh, and I read this online a few nights ago - before it was ever printed in the paper (the info about a well written in a letter). These people were posting like they lived near there and witnessed it. IMO, I think it's true and digging actually occurred, since it was on the net a few nights ago and now that's what the "tip" letter is informing in the news. What's your take?
I added to my post below my questions and thoughts on that subject. ;)

Did they even find an old well? It sounds like there is a well there according to Batchelor.
I am looking in the stickies cause i know darn well I read RC's precious address on WS somewhere because i am not a member anywhere else...I am stumped why i can't find it. I bet Busy knows...

I'm on Google. So far I found this:

Custody of the two children prompted Cummings to move from a two-bedroom home the Bards had to the three-bedroom home on Green Lane, the couple said. It offered more space where everyone could have their own bedroom.

Until the move, Cummings and the children lived next door to the Bards.

Phyllis Bard, 65, said she would see the brother and sister outside playing, just as another neighbor closer to the Green Lane home, James Batchelor, 88, said he saw the two.

"I seen both of the kids out there riding their bikes not too long ago," Batchelor said.
I read that same article. I then googled Phyllis and Donald's address because I know Ronald did live next door to the Bards but I haven't found anything that lists it yet. I am sure Busy knows this maybe we should save ourselves some time and wait for her to come on
I found their tax roll, but the problem is it doesn't say which address they used as their home. There are addresses all along Seven Sisters and one on Buchanan.

Yes, Busy would probably have the address. ;) She is fantastic.
well according to this paragraph

"Check the back of father's mobile home. From the right end of the mobile home extending out continue for 540 yards straight. At that point go north 12 yards. Dig 2-3 feet, will strike metal covering an old well, check inside, black plastic garbage bag. Circumstances extend statewide and beyond."

LE was directed to dig. LE said they investigated the tip. Wouldn't they need to dig to do that?

ETA. The well is underground 2 to the feet? weird.

I want to bump my post because if the typed written letter said from the right end of the mobile home.....extending out.....continue 540 yards straight, how do they know what extending out means and whether they extended out in the right direction unless he was there showing them what area they were supposed to extend out into??
Perhaps you saw my post in Theories #1, we were told not to post entire addy (numerical lol) so I will say only that his previous addy DBard rented to RC was 1*3 Buchanan ;) HTH (bumping my post)

kiki the parrot said:
DBard is also owner of at least 20 other properties in Hermit Cove area of Satsuma, including

202 Green La. *Ron's recent addy
2*4 Green La.
2*6 Green La.

1*3 Buchanan *Ron's former addy
11* Buchanan
11* Buchanan
11* Buchanan
12* Buchanan
13* Buchanan
13* Buchanan *vacant lot w dock at end of street

20* Monroe *directly behind is dumpster
20* Monroe *Bard residence
21* Monroe *SO Kyle John's addy

10* Hoover La.
10* Hoover La.

12* Seven Sisters *directly behind 202 Green La
13* Seven Sisters *both listed as Phyllis Bard's

Is there a connection or is it just me and sheer random coincidence that DBard owns virtually every single property in some way associated w this crime, including...

address Ron lives from where Haleigh disappears...
address Ron and Haleigh lived previously to this...
address directly behind which is dumpster dogs hit on...
address up on Monroe loop where dogs tracked...
address where dock is situated on vacant lot at end of street...
address directly behind where Ron lived w Haleigh...
address where SO Kyle Johns rents from them...

Not sure what if anything it means, whether it could even be an associate, repair person, family member or nothing at all, I mean afterall, he owns half the town. Wish I were better at accessing records beyond Putnam Cty ie statewide and farther, data bases to research family members etc. Maybe it's limited to SO perplord connection and nothing more organized or nefarious... JMO

That must be where i remembered seeing it. Thank you for bumping the post.
I want to bump my post because if the typed written letter said from the right end of the mobile home.....extending out.....continue 540 yards straight, how do they know what extending out means and whether they extended out in the right direction unless he was there showing them what area they were supposed to extend out into??
Because any other direction would put them either in the middle of the water/on the edge of the island or into St. John's Court/the actual street. Logical conclusion says it is towards the East which takes it along Monroe Alley and almost to Hunter Road.

ETA: Jersey~ I keep forgetting about the new rule of no posting addys. Could you please fix my quote from post #73? Thanks~ I listed Haleigh's house number there. Oops.
Just checking in here before I go cook dinner for my brood, so we still have no confirmation on the digging correct. I wish I lived in satsuma I would go confirm all this stuff myself and take pictures of the disturbed ground.

Jersey do we know if the digging that you were talking about was done in the EXACT area that the tipster gave? or was it a generic search out by 202 Green Lane? If this Batchelor says he saw a well wouldn't he see if LE checked that well? i am so confused..going to go and make some coffee.
Elle~ You may want to remove that full address. ;)

No, I have found nothing to confirm they did any digging.

If they haven't did any digging, haven't used any of those steel metal rods you mentioned earlier, nor completely looked down into the well, though I'm assuming they thoroughly did hopefully look down that well with a flashlight or camera.

This would be tragic to end up like Jesse Lundsford, so close and right there the whole time. If they haven't used these apparatuses, it's not thorough.

Since I've committed myself back to Haleigh, I've not been satisfied with what I'm learning about the way LE has conducted this investigation. I'm also extremely disturbed about the attorney for Crystal and Marie, Kim piccazzio, Art Harris, his connections to the case and his reporting and how he was brought in, the Haleigh Bug center and foundation with the Father son deal and the search done, bagged and tagged with Gunny and his handler.

Hank Jr. and the get out of town quick cuz Joe, damaged vehicle and last weeks confession of being at the crime scene by Hank, has me glued on them.

First time saying this: And it's not an impulse, been thinking long and hard.

I believe Misty and Haleigh were being watched for quiet sometime after moving into the home, not one or the other, both. Hank would be included in that scenerio. Plus I have one more alterior theory, parental abduction. We'll see.

The earlier poster Princessa mentioned some good pointers about the medical situation and working closely with the elderly no matter what their relationship be, kindred and or medical.

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