New People Magazine article on the KH case

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Just bought the July 5th issue & finished reading the article.

TH's friend J Jones is quoted as saying that Terri was friends with Desiree before Kyron was born.

In one of yesterday's interviews, when asked by the reporter if she knew Terri when she was pregnant with Kyron, Desiree said "No."

I'm wondering why there is such conflicting info regarding when they became friends.

FWIW - I believe Desiree when she said "No", and I'm inclined at this point to think that perhaps Terri's friend's knowledge of when Terri became friends with Desiree is inaccurate, for some reason. MOO

My guess would be that Ms. Jones is repeating the account Terri gave her. Now why Terri would lie to Ms. Jones is a whole other topic, but generally people lie because they think the lie looks better than the truth.
If SM's dad is to be believed, and the truck was towed 2 times, I assume at least one of them was by LE. Since there was no coverage of the alleged first tow, we don't know if it was properly done (covered, secured, chain of command, etc.), but I would hope so. Since there is footage of the alleged 2nd tow, and it was not secured at all, it makes no sense how legally/evidence-wise anything from it could be used in the investigation.

More likely, yes the truck was towed twice- but not by LE the 2nd time. Makes the dad appear to only know half the facts.

Since (IIRC) 2 of SM's friends and her mom state that SM met biomom before, or at least within 3 days of Kyron's birth, it makes them look like they only know half the facts, if biomom is to be believed in her interview stating she did not know the SM before Kyron's birth. It is odd that several people have stated that. The other possibility is that biomom for some reason is lying- which doesn't seem likely, since she stated it while sitting next to biodad on camera, and certainly he knows when they met. Unless there would be a reason for both of them to lie about it- which seems a stretch.

The only thing I can conclude is that SM's family and friends don't seem to know a whole lot of exact details about this case. They really aren't helping the SM.

I would like to know how much People pays for their interviews.
If SM's dad is to be believed, and the truck was towed 2 times, I assume at least one of them was by LE. Since there was no coverage of the alleged first tow, we don't know if it was properly done (covered, secured, chain of command, etc.), but I would hope so. Since there is footage of the alleged 2nd tow, and it was not secured at all, it makes no sense how legally/evidence-wise anything from it could be used in the investigation.

More likely, yes the truck was towed twice- but not by LE the 2nd time. Makes the dad appear to only know half the facts.

Since (IIRC) 2 of SM's friends and her mom state that SM met biomom before, or at least within 3 days of Kyron's birth, it makes them look like they only know half the facts, if biomom is to be believed in her interview stating she did not know the SM before Kyron's birth. It is odd that several people have stated that. The other possibility is that biomom for some reason is lying- which doesn't seem likely, since she stated it while sitting next to biodad on camera, and certainly he knows when they met. Unless there would be a reason for both of them to lie about it- which seems a stretch.

The only thing I can conclude is that SM's family and friends don't seem to know a whole lot of exact details about this case. They really aren't helping the SM.
I would like to know how much People pays for their interviews.

Or maybe SM was exaggerating when she first became involved with Kyron.
In one of yesterday's interviews, when asked by the reporter if she knew Terri when she was pregnant with Kyron, Desiree said "No."

I'm wondering why there is such conflicting info regarding when they became friends.

Because this information actually comes from Desiree... none of the other information ever has.
Here, at the very end:

Asked by reporter if LE searched computers or anything, Kaine replied, "No, just searching the property."

If he gave permission for a general search how does he know that the computers were not examined? I think they were. At least 2 times they were both out of the home(the gym and presser). LE moved in, they were at the home.
Can someone please refresh my memory regarding the sheets? Thanks!
Did you read that as his tongue was in his cheek? That is beyond sarcastic if he feels they are scapegoating her, to say there's a 50% chance she is guilty !!!

DairyGirl, Is that the grandpa where TH's 16 yr old son is living?

Who is the writer of children's books up in Wa. Is that KH's brother? Or his dad? Ta

He didnt say there is a 50% chance she is guilty, did he?

I thought he said there is a 50/50 chance she will be arrested.

I think he thinks she could be arrested even if she is innocent.

If he gave permission for a general search how does he know that the computers were not examined? I think they were. At least 2 times they were both out of the home(the gym and presser). LE moved in, they were at the home.
Can someone please refresh my memory regarding the sheets? Thanks!

I don't think LE would ever sneak around and mess with their computer while they were out. If they have not asked to search the computer specifically then even if they found information on the computer it would not hold up in court.

No matter what people think LE cannot take personal information or property from someone without either specific permission or a search warrant.

I think LE thinks the computers in the Horman home is irrelevant.

Because this information actually comes from Desiree... none of the other information ever has.

Thank you - I agree. And it raises questions as to what info is accurate or factual. IMO, Desiree's answer to the question of whether or not she knew Terri before Kyron was born is believable, since it came firsthand (she said "No"). Oftentimes, I think, when people relay info second or thirdhand, something is lost in translation.

So far, the majority of info (aside, of course, from what LE has released or what the Family has released in their official statements) has come from friends or relatives of either Terri or Kaine. It's good to get another perspective, and it's especially good to get info either verified or refuted.

J Jones is quoted in the People article saying Terri knew Desiree when she was pregnant with Kyron. Desiree has refuted that info with a direct statement.

Oh - and FYI, it's common practice on the board, when quoting only a portion of someone's post, to indicate so in the response, such as typing *snipped by me*, SBM or sbm, so that the readers are aware that a portion of the quoted post that is being responded to has been omitted. It can also indicate to readers to read the entire post that is being quoted, to see the context in which the statements were posted.
I don't think LE would ever sneak around and mess with their computer while they were out. If they have not asked to search the computer specifically then even if they found information on the computer it would not hold up in court.

No matter what people think LE cannot take personal information or property from someone without either specific permission or a search warrant.

I think LE thinks the computers in the Horman home is irrelevant.


IMO the computers are very relevant. We all use are computers to communicate. This includes young children. IMO they would look at all computers in the home and they probably had permission, Kaine just didn't witness it.
I think this interview is typical of what happens when lay people with the best intentions go to the media to try to defend a loved one. Inevitably they say the wrong thing and end up hurting more than they helped.

I bet the 50/50 comment on the potential for an arrest was a throw-away line meaning "beats the hell out of me" ...but there's no surprise its receiving most of the attention.

I think a similar problem occurred last week when Jaymie tried to defend SM and merely succeeded in fanning the flames by reporting her friend was sick of answering the same questions etc.

There is a lot of science goes into creating the right headlines in the media...and clearly neither of these well meaning folk ...Mr Moulton and Jaymie know the game.
IMO the computers are very relevant. We all use are computers to communicate. This includes young children. IMO they would look at all computers in the home and they probably had permission, Kaine just didn't witness it.

In yesterday's interviews, Kaine stated the computers weren't searched.

But I think this thread's topic is the July 5th People magazine article. I have a copy, and have read it, and it doesn't have any info regarding computer searches, or whether or not they occurred.
IMO the computers are very relevant. We all use are computers to communicate. This includes young children. IMO they would look at all computers in the home and they probably had permission, Kaine just didn't witness it.

Since Kaine is one of the homeowners they would have to have his permission also.

If he gave permission for a general search how does he know that the computers were not examined? I think they were. At least 2 times they were both out of the home(the gym and presser). LE moved in, they were at the home.
Can someone please refresh my memory regarding the sheets? Thanks!

BBM This is a question that I have as well. Is this something that was posted on fb? Was it the day of Kyron's disappearance or in the days afterwards? TIA
Base your discussion on the People Magazine article.
I don't think LE would ever sneak around and mess with their computer while they were out. If they have not asked to search the computer specifically then even if they found information on the computer it would not hold up in court.

No matter what people think LE cannot take personal information or property from someone without either specific permission or a search warrant.

I think LE thinks the computers in the Horman home is irrelevant.


I respectfully disagree. LE could not possibly form an opinion on that UNLESS they were examined. If I am to take Kaine at his word in the interview, LE has not searched the family computers in that home. So I question how they could arrive at the opinion that the unknown things on there are irrelevant to Kyron's disappearance.

IMHO it would take MONTHS of investigation to fully clear any of those closest to this child. Even iron-clad alibis only prove that a person was not physically present at said crime. It would require much research into a person's background and interactions in the time preceding a crime to prove they were not in some way involved if there is any question. I do not expect to hear from LE any time soon that ANYONE involved in Kyron's life has been totally cleared. And until they actually locate Kyron and bring him home, the investigation of those who are most likely to have means, motive and opportunity to have done this will continue.

That's what I think.
Hi loves - In order for LE to get a warrant, they need 'probable cause' that what they are going to search has something to do with the crime. Without probable cause, LE has to rely on 'cooperation' of the people involved. I'm not sure this changes when it becomes a criminal investigation. I would think it's always good to have probable cause so they know what to search for - and I'm wondering IF they searched cell phone records if that was based on a warrant or cooperation? moo

Seems there isn't a single event or action in this case that is clear. Not even the words used. moo mho

They don't need a warrant when it's a missing child to search homes or vehicles or other property. That child IS the probable cause. Some can and do refuse to give them access to their homes for whatever reason, but they can produce a warrant pretty quick if they have to.
Once it's declared a criminal investigation, then they have to have a warrant and that warrant must list where they are going to search and what they are looking for. But when it's a missing child...... no, they don't need a warrant. I've seen them stopping cars going in or out of a neighborhood or community, and forcing the drivers to open the trunk.
They don't need a warrant when it's a missing child to search homes or vehicles or other property. That child IS the probable cause.

The child's status of being missing does not furnish probable cause to search another's home or auto or anything else, unless there is some peculiar exigent circumstance under Oregon law.

A warrant is not needed if a person gives permission to search. The person can give limited permission (anything but the computer, for example) or withdraw permission at any time, even during the search.

Probable cause attaches to the person whose body or property are being searched. So, if I live right next to the school and don't give permission to have my house searched, LE would have to get a warrant for which they have furnished probable cause that I have something to do with the child being missing. Same with my car & its trunk.

LE cannot manufacture probable cause out of thin air. So if they have no probable cause that I, personally, had something to do with the child going missing, and I do not give them permission to enter or search my home or vehicle, they can't do anything about it. If they find a judge to give them a warrant anyway, they are looking at a heapin' helpin' of trouble for violating my constitutional rights.

Luckily for LE, most people are decent and have nothing to hide and readily give permission in cases like this one. I know my constitutional rights and would give permission in a heartbeat.

Now, it is true that LE can more than likely come up with probable cause to search the home and other property of the parents of a missing child. That's not a stretch.
All I can say is wow... her own family is doubting her.

Let me put it this way.. if I were in this situation.. my family would be lying down on the railroad tracks for me... professing their belief in me as a good person and having ABSOLUTELY NO INVOLVEMENT IN SOMETHING SO HEINOUS.

That is not happening here.

What do they know about the family dynamic that we do not? What is going on here? I didn't even see Kain defending her in the interviews the other day other than in a cursory, going thru the motions way.

Either way, it rang my hinky meter.. but TM has not had to do much to ring my bell in that case. Now her family are doing it for me too... lots of bells ringing...
Since Kaine is one of the homeowners they would have to have his permission also.

I gave my permission for someone from the DoD (i.e., the NSA) and FBI to search my family computer in a very bizarre investigation in which a very old and inactive email address of mine was used during a suspected 'crime'. My husband wasn't home, and our 'family' computer was bought and paid for by him a few years before...before we were married. The gov officials did not wait to ask his permission to search, mine was enough.

Still, I doubt that LE would have searched without BioDad's knowledge, even if they only needed one homeowners' permission. I cannot imagine them searching and SM not mentioning it to her husband.
The child's status of being missing does not furnish probable cause to search another's home or auto or anything else, unless there is some peculiar exigent circumstance under Oregon law.

A warrant is not needed if a person gives permission to search. The person can give limited permission (anything but the computer, for example) or withdraw permission at any time, even during the search.

Probable cause attaches to the person whose body or property are being searched. So, if I live right next to the school and don't give permission to have my house searched, LE would have to get a warrant for which they have furnished probable cause that I have something to do with the child being missing. Same with my car & its trunk.

LE cannot manufacture probable cause out of thin air. So if they have no probable cause that I, personally, had something to do with the child going missing, and I do not give them permission to enter or search my home or vehicle, they can't do anything about it. If they find a judge to give them a warrant anyway, they are looking at a heapin' helpin' of trouble for violating my constitutional rights.

Luckily for LE, most people are decent and have nothing to hide and readily give permission in cases like this one. I know my constitutional rights and would give permission in a heartbeat.

Now, it is true that LE can more than likely come up with probable cause to search the home and other property of the parents of a missing child. That's not a stretch.

Thank you - Kimster said earlier in this thread that Oregon has some of the toughest search and seize laws in the country. I took that to mean LE can't march into any home, open any trunk, or seize any piece of furniture/equipment they so desire. There MUST be probable cause or cooperation/permission from the owner to do so. That right is given to us via the Constitution. moo mho

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