Found Deceased NEW ZEALAND - Grace Millane, 22, British backpacker, Auckland, 1 Dec 2018 *Arrest*

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So if this man who was seen with her at the hotel is familiar with this hotel, lives there, stays there, etc, he has to have known about all the surveillance cameras. Even if not familiar, the camera are obvious. And no one seemed to be hiding from said surveillance. Why would he then proceed to cause her harm? He's going to be an obvious POI. Maybe something happened accidentally and then he felt the need to cover it up?

Another thought. Is there a nightclub behind the hotel as someone mentioned upthread? If so, is there a way into it directly from the hotel? Or out the back?

Google Maps
The service entrance and what appears to be an underground car park? At least 3 cctv cameras covering this area.

There is a bar here, The Bluestone Room. Has cctv at the entrance.
And the 'Ding Dong Lounge' up the hill a few yards - looks like a bit of a dive.
Poor Grace. After Peru which would have felt very foreign to a young English girl, Auckland would have seemed very familiar as it is very similar to home.

It sounds like she dropped her guard over there and paid a terrible price.

I am also English and have backpacked NZ (and Australia) extensively and stayed in many Base backpackers. It's a well known chain aimed at young lively travellers, they are usually pretty big and the reviews are often bad, I don't think it's anything to be concerned about in itself.

CityLife is a different end of the spectrum entirely, a double room for tomorrow is currently showing as $207 aud. Not your normal backpacker venue. Backpackers tend to socialise together a lot in those hostels. I wonder if this was a tinder (or similar) encounter.

I feel for her family so much. I wish I could do something to help.
So it's more like around the corner, not part of the hotel.
Yes it seems so. I wonder what venue the pink wristband on her arm in the cctv photo is from. Wondering if she met the man there and maybe could have gone back to that location, but still can't figure out how she would get out of the hotel without being seen.

ETA. Imo it seems like a hook-up with this man. No one is describing her as being coerced or under duress in the surveillance footage.
Google Maps
The service entrance and what appears to be an underground car park? At least 3 cctv cameras covering this area.

There is a bar here, The Bluestone Room. Has cctv at the entrance.
And the 'Ding Dong Lounge' up the hill a few yards - looks like a bit of a dive.

According to the entrance to the parking garage is located on Durham Street West. Surely there will be cameras too.
Google Maps
Just over the road according to the map. I cant find it on streetview tho so its either inside the building somewhere and not signposted or wasnt open when the pics were taken.

They are only open Fri and Sat 10pm to 4am. Yes likely wasn't open when Google drove by.
Google Maps
The service entrance and what appears to be an underground car park? At least 3 cctv cameras covering this area.

There is a bar here, The Bluestone Room. Has cctv at the entrance.
And the 'Ding Dong Lounge' up the hill a few yards - looks like a bit of a dive.
Here is Ding Dong Lounge along with Future Club and hotel.

Google Maps
She was seen with the man at around 9pm, do I remember this correct? It was the evening before her birthday. Likely she would have planned to celebrate. The question is, would she have wanted to spend this special night with him alone? Only if she really liked him I would think, otherwise she would probably have preferred to party in some of the clubs and bars.

The image they released shows her smiling, maybe she was smiling at him, maybe she did really like this guy.

Where is she???

Just some thoughts ... imo ...
I just saw an article about Grace, and her poor father making pleas for her return. What a nightmare.
If no cameras saw her leave the hotel whether through the front, or out the fire escape doors ( alone or with the man she met) , I fear she may still be in there. Hate the thought, but have they checked the elevator shaft (if there is one) and the garbage chute. Does this hotel have an incinerator? Does it have underground parking? Does the guy have a vehicle?
No communication with her family, especially on her birthday is alarming. I don't believe there will be a good outcome...hope very much I'm wrong.

eta, just saw it does have underground parking....wonder if his car (if he has one) was seen on video leaving at an odd hour.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think there is confusion here over the CCTV image and the last sighting - they aren't the same thing. There isn't footage of her 'going in but not coming out' of a hotel, there is footage of her at a big entertainment complex, and then a further sighting later on the same night at a hotel round the corner. There isn't CCTV footage of her entering that hotel, this must be based on witness statement. Perhaps the man who they have been questioning has admitted he was with her at the hotel. I'm guessing that CCTV image is the last actual evidence they have found of her so far, possibly in that image she is leaving the SKY entertainment complex and the next time they pick up her trail is at the hotel. I'm going by that image recreation from the newspaper that someone posted.

Possibly they do have further CCTV but are holding it back. Or the hotel in question doesn't keep its CCTV past a certain date, if it has any. Sometimes they wipe after 24 hours and she may not have been reported missing in time to catch it. This could also be true of other venues in the entertainment complex.

Would they do a search of the whole hotel building without 'reason to believe that there is foul play'? Surely it would disrupt the running of a hotel which they aren't likely to do unless they have a lead. A missing adult, however out of character, wouldn't usually lead to a forensic search would it, unless there is an actual suggestion of her having been murdered?

As someone else has pointed out, the family say she was in touch daily. But she didn't contact them after Thursday, even though we know she was alive and well on Saturday. So it had stopped being 'daily' before she officially went missing.

I know it is the age of ultimate connection, and of course there is plenty of reason to be worried, but is there also reason to be optimistic? When I was young, and people went travelling, you wouldn't expect to hear from people every day. Or even every week. A phone card call from a call box once every so often and an air mail letter would have been plenty of contact. Maybe this young woman just needs a break from family responsibility and didn't realise that it could cause such an uproar? Her father is rich and therefore potentially influential, and the family have done an expert job of raising awareness via social media platforms. It could be that all this is as much of a driving force behind the swift police action as actual concern.

I don't know. Maybe wishful thinking. I desperately hope she is ok.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think there is confusion here over the CCTV image and the last sighting - they aren't the same thing. There isn't footage of her 'going in but not coming out' of a hotel, there is footage of her at a big entertainment complex, and then a further sighting later on the same night at a hotel round the corner. There isn't CCTV footage of her entering that hotel, this must be based on witness statement. Perhaps the man who they have been questioning has admitted he was with her at the hotel. I'm guessing that CCTV image is the last actual evidence they have found of her so far, possibly in that image she is leaving the SKY entertainment complex and the next time they pick up her trail is at the hotel. I'm going by that image recreation from the newspaper that someone posted.

Possibly they do have further CCTV but are holding it back. Or the hotel in question doesn't keep its CCTV past a certain date, if it has any. Sometimes they wipe after 24 hours and she may not have been reported missing in time to catch it. This could also be true of other venues in the entertainment complex.

Would they do a search of the whole hotel building without 'reason to believe that there is foul play'? Surely it would disrupt the running of a hotel which they aren't likely to do unless they have a lead. A missing adult, however out of character, wouldn't usually lead to a forensic search would it, unless there is an actual suggestion of her having been murdered?

As someone else has pointed out, the family say she was in touch daily. But she didn't contact them after Thursday, even though we know she was alive and well on Saturday. So it had stopped being 'daily' before she officially went missing.

I know it is the age of ultimate connection, and of course there is plenty of reason to be worried, but is there also reason to be optimistic? When I was young, and people went travelling, you wouldn't expect to hear from people every day. Or even every week. A phone card call from a call box once every so often and an air mail letter would have been plenty of contact. Maybe this young woman just needs a break from family responsibility and didn't realise that it could cause such an uproar? Her father is rich and therefore potentially influential, and the family have done an expert job of raising awareness via social media platforms. It could be that all this is as much of a driving force behind the swift police action as actual concern.

I don't know. Maybe wishful thinking. I desperately hope she is ok.
If this is the case, and I would like for it to be so, I'd think she'd be aware of the ensuing search for her and of her father's anguish, and let someone know she's ok.

Also, it was her birthday and also her brother's, so it's difficult to picture her communicating regularly all along and then missing those 2 days without doing so. imo
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Do you think I'm being naive? I'm trying to be hopeful. [oops sorry posted too soon].


I was going to add that there is some discrepancy in the reports over the last contact being on Thursday. In another article the brother states "She hasn't really replied to any messages between the family and it was her birthday on Sunday and she didn't respond to any messages." Not really replying isn't quite the same as not replying, maybe the blue ticks showed she had seen their messages but wasn't writing back.

Then it says: 'She has not returned to her hostel room in Auckland New Zealand and family members have had no contact since Saturday 1st December.'

I do agree that it's deeply troubling not to respond on your birthday. But there is a huge time gap from UK to NZ. That's not irrelevant.

You're right, of course if she really WANTS to get in touch, it's hard to create scenarios where she couldn't. But what we don't really know is that she wants to get in touch. Lots of things could make someone either too afraid, too guilty, too messed up, or too confused to want to get in touch. I don't mean to a logical, mature person. But to a young person who thinks they might be in trouble?

But then of course there is the report of her being sighted on a motorway, which does suggest hitchhiking even if she wasn't blatantly doing so at the time she was spotted. It does tie up with the Reddit radius which another user linked to. 14km radius of that user falls just outside the Manukau area, which is where the witness said she had spotted Grace on Friday. Just observations.
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You make some valid points, cardgame, but although police have not found evidence of foul play they did say they have grave concern. It does not sound like the theory of her needing a break from family is high on their list. And surely they know more than we do ....
Do you think I'm being naive? I'm trying to be hopeful.

I know. We all try to.

But there's also the fact that she left all her things at the hostel .... From all the cases I've followed here I have learned that when a person leaves all their belongings and there's no contact via phone and sm anymore it rarely ends well. :(
On the New Auckland Facebook page someone swears blind they picked her up on Tuesday and gave her a lift to Tauranga, they say they gave her a stern talking to about the dangers of hitchhiking but didn’t realise she was missing until they checked the news, so they informed the police.

Also seen someone say they saw someone matching her description heading into the mountains looking very distressed. As I said before my gut tells me she is going to be okay and I don’t think this case is gonna be as straight forward as it seems.
Detectives have assessed Grace’s belongings that were found at the backpackers where she was staying. Several of her belongings, including her passport are missing and Police believe it is likely that Grace has these items with her.
The hunt for Grace Millane - police release new images

This afternoon police said they had assessed Millane's property left at the backpackers where she was staying - and found some items missing.

Her passport, a pale pink Casio Baby-G watch and necklace have not been found.

Police believe Millane may have the items with her.

The necklace is described as silver and round with a green stone in the middle of it.

Police would like to hear from anyone who has seen any items matching this description over the past week.

Detective Inspector Scott Beard said a scene examination at the hotel is continuing and investigators were progressing with the viewing of hundreds of hours of CCTV footage.

"At this point our enquiries have not led us to any further confirmed sightings of Grace, and the last known sighting is of her entering the Citylife Hotel," he said.

"Dozens of calls have been made to the 0800 number and all of this information continues to be reviewed and assessed.

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