Newbie Club Thread #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Just wanna say Hello to everybody new on our thread. Don't wanna leave anybody out. :woohoo: :p:Welcome-12-june::hug::woohoo:
It looks like us newbies are being well taken care of by JBean. Im used to being ignored, I live with 4 males!!!:eek::bang:

I live with 4 males too...I am the only female except for our pets. :gold_crown: So we are princesses, right?

OK it never really feels that way, I'll admit, but we can pretend, no?

Should we start a new club? no, this one is way too good!
QUESTION: What did GM mean when she said I've given you a month. I'm not giving you one more day.

The must have had some discussion a month prior to that or she had been wanting to see/talk to Caylee and hadn't for a monyh.

What do other newbies think?
Hi everyone!! I used to post here during the Laci Peterson case, but could not remember my username so I re-registered.

Just wanted to see if something could get clarified for me..

Are Tony, Jesse and Morales (sp) ALL Casey's exes that are ALL former LE?

Jesse and Morales, and if I understand correctly, they both left LE recently.
Many have speculated that caylee looks like Morales's roommate, JP Chatt.

She was with Tony when this went down, he's a DJ at Fusian.
Casey has some interesting friends. JP lives with Morales and Casey's friend Amy. When the idea that JP Chat was Caylee's father, I snooped a little. He's 25, if I remember correctly and owns a condo across from the Sawgrass worth $300k. I'm 37 and I don't own a $300k anything.
It looks like us newbies are being well taken care of by JBean. Im used to being ignored, I live with 4 males!!!:eek::bang:
Hi Lovejac. I have 5 sons and one hub. They were not allowed to ignore me when they were all living at home :)
QUESTION: What did GM mean when she said I've given you a month. I'm not giving you one more day.

The must have had some discussion a month prior to that or she had been wanting to see/talk to Caylee and hadn't for a monyh.

What do other newbies think?
She had been trying to see caylee since around June 16 and after. casey always said it was a bad time or she was sleeping or whatever. Cindy bought it for awhile, but on the 7/15 she had had enough.
Just wanna say Hello to everybody new on our thread. Don't wanna leave anybody out. :woohoo: :p:Welcome-12-june::hug::woohoo:

That's nice. The posters at in-session could be really mean.
Jesse and Morales, and if I understand correctly, they both left LE recently.

George Anthony is also an ex-cop. Remember, this girl Casey has been around LE in one way or another. I said it somewhere else, my husband works in the automotive battery field. My daughter since she was old enough to talk has picked up on his job and what it entails. I always joke that even though I have never been inside a battery plant, I could make a battery out of the contents of my purse like MacGyver because of all of the battery talk around my house.

If anyone knows how to act when arrested and what not to do to be caught, it's Casey.
Hi! This is my 1st post. I have lurked for 6 weeks. I'm glad to have other newbies around.
This may all be common sense, but I think looking at new information when it comes in and making a judgment call is not the best way. I think a lot of the general public and the news blurbs forget to take the new information and add it to and review it against the old information. It seems a lot of the new information is put out to correct the initial info which is the best info because it is real and on spot. There has not been enough time to create anything. The first reaction is always the best and most telling IMO.

Sorry if this is a long post. Feel free to skip it.

When the story first broke, it was automatically a missing child case. There was a missing child after all. Then we hear the first 911 calls. THEY ARE CRUCIAL IMO because it goes to show state of mind of Cindy and Casey. Now mind you Casey knows what happened to Caylee at the time of the calls, but her reaction cannot be mistaken for anything other than callous.

Now feel free to correct me if I am wrong. There is a lot of misinformation going around and it's difficult to weed through the good posts and the "feeling" posts.

Cindy gets the notice about the car. As a mother my first thought would be fear based. The other day, my 13 years old daughter walked to school as she does every morning at 7am. At 10:30am I get an automated call from the school saying she is absent. IMMEDIATELY I am in fear mode! I am dialing the school and trying to remember what she was wearing and thinking the worst. Natural reaction. The school verifies she is there and it was a misunderstanding. Whew! So when Cindy, who has not "seen" Casey or Caylee since Father's day gets this notice of the car being towed and abandoned her first reaction is most likely fear and may be anger knowing how her daughter is.

Cindy to me appears to be an enabler personality. She controls how she and her family are seen in the public eye, even if in reality she has no control. Her home must look a certain way, her family must be viewed in a certain light, and she is probably the keeper of all the family secrets. This is my opinion after observing her.

So, Cindy gets the car back. First thing anyone would do is rifle through it for information and call the last person to have the vehicle, Casey. I have no idea if her phone records were checked or if Casey's show Cindy calling her at that moment. She finds Amy's resume and contacts her who then gives Cindy Casey's location. I am unsure if she had opened the trunk at this point but I will speculate she found what she needed when finding the resume and ceased her search at that point. So, now fear is over and this is just Casey being Casey (irresponsible and who knows what else) in her mind. Cindy is angry and frustrated. She has lost control of the situation.

She retrieves Casey and they have it out. At this point Cindy is furious with Casey and wants to teach her a lesson. What ever Casey has been up to is about to come to a head and Cindy has the ability now to regain control. She does so by calling 911 to have Casey arrested. This way she can at least say she is a good mother trying to teach her daughter a lesson and in the long run Casey will thank her and she will appear to be the hero mother sacrificing herself by doing the right thing.

We know that there was no Caylee and I speculate Cindy was concerned. I believe Cindy knew Casey's habits were to pawn Caylee off on anyone willing to watch her or worse, take Caylee with her to these parties and stick her in a room with the tv. So at this point she was probably thinking Caylee was with a friend of Casey's. Casey is hitting her with complete resistance in the car at the police station during the first call and Cindy tries to regain control by threatening to out Casey's secrets and gain custody of little Caylee. Cindy still has no reason to think anything bad happened to Caylee.

The 911 call where Cindy freaks out about an odor. I speculate that while Cindy was in the car with Casey, George was at the house checking the car. That is what anyone would do who just got their car back from a tow lot. He opens the trunk and smells something wrong. Meanwhile Cindy and Casey fight. Cindy most likely continues the threats again trying to regain control. She is angry and rightly so. Casey is of no help and the threats have no effect because they have been made repeatedly IMO through the years with no real consequences. She calls 911 again and by this time George has most likely shown Cindy the trunk hence the "smells like a dead body" remark. Meanwhile Casey is in the bedroom with Lee. Cindy's world is spinning out of control.

The most important evidence to me is Casey's interaction with the 911 operator. She is not upset. She is breathing normally. She appears in no way impacted by the day's events. The 911 operator on the other hand appears shocked and scolds Casey. Remember, these 911 operators hear it all and for the operator to react this way is very telling.

So the police arrive and Casey is questioned. She lies and the police know it and call her on it. They even offer to let her change her story in the hopes this can be resolved. I think that says a lot about how Cindy, George, Lee and Casey were behaving at the time. A family unit, no matter how functional or dysfunctional will not turn on one another unless they whole heartedly believe it's best to cut the line and save everyone else. Caylee is missing and they have turned on her. That was their initial reaction. George telling the police "something is wrong" is what I base this on.

Casey knows what to expect when the police arrive. I speculate she really has no fear of police considering her background. She may even be thinking that her family will fix this, tell the police everything is fine (after all the car is returned and it's just a family spat), and nothing will arrest. But the police aren't there about the car anymore. They are there because Caylee is missing. Casey lies and continues to lie. She is arrested.

Aside from that, there is no real evidence. There is the car, the searches, the photos of her partying, gas cans, and lies. Nothing more. No body, no babysitter, no friends coming forward with any pertinent information, just speculation and a missing girl. The cell phone pings may be helpful but without information from Casey or any of her friends during that period, I doubt they are of any use. They will be more important once Caylee is found in prosecuting Casey.

And the media circus begins. Background searches of friends on myspace begin. The hunt for who Casey really is soon starts. It's not good what is found. More lies from Casey. Cindy trying to control the media and how her family is presented. Washing clothing, taking interviews, giving house tours. It's all to control how Cindy is perceived. Then visit calls are released. Still no one comes forward. Casey is showing no remorse or concern. Now if, IF Caylee was alive and Casey did nothing wrong, she would indeed be assisting with the search by talking to police. After all, in the very beginning, if Casey could have taken them to Caylee none of this would have transpired. It would just be trouble about the car and it could all be fixed and forgiven. By her not talking, she is perpetuating the assumption by many that she did something to Caylee.

The visit call between Cindy and Casey is interesting too and backs my thoughts on Cindy being the family keeper of secrets. Casey says,

"I just saw your nice little cameo on TV."

Casey is sarcastic and pissed.

"I don't want any of you guys coming up here when I have my first hearing for bond," Anthony tells her brother Lee Anthony. "Like don't even (expletive) waste your time."

Casey is in trouble, she knows it and she is feeling sorry for herself. She has been betrayed by her family (in her eyes) and there is nothing they can do to save her.

"You don't know what my involvement is in (inaudible)?" Casey Anthony asked. Like yes you do but you're not saying.

"Casey," Cindy Anthony said. "Don't say anymore".

"Mom," Casey Anthony said. "You and I both know"

I have had these conversations with people. It is ALWAYS about a secret that you do not want to speak out loud but you want to get the point across that you know and they should know you know.

So what does Cindy know? Is Casey trying to say simply that what she told her mother about a babysitter is true and she is angry her mother doesn't believe her and she ended up in jail because of it? Or is it Casey's way of saying you know how I live. You know I am a screw up. You tell me this all of the time. So you know what happened to her. After all I am in jail.

Everything since the 911 calls and the initial visit calls has been nothing short of a shiny red ball to distract people. The truth is hiding in the first few days this story broke.

Re-read the complete transcript of the first jail house call. This is the entire thing, not just the blurbs they show on the boob tube.

Tell me what you think!

I typed in BLUE above.

"Do me a favor and just tell me what Tony's number is," Casey Anthony said. "I don't want to talk to you. Forget it."

"Can you get Tony's number for me so I can call him?" Casey Anthony said.

"Hello?" Casey's brother Lee said.
"Hi," Casey Anthony said. "Can you get me Tony's number?"

"First, you are asking me for Tony's phone number so you can call him and then you immediately want to start pressing toward me and don't even worry about coming up here for all this stuff and trying to cut us out," Lee Anthony said.

"No, no," Casey Anthony said. "I want Tony's number. I'm not talking to anybody else."

Do me a favor and get my brother back because I need Tony's number."

"I know that, I just want to talk with Tony and get a little bit of…" Casey Anthony said.

"I know I can talk to you but at the same time, I know that I can talk to Tony and that is who I want to talk to now. I have not gotten the chance to talk to him since this morning. Since all of this stuff happened with trying to set up the MySpace and I made the MySpace,"

"Tony has not seen Caylee since the beginning of June," Casey Anthony said. "What's Tony's number again?"

" Casey Anthony said. "I've need to make this other call before I forget the number.

"He has Tony's number in his phone. He needs to stop (expletive) lying. He just told me a second ago that he'd give me the number."

"I will call you tomorrow," Casey Anthony said. "I want to talk to him really quick. I wanted to actually try and call Mike. I haven't slept in four days. I have not slept in four days. WHY?

"You know, you are having a real tough year and making it real tough for anybody to want to try to, even if it is giving..." Lee Anthony said.

Why has the year been tough?

IMO someone in this family knows more then has been revealed and I feel that there are going to be a lot of shocked people if and when the real truth ever comes out. jmo
I would worship the ground you walk on if you would write me a "how to" book!:blowkiss:

Hi Lovejac. I have 5 sons and one hub. They were not allowed to ignore me when they were all living at home :)
I have looked and can't find much info on the period of time between June 9-June 15th. Does anyone know if Caylee's whereabouts have been confirmed for this time. Casey told her friends that Caylee was with the babysitter while she went on a "mini-vacation" with Jeff Hopkins. Was Caylee with Cindy and George during this time?

I did find this So... where was Caylee during this time?

Maybe... just maybe if Casey had given Caylee to ZG from the 9-12 and she was returned, Casey would have no reason to think that Caylee wouldn't be returned the next time.
I have looked and can't find much info on the period of time between June 9-June 15th. Does anyone know if Caylee's whereabouts have been confirmed for this time. Casey told her friends that Caylee was with the babysitter while she went on a "mini-vacation" with Jeff Hopkins. Was Caylee with Cindy and George during this time?

I did find this So... where was Caylee during this time?

Maybe... just maybe if Casey had given Caylee to ZG from the 9-12 and she was returned, Casey would have no reason to think that Caylee wouldn't be returned the next time.

Love your blinkie

I had finals and I had oral surgery today. Please, if there is any new updates, can someone pls send them to me??? I have to go to sleep! just a bad time for me to be sick :( TIA! I'll return the favor if you need it :)
Good morning to everyone! I left here last night at about 9 and I'm now looking at ALL the posts I have to catch up on!! I need alot more coffee :D
Hi everyone,
I'm a mommy to 5 ,with 1 coming! Hope to get to know everyone better.:blowkiss:

I happen to believe Caylee is alive and some of her mom's story.
I was checking out zenaida gonzalez on brevard county moms ,her post on being robbed and there was 1 reply ,but what caught me off guard was this avatar {I enlarged it}


from this profile

now I put the user name in a search TYTY333 and found this

same person ,just have to read a few post on the brevard county forum
maybe I'm just plain nuts ,but darned if that little girl doesn't look like caylee.

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