GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #13

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Ewww. This creep didn't release his victims. They were located and freed by LE.

Are there any other crimes similar to Abigail's where a male kidnapped and kept a young female for months and then he released her? tia

As Bodhi pointed out, Jamelske freed his victims - and LE didn't believe them when they reported being held captive.
Seeing Abby in court on NG. She's got pretty gold streaks in her hair. Wonder if they are natural from the sun?
I think I remember coming on the tail end of an episode of one of my true crime TV series about Jamelske. Thanks for the refresher bohdi.

While it is very unusual it is not unheard of. you know the old saying, there is nothing new under the sun. Remembering now another case where the girl was taken on way walking or riding bike home at dark after work. She was held for a time, maybe 48 hours or so, but she was very astute and recognized he was looking for a girlfriend fantasy type captive experience and she played him into eventually releasing her with a promise not to tell.

I am wondering how Abby got through nine months of captivity if indeed she was kept in that container. such an isolating experience if so.
"…he was a talented sketch artist who always obsessed about girls with dark hair and drew them with their hands tied behind their backs."

Conway Daily Sun
No tomatoes please but Abby has blond streaks in her hair during the court appearance. Watching Nancy Grace right now. Maybe she went to the hairdresser or did her own hair?

If she was held by that creep for over 9 months, she was probably in dire need of a haircut. Zenya may have taken her to get her hair done or had someone come to the house to do it for her; get her feeling back like herself.
I saw that lol. Wonder if the creep cut her hair for her. Are there any pics of her soon after her return? Wondering how long her hair was.
I'd heard about this case but never really followed it. Is there a timeline or detailed summary of the case that I can read so I'm up-to-date? Thanks
I hope Abby got all sorts of pampering when she got home. If my teen daughter was missing and then miraculously returned to me I would pamper the crap out of her - whatever it took to help rebuild our connection and helping her to feel a sense of normalcy in her home again. Foot rubs, doing each others nails. A coloring hair session.

So while I will not comment on Abby's appearance in court today, I sure do hope she and her mom and sister are engaging in some girly normal activities when they can, those relationships need to find their way again after such an absence IMO.
I can't even deal with reading new details about this subhuman. How dare he!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure this is just me...pretty positive in fact. :eek: But I have a hard time with making victims of a difficult crime into "heroes" or heroines. In a sense it compels them to have to be, do, say, etc., in public what they may not be ready for yet. It's a very human, natural tendency from what I've observed watching cases unfold the past several years. But these are children who did not ask to be anyone's hero/heroine. My heartfelt inclination is just to let her be as 'normal' as she feels like being, and not for others to inadvertently impose immediate and idealistic standards on her in what could still be an unstable state.

I'm sure that probably no one knows what I mean, here. But I say it with all respect and love for AH and any child victim. Psychological pressure is tough enough in good circumstances.

I agree with you. Calling a child in a situation like this a "hero" puts a lot of pressure on her. A hero choose to act knowing the risks and acted on behalf of others anyway. Abby didn't choose this. She endured it. Her return should be celebrated without making her feel she has some standard to live up to.

I think "survivor" is more apt than 'hero'. It's a strong word too, whereas "victim" is passive. But it doesn't carry the expectations of resiliency. Abby needs to be free to experience ups and downs as she reintegrates into daily life.

Re the #AbbyStrong hashtag, I would discourage using that. She needs to recover from a harrowing ordeal as best she can without feeling that she has to be or act a certain way.

The Smarts did a great job cocooning Elizabeth. She had privacy to recover and grow up. Since becoming an adult, she has the maturity to handle media attention and public scrutiny. She's become an excellent spokesperson for endangered children.

I hope people in Conway close ranks around Abby and her family. I hope she feels welcomed back and protected and that she has the space to recover at her own pace.
alrighty then. I knew it wouldn't take long for those who know or knew him to start talking. And boy are they going to have stories to tell JMO. We are going to hear lots more about this guy the neighbors referred to as crazy Nate now that he is in custody.
Here's two:

John Jamelske, serial rapist-kidnapper in New York state.

Austrian Josef Fritzl after two decades of holding his daughter and many of their children captive in a secret basement took one out to go to the hospital when she was very ill. He brought 2 or 3 children to live upstairs as babies and claimed that his daughter had abandoned them on his doorstep.

ETA: additional info. Jamelske was caught only when his 5th known victim was able to call her sister. After being held for 6 months, he took here out twice. The 2nd time she was able to get to a phone and call her sister, which set of events that culminated in her rescue.

Jamelske held 2 girls and 2 women captive in a series of kidnappings before that. The earlier victims ranged in age from 14 to 53. Some were kept 6 or 9 months and one for two years. He eventually released each one. At least one wrote a letter home saying she was in rehab. The first victim, who was 14, did not report her kidnapping to police when she was released. The others did but their reports were not investigated aggressively.
Hmm. The following is from Wiki (I know, I know…it's not a real source….) Apparently he was caught with one of his victims, but he had many. His is a really spooky case.

On April 3, 2003, Jamelske felt confident enough to take the girl out to karaoke at a local bar. Emboldened by this success, he then took her on another public outing, where she slipped away from him long enough to phone her sister. The girl's sister checked the caller ID and dialed the number back, which turned out to be a bottle return center located in Manlius. The older sister persuaded the employee who answered the phone to call 9-1-1. The employee in turn called her boss, who was working at a local pet store several blocks away, telling him that Jamelske—who was scheduled to visit him at the store shortly—had apparently kidnapped a young girl and had been raping her. After Jamelske and the girl had made their visit and left, the boss immediately called the police; Jamelske was tracked down and arrested shortly thereafter.
Perhaps Elizabeth Smart will reach out to Abby at some point (privately, of course). While I am sure that Abby is receiving a great amount of support and love from family and friends, it may be beneficial to be able to speak to someone who could more closely relate to what she endured. What they experienced throughout the abduction may be very different from one another, but they both will have experienced returning to their 'old' life and having to readjust and learn to relate to friends/family all over again.
Society is not safe with people like this around. In my opinion, his mental state is not one that typically gets better..Hoping they can throw the books at this guy and keep him locked up!!
Not ready to leap to mentally ill just because he was apparently an out of control teen with a reputation.

That doesn't reach mental illness by a long shot for me. Maybe he has simply always been a jerk who thinks he's smarter than everyone else and who thinks he can push people around and do as he pleases. Maybe people always made excuses for his bad behavior and he has gotten by with minimal consequences thus far in life.
"…he was a talented sketch artist who always obsessed about girls with dark hair and drew them with their hands tied behind their backs."

Conway Daily Sun

Wow, that poor guy sounds like his (an apparently his mom's) life was pretty much forever altered by this . Even at age 31/33 or whatever it was, his relief and the anguish he must have suffered at Kibbys hand is still very apparent in his (written) voice. Very sad - but I hope the arrest helps to put an end to the effects this jerk had on his life.

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Ewww. This creep didn't release his victims. They were located and freed by LE.

Are there any other crimes similar to Abigail's where a male kidnapped and kept a young female for months and then he released her? tia

Please make a note that we have an arrest in this case. Any pointing towards, insinuations about, or other disparaging remarks about Abby or her family will be removed.

AH and her family are considered victims here. If anyone thinks otherwise, they can keep those thoughts to themselves or provide a legitimate link for discussion.

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