GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 2

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It's very confusing because of the conflicting information.

Link to transcript from last night's NG:

What in the world!? Thank you for this, lil texans. This doesn't quote Mom as saying Abby made it home nor does it have Mom actually saying it. It merely has a third party saying it.

I'm just not getting the reasoning behind WHY LE is keeping the family so quiet! Mom was on NG and all we hear from her are a few words at the beginning of the segment! Even in the pressers LE/JY are not letting Mom/family really yell out! WHY? :( Zenya looks just devastated and at times like she wants to grab the microphone and scream for her baby. WTH is going on here?!?!? Stay strong, Momma!!!
why are businesses being asked to look in their lost and found items for her phone? How did this even come to be asked? How can they possibly know she is not with her phone? I can not imagine a scenario that would tell them this that doesn't include finding one or the other.

i know there are some kind people in the world, but what are the chances that someone's going to stick an iphone 5 with a pricey case in a lost and found, anyway? Also, it's not that hard to find someone with a charger, I would think that phone would have been turned on by now if someone had found it and was wondering whose it was. I do sincerely doubt that there's one just sitting around in a lost and found there.
So after a week they finally tell the public she was on north/south road and never made it home. I just have to rant again and say if they had made that information public maybe someone might have remembered seeing a young girl walking on the side of the road that day. Because people thought she made it home they would have dismissed a person walking that far away on the side of the road.
Okay, rant done, we all know how I feel about it but I just had to say it. So she was travelling at some point on n/s road and her last phone connection was west of cranmore mountain. Kind of begs the question as to whether or not she was picked up by someone she knew and where would she have been going? Are there any locals on here that know of a place teens go up there to have a joint or drink in that area? Could she have been planning to meet bf there? Was she meeting someone else there? Two days before her birthday, had someone told her they had a gift for her?

BBM I think you may be on to something. She could have been walking beside the road and caught a ride with someone she knew. She was tired of walking thought she could trust this person and got into their vehicle. So is the window of time 2:53-3:07 that something happened to her? 14 minutes. Time to drive to Cranmore, phone pinged while there, and then...
To me, it sounds like LE has next to nothing...and if so, they messed up (IMO) as LE so often does by holding back info until they start seeing they "got nothing." JMO
We also learned today that Abby’s cell phone is missing

I don't understand this, they learned today? Abby is missing, she had her cellphone with her, of course it's missing. Have they taken 7 days to clarify it wasn't at her home? Confused!
Cranmore parking lot during the day would be a great place for teen hijinks . Random cars parked everywhere some occupied. Quiet end of town . I dont know what a "joint" is .

sorry, I'm an old timer. Joint is marijuana. Sometimes kids will meet up and smoke and drink at specific locations and I was wondering if there was anything nearby on the west side of cranmore where she may have been on her way to meet up with a group of kids. I think someone else mentioned that BF's parents business was off skimobile road, maybe she was headed over there for a visit and didn't make it. I also keep coming back to the two days before her birthday. Had someone suggested she go somewhere to get a gift? It would be interesting to know why she was headed out that way instead of stopping at home. If she was picked up, she was picked up by someone heading north. If she had been picked up by someone heading south she would have had to cross the road and that would have definitely drawn attention.
Wait. how in the world do they know she is separated from her phone? If they have not found her, and they have not found the phone, how can they know this? What the heck am I missing?

I just got an ominous feeling while re-thinking your post. Could they possibly have found her but not told the public yet? No, perish the thought!
sorry, I'm an old timer. Joint is marijuana. Sometimes kids will meet up and smoke and drink at specific locations and I was wondering if there was anything nearby on the west side of cranmore where she may have been on her way to meet up with a group of kids. I think someone else mentioned that BF's parents business was off skimobile road, maybe she was headed over there for a visit and didn't make it. I also keep coming back to the two days before her birthday. Had someone suggested she go somewhere to get a gift? It would be interesting to know why she was headed out that way instead of stopping at home. If she was picked up, she was picked up by someone heading north. If she had been picked up by someone heading south she would have had to cross the road and that would have definitely drawn attention.

Good points, old timer. However, I think DK was being facetious. :blushing:
WMUR has posted a slide show timeline,

I think the roadblocks were setup around the same time Abby would've been walking home. So maybe they were there to question people who drive that road as part of their daily routine at that time? Hence the one today, maybe if they were driving North/south road last Wednesday at this time they may have seen something, or done something I suppose.

I believe you are correct.
Good points, old timer. However, I think DK was being facetious. :blushing:

ahhh...facetious. Nope haven't had any facetious in these parts since 1939. :) I almost put MJ down and then wondered if anyone would know what I was talking about.
To me, it sounds like LE has next to nothing...and if so, they messed up (IMO) as LE so often does by holding back info until they start seeing they "got nothing." JMO

As is often the case, I agree with you, Clu....
does anyone think she might be missing voluntarily?

Maybe LE was zeroing in early on on what they thought happened (to the exclusion of any other options or scenarios) but have now had to backtrack when that didn't pan out?

I just don't know anymore, and all this confusion about what has been released and not released and "no comment"ed on. Do they want help or not? Hard to help if we really have so little that is FACT.
I think it's too early for any of us to know if she's missing or abducted. At this point it seems to be leaning towards as abduction. The only thing I've been able to be certain about is that this girl was surrounded by some gross men with grosser friends. Social Media shows a lot. I really don't think this is a stranger abducion. IMO
does anyone think she might be missing voluntarily?

Maybe LE was zeroing in early on on what they thought happened (to the exclusion of any other options or scenarios) but have now had to backtrack when that didn't pan out?

I just don't know anymore, and all this confusion about what has been released and not released and "no comment"ed on. Do they want help or not? Hard to help if we really have so little that is FACT.

I just don't see a 14 year old able to stay gone for so long with little money and in the cold. :(

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