GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 6

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Nobody is admonishing them. Not even close. I was talking about the typical flood of postings from teens when something has gone wrong with a classmate. That silence is different. That's all.

I don't expect any locals to come here with rumors, I wouldn't ask a local that came here to tell me rumors and quite honestly, I don't want to know one dang rumor. From postings here, I think everybody else feels the same.

Soon - geevee is going to help me learn to cut and paste. <modsnip> I hope no one thinks I am being mean, but some might be expecting too much of the Conway locals. That they should come here and tell you what they jabbered over at the breakfast diner is way too much to expect. If you were sitting in the same restaurant you could not join the conversation with them. They might even back away from you and give you a side eye , as if you were hounding paparazzi. If they had tips to give, they were long ago given. They would not come here to let you decide if they were worth calling in. I am not a nh local, I lived on a lake just over the state line in Maine. I had no clues or tips, nothing like that at all. One thing I did see that was a different pattern, this was after Abby disappeared, was a mom on a bike, following her teenage son - while he was running on the side of the road. Their lives have changed, give them a break and some understanding.

I do not think Abby is with us anymore, but if she is being held in some cabin, after the snow falls it will be easier to see footsteps, and fireplace smoke from a chimney, or wood fire smoke and lights at night.....though I do not think that will be likely.

I'm not sure I understand where this post is coming from.

I hope she is being held in a cabin and not gone. I think, I pray for whatever the right outcome is to be to be and to let her family have her home in whatever capacity is the right one. I can't imagine ever thinking somebody should come here and chat with us about this personal upset rather than send in a tip. We are here, because we care. I am here because of Abby. I'm not a sleuther, I am overtaken by fear and sadness for this young lady and her family. I want her found. I don't care to worry about personal lives of locals. I pray the town can come to peace with this no matter how Abby comes home. I will also say many of us have sent tips in on our own. That is because through this site and talking and working through it things come up. I don't think there is any tip nor thought that isn't worth calling in.

They have nothing, we need to look for something. I'm going to keep saying that until she is found.

Please, if you are talking about this site to your sister be sure she knows we are not paparazzi, we are not out for rumors... this is about doing the only thing we can to help people we do not know, because this stuff is painful and scary and it hits home with most of us.
I agree and the photo of Abby near the track playing with her hair band on her wrist leads me to believe Abby had a shy insecure side. It could also be her age, attending a new school, and underclassman. I know she did that video of the she-man but she was also probably comfortable where ever and with whomever taped that. I was very shy growing up but when I put on my cheerleading outfit or had a part in a play it was as if I was a different person, more outgoing.

One of my kids is extra shy......she loves film, video's acting, etc.
All this quoting and I thought i was quoting Donna whose sister is local. pardon my making things more confusing.

Not a public flogging... we just are passionate and wouldn't want you thinking this us wanting anything more than abby to come home. That's all
Wow - this is like a public flogging. ouch!

OMG no no...not at all. and i'll disagree with everyone, i personally would LOVE to hear a few rumors. there's more truth in rumor than we're willing to admit, over the course of the years and the cases we've followed. if it quacks like a duck, it ain't a rhino.

you are a very valuable poster, do not read into anything or any one of us. we don't know shpit. if we did, we'd know where abby was.

my apologies if anything said was even mildly offensive.
agreed, jblock. no one's admonishing them nor expecting a throng of new hampshire newcomers to post rumors here. IMO...

my point was, rumors are flying somewhere...quietly. which tells the rabbit more and more that they're simply fearful of accusing 'one of their own'. if locals truly believed a random predator was on the loose, every parent would be following their child on a bicycle. i simply don't believe that's the case, JMO...

well donna, i saw the wizard. he gave me a heart, a brain, and courage. i hope someone in the greater conway area receives the same and makes a phone call to the feds...MOO...

I agree with it being someone from their own backyard. Thing is, the community was told in no uncertain terms to keep their mouths shut. Now that kind of stuff will work with young teens who are afraid to rock the boat, but teens grow up and when they get older won't be so afraid. I think that's when we'll find out what happened to AH. Right now, unfortunately, the entire town is unwittingly protecting a monster. Like others here, I can accept moving on after a fashion, maybe even as soon as a couple of weeks, but to have even AH's "bestie's" not even addressing that she's missing is more than a bit odd. If I call someone "sister" you would assume I'm very close to that person. I don't think I'd be putting sexually charged selfies on the internet within 48hours of that person disappearing at the hand's of God knows what. It's not just the lack of chatter among the teens who use social media (and continue to do so) like we old timers used phones but it's the absence of even mentioning what happened or that their friend is gone, posting sad lyrics even! Just something that would indicate this person was a part of their lives. Heck, I'VE got more posted on my fb about her disappearance than her "friends" do. I could even understand if they weren't posting anything, but their posting as if their friend is on vacation in Bahamas rather than a peer who quite probably has been abducted and murdered. Now unless they know something we don't, i.e. she's run away, then their behavior is at best callous.
With the aspect of social media going dead about it. It still doesn't make sense to me. My mother and her siblings went to school with Kathy Gloddy. Her murder is still "unsolved". That was in 1971. People STILL talk about it like it was yesterday and everyone talks about theories and talk like Kathy will return home tomorrow. I have a feeling there is discussion on social media, but the privacy settings could possibly be set?

I had noticed that a lot of FB pages had no public posts after like the 12th-13th or so and looking at picture albums, most of the pictures are hidden. IMO parents, teachers, etc. have cautioned them about SM. Not all of them have changed their privacy, some are still blatantly too public IMO.

Yes, their lives have changed as someone else said, so we just don't know what is being said. The Missing Help Find page has nearly 8700 likes but there are only about 2300 residents. Most of the comments there are from strangers. I think there is a lot of caution and maybe some fear in town about an unknown or suspected predator.

Just MHO.
So, my crime is thinking Abby is not alive, and not being passionate ? The word "rumor" is not in my post.
Wow - this is like a public flogging. ouch!

Everyone has their own opinions. If someone is rude about yours, alert in the upper right hand corner or PM a mod. Otherwise, just realize everyone is passionate about Abby.
So, my crime is thinking Abby is not alive, and not being passionate ? The word "rumor" is not in my post.

Not a crime at all. I don't personally think she's alive either, although I really hope she is.
Nice Quoting! :D

Your question to P&G: It was a lack of anything from the classmates for me. I've seen so much where kids swarm the pages of SM talking about their friend, classmate, etc. There was all but nothing when AH went missing. Seriously strange to me.

I've had thoughts for a week or so about this. Maybe Abby wasn't popular at school. I'm not saying it's the case, but there has been a distinct lack of interest from young people at her school. Her boyfriend was her close friend before they became a couple. Maybe she was just a quiet, geeky kind of kid that no one really noticed?
Wow - this is like a public flogging. ouch!

Public flogging? It's how the public is viewing such odd behaviour. It's odd to claim someone is your friend and behave so blase when they disappear. It's odd to have a child disappear and not have the adults in town chattering about it, let alone the peers of the missing child. It's not flogging to point out the obvious. As I posted earlier, although it may appear AH was well liked and had lots of friends, it doesn't appear her friends are all that affected by her disappearance. JMO and with all due respect to you ohoh, but that opinion is a loong way from any public flogging. I have to completely disagree with that characterization. Without any clear cut reason for such odd behaviour, people come to their own conclusions.
Public flogging? It's how the public is viewing such odd behaviour. It's odd to claim someone is your friend and behave so blase when they disappear. It's odd to have a child disappear and not have the adults in town chattering about it, let alone the peers of the missing child. It's not flogging to point out the obvious. As I posted earlier, although it may appear AH was well liked and had lots of friends, it doesn't appear her friends are all that affected by her disappearance. JMO and with all due respect to you ohoh, but that opinion is a loong way from any public flogging. I have to completely disagree with that characterization. Without any clear cut reason for such odd behaviour, people come to their own conclusions.

I have to say that I remember distinctly in Celina Cass' threads prior to her body being found, the chatter here about the lack of local rumor. It was explained that NH folks are different and tight-knit, not big on sharing with media, etc. Very private types.
That they should come here and tell you what they jabbered over at the breakfast diner is way too much to expect. If you were sitting in the same restaurant you could not join the conversation with them. They might even back away from you and give you a side eye , as if you were hounding paparazzi. If they had tips to give, they were long ago given. They would not come here to let you decide if they were worth calling in.
I snipped a bit to focus on what bothered me. It was the tone and assumption I felt from it that we were expecting something personal from the locals. Why in the world would we be expecting them to come talk to us, nevermind talk to us prior to sending a tip in. Again, really just about the silence we were seeing that seemed unusual.

In fact, I actually posted somewhere about how locals weren't going to go talking out in public, that would be crazy and detrimental to their personal lives and the case.

I guess the idea of us being thought by you or anybody to expect them to come and chat with us felt hurtful to me. That's all. And if that is what it looks like here well, I'm out asap. No way I want somebody thinking that about me ever and though nobody knows me personally, there is always the risk somebody could figure out who I am. Honestly, I'm sitting here wondering is this what people think on the outside that read? If that's true I'm running from here.

So, my crime is thinking Abby is not alive, and not being passionate ? The word "rumor" is not in my post.
No crime!
Jabbering/gossip I guess I'd use somewhat interchangeably from your wording. Nothing meant by it.

I doubt she is alive, either. Wish I could have a lot of hope she is, but it seems any hope is fading quickly if not gone. I'm not sure I thought she was alive after week one.
I think there is a lot more being said on FB than most of us realize. FB changed the privacy settings substantially awhile back, and it is now possible to have ongoing conversations on your page that are only visible to a few select people, but other subjects can still be public at the same time. It used to be all or none, not so anymore. I am aware of at least a few of her friends that seem to be interested in the case, and are probably chatting about it without any of us being able to see it.
I think there is a lot more being said on FB than most of us realize. FB changed the privacy settings substantially awhile back, and it is now possible to have ongoing conversations on your page that are only visible to a few select people, but other subjects can still be public at the same time. It used to be all or none, not so anymore. I am aware of at least a few of her friends that seem to be interested in the case, and are probably chatting about it without any of us being able to see it.

I'm sure they are talking amongst themselves, conversing, etc. I am sure there are conversations being had. BUT usually there is a public display of posting... do you know what I mean? 100 posts on the child's page talking to her, pleading, wishing, praying, stories, etc. THAT is what is missing, MOO.
I have to say that I remember distinctly in Celina Cass' threads prior to her body being found, the chatter here about the lack of local rumor. It was explained that NH folks are different and tight-knit, not big on sharing with media, etc. Very private types.

However, the locals are having no problem chattering their lives away on public forums. Like I said, if there were complete radio silence, I'd understand and expect it. It would make sense to not have anything public and go completely private, but they haven't done that. Her friends, as well as the local adults, are posting on social media the same as they did before AH disappeared. That's not New England aloof, that's contradictory behaviour. And these same private NE folks had no problem getting face time with the camera when AH first disappeared and commenting on how "pretty" they are on their various social media outlets. I find that really callous and odd, and even more so when you take into consideration how private and stoic NH people are.
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