GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 8

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If mom was unaware of a regular behavior, that's even more of an argument for a secret life. IMO

Not necessarily. Teens do stuff like this, knowing their mothers wouldn't approve. Kind of like a "what they don't know won't hurt them" type of thing.

Most young kids/teens do something behind their mother's backs and years later, around the holiday dinner table, the stories come out that make the hairs on the backs of your mother's neck stand up. :floorlaugh: Sometimes I wonder how I survived my childhood years with some of the dangerous stuff my best friend and I did in our younger years, such as riding down a very long hill on our bikes, always falling down at the end of it and scraping our knees- believe me, we had guardian angels watching over the two of us. :floorlaugh: Of course, our mothers told us numerous times that if we were ever caught riding down that hill, that we would be grounded for the rest of the summer or at least a month, haha. For some reason, that didn't deter us. That's just one example of how we did dangerous stuff, not truly realizing the consequences that could have happened had, say for instance, a car drove by just as we were flying down at the end of that hill- we would have been killed instantly. Not to mention back then, there were no helmets, elbow and knee pads to wear while bike riding or roller skating.
So true, Steels. Risky behavior is not such a big deal for kids! I wonder, though, what friends thought about her decision to walk home (2 miles).
I don't think stranger abduction is likely in this case due to the facts, but I understand most people fear the possibility of random events--children being snatched out of their front yards, gun men entering movie theaters and school rooms. These are our worst nightmares--portrayed in movies all the time. These are real events. But they are remote. They are horrors that are unlikely, statistically. Honey Bun points out that if this kind of event occurs, it's possible nothing we ever might do will protect us. Honey Bun is right about this very remote stuff.
I have been led to the Maura Murray case, through looking a the disappearance of Abby. People thought stranger abduction was possible in that case, even though, if you look at the surface details, the coincidence of a stranger taking her off a snowy road is unlikely--once you understand the details of her "private and secret' lives--not made public by family or LE btw--you see the possibility of random abduction in the MM case is absurdly remote.
In AH's case, we know she made a decision to walk independently away from her friends, away from someone who was identified as a BF, in the direction of a remote area, a sketchy place, a place where hidden and secret activity could very well have taken place. We know her mother was unaware of this behavior. We have heard LE refer to her "private and secret" lives. The facts, other than she was walking toward risk and did not seem coerced into making that choice, are unknown to us. But, given that she was headed in that direction, stranger abduction is less likely than the possibility that the "risks" she was walking toward--the more predictable ones--were what led to her disappearance. We don't know a lot. We can, from the lack of warnings, assume that random stranger abduction is not the number one possibility--even though it is what we all think of.

Great post! Thanks.

LE said they learned a lot about her public life, a lot about her private life and they learned about her secret life. What they didn't say- that they learned a lot about her secret life.

If she was experimenting with or dependent on drugs, that info could potentially open up a whole new cast of local characters. Who would she get it from and how would she pay for it? She could have fallen in with a really bad crowd in her secret life.

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Involvement with anything secret has the potential to disrupt our lives--that's why we keep some things secret. Out of self-consciousness, embarrassment, because the behavior is illicit or illegal--or just because we don't want to explain that side of ourselves to others (like posting here?). I can't think of a single secret (that's not just in someone's head) that wouldn't leave some kind of trail, though.

There's a trail. Somewhere.
"Secrets destroy families"
-I've always heard this quote in conjunction with childhood sexual abuse.

I don't know if Abby was sexually abused, but if she was, it would explain the cutting, (which she didn't deny), a previous runaway attempt (I agree with a previous poster, Mom may not have considered it a runaway situation if Abby took off to live with family in another state),

It would explain depression- she looks down in all of the pics I've seen...

Would there be a trail for addiction? #1 reason teens runaway, to keep the addiction a secret from their families.


Impulsive decision to follow her dreams?

LE needs to look closely at places she spent her free time, places of work, how she spent her summer hours and where, etc.

Whether or not she left voluntarily, I think she's now in grave danger, if still alive. If she fell into the hands of a perp, I think she is likely no longer with us. The biggest risk for a runaway teen girl is prostitution, which brings me back to the sex ring theory- the good-looking young man in the nice car, promising her modeling jobs or a role in a film he's producing.

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I don't think stranger abduction is likely in this case due to the facts, but I understand most people fear the possibility of random events--children being snatched out of their front yards, gun men entering movie theaters and school rooms. These are our worst nightmares--portrayed in movies all the time. These are real events. But they are remote. They are horrors that are unlikely, statistically. Honey Bun points out that if this kind of event occurs, it's possible nothing we ever might do will protect us. Honey Bun is right about this very remote stuff.
I have been led to the Maura Murray case, through looking a the disappearance of Abby. People thought stranger abduction was possible in that case, even though, if you look at the surface details, the coincidence of a stranger taking her off a snowy road is unlikely--once you understand the details of her "private and secret' lives--not made public by family or LE btw--you see the possibility of random abduction in the MM case is absurdly remote.
In AH's case, we know she made a decision to walk independently away from her friends, away from someone who was identified as a BF, in the direction of a remote area, a sketchy place, a place where hidden and secret activity could very well have taken place. We know her mother was unaware of this behavior. We have heard LE refer to her "private and secret" lives. The facts, other than she was walking toward risk and did not seem coerced into making that choice, are unknown to us. But, given that she was headed in that direction, stranger abduction is less likely than the possibility that the "risks" she was walking toward--the more predictable ones--were what led to her disappearance. We don't know a lot. We can, from the lack of warnings, assume that random stranger abduction is not the number one possibility--even though it is what we all think of.

Wow what a great post. So well said...thank you!
I'm going with someone she knew. The reason why I say this is because she was texting her boyfriend just before whatever it was that happened to her, and she didn't appear distressed in her texts, at least from what the papers have reported. If someone was approaching her that she didn't know and he was scaring her, like most teens, she would have said something like "there's a creep driving by" or "some creep is following me" or "help" "help me", or something to indicate she was in trouble. do we know she didn't do something like that? She could have and that is one of the reasons they might have done such a thorough search of that Pudding Pond area right away.

We have no idea who the last texts were about or who they were too.

We just don't know.
I got the impression, from what I have read, that her last thirty minutes of texting was to her boyfriend. If anyone knew her state of mind it would be him. Like i said before teen girls tell their boyfriends "everything". JC said that they were together "every day" accept that one day. Boyfriends like to know where their girlfriends are at. do we know she didn't do something like that? She could have and that is one of the reasons they might have done such a thorough search of that Pudding Pond area right away.

We have no idea who the last texts were about or who they were too.

We just don't know.

I thought LE confirmed that her last text was at 2:53 pm and that it was a heart to her bf. Also that there wasn't anything unusual about the texts they exchanged.

"She left the school around 2:30 p.m., walked along Eagles Way and was last seen taking a short cut through a power line trail. For 20 minutes after she was last seen, she used her cell phone to text for 20 minutes. Investigators say those texts were routine after school messages."

"She was last seen walking away from Kennett High School after school. Her last text message was to her boyfriend at around 2:53 p.m. that day, when she sent him a heart."
I remember thata question was asked to Abby on her social medipage whether she smoke or drink and she had answered that she used to.Her answer
suggested me that she used to drink also besides smoking in the.past but she is way too
young to drink .. That makes me think whether she had a kind of problem or something and seems a bit weird to me...JMO
It doesn't seem weird to me at all. Some things are just right in front of your nose.
Another thing I find weird is that not one person has commented on RM's post.
It doesn't seem weird to me at all. Some things are just right in front of your nose.

Maybe it is right in front of our nose. Mom said AH hadn't run away before but there is a story that she attempted to go to TN in the past, a past residence of her father. What if Mom isn't lying? AH didn't run away, but she went with her dad willingly?
If one deletes things, they look guilty. If they don't, everybody wonders why. If they respond it gets more crazy posts going....and there begins the circle again.
Maybe it is right in front of our nose. Mom said AH hadn't run away before but there is a story that she attempted to go to TN in the past, a past residence of her father. What if Mom isn't lying? AH didn't run away, but she went with her dad willingly?

Do you have a link to the TN story (was it confirmed in the mainstream media), or is it something that was just posted on a message board (rumor)? Thanks.
I would think the father would of notified the police if he had Abby.
I had really hoped for news. But I see there is still nothing new. Just rehashing of rumors.
There are lots of stories out there. I am sure the locals have heard plenty of them.
Do you have a link to the TN story (was it confirmed in the mainstream media), or is it something that was just posted on a message board (rumor)? Thanks.

It was asked in mainstream media and LE commented that because AH was a minor they couldn't comment on it. And then again at another time in an interview with ZH the journalist commented on hearing that AH had once before gone to TN, but ZH said AH hadn't run away in the past. So the question we'd parlayed around here is that perhaps ZH wasn't being dishonest in saying AH didn't run away before because AH had gone to a family member's home (conjecture). Now I'm further conjecturing and posturing and opining that perhaps along with the ZH's statements previously to a journalist in a one on one interview that AH in regards to not having run away also may have been travelling with a family member to that family member's home without perhaps (again conjecturing futher) custodial parental permission (conjecturing that ZH has sole custody), of course knowing that AH's father had a previous residence in TN according to and Given that mainstream media has stated that LE stated that ZH's first language is not english, ZH might not have fully understood the question being asked and her response may have been less than factual when asked about AH and any previous meanderings (conjecture) and also may have legal issues regarding what she can and cannot say in regards to any previous disappearances or supposed running away if it's part of an ongoing custodial issue in conjunction with her divorce (conjecture).
But rather than post the entire rambling complete with links that would take me hours to gather and footnote, I posted MOO. Perhaps, in the future we should all footnote each MSM fact and point out each opinion clearly so there isn't further confusion? I'm guessing (conjecture) that not everyone has read every article?
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