GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 8

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IMO, a 14/15-year-old would know their own zip code. They would have to fill out their address on forms at the doctor's office, at school, when doing online shopping, etc.

While teens today may not communicate via snail-mail very often, I do know several teens who write and send thank you notes in the mail after being given birthday or Christmas gifts… so they are certainly very familiar with sending letters for that purpose. IDK about Abby personally though.


Kudos to those young people who send you thank you cards! It is a battle with my kids to get them to do it. And every time I have to remind my teens about the correct way to address an envelope so that it will be delivered.

Sadly, Dixie, I must disagree. From volunteering at middle school, I can see that many kids Abby's age don't know their addresses, never mind their zip code. Many kids don't know things you would think would be basic like where their parent works (name of the company or the town.)

I drilled our complete phone number into my kids when they were little and I hope they remember it. Probably all WS parents do--we want to keep our kids safe. I hope they remember our area code.

But people program the numbers they call frequently into their cell phones and home phones. So I don't think they would know how to contact family or friends if they were out without a phone. If they are able to remember a number, it's because it has shown up repeatedly on caller ID.

Kids Abby's age have very little reason to use their address. They don't fill out medical or school forms themselves. They can't buy anything online without a credit card, so if they want to buy anything thechild is not filling out the billing information.

Once kids are old enough to apply for jobs, they have to remember all that info so they can fill out the application. And when they get a license, they see it in written all the time. But mostly kids are unfamiliar with writing letters.
Can someone link the letter?

Kudos to those young people who send you thank you cards! It is a battle with my kids to get them to do it. And every time I have to remind my teens about the correct way to address an envelope so that it will be delivered.

Sadly,seeya, I must disagree. From volunteering at middle school, I can see that many kids Abby's age don't know their addresses, never mind their zip code. Many kids don't know things you would think would be basic like where their parent works (name of the company or the town.)

I drilled our complete phone number into my kids when they were little and I hope they remember it. Probably all WS parents do--we want to keep our kids safe. I hope they remember our area code.

But people program the numbers they call frequently into their cell phones and home phones. So I don't think they would know how to contact family or friends if they were out without a phone. If they are able to remember a number, it's because it has shown up repeatedly on caller ID.

Kids Abby's age have very little reason to use their address. They don't fill out medical or school forms themselves. They can't buy anything online without a credit card, so if they want to buy anything thechild is not filling out the billing information.

Once kids are old enough to apply for jobs, they have to remember all that info so they can fill out the application. And when they get a license, they see it in written all the time. But mostly kids are unfamiliar with writing letters.

If you don't know your own address, that's pathetic. Not knowing your house number (it's on the door), your street name, the town you live, your state? Really? These kids aren't going to learn that information until they start applying for college? I can only imagine what their college essays look like...
I feel pretty strongly that Abby knows her own address. I also feel very strongly the letter was sent to a PO Box for a reason. How that delay was advantageous to whomever is the designer of this drama I do not know, but do believe it was.
I feel pretty strongly that Abby knows her own address. I also feel very strongly the letter was sent to a PO Box for a reason. How that delay was advantageous to whomever is the designer of this drama I do not know, but do believe it was.

That's a rumor. So far, LE hasn't said where the letter was sent, just that it was "received" on 11/06/2013 and given to LE on that very same day.
Could the po box be tied to the Jackson house? Maybe its a rental. They just check the po box every few weeks. Ah would know this and know it would buy her some time
Why do people find the word received to be odd? That's what I would say...I received a letter from whomever.
The only real hard facts supported by LE and MSM and have remained steadfast that we have in this case are (UPDATED):

AH went missing on October 9th
ZH is her mom
SH is her older sister
RH is her dad
ZH called the police at 7:17pm
AH's last text was to a friend (we don't know exactly when that text was sent since there are conflicting reports, but it was either 2:52 or 2:53pm on 10/9)
AH's cellphone pinged West of Cranmore Mtn. at 3:07pm on 10/9
On the walk home, friend DF saw her.
ZH works as a per diem nurse at Mountain Valley Community for two years, a facility in Ossippee. http://www.newhampshirelakesandmount...nway-teen.html
Searches included - Pudding Pond, a quarry, Saco River, behind Walmart, power lines, Middle School lot, AH's "usual walk home"
Home residence is 86 Village Way and was initially taped off
AH is a freshman at Kennet HS
AH is 15 years old
AH has a white IPhone with a pink/grey otterbox covering
AH had a cleaning job on mondays
ZH received a letter from AH on November 6th, dated October 22nd and postmarked October 23

Conflicting reports:
She may have made it home, she may not. At first LE thought she did, now they believe she didn't.
There were several uncofirmed sightings on n/s road between 2:30pm and 3:30pm.
Fish and Game claimed there was phone activity at 6:30pm, LE claims there wasn't.
Shey may have been wearing a grey sweatshirt, a black sweater with yellow flecks, or a striped grey and black sweater.
She was wearing either black or brown boots.
The friend who saw her on the walk home either saw her take a right of eastman road or eagles way onto a dirt road or path (both have been said at one time or another, one could assume it's just a mistake in names given the closeness in pronunciation of eastman vs eagle).
Some kind of surveillance video helped LE make a timeline
A letter was written to AH and the claimant is RH. Mom feels it is RH, FBI won't confirm.
Mom claims RH doesn't live in state, MSM is reporting that RH does have a residence in state.
Early claims in MSM stated AH had a bf and an "older boy" she had recently met online, but we've not heard anything since initial reports on this.
AH is missing, abduction has not been ruled out parents letters seem to indicate a run away.
Some news agencies have reported that AH is a "raven haired track star" but ZH says AH is not involved in any running groups.
AH routinely walked home (LE) or AH routinely rode bus home and walked that day (ZH)
Some sites list AH as abducted, some as kidnapped, some as run away.Someone suggested it's just how they put the posters online, but it's open to individual interpretation.
AH may or may not have her phone and as I noted above a reporter earlier claimed LE "found nothing sinister on her phone". So make your own mind up on that one.

The rumors:
AH was seen with two people in Errol, NH (rumor via MHFAH fb)
AH was seen on Kancamagus Highway (rumor via MHFAH fb and MSM)
Mom arrived home at 7pm (rumor via Michael Board from WOAI on the NG show)
AH was seen entering a car (rumor via NG)
AH worked at Cranmore resort (can't remember how that rumor took hold)
JC claims his son, AH's bf, received the last text and the content was a heart (stated by JC in several news articles)
ZH's previous residences were rentals (not sure where the rumor started from)
AH went to Fryeburg Fair on Saturday with JCjr and JC (rumor from JC)

The obvious mistakes:
NG reported AH was a cheerleader, and she isn't
Some people thought AH was related to Aaron Hernandez, and she isn't.

Things we all agree are true from various places and individual sleuthing:
RH has residences in both TX and NH
JC is JCjr's dad and has a towing company
SH was on the HS track team
ZH is in an organized running group
Paul Kirsch runs both the Bringabbyhome website and another fb site and, although it's my opinion, I'm sure we all agree he has changed the way future families will handle missing children by his tireless efforts. I hope missing cards, magnetized signs and hashtags on social media are utilized in other missing children's cases and it was sheer genius to come up with the ideas. Given the inability to do an Amber Alert, these ideas had the same effect.
ZH has lived at several residences
ZH is still co-owner on a property in Jackson
The letter could have been sent to anyone, and given to ZH on Nov 6th. I dont think they ever said it was mailed to her mother, only that it was written to her mother.
I wonder if Abby wrote to her father - "as you've come to me before" - and either enclosed a letter for her mom or RH then forwarded it? They kept saying the letter "came into custody" rather than it arrived and seemed reluctant to say when ZH actually got it.

Quoting my own post - reading RH's open letter on 3 Nov again, it does cast it in a different light if you view it as a response to something he has been sent...
Facts about the letter:
It was dated 10/22/2013
It was postmarked on 10/23/2013 (no indication where the postmark originated provided by LE)
It was read and received by the mom on 11/06/2013 and subsequently given to LE that day
There is no indication as to where it was sent/to whom the envelope was addressed. It could have been sent to her father, mother or sister or ?
LE may be checking ZH's mail first and they may have taken time to confirm it was AH before handing it over to ZH.
could the mom have received that letter earlier but didn't go thru her mail right away with her searching for her daughter etc? IMO
I have two daughters around Abby's age. If they took a few articles of clothes with them I would have absolutely no idea they were missing. They have so many clothes there would be no way to figure it out. Even when they pack for a week vacation you would not be able to tell by looking through their closets and drawers.

I also have 2 daughters Abbys age, I agree it's hard to know if/when they take something but I would know if one of their favorite sweat shirts or sweaters or favorite jeans were missing.
It kind of sounds like the delay was to allow for Abby + whoever to pack up and go elsewhere before they could be traced. If LE told people to be on the lookout for people moving into their neighborhood, Abby must be with an adult who has many resources. That makes it even scarier. Who is this person that's able to relocate on a whim and not raise any suspicion, in addition to all the other evasive techniques mentioned?

Imagining ZH receive that letter is a poignant image. I would just lose it right there at the mailbox/post office/wherever. How bittersweet..
I personally am TERRIFIED that whoever has Abby... that if she isn't found soon this person may lure/abduct another girl... or may have already and Abby is not the first. I really think whoever this is they know what they are doing and they have done this before
I also have 2 daughters Abbys age, I agree it's hard to know if/when they take something but I would know if one of their favorite sweat shirts or sweaters or favorite jeans were missing.

It is interesting that the initial description was a grey sweater and then that changed. Maybe she had both with her.
If you don't know your own address, that's pathetic. Not knowing your house number (it's on the door), your street name, the town you live, your state? Really? These kids aren't going to learn that information until they start applying for college? I can only imagine what their college essays look like...

I hope you aren't being snarky. I didn't say they don't know the town or the state they live in. I am just telling you my experience in dealing with kids Abby's age at school. So, yes, each time made me feel sad for that child and what it may mean about his or her home situation. But I didn't condemn the child for that.

Reality is often not ideal. Because of your ridicule, I'll be more specific.

* Many condo and apartment complexes are referred to by residents and nonresidents alike by their name, i.e. Merry Meadows, Winding Brook. That name may not even be part of their physical or mailing address. But it is what is used in everyday speech. That's what the child knows.

* There may be signs with street names within a complex but those may not be part of the address.

* Not every house has a number on the door.

* No every place is perfectly ordered. It is common here for odd and even house numbers to be out of sync. 27 may be across the 64.

* Streets may have an official name but are commonly called something else. Bypass 28 is familiar to everyone in southern New Hampshire but the section in each town has one or more official names that are seldom used except on official documents.

A child may have the little exposure to the mailing or physical address and no need to have memorized it. Young teens do not fill out forms, do not write or receive mail, they do not sign leases or mortgages. The increased mobility of some families, especially in tough times, means that many kids Abby's age do not know their "official" address. They know it in a way that works for them.
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