GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 9

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I saw (several years ago) a wanted fugitive sex offender... called my local PD told them the address I saw him go to and they went, it was him and he put up one HELL of a fight but he was arrested and jailed..... sightings can pan out

Good for you :loveyou: There is a case some may have followed. I cant disclose the name as it has been removed due to a 13 year old minor and rape charges. Somebody spotted them near the woods. It was them. I'll go grab a link to support.

For many Nancy Grace viewers, this will be the first time they hear about the letter, so in a way it is new evidence.
NG has had great shows when she is able to get LE on or people very close to the case like family members. I couldn't count how many times in different cases where when there were good guests on that we poured over the transcripts repeatedly.

In the transcript of PC, LE stated they wanted national attention, I hope a LEO is a guest, but we'll see. :crossfingers:
There's something very strange about the father not wanting to be photographed. Add that together with the other oddities or "mistakes" and the editorial writer seems to be on the right track.
1. FBI involved in a possible runaway case (lots of runaways, why this kind of attention for this one?)
2. Dad won't appear in public.
3. Dogs did/did not follow her trail home. (orginally announced, then retracted.)
4. She did/did not use her phone at 6:30--originally announced, then retracted.
5. Letter was postmarked, but not received for 14 days.
6. Letter was not revealed to public for another month.
7. Her folks have been addressed her directly from the beginning, though it was an abduction(?).

Either there's something about the family that is of special interest for LE or there are a lot of baffled investigators out there.

I think there are aspects of this case that point to coercion/abduction, etc., so even if they later found that Abby intended to leave voluntarily, she is likely in a highly dangerous situation that might involved crossing state lines: hence, FBI involvement.

I don't think the family is of interest to the authorities as suspects at this point, at all. I think the dad not wanting to be public is a red herring.

This video that the man reported on Friday, does anyone know what the video is about or has the video in question been released or linked anywhere, or just the single picture? I feel for this family...

We know nothing. But clearly, the dad was shown the video, because I don't think we have a still shot for it, do we?

Even if the picture from the video is Abby, I am a bit suspicious. Out of all the videos on the internet, this guy runs into this one??? Don't any of the rest of you here find that kind of weird?

Well, no because it's probably not her. But people who watch internet *advertiser censored* apparently tend to watch a lot of it, relentlessly. And they are probably also always seeking something they haven't yet seen. Finally, if someone does have Abby for that prupose, chances are they couldn't make themselves wait at a chance of making some money off her.

LOL. When people want to believe something, (or make others do so) they may "create" names that actually belong to someone stored in their subconscious. Reminds me of casey anthony and her co-worker "Juliette Lewis.

Nancy Grace just tweeted this message!

New, crucial evidence just uncovered in missing school girl case. #FindAbby. I'm taking your on-air calls right now: 877-626-2901

Oh goodness. She's never had breaking news before anyone else. But anything that spreads the news about this case is a Godsend.
I suppose it's possible they fingerprint-dusted the letter and maybe found a full or partial print? Seems a reasonable way for them to try to authenticate it.

The problem there is - Do they have existing fingerprints from Abby to match them to? I doubt she has a criminal record, but you never know. Unless her school fingerprints their kids?
I hope NG has LE on the show...more likely to be factual than if she wings it with her staff. I cringe to think where she might go with this info, if left to her own devices.
Random, but would she have gone off to join some "religious" group? RH mentioned bible verses. Her fb includes many likes of religious pages. Are there groups at the fair? I remember questionable "religious" folks being at the Topsfield Fair growing up.

This was something i entertained when i coupled that the religious aspects you mentioned and the "following a dream" or something to that extent that was stated, I believe, by ZH.
The problem there is - Do they have existing fingerprints from Abby to match them to? I doubt she has a criminal record, but you never know. Unless her school fingerprints their kids?

I asked the same question once in another case because I couldn't figure it out! They have her fingerprints on all of her personal stuff at home!
I read yesterday, and cant find it anywhere now... It was a comment to a MSM article I believe... About a woman who says she is 100% certain she saw Abby in VT outside of a store (cant remember the exact location) with a woman (she said named Jennifer) and man (she said named Waylon) and that Jennifer has asked her to buy them food, particulary meat, beacause her friend was pregnant. While I realize this is only speculation, IF that were Abby.... and given this WHOLE case, letter, etc, it could certainly explain A LOT of things...

That person goes by the screenname "Cora". She (?) Has posted this in several comment sections. IIRC this claim goes quite a while back too.
So what do we think of Aby's Mom on NG? I am not seeing any posts on here since 7:37?
It was incredible to go through the list of missing hispanic girls from massachusetts and not be able to find any information about them. Just heartbreaking. If there is a connection between all the girls that have gone missing in the last year, it's difficult to find out because apparently no one seems to care these girls are missing.
What is going on in Massachusetts in more than one area is chilling IMHO. I don't understand it. I've looked at the missing states through NH, ME, VT and when you get to MA it is like a different world and in certain pockets. Of course, I know there are reputations for these areas...which saddens me even more so to think somehow they must be thought to not be as deserving of media attention and the general Fight to Find Them as others :( :( :(
I still can't get passed the sheer exhaustion and the wear and tear that shows in Zenya's pretty face. And her still being positive and hopeful - she's amazing.
She needs to remain surrounded by positive, supportive people. I pray that she hears from Abby again soon.

If Abby inherited even 1/10th of Zenya's strength, surely she will make her way home no matter what the circumstances.

I want to make a STRONG SUGGESTION regarding any possible sitings of AH. If one feels that they've observed someone who may possibly be AH, your FIRST action should be to CALL 911

Let me explain. If one decides to contact the FBI hotline when they have access to a phone, or even immediately, there will be valuable time wasted. The FBI must first be contacted, then assemble, then respond. This could take hours. It certainly would be much longer than Police response. There may be a Patrolman right around the corner. With a possible siting, the most important thing is to observe & report. Local Police response, by far, has the most likelihood of LE making contact w/ the subjects you've observed. From there, the chain of command can get started.

I've seen people mention you wouldn't want them "to put it over the scanner". Most PDs have/use MDTs (mobile data terminal). With this, all info is sent to a "computer" in the Patrol Vehicle. Also, most dispatch/radio rooms have an SOP that sensitive info should not be broadcasted. Another means of contact should be made (call dispatch). Regardless how it's dispatched, this info needs to be given to LE ASAP. I don't care if it's shouted out to world! If there actually is a true siting of AH, getting ANY type of LE there ASAP, by far, has the highest probability in recovering AH safely ! OBVIOUSLY, THIS IS WHAT WE WANT !!!

One more thing I wanted to address briefly regarding the FBI. There seems to be a universal misunderstanding (which I see all over WS in general) about response / jurisdiction of the FBI. I'm not sure where it originated, but my guess would be from watching TV. I really don't know. There does not need to be a "crossing of state lines" for the FBI to inject themselves into an investigation, ESPECIALLY in the case of a missing juvenile.

I want to make a STRONG SUGGESTION regarding any possible sitings of AH. If one feels that they've observed someone who may possibly be AH, your FIRST action should be to CALL 911

Let me explain. If one decides to contact the FBI hotline when they have access to a phone, or even immediately, there will be valuable time wasted. The FBI must first be contacted, then assemble, then respond. This could take hours. It certainly would be much longer than Police response. There may be a Patrolman right around the corner. With a possible siting, the most important thing is to observe & report. Local Police response, by far, has the most likelihood of LE making contact w/ the subjects you've observed. From there, the chain of command can get started.

I've seen people mention you wouldn't want them "to put it over the scanner". Most PDs have/use MDTs (mobile data terminal). With this, all info is sent to a "computer" in the Patrol Vehicle. Also, most dispatch/radio rooms have an SOP that sensitive info should not be broadcasted. Another means of contact should be made (call dispatch). Regardless how it's dispatched, this info needs to be given to LE ASAP. I don't care if it's shouted out to world! If there actually is a true siting of AH, getting ANY type of LE there ASAP, by far, has the highest probability in recovering AH safely ! OBVIOUSLY, THIS IS WHAT WE WANT !!!

One more thing I wanted to address briefly regarding the FBI. There seems to be a universal misunderstanding (which I see all over WS in general) about response / jurisdiction of the FBI. I'm not sure where it originated, but my guess would be from watching TV. I really don't know. There does not need to be a "crossing of state lines" for the FBI to inject themselves into an investigation, ESPECIALLY in the case of a missing juvenile.

You are absolutely correct and I had thought of this but assumed it was common sense, but not everyone understands chain of command and common policy and procedure of law enforcement agencies..... I posted earlier about a call to local LE I made several years ago regarding a fugitive sex offender. I know the dispatchers at my local pd so I called them directly
Had I been somewhere else I would have called 911
A few yrs back we had a case of an online predator from out of state that took a 13 yr old girl..... someone thought they saw them inside a bank in my town and called 911. The local pd responded and it was them. They took them in and contacted the FBI as it was their case...had the caller called into the hotline they may have not gotten that girl back timely or at all
I saw that comment regarding 911 and the scanner... I thought to myself, NO... I'd call 911, would try not to lose sight and stay on the phone with them. Seems obvious to me, I don't know why people post info everywhere as fact and warnings because they think they learned it from a kindergarten playLOL

911 brings the most local authorities to you asap. They can call state or FBI from there, but heck even a 911 call from rural area can take a good 15-30 minutes for a response so MAKE THE CALL IF YOU THINK YOU SEE HER!
I don't believe there has been any information that her texts didn't show up on her phone. LE has stated that she was texting with a friend/classmate between 2:23pm and 2:53pm. JC alleges the friend was his son. His statement falls in line with what LE states. We've heard nothing to the contrary.

All Im saying is she could have another phone!
And LE wouldn't know!
Nancy Grace just tweeted this message!

New, crucial evidence just uncovered in missing school girl case. #FindAbby. I'm taking your on-air calls right now: 877-626-2901

LOL wanna bet her new crucial evidence is the letter!
I asked the same question once in another case because I couldn't figure it out! They have her fingerprints on all of her personal stuff at home!

Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking, most things in her room will have her prints on them, not hard to get hers to compare with any found on the letter itself, I'd think.
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