GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 9

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it doesn't seem this guy has many assets so I really doubt he had a vehicle to transport her across the border. Unless somebody else is involved. I just don't even know what to think anymore. I just wish as everyone there would be a break. The longer this goes.......

I would hope that the border patrol up there has pics of her and have been told to be on the lookout. I truly hope she doesn't think this has gone on so long that she can't go back home. As a teenager she probably can't comprehend how much can be forgiven and made better if she could only get to a place where she can contact someone to come and get her, wherever she is.
Abby has only just recently turned 15. She is so young. Assuming she left willingly, I would be surprised if the novelty of her excursion has not worn off by now. Especially given that the holiday season has arrived. That is why I am unsure that she is continuing to stay gone willingly.

Think back to being that age-- we all complained about school… but two weeks into summer break we missed all of our friends and were bored out of our minds. Couldn't wait to go back in the fall. Fighting with your mother as a teen is one thing, but seeing her grieving and breaking down on national television? That's got to tug on a kid's heart strings.

It is certainly possible that despite all this Abby still remains missing of her own volition, I know that many runaway teens do so each year. But I also believe many runaway teens convince themselves that no one cares, no one misses them, no one is looking for them, etc… because they do not receive any media attention. Abby on the other hand, must know via the media (unless she is being completely isolated) that her family misses her terribly and that hundreds of people care, are looking for her, and are praying she comes home.

I am not convinced that Abby is free to come home if she wanted to. But I certainly hope she is, and that she decides to come home soon.
i had the same experience in 2012. Lots of questions asked and documentation needed heading into Canada. Quick peak at passports on the way back into the US.

My experience the same--July 2013, pretty recent.
Much more involved going into Canada..they made us go and talk with immigration and wouldn't let us go to the bathroom until we had. We had to tell them where we made reservations even and our plans and when we were returning. (And our stay was only 4 days!)

The US return seemed like a wave through in comparison. The US was focused on fruit we had brought back, Canada on our passports.
did zenya answer Nancy's question? or was she non-committal?

She can't talk about the investigation. So what she told Nancy was how she felt when she received the letter and if she felt the letter was from Abby. Zenya said she did feel the letter was from Abby and then Nancy just moved on to talking to a couple of radio news reporters
Abby has only just recently turned 15. She is so young. Assuming she left willingly, I would be surprised if the novelty of her excursion has not worn off by now. Especially given that the holiday season has arrived. That is why I am unsure that she is continuing to stay gone willingly.

Think back to being that age-- we all complained about school… but two weeks into summer break we missed all of our friends and were bored out of our minds. Couldn't wait to go back in the fall. Fighting with your mother as a teen is one thing, but seeing her grieving and breaking down on national television? That's got to tug on a kid's heart strings.

It is certainly possible that despite all this Abby still remains missing of her own volition, I know that many runaway teens do so each year. But I also believe many runaway teens convince themselves that no one cares, no one misses them, no one is looking for them, etc… because they do not receive any media attention. Abby on the other hand, must know via the media (unless she is being completely isolated) that her family misses her terribly and that hundreds of people care, are looking for her, and are praying she comes home.

I am not convinced that Abby is free to come home if she wanted to. But I certainly hope she is, and that she decides to come home soon.

I am not convinced either that Abby is just free to leave where she is... But I also don't feel it was her intention to run away either... I fear she has been duped by someone that she thought would not bring harm to her or force her to go with them.
I would hope that the border patrol up there has pics of her and have been told to be on the lookout. I truly hope she doesn't think this has gone on so long that she can't go back home. As a teenager she probably can't comprehend how much can be forgiven and made better if she could only get to a place where she can contact someone to come and get her, wherever she is.

I can guarantee they do. Only because of somebody I know who worked Border Crossing for a bit. Didn't tell me much but did answer these type of generic questions. Sometimes Hubby gets hauled in and I have been with him. He has had an intense check as he travels for Business State side and sometimes has to bring a Unit that resembles a bomb LOL. So while he answers some questions and they check out all his clearance I stand and look at all the Wanted and Missing Posters. IIRC he had to be cleared even thru Interpol but every once in awhile he gets hauled in. As it should be. There is much that goes on behind the scenes at Border Crossings. Much they are trained based on your demeanor with a few questions. Public just isn't privy to it.
Wait a minute-went from 9 people here to 25? That's awesome.
Miss Abigail Hernandez-come home please.
In this random moment-as you read this-please pray for Abby. It is the time of year for Miracles.
I can guarantee they do. Only because of somebody I know who worked Border Crossing for a bit. Didn't tell me much but did answer these type of generic questions. Sometimes Hubby gets hauled in and I have been with him. He has had an intense check as he travels for Business State side and sometimes has to bring a Unit that resembles a bomb LOL. So while he answers some questions and they check out all his clearance I stand and look at all the Wanted and Missing Posters. IIRC he had to be cleared even thru Interpol but every once in awhile he gets hauled in. As it should be. There is much that goes on behind the scenes at Border Crossings. Much they are trained based on your demeanor with a few questions. Public just isn't privy to it.

Same but different note, I know that LE (FBI or local not sure, my assumption would be FBI) faxed information and photo even to the nearby airport hotel/motels.
Frosty is here.......:)

Wait a minute-went from 9 people here to 25? That's awesome.
Miss Abigail Hernandez-come home please.

In this random moment-as you read this-please pray for Abby. It is the time of year for Miracles.

Yes, Frosty has arrived. Abby, oh if ever you are reading here please know you are loved and prayed for by so many in ways you cannot possible understand at this point in your life. Your family and friends need you home safe. They don't care about anything but having you back with them!
Can I just speak to the teens that may be here right now. Please PLEASE please be aware of what you post on social media. Don't post user id's nor phone numbers ever. Don't accept friend requests from anybody you don't know personally. I know your parents may not know you are on certain sites, all the more reason to be diligent in your own safety. This isn't so much in regard to where Abby is, it is to your own safety going forward. This world is a scary place...treat the internet the same as you would if you were walking alone through a city park at night. (which btw you should never do ;) ) Be aware of your surroundings, don't talk to strangers.
....and while you're at it lock up your social media. Make it private and viewable ONLY to your friends. Think of it like allowing peeping toms into your life. Secure who can and cannot view your private information. Your family and true friends are where it is at, nobody else, nothing more.
Can I just speak to the teens that may be here right now. Please PLEASE please be aware of what you post on social media. Don't post user id's nor phone numbers ever. Don't accept friend requests from anybody you don't know personally. I know your parents may not know you are on certain sites, all the more reason to be diligent in your own safety. This isn't so much in regard to where Abby is, it is to your own safety going forward. This world is a scary place...treat the internet the same as you would if you were walking alone through a city park at night. (which btw you should never do ;) ) Be aware of your surroundings, don't talk to strangers.

I agree with you one MILLION percent.. kids do not realize how much gets around and who can see what.... not everyone who is friendly to you online has your best interest at heart.... I see teens all the time with ear buds in, listening to tunes and texting away.... if you're alone you can be snatched and never see it coming... on social media meeting people doesn't mean they are who they say they are. using different sites, giving out user id's and phone numbers..... predators are savvy with what kids are doing, they even use other girls and women to lure in teen girls for their sick reasons...... teens, ya have to be careful!!! it's a scary world out there is right!!!!
********this mom is stepping off her soapbox now**********

How ya gonna tell Santas's Helpers not to be themselves? There's no stopping the train. The people you are talking to-you are insulting them. It is what it is and always will be.

Best strategy is to ..............that's for others to figure out.
Really? I don't feel I was being insulting, more like worrying and caring. I don't think being yourself has anything to do with young teens, young adults and even adults understanding internet safety.
Same but different note, I know that LE (FBI or local not sure, my assumption would be FBI) faxed information and photo even to the nearby airport hotel/motels.

How do you know this and why can't you tell us why you think it is a definite FBI tranx? As opposed to local LE that is,
I brought flyers to airport motels/hotels and they said they had them faxed. Can't quote a source or anything. Didn't think to ask by whom, they said 'police' but these were the people working the check-in counter. Oh and i never said it was a definite FBI Tranx... I said it was my assumption.
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