GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 9

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Be brave, like Hermy, We've seen your mom, we know you are STRONGER than the Abominable with Teeth :) We know you bounce, Abby! Get home and live your life to the fullest with those that love you! Even Rudolph came home :)
Hayell yeah Gail.............we love ya. Tell your mom we can work it out.

Projecting here -that's all.
Abby it's time to come home. You are loved and you are missed :please:
Abb.....You are protected. And so is your boi/boy.....
Pleeze call X
St. Anthony, St. Anthony
Please come down
Abigail Hernandez is lost
And can't be found

Abigail Hernandez is lost and can't be found
Please, St. Anthony, look around.

Dear St. Anthony, I pray
Bring Abigail Hernandez, without delay.

Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God
and Charity for His creatures made you worthy, when on
earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on
your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in
trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore
of you to obtain for me Abigail Hernandez. The answer to my prayer
may require a miracle. Even so, you are the saint of

O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full
of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the
Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and
the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen

Abigail Hernandez, I command you to come home right away!
St. Anthony, St. Anthony
Please come down
Abigail Hernandez is lost
And can't be found

Abigail Hernandez is lost and can't be found
Please, St. Anthony, look around.

Dear St. Anthony, I pray
Bring Abigail Hernandez, without delay.

Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God
and Charity for His creatures made you worthy, when on
earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on
your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in
trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore
of you to obtain for me Abigail Hernandez. The answer to my prayer
may require a miracle. Even so, you are the saint of

O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full
of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the
Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and
the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen

Abigail Hernandez, I command you to come home right away!

OK this, all of this reminds me of my mom. She was the only one I knew who could spit that all out (whatever it was she was spitting out and saying.... AND command something to show itself at the same time!

I say a quick prayer to St. Anthony and give him a time frame, then set the timer. ;)
Has the case reached the point where there is no more discussion, and it's just well wishes and "bumping" the page? This happens in many cases, until there's a new development. Hopefully, LE releases more information on the letter.
This is turning into a prayer page now...when they have plenty of those on FB.
All ya'll have lost it!
Abby if you are reading, I know you can't understand because you don't have children, but no matter how angry or disappointed parents get with their children they never stop loving them. Not ever. There is never anything you can do to make your parents stop loving you. Truth is, when you come back things are going to be awkward at first, and at your age a day can seem like forever, but before you know it it'll be just like it was before. There is nothing so bad that it can't be fixed, again I know you won't believe it and it's hard to understand, but it's true. Doesn't mean it won't be hard at times, but everything can be fixed. When I wasn't much older than you I was in my first year of college and my parents had high expectations of me. I have a large immigrant family and education is everything. I was young and naive and I got into a mess. My first semester I dated an older boy and got pregnant. I was so sick from morning sickness I missed many of my classes and I failed all of them. I couldn't face going home and I felt like they'd just be happier if I was gone. Unfortunately I got very ill and had to hospitalized before I could run. In the hospital the nurse told my parents they were doing everything they could to save the baby as well. I thought I was going to die, that's how my parents found out I was pregnant. Pregnant and unmarried and a failure at college. Both my parents looked at me and left the room. A few minutes later they came back in and my Dad cried and asked why I hadn't told them. I told them because I was afraid they'd be mad. He told me they were mad and disappointed but they loved me and somehow we would all work it out. It would be hard, but that they loved me and they needed me to fight to get better. It was hard, I had to beg to get back into college and I had to do school as a single parent. But my parents never stopped loving me. Some people made rude comments, but my parents loved me. Years later I work with teens and no one even knows or cares that I had problems as a teen. I don't even remember it sometimes. This part of your life is so fleeting and short. In four years from now you'll all lose touch with each other and just be distant memories. So wherever you are and whatever happened, don't be afraid to come home. You are loved and wanted and you are also needed. Right now there is an Abby sized hole in your family that only you can fill, a hole that will leave a wound that will never heal without you.
This is turning into a prayer page now...when they have plenty of those on FB.

i was going to write something until i saw this post, thought about it, and decided i'm going to write it anyway. its short and sweet, and works everytime.

"nothing is lost in the eyes of god"

thats all i got.
Has the case reached the point where there is no more discussion, and it's just well wishes and "bumping" the page? This happens in many cases, until there's a new development. Hopefully, LE releases more information on the letter.

This is turning into a prayer page now...when they have plenty of those on FB.

Just the spirit of the season, that's all. I saw others doing it, and wanted to try to do my part to help keep the spirit alive. Nothing else seems to be working, and honestly, it's just a few posts on here, not like it is pages. Does it hurt to add our prayers while waiting for more news or tips to come in? what is there left to discuss right now?
Here's mine: what you want and go where you want to go.

Have that Bodyguard of yours do his job thoroughly.

Call us.
Well let's not get things shut down here. We are all here for the same reason. Frustrated that's for sure. Wish something, anything came to light :banghead:
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