NH NH - Allenstown, Adult Female, 23-33, & 3 Children, under 11, Nov'85 & May'00 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thank you all for what you are doing. You are making such a difference.
An update as to what's been going on behind the scenes: I have been going through a target line based off the closest known family member that has tested. There are roughly 20 women that descend from this line, barring NPE - and I have already found one child that appears to have been adopted out.

It is definitely getting more difficult to account for some of these, just given that Mississippi and Louisiana are closed records states, but we are also looking into Facebook and other sources of information that can give us a good gauge on what was going on in their lives in 1975-77.

As of now my master tree has 4298 people and over 10,000 records - and that doesn't include all the other outside info that hasn't been logged yet. Our masterlist of mother candidates (barring NPE and adoptions) stands at 275 women currently, with 42 tentatively ruled out due to concurrent pregnancies, DNA or location outside of the United States at the time TPR was active.

I've found a couple coincidental circumstance things that I am looking into regarding both Gulf Oil and Brown & Root in the Beaumont area, but have yet to confirm anything definitively and may not be able to. My targeted location is still the Houston metro/Beaumont area, but I am trying to pull as many records as I can from the Slidell LA area too.
Being intentionally vague here to protect the privacy of living people for obvious reasons, but I did find something of possible value that investigators are now aware of.

There is a female line that was previously not thought to intersect with the target line, but due to what looks like an adoption and an out of wedlock child, there is another family we weren't explicitly aware of that has descendants that married into both the Livings and Mitchell families. Additionally, the descendant of this line that we are looking at in particular is in the area of TX that TPR would have been located during that time span and had a possible connection to Brown and Root. I am unsure whether this particular person is MC's mother, but the details and circumstances surrounding her life were something investigators thought was worth looking into a bit further.
I am very concerned about the accuracy of MC's estimated age as being between 2-4 years old, when her estimated height is between 39-45 inches. I would be astounded if a 2 year old was that tall. Looking at growth charts, at those height she would be most likely in the range of 4-7 years old, which has implications for rule outs for the mother based on other pregnancies.
I am very concerned about the accuracy of MC's estimated age as being between 2-4 years old, when her estimated height is between 39-45 inches. I would be astounded if a 2 year old was that tall. Looking at growth charts, at those height she would be most likely in the range of 4-7 years old, which has implications for rule outs for the mother based on other pregnancies.
I think the reason they have that as the estimated age is because of TPR's whereabouts. Now that I think about it TPR and FDR did briefly separate in '72 and she filed for divorce then. I'm going to keep digging to see if there's anything between '72 and '75 for some of these women. My thought is probably between 4 and 6, but I think this might also have something to do with her dentals.
Also want to mention if I am ruling out due to concurrent pregnancies I am only doing so if there were at least two or three pregnancies, at least one with a boy and very little time to recover between them during our time span. Since the current focus is on Texas it is VERY easy to find these birth certificates and get whereabouts.
Forgive my dum question. For someone who disrespected the law enough to commit murder, would they have worried too much about registering a birth?
Texas is pretty heavily regulated when it comes to registering births. I also think it is quite possible that MC's mother did not put TPR on the birth certificate for obvious reasons given that it was almost certainly an out-of-wedlock birth to a young mother.
Texas is pretty heavily regulated when it comes to registering births. I also think it is quite possible that MC's mother did not put TPR on the birth certificate for obvious reasons given that it was almost certainly an out-of-wedlock birth to a young mother.

I think what you're saying is that the mother registered the birth, not TPR. That makes more sense. I'm not sure TPR himself would have been too worried about breaking regulations.
I think what you're saying is that the mother registered the birth, not TPR. That makes more sense. I'm not sure TPR himself would have been too worried about breaking regulations.
That is correct. I don't think this would've been a home birth knowing what I know about the family members that are part of the target line. Lower middle to middle-class, well fed, lots of family members with military background and usually involved in other activities in the community. Ironically there have been multiple family members that have gone into lines of work that protect and advocate for children.
Update on the tip I called in: NH authorities called me back and confirmed that they have a DNA sample from someone in that downline and it has been ruled out - but did not specify how close the relation was. I am of the opinion at this point that BBJD's grandfather may be the uncle of the woman in that tip's father, who allegedly died childless in 1991, but "got around" according to a third cousin I have that lives in that area. This is still all connected to the downline of one of TJ Mitchell's children that was identified as being the closest match awhile back.
Update on the tip I called in: NH authorities called me back and confirmed that they have a DNA sample from someone in that downline and it has been ruled out - but did not specify how close the relation was. I am of the opinion at this point that BBJD's grandfather may be the uncle of the woman in that tip's father, who allegedly died childless in 1991, but "got around" according to a third cousin I have that lives in that area. This is still all connected to the downline of one of TJ Mitchell's children that was identified as being the closest match awhile back.

awww. I so hope for the DNA to be a match.

Also, probably very long shot, but found this recently updated case. Possibly native American woman found on the side of the road in CO. COD blunt force trauma to the head, body hide inside of a fridge. Although timeline likely doesn't match, the trash in the fridge dates btw 1988 to 1992.

Just checking to see who's been ruled out for the Middle child, and came across this tidbit on her rule out list. This is the first time I've seen a UP on a rule out list for another UP. In this case, it would be a rule out for a family relationship, not a personal ID, but others may have noticed. Given the nature of the case, I see why they did this :
Unknown Female
Here's the namus link for the adult female rule out. The MC appears on her list, too.
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
Just checking to see who's been ruled out for the Middle child, and came across this tidbit on her rule out list. This is the first time I've seen a UP on a rule out list for another UP. In this case, it would be a rule out for a family relationship, not a personal ID, but others may have noticed. Given the nature of the case, I see why they did this :

Here's the namus link for the adult female rule out. The MC appears on her list, too.
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
Do we know if MC has been compared to other Mississippi, Texas or Louisiana UID's?
awww. I so hope for the DNA to be a match.

Also, probably very long shot, but found this recently updated case. Possibly native American woman found on the side of the road in CO. COD blunt force trauma to the head, body hide inside of a fridge. Although timeline likely doesn't match, the trash in the fridge dates btw 1988 to 1992.

Just saw this on the other TPR thread. Looks like his MO, but the timeline would not be right for MC's mom.

As for Mom's identity, I have a new list of individuals that merit a second look in terms of being MC's grandfather. Based off my own family situation and what I have heard from my family members in the Port Arthur area, I am convinced that MC's mom is an NPE and there's a good possibility that she was conceived while her bio father was in the military. I've got a couple good possibilities on that, including men that were stationed at Ft. Huachuca in AZ/NM, Ft. Bliss on the TX/AZ border, and Holloman AFB in NM. There's also a possibility she could've been conceived at Keesler AFB, Camp Shelby or NSA New Orleans based off general locations of family members.

This is a very similar situation to what happened to me when I took a DNA test recently. I found out my grandmother had three siblings my mom's age that were conceived on a military base that she didn't really know much about - and we've recently gotten in contact with one of my "new" aunts and found out about a side of the family that's been really significant/helpful with medical history stuff. Based off the tree I have and how complete it is - AND that BRV seems to have not been able to find a close enough match yet - I think military records are one of the best ways to go in terms of next research steps. If anyone's got a Fold3 subscription that would probably be the most helpful thing right now.

I DO have 3-4 names in particular I want to look deeper into in the target line specifically.
I'm pulling a couple UID's from NAMUS to see if any of these would fit our girl's mom. Grabbing anything that looks like it could be promising based off circumstances or locations TPR could have been.
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) This might be a bit too far south in CA, but PMI says years/decades and it seems like a place TPR could've been.
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) this one looks like it could be promising
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) this one has our exact time span as the estimated date of death, the red hair seems like it could have been possibly dyed?
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) **GRAPHIC POSTMORTEMS** this one's face looks kinda like MC, but not sure if race/appearance matches
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) the "had no term or near term children at time of death" kind of threw me off a bit here - does this mean that she had never been pregnant or was not pregnant when her body was found?
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
Definitely going to take a look at these closer and see if any of them have threads but here is a start in terms of possible UID's that are still open cases that could match.
I'm sure we've gone over this and I just can't remember (and I can't follow all the excellent genealogy work LOL), but who among us thinks MC was in the birthday photos? I feel like the best possibility is, if she was in the photos, that she was the little girl next to Marie blowing out the birthday cake candles?
Going back to my fear that the middle child’s estimated age of 2-4 does not match her height, the following article describes her as being aged between 4-8 years old:


If she died between 1979-1981, (I strongly believe they all died in the summer of 1980), although unlikely, that puts her year of birth potentially as early as 1971.

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