NH NH/CA - Robert Evans, suspected SK, Allenstown, 1981-2000's

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I hope someone can help figure this out in my head.
Something really jumps out at me about the middle child. According to her isotopes, going back to the 2015 press conf, she was only in the company of the other 3 for two weeks to three months in NH before her death. Prior to that, she was wherever she was born in that midwestern and/or more northern climate the rest of the time.
Bob was purported to have been in NH in the late 1970s, from about 1977-1981 approximately, possibly earlier than 1977. So, when was he in the area she was born/raised in to have fathered her? She wasn't in NH her whole life, and according to her isotopes and this timeline, she would have been with him for only a few short months.
From what I'm seeing, her isotopes don't match his timeline of being in NH that whole time.
The mention of the children in the Feb or June (1980) arrest was interesting and at that time he had been listing Elizabeth as his spouse as well, there was no mention of a spouse in the Oct (1980) arrest. IMO he was referring to the Allenstown children.

It is possible he may have been seeing Denise while still married to Elizabeth.

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I hope someone can help figure this out in my head.
Something really jumps out at me about the middle child. According to her isotopes, going back to the 2015 press conf, she was only in the company of the other 3 for two weeks to three months in NH before her death. Prior to that, she was wherever she was born in that midwestern and/or more northern climate the rest of the time.
Bob was purported to have been in NH in the late 1970s, from about 1977-1981 approximately, possibly earlier than 1977. So, when was he in the area she was born/raised in to have fathered her? She wasn't in NH her whole life, and according to her isotopes and this timeline, she would have been with him for only a few short months.
From what I'm seeing, her isotopes don't match his timeline of being in NH that whole time.

Following you Alleykin, could it be possible the mother in another state had the middle child and sometime a few months prior to her death BE acquired. Looking at the maps that were posted earlier today a valid point was brought up.

Maybe BE had multi-wives.. Ya never know

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Here's a link to the raw footage of the Nov. 2015 press conference where they talk about the isotope results and the timeline that goes with them. If someone wants to watch and compare that timeline to Bob's.
Following you Alleykin, could it be possible the mother in another state had the middle child and sometime a few months prior to her death BE acquired. Looking at the maps that were posted earlier today a valid point was brought up.
Maybe BE had multi-wives.. Ya never know
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Yes, but one article stated that they believed Bob had been with the middle child's mother for nine months to two years. That's not possible based on her isotopes and his known whereabouts at the time.
I'm sorry, I missed it - what was the point that was made? LOL
Yes, but one article stated that they believed Bob had been with the middle child's mother for nine months to two years. That's not possible based on her isotopes and his known whereabouts at the time.
I'm sorry, I missed it - what was the point that was made? LOL

It was the comparison maps; states where BE had known to be with the isotopes of the woman and children

Didn't catch that article how would isotope testing show how long BE had been with the middle child's mother ? Do you mean based on the possible isotope regions ?

Think I would discount that article

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If his mother was of hispanic/latina descent (with a surname: Vasquez), that is where his daughter, the "middle child" victim possibly inherited her darker complexion; that trait was passed on to the child through him.
Excellent observation! This is what wikipedia has to say about the surname.

Vasquez in Gascon and Spanish, probably under the influence of Basqu and Aquitanian, a language related to old Basque and spoken in Gascony in Antiquity (similarly the Latin /w/ evolved into /v/ in French, Italian and other languages). Other roots describe it as a Galician surname, in use not only in Galicia but all over Spanish-speaking world.

To a lesser extent it also occurs in Portuguese-speaking countries, where Vasco as surname predominates. Vasquez means "[son] of Vasco" and Vasco comes from the pre-Roman latinized name "Velascus" - a name of uncertain origin and meaning, but probably meaning Basque or Iberian. In Galician-Portuguese the pre-Roman name becomes Velascu > Veascu > Vaasco > Vasco.

It is known that in some Spanish-speaking countries, families of non-Iberian ancestry have also adopted this surname. In Colombia and Argentina, there have been instances of "Watzke" and "Watzka" families, of German-Czech descent, Hispanicizing their surnames to "Vasquez". The surname was chosen as being the one most closely resembling their former name; in Italy a similar phenomenon was noted with some "Watzke" changing to "Vasco".

There are also Spanish cognate surnames Velasco or Velázquez).

I think this is his real identity. Another sleuth posted similarly. Along with a bunch of bull, is usually an element of truth. In the paroled mugshot, he lied about the year of his birth, but not about the month and day. I do believe that his real name is Curtis Mayo Kimball and his date of birth is March 18, 1952.

Quite possibly! What makes me wonder though is why someone would return to the identity they were running from at one time. Maybe whatever he was running away from in the first place, a warrant or what have you, the state's statue of limitations ran out so it was safe to assume his own identity. Also what's always a possibility with alias's is identity theft. I do believe his actual birth date is March 18th, it would be easier to keep up with if he used his own instead of a random date, just change the year.

I ran into an inconsistency, if his birth year was 1952 that would place him at 29 years old in 1981 when Denise disappeared, which by the look of his mugshot from 1985, he seems too old. His birth year in the 40's seems more consistent with his aging.
It was the comparison maps; states where BE had known to be with the isotopes of the woman and children
Didn't catch that article how would isotope testing show how long BE had been with the middle child's mother ? Do you mean based on the possible isotope regions ?
Think I would discount that article
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It wasn't the isotopes showing he'd been with the mother from that time frame, just investigators speculating on the time frame. It was a news article, I'm looking for it now, but not finding it. If I do, I will link it for sure.
But, the middle child spent only 3 months at most in NH according to her isotopes.
I'm of the belief Denise made it out to California with her daughter and Robert and she didn't die in between.

The 1986 Legal Advertisement is the most compelling evidence for that. Could Denise have been an accomplice in the NH murders, hence the name change? Would someone had to have meet Denise/Donna in order to determine she was a "parent"? This woman who was with Robert in 1986 is the key to figuring out his past and future, though there's a good chance she ended up like the others who've associated with him. Find Denise/Donna and you find Roberts true identity.
It wasn't an article, but the help ID me FB page run by NCMEC that stated:
"New Hampshire authorities are also concerned for the welfare of the little girl's mother. It is likely the suspect spent at least 9 months with the mother during her pregnancy and was with the child for at least 2 years."
I take this as verified information because NCMEC has been working with all the agencies trying to solve this case and helped facilitate linking Bob Evans to the Allenstown victims.
That's not possible if the middle child's isotopes are correct.
It appears to be trending that way. Vietnam vet?

I think this is his real identity. Another sleuth posted similarly. Along with a bunch of bull, is usually an element of truth. In the paroled mugshot, he lied about the year of his birth, but not about the month and day. I do believe that his real name is Curtis Mayo Kimball and his date of birth is March 18, 1952.

I think that's the identity he used to join the Navy (if he did join -- and I think he did). In the Navy he would have learned his trade in the electronics field and been trained as an electrician. I think he was born in Los Angeles, and joined the Navy in California right out of High School. If his mother was of hispanic/latina descent (with a surname: Vasquez), that is where his daughter, the "middle child" victim possibly inherited her darker complexion; that trait was passed on to the child through him.

His stint in the Navy probably took him to Virginia (cities such as: Newport News, Norfolk, Hampton Roads). Maybe VIrginia is where he was discharged after his tour of duty was complete. The Virginia location is where he claimed to have married someone he met elsewhere. (I thought he claimed to have met a woman in Quebec -- or else he said that she was from Quebec -- I am so confused. Others have said he met a woman in California, and then married her in Virginia. I can't keep it straight!)

Prior to moving on the New Hampshire, BE could have married a woman in Virginia who already had children from a previous relationship. She could be the woman in the barrel, along with her offspring. This probably coincided with his meeting Denise Beaudin (or Laporte/La Port?). Maybe Laporte/La Port was Denise's maiden name; then she married someone with the last name of "Beaudin." I do think that she was already pregnant by the time BE appeared on the scene.

He created such a convoluted, cluster**** -- with so many out-and-out lies, half truths, and maybe even some delusions, too, on account of his alcoholism. He certainly looks crazy: a cross between Charles Manson and the Unabomber.

It's a good thing he's dead, because I would like to strangle him myself!
Believe in the 1986 article he was listed as 48 years old, where as his supposed age when he disappeared with Denise in 1981 it was 37.

Good thinking using the birth month/day and only changing the year would be easy to remember

And as a matter of fact I'm changing my birth year back 10 years right now... For ever 35

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It wasn't an article, but the help ID me FB page run by NCMEC that stated:
"New Hampshire authorities are also concerned for the welfare of the little girl's mother. It is likely the suspect spent at least 9 months with the mother during her pregnancy and was with the child for at least 2 years."
I take this as verified information because NCMEC has been working with all the agencies trying to solve this case and helped facilitate linking Bob Evans to the Allenstown victims.
That's not possible if the middle child's isotopes are correct.

There may be a link in there were just not seeing at this moment...

Wonder why this was not mentioned or in the slideshow yesterdays conference if they are working with the agencies.

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There is a bit of truth in every lie .... Wether it is his name, birth place, birth date, states resided, where he went to school, whom he was officially or unofficially married too

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I hope someone can help figure this out in my head.
Something really jumps out at me about the middle child. According to her isotopes, going back to the 2015 press conf, she was only in the company of the other 3 for two weeks to three months in NH before her death. Prior to that, she was wherever she was born in that midwestern and/or more northern climate the rest of the time.
Bob was purported to have been in NH in the late 1970s, from about 1977-1981 approximately, possibly earlier than 1977. So, when was he in the area she was born/raised in to have fathered her? She wasn't in NH her whole life, and according to her isotopes and this timeline, she would have been with him for only a few short months.
From what I'm seeing, her isotopes don't match his timeline of being in NH that whole time.

Just a thought on why the isotopes for the middle child being different from the others:
  • Maybe Evans fathered the middle child in a brief relationship while traveling, maybe even in the time frame he's married to "Elizabeth".
  • He doesn't know about her at first or isn't in the child's life until her mother reaches out to him so she can get to know her father.
  • She moves in with her father for the summer or whatever.
  • When he is no where to be found the mother files a child abduction report or tries to at least (Remember Sharon Marshall? Her mother tried to file a child abduction report but authorities wouldn't let her).
  • With him previously not being a part of her life would make more sense(for a psychopath) to why he killed his own child, he hadn't bonded with her or had a connection with her yet.

He tends to throw away his women and children once he's on to another alias. He can't risk anyone blowing his cover. He didn't seem to see these people as people, more like trails to his past. I wonder what exactly he is hiding...

Another possibility is that Evans killed the middle child's mother and runs off with his daughter. Maybe the bear brook victims was even a very brief relationship while he was in the middle of a alias transition, which is possibly why no one can remember them all together, especially since Evans daughter was only with them for 1-3 months.

What if he wasn't even dating her, he was just staying with her while he "gets back on his feet" AKA gets another alias. She finds out what he's doing or finds something incriminating, even being caught molesting one of her daughter, and he kills her and her children to assure he won't be exposed. He kills the mother and oldest daughter first which is why they had blunt trauma. I theorize him not wanting to kill the two youngest. His daughter might have been just old enough to remember witnessing the murder and he was afraid of her telling her mother.

This is possibility why he abandoned Lisa, because he was onto a new alias. He had an arrest under that name. I think why he didn't kill her is because killing the last 3 child was horrific to him. He may have kept her so long out of guilt for what he had done.

Let's not forget that there is someone else involved that we are forgetting, since Evans is only the father of the middle child, there is two other children that have a father or father's if they are half-siblings/cousins.
There may be a link in there were just not seeing at this moment...
Wonder why this was not mentioned or in the slideshow yesterdays conference if they are working with the agencies.
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Not sure why it wasn't mentioned, maybe they didn't think it was relevant at the time, IDK.
I don't believe Kimball is his real identity. Kimball has a legitimate birth record in California with a birth date of 1952. I think BE was older.

However there has to be a connection.

There is a marriage and divorce record for a Curtis M Kimball in the late 70s, during the time BE was already in NH. (I think).

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I believe this was a required post during the process of the adoption. It was likely based on whatever info BE gave before leaving.

However, the mention of a sister is worrisome because she would be too young to be one of the girls in the barrel. So do we have another missing woman and child, perhaps linked to the Texas motel that the truck was registered to?

I copied that 1986 article but it didn't copy to this post. :( Here's that post that I was trying to reply to.


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I was thinking the same. Honestly, very possible with this guy. It seems like he gets tired of women by 1-2 years. (I mean, tbh we all know he was only with them to kill them, so that's not really it).

This is overwhelming.

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Just a thought on why the isotopes for the middle child being different from the others:
  • Maybe Evans fathered the middle child in a brief relationship while traveling, maybe even in the time frame he's married to "Elizabeth".
  • He doesn't know about her at first or isn't in the child's life until her mother reaches out to him so she can get to know her father.
  • She moves in with her father for the summer or whatever.
  • When he is no where to be found the mother files a child abduction report or tries to at least (Remember Sharon Marshall? Her mother tried to file a child abduction report but authorities wouldn't let her).
  • With him previously not being a part of her life would make more sense to why he killed his own child, he hadn't bonded with her or had a connection with her yet.

Another possibility is that Evans killed the middle child's mother and runs off with his daughter. Maybe the bear brook victims was even a very brief relationship while he was in the middle of a alias transition, which is possibly why no one can remember them all together, especially since the Evans daughter was only with them for 1-3 months.

He tends to throw away his women and children once he's on to another alias. He can't risk anyone blowing his cover. He didn't seem to see these people as people more like trails to his past. I wonder what exactly he is hiding...

This is possibility why he abandoned Lisa, because he was onto a new alias. He had an arrest under that name. I think why he didn't kill her is because killing the last 3 child was horrific to him. He may have kept her so long out of guilt for what he had done.

Let's not forget that there is someone else involved that we are forgetting, since Evans is only the father of the middle child, there is two other children that have a father or father's if they are half-siblings/cousins.

I was thinking along those lines, that perhaps she was born prior to him coming to NH.
That could possibly be what the certified letter contained that Elizabeth signed for -child support?
Then he could have gone and picked her up with the adult female and her two children, and possibly killed the middle child's mother before heading back to NH. I mention all of them going because 3-7 months before their deaths, the related 3 victims traveled to a more northern climate, and I'm betting it was to the same northern climate the middle child was from, because it coincides with her coming into their company.
I also believe he didn't kill Lisa for the reason you stated.
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