This article states he lived at the house he went missing from with Denise in 1981 since the late 1970's. If this is true, that means "Elizabeth" and potentially the Bear Brooks victims could have been here at one time. Maybe a neighbor on Hayward St remembers another woman and family living with Evans before Denise.
He was known to have been in Manchester as early as 1977 because of his employment at the mill, and he is known to have resided on Hayward st until Nov/Dec 1981, that's 5 years at the same residence under the same alias, which seems unusual for Evans. Someone has to have remembered something in those 5 years.
One thing that doesn't add up is his daughter's isotopes being different then the others. If he was in Manchester from 1977 to 1981, and his daughter was 2-4 years old, that puts her birth year as 1975-1979 (If their murder was in 1980-1981). Did Evans have a mistress around this time that is the mother of the child? Or was she born before "Elizabeth"/the adult victim at Bear Brooks?
His daughter is believed to be from these places through isotope testing:
- North Dakota- mid-eastern
- South Dakota- western-mid
- Nebraska- western
- Maine- northern
- Vermont- north and eastern
- New Hampshire- northern
- New York- northern
I personally believe she is from northern NH.
Here are some unconfirmed locations of Evans during this time:
- Missouri - 1970s
- Louisiana - 1970s
- Virginia - Late 1970s
- Quebec, Canada - Late 1970s
- Texas - 1970s to 1980s
None of these places are consistent with his daughter and the other does either. A question I have is how he was able to keep his job at the mill if he traveled often. I personally think he settled in Manchester for a while.