NH NH/CA - Terry Peder Rasmussen, suspected SK, Allenstown, 1981-2000's - #3

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Whoa, I didn't mean to create a firestorm. I really was confused about the date the "family" last saw him. I don't mean to be picking on anyone in particular or signaling them out. Everyone here is a valuable contributor. I just wanted to make sure the dates were right so that if we read this a year from now, we have it right or if new people read here, the facts are correct. I hope everyone keeps posting, maybe we just need to be more careful about clarifying what event we are referring to. I know there's the occasional "brain not working without coffee glitches", which also happens to me LOL. So, was just looking for clarification. And I certainly get the tablet glitches. That's how part of my last post ended up with all CAPS. Didn't want to have to retype it by the time I noticed it. LAZY on my part!
I guess I was conflating "friends" who heard from him in 1978 with "family" who might or might not have heard from him.

I think it's probably a safe deduction that 1978, possibly June, was the last known time he used his birth name. But we don't know whether he might also have been using Evans or another alias in other dealings.

And just because he said he was living in Texas doesn't mean he actually was.

It's hard to resolve the different versions. The Globe and the Union Leader are both generally excellent sources that care about getting things right.

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And just because he said he was living in Texas doesn't mean he actually was.

Actually, the NHDOJ is the one stating he was living in Texas in June of 1978.

"1978 June RASMUSSEN works for the “Brown & Root” Company (currently KBR)in Houston, TX. Record indicates RASMUSSEN “quit to workelsewhere.” https://www.doj.nh.gov/media-center/press-releases/2017/documents/20170818-attachment-a.pdf

The NJDOJ should always supersede The Globe or Union Leader when it comes to presenting factual information.
Actually, the NHDOJ is the one stating he was living in Texas in June of 1978.

"1978 June RASMUSSEN works for the “Brown & Root” Company (currently KBR)in Houston, TX. Record indicates RASMUSSEN “quit to workelsewhere.” https://www.doj.nh.gov/media-center/press-releases/2017/documents/20170818-attachment-a.pdf

The NJDOJ should always supersede The Globe or Union Leader when it comes to presenting factual information.
I was referring to the call to his friends at unknown date in 1978. Just because he told them he was somewhere doesn't mean he was where he said he was. If the call was later than June, the NHDOJ information doesn't apply.

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I believe Denise had to have been killed soon after disappearing in Nov 1981 because she did not contact her family again. She might even be somewhere in NH. .
I tend to believe that Denise was alive until shortly before Dawn/Lisa was abandoned in the campground. TR does not seem to me to be the man to care for a child for close to 5 years on his own. That is not to say that there were not women, but I think he would have "gotten rid of" D/L long before he did if Denise was not with him. This leads me to believe that there may well be some truth to the story that D/L's mother died in Texas, from a car accident/cancer/shooting due to a robbery or some other reason. We do now know that Terry Rasmussen told stories that included some truth. He indicated that he was born in Evanston WY...well his father was. He indicated that he was of Scandinavian descent - he was. He indicated he attended high school in Arizona - he did.
I'm almost wondering if TR commuted back and forth from different areas. The reason I wonder is his daughter's isotopes don't match Texas, the area he is known to have been in from at least 1974-1978. With her age being approximated at 2-4 years old that puts her year of birth around 1975-1982 if the time of death occurred in the years 1978-1984.
Whereabouts of TR during those years:
  • 1973-Phoenix, AZ
  • 1974- Ingleside, TX/Payson, AZ
  • 1975-1977-presumably TX
  • 1978- Houston, TX
  • 1978/1979-1981- Manchester, NH
  • 1982-1983- Unknown
  • 1984- Los Alamitos, CA

So it is completely not impossible their time of death happened after 1981 since his whereabouts are unknown 1981-1984 but circumstantially it is believed they were killed pre-Denise. With that being said, why doesn't his daughters isotopes match to Texas where he was known to be?

the isotopes match to areas in:
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • California
  • Nevada
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Utah
  • Colorado
  • Wyoming
Highlighted areas
  • Nebraska
  • North Dakota
  • South Dakota
  • Maine
  • New Hampshire
  • New York
TR has connections to:
  • Colorado- born there
  • Arizona- family lives there
  • California- lived and worked there
  • Texas- lived and worked there
Of note is some of the isotope places are on route from Texas to Arizona. IMO his family hadn't heard from him after Dec 1974, because he might have started a new family after that (his daughter could have been born in 1975). I've heard of people working away from home and commuting back and forth between states. He couldn't legally marry the mother since his first marriage's divorce wasn't finalized until 1978 when he was believed to have resurfaced as Bob Evans in NH.

I'm getting a bit side tracked from why I started this post...My point is he may have traveled back and forth to different areas. Could his work have been seasonal or had on and off progressions? I found a case that interested me just how it's in a close proximity to where he used to live. On March, 12 1978, 16 year old Pauline "Robbin'' Burgette was murdered in her home on 26th st. TR had once lived on 36th street 6 mins away. Now her death doesn't match his later MO, but I found it interesting. IMO the Allenstown four weren't his first victims.
Reasons it's interesting:
  • TR had once lived 10 streets away and was from the area.
  • Prior to her murder she was babysitting and had been having problems with someone making advances to her. TR had a daughter during this time. Could she and her mother resided in AZ? It matches her isotopes.
  • It happened in March and he is last known to be heard of as Terry in June. Could a crime like this be the reason for his name change?
Would CODIS have ruled him out? Authorities do believe there were two people present during her murder so it isn't entirely impossible.. I wonder if it is known who she was babysitting and do a wellness check on them.
You make some really good observations of his locations and the difference in isotope regions for his child, aThousandYearsWide. The thing is, we don't know if TR ever lived with his daughter's mother at all. They could have had a one night stand or a brief relationship where she became pregnant. She could have met TR in TX or AZ but moved to live with her family in another state while single and pregnant. It's possible TR drifted in and out of their lives (like you suggested) or never even saw his child at all until she was a couple years old. Back in the 1970's, if a woman became pregnant and wasn't married she would be more likely to go live with family in another state to either hide the pregnancy or for financial support. She may not even tell the father of her child she got pregnant. If her family was super traditional and scandalized by the pregnancy, she might go out of state with the plan to give up her child for adoption or have family members raise it as if it is their own. A lot of people who consider giving a child up for adoption change their minds, however, once the baby is born. If she didn't tell TR about his child for a few years or lived apart from him for any number of reasons, that would also explain the isotopes of the child not matching his known locations. We don't know how he came to be in possession of the child either-- a re-kindled relationship where he charmed his way back into their lives? A legit situation where he was left with the child because of her mother's death/imprisonment/other situation? An outright parental abduction where he came and got his child and maybe her mother didn't know how to fight it or how to find him to get her back? There is too much we just don't know. I hope someday soon this little girl is identified (along with the others) and her and her mother's story can be told.
You make some really good observations of his locations and the difference in isotope regions for his child, aThousandYearsWide. The thing is, we don't know if TR ever lived with his daughter's mother at all. They could have had a one night stand or a brief relationship where she became pregnant. She could have met TR in TX or AZ but moved to live with her family in another state while single and pregnant. It's possible TR drifted in and out of their lives (like you suggested) or never even saw his child at all until she was a couple years old. Back in the 1970's, if a woman became pregnant and wasn't married she would be more likely to go live with family in another state to either hide the pregnancy or for financial support. She may not even tell the father of her child she got pregnant. If her family was super traditional and scandalized by the pregnancy, she might go out of state with the plan to give up her child for adoption or have family members raise it as if it is their own. A lot of people who consider giving a child up for adoption change their minds, however, once the baby is born. If she didn't tell TR about his child for a few years or lived apart from him for any number of reasons, that would also explain the isotopes of the child not matching his known locations. We don't know how he came to be in possession of the child either-- a re-kindled relationship where he charmed his way back into their lives? A legit situation where he was left with the child because of her mother's death/imprisonment/other situation? An outright parental abduction where he came and got his child and maybe her mother didn't know how to fight it or how to find him to get her back? There is too much we just don't know. I hope someday soon this little girl is identified (along with the others) and her and her mother's story can be told.

The mother being imprisoned seems likely to me. It happened in the case of Suzanne Sevakis AKA Sharon Marshall. Suzanne's mother was serving a short sentence for a petty crime. When she was released it was discovered her husband left with some of her children, while abandoning the others. She couldn't file a missing persons report because authorities stated as their step-father he was allowed to leave with her children if he pleases (even though he never legally adopted them). I wonder if TR did the same thing especially since he was the biological father. If this is the case they might have told her mother the same thing. Parental abductions weren't taken as seriously until recent decades.
The middle child's isotope and TR's known whereabouts don't seem to mesh at all.
When they first announced that she was RE's biological daughter (before he was ID'd as TR), NCMEC said that most likely he was with her and her mother up until he showed up in NH (it was on their FB page). Based on what we know now, that doesn't seem possible.
The only thing that seems to make sense (to me, anyway) is that he wasn't with the MC in the beginning of her life and that he and her mother split before birth, or shortly after. At which point, he stayed in TX and the mother moved somewhere within the isotope area. Two weeks to three months before her death, TR somehow ended up with her and brought her to NH. I'm thinking she was voluntarily given to him, for any number of reasons. It would also explain why no one on her mother's side may have reported her missing, because, if she were given to him, she technically wasn't missing.
I went ahead and made the isotope state list for the other three related victims too. Their isotopes match 27 states while TR's daughter matches 17 states.

Terry Rasmussen's daughter's isotope states (2-4 year old):
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • Idaho
  • California
  • Nevada
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Utah
  • Colorado
  • Wyoming
Highlighted areas
  • Nebraska
  • Minnesota
  • North Dakota
  • South Dakota
  • Maine
  • New Hampshire
  • New York

Adult victim (23-33 year old) and two children (5-11 year old, and 1-3 year old) isotope states:
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • California
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Nevada
  • Colorado
  • Kansas
  • Nebraska
  • South Dakota
  • North Dakota
  • Minnesota
  • Iowa
  • Wisconsin
  • Michigan
  • Ohio
  • West Virginia
  • Virginia
  • Maryland
  • Pennsylvania
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Massachusetts
  • Connecticut
  • Vermont
  • New Hampshire
  • Maine
https://abm-website-assets.s3.amazo...public/embedded_image/2017/02/isotope map.png

I posted this in the Allenstown thread. I had found more states for TR's daughter since I found a better picture of the isotope map.
I found an odd case concerning a baby Lisa from a Jan 1976 newspaper. It's not in the isotope range but is in a neighboring state to two.

The mother of Lisa didn't exactly know who the father was. Wanted to put the baby for adoption. If the father is found out could he get custody of his child even if she is in foster care?

She probably isn't our doe since isotopes don't match to Kansas but I found it interesting for these reasons:
  • The baby's name is Lisa.
  • She is in the age range for TR's daughter (DOB: Feb 1975).
  • The mother wouldn't be searching for her child since she initially wanted to give her up for adoption.
  • Where the mother is from, Pittsburg, Kansas is under 5 hours away from St. Louis, Missouri where TR claims he spent time in during the 70's.

Rasmussen claims to have worked in St. Louis at a Reece Electrical during the early 1970s. Investigators need the public’s help to fill in the timeline of where Rasmussen was between the early and late 1970s. They hope this new information brings them closer to finally identifying the four victims. source:http://www.ktrs.com/new-hampshire-se...s-to-st-louis/
RE's whereabouts aren't confirmed after Dec 1974 (Ingleside, TX) and Jun 1978 (Houston, TX). Wish we could have done isotopes on him.

Posted in Allenstown thread as well.
Kansas is not that far off from the isotope area.
Also, north eastern VT is highlighted for the middle child. I'm not seeing it on the list, unless I'm just super tired and missing it.
That story about the baby Lisa in KS broke my heart. Something similar happened to a friend of mine, when her neighbor abandoned her baby girl and my friend took her in. She was a pregnant teen living on her own at the time. When the state came and took the baby away, they said she was too young to take care of a baby. She was like, who do you think has been taking care of her for the past few months, and who do you think will be taking care of this one when it's born? 50 years later, she still tears up over losing that little girl and wonders what happened to her.
I just happened to catch this after re-reading this article again ; wondering if any attention of the possibilities this implies : "......The middle child was not maternally related to the others, but it's possible she was a half-sister of the other girls or a paternally related cousin....." From WMUR Updated: 11:05 PM EST Nov 17, 2015 http://www.wmur.com/article/new-images-details-released-in-allenstown-cold-case/5205941

Good catch.
This was at the time of the November 2015 press conf. when their isotope & advanced DNA results were initially released, before they knew about RE/TR and had no way to compare them paternally. With the DNA profiles that they had they were only able to confirm there was a maternal relationship between the adult female and the oldest and youngest child and exclude the middle child along those lines. Their DNA profiles aren't that strong, that was one of the reasons they didn't compare them to the database of criminals (besides that it has a different standard/protocoI) to find out if their killer was among known killers on file with DNA. All this can be found in that press conference (except the TR/RE parts as he hadn't been vetted yet).
Two years later we now have one of the other halves (TR), so to speak, and I think they've been able to reasonably exclude a biological relationship between the middle child and the other three, however, they won't be able to confirm paternal relationship between the other two or three without a male DNA profile to compare it to. I have since read the adult female's profile is so degraded they weren't even able to compare it to TR at all.

Whoa that's a new picture. Thanks JerseyGirl.


Rasmussen lived in Phoenix in the late 1950s and early 1960s, for part of 1969 and then in 1973, authorities said. He was married and had three daughters and a son.

The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office arrested him on April 30, 1973, as a fugitive from justice. Authorities on Thursday released a booking photo from that time, hoping people may recognize him and help account for his whereabouts in the mid- and late-1970s.

Rasmussen was arrested again in Phoenix in June 1975 on an aggravated assault charge. It's believed that his wife and children left him shortly afterward.

Authorities say Rasmussen was last seen by his family in Payson, Arizona, around Christmas of 1975 or 1976. He was in the company of an unidentified woman. He indicated he was living in an apartment complex in Ingleside, Texas, at the time.

Did we know about the AZ arrests before this? I don't think we did.
New updated timeline has been just released:

1943 Dec. 23: Born in Colorado named Terry Peder Rasmussen.

1954 - 1958: Attended Whittier Elementary School, Phoenix, AZ.

1958 July - 1961 April: Resided in Phoenix with family.

1959 - 1960: Attended North High School, Phoenix, AZ. Dropped-out after sophomore year.

1961 April: Enlisted in the US Navy.

1967 July: Discharged from the US Navy.

1967 - 1968: Moved to Hawaii. Rasmussen worked in his parents' shoe shop.

1968 July 20: Married wife in Hawaii.

1969: Moved to Phoenix, AZ. Twin daughters born.

Worked as an electrician for a boss named "Otto" (company unknown).

1970: Rasmussen family moved to Redwood City, CA. Rasmussen worked as an Electrician in Palo Alto, CA. Rasmussen's son is born.

1972: Rasmussen's daughter is born. Rasmussen and his wife separate temporarily.

1973 approx. Rasmussen and family move back to Phoenix. Rasmussen again works for "Otto." He also works in a shoe shop.

1973 April: Rasmussen arrested by Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. (added by me - on a fugitive from justice charge - details of charge unknown by LE)

1975 June: Rasmussen is arrested in Phoenix, Arizona for aggravated assault. It is believed that his wife and children left him shortly after this arrest.

1975 or 1976, December: Rasmussen arrives unexpectedly to visit his wife and children in Payson, AZ. He is in the company of an unidentified female. Rasmussen indicates he was living at the Casa Del Rey Apartments in Ingleside, TX. This is the last time Rasmussen's family ever sees him.

1978 June: Rasmussen works for the "Brown & Root" Company in Houston, TX. Record indicates Rasmussen "quit to work elsewhere."

1978 Rasmussen contacts friend in Arizona and asks for money. He states he is in Texas working on an oil rig.

1978 September 28 Divorce finalized. Rasmussen's whereabouts unknown.

1978 - 1979 (approx.) Rasmussen worked at Waumbec Mills as head electrician. He is now known as Bob Evans.

1980, February: Rasmussen arrested in Manchester, NH as Robert T. Evans for Issuing a bad check on 12/21/1979 (insufficient funds).

1980, May: Robert T. Evans arrested in Manchester, NH, for theft of services (electricity).

1980, October: Robert T. Evans arrested in Manchester, NH, as for diverting electric current.

1981, November: Denise Beaudin of Manchester, NH, goes missing shortly after Thanksgiving with her 6 month old daughter and her boyfriend, Robert T. Evans.

1984, March - 1985, May: Rasmussen was hired under name Curtis Kimball by electrical company in Los Alamitos, CA.

1985, May: Rasmussen arrested in Cypress, CA, as Curtis Mayo Kimball for DUI.

1985, November: First barrel found adjacent to Bear Brook State Park, Allenstown, NH containing an unidentified adult female (23-33 yoa) and female child (5-11 yoa).

1986, January: Rasmussen in Santa Cruz County, CA, living and working at the Holiday Host RV Park in Scotts Valley under name Gordon Jenson.

1986, June: Rasmussen abandoned a child (Denise Beaudin's daughter) in California and fled.

1986, September: Fingerprints match between Gordon Jenson and Curtis Mayo Kimball confirming they were the same person.

1988, November: Rasmussen pulled over in San Luis Obispo, CA, under the name Gerry Mockerman, driving a stolen vehicle from Preston, Idaho.

1989, March: Rasmussen arrested in California on warrants for child abandonment and sentenced to 3 years.

1990, October: Rasmussen was paroled and absconded the following day in California.

1998, June: Rasmussen stopped in California under the name Lawrence William Vanner and cited for not having insurance or a driver's license.

2000, May: Second barrel found adjacent to Bear Brook State Park in Allenstown, NH, containing two unidentified female children (2-4 yoa) and (1-3 yoa). The 2-4 yoa child was later determined to be Rasmussen's biological child.

2002, June: Rasmussen's girlfriend, Eunsoon Jun disappears from Richmond, CA.

2002, November: Rasmussen arrested for Eunsoon Jun's murder and parole violation.

2003, June: Rasmussen convicted of Eunsoon Jun's murder and sentenced to prison for 15 years to life.

2003, August: DNA testing confirmed that the Rasmussen was not the biological father of the child he abandoned in June 1986 (Denise Beaudin's daughter).

2010, December: Rasmussen died in prison.

2016, July: The California San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office contacted New Hampshire authorities reference Rasmussen and his connection to New Hampshire.

2016, October: DNA confirmed that Rasmussen was the biological father of the unidentified 2-4 year old little girl found dead in Allenstown, NH in 2000.

2017, January: Authorities release details of subject Robert "Bob" Evans and his connection to the Allenstown homicides and disappearance of Denise Beaudin.

2017, July: Authorities complete DNA testing confirming the man known as.


The photo was taken by the Maricopa County sheriff’s department in Arizona on April 30, 1973, after Rasmussen was arrested as a fugitive from justice, a charge that usually means law enforcement in another state is looking to arrest and prosecute him.

But MacDonald’s office said the records do not shed any light on what crime he was accused of committing nor what law enforcement agency was looking for him. Investigators also have discovered Rasmussen was arrested by Phoenix police on June 11, 1975, for aggravated assault.
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