NH NH/CA - Terry Peder Rasmussen, suspected SK, Allenstown, 1981-2000's - #3

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This article says the identified woman is likely the mother of the eldest and youngest girls? Is that correct?

They are talking about unidentified adult woman in the barrel as no one is identified there yet. They use word likely, so likely she could be their mother but it does not rule out that likely they were all 3 of them (adult and two children) only maternally related.

In 1985, a hunter discovered the first two bodies near the Allenstown, New Hampshire, park — the woman and a girl believed to be 9 or 10. In 2000, an investigator found the other two girls — one believed to be 2 or 3 and the other 3 or 4.

They believe the woman is likely the mother of the eldest and youngest girls.
I'm more inclined to think that the unidentified woman with TR would more likely be the middle child's mother, not the adult female victim, especially with the timeline so close to her possible birth now. There's no mention of a female child with her at the time of the visit, which the eldest child was most likely alive in 1975/1976. I know that doesn't mean the oldest child couldn't have been staying with someone else during the visit, but, based on the isotopes, I think it unlikely.
I'm more inclined to think that the unidentified woman with TR would more likely be the middle child's mother, not the adult female victim, especially with the timeline so close to her possible birth now. There's no mention of a female child with her at the time of the visit, which the eldest child was most likely alive in 1975/1976. I know that doesn't mean the oldest child couldn't have been staying with someone else during the visit, but, based on the isotopes, I think it unlikely.

This also caters towards the isotope map of Terry's daughter (I hate saying that) living/growing up in Arizona. He could have left the wife and child behind, worked in Texas and went back to "collect" his daughter.

We should concentrate on missing person cases in Arizona from 1978 to 1980.
One other item of interest. The woman with the two daughters in the barrel obviously had a relationship with a man that resulted in the birth of two girls. This man must either be dead or completely washed his hands of this prior relationship. Perhaps obits from 76 thru 80 in NH of of man leaving behind a wife/gf and two children could be the missing link?

What is the earliest date of Terry and Denise dating?

We have the info from the arrest in 1980 that he listed his spouse as "Elizabeth Evans". The window would be fairly tight regarding when Terry could have met the woman in the barrel and when their relationship would have ended.
That's an intriguing possibility. She has a very similar look to Denise Beaudin. But she has DNA, so if she were the woman in the barrel, or the mother of the middle child, the relationship ought to have been flagged, you would think.

That's right, according to NamUs, anyway.
One other item of interest. The woman with the two daughters in the barrel obviously had a relationship with a man that resulted in the birth of two girls. This man must either be dead or completely washed his hands of this prior relationship. Perhaps obits from 76 thru 80 in NH of of man leaving behind a wife/gf and two children could be the missing link?

What is the earliest date of Terry and Denise dating?

We have the info from the arrest in 1980 that he listed his spouse as "Elizabeth Evans". The window would be fairly tight regarding when Terry could have met the woman in the barrel and when their relationship would have ended.

Back in the 70's, it was still not uncommon for a divorced It sucked to move on and not be involved in his children's lives. Children went to their mother, and it was assumed she would remarry and her new husband would adopt the children. Fathers had very few rights. Things were starting to change, but it would be entirely possible that the wife told him, "I'm divorcing you and marrying Terry/Robert and moving to New Hampshire with him," and he didn't have any choice.
Here is the 1973 arrest pic and a pic from the 1981 outing in NH .... 8 yrs difference in the ages going on a DOB for him as 12/23/1943.

That's an intriguing possibility. She has a very similar look to Denise Beaudin. But she has DNA, so if she were the woman in the barrel, or the mother of the middle child, the relationship ought to have been flagged, you would think.

Agreed. The only thing I could see is that some of the missing persons may not have been vetted earlier on as the timeline catered more towards Terry being in Texas seemingly after he was booted out of the house. With the updated timeline it appears he was spending at least some time in 1975 in AZ. There's still a lot to sift through regarding his time in Texas and Arizona between 73 and 78.
Here is the 1973 arrest pic and a pic from the 1981 outing in NH .... 8 yrs difference in the ages going on a DOB for him as 12/23/1943.

OR Portland, Oregon, which also fits.

There's not as much overlap in Oregon as in Arizona regarding the two maps. And, he would need a reason to be there (though he didn't have a reason to be in TX or NH). We have the arrest in 75 now to add to the 75/76 X-mas sighting by his family, putting more emphasis in that area. Plus he had familiarity there. Those are my reasons for thinking Arizona over Oregon.

Regarding Texas, I have a strong feeling his child's mother may have been disposed of there. He was still using his birth name as late as June of 78, and made the desperation call for money to friends in AZ at this time. It really seems like a tipping point in his life. The problem would be that this woman would have possibly been pregnant with the baby at this time and Terry would be inadequate of taking care of her for at least a couple years. I wonder if Terry killed her in late 79 early 80 and that's when he changed his name to Bob Evans and departed, with child, for New Hampshire? As we've seen with Lisa, he was capable of taking care of a young child. Also, I have to imagine by this time LE has been able to vet former tenants at the Casa Del Ray apartments and determine if he was living with a woman and if a baby entered the picture.

Of interest, the maximum date we have Terry in Texas is June of 78, and the minimum we have him in NH is for the writing the bad check on 12/21/79. It's also of note he stated his wife was "Elizabeth Evans" at this time.

His ability to get quickly in and out of relationships is interesting. My best guess is Elizabeth is the woman in the barrel meaning in just 3 years Terry had 3 different girlfriends. Again, this is just my opinion but here's what I believe may have happened.

1979 - Possibly killed the mother of his daughter and moved to NH and changed his name

1979/1980 met Elizabeth w/ her two daughters using some sort of sob story regarding his daughters birth mother. He would use sob stories later with Lisa

1980/1981 he kills Elizabeth, her daughters and his own daughter

1981 he meets Denise

What's scary is that if he was this active in these 3 years what did he do those 3 years between leaving with Denise in Nov of 81 to being hired as Curtis Mayo in March of 84? Did he actually have a lengthy relationship with Denise (3 years)? Perhaps. Sorry for jumping around, but I feel like Terry's time as a mystery is coming to an end.
What I get from his 1973 fugitive from justice charge is he moved back to Phoenix to avoid a charge in CA. Note that his family moved back to AZ in 1973 from CA and a Fugitive from justice charge is when someone flees the state in which they have a outstanding warrant. IMO the answer to what that charge may be is in CA.

Also another observation I noticed is they never stated that the mystery woman came from Ingleside, TX with him. (Unless I'm mistaken) He could have very well not been in AZ to visit his family, but her and she pushed to meeting his family. I also believe his daughter is from AZ.

With 1976 possibility being the last time he sees his family that leads me to further believe the unknown woman is the mother of his child.
Regarding Texas, I have a strong feeling his child's mother may have been disposed of there. He was still using his birth name as late as June of 78, and made the desperation call for money to friends in AZ at this time. It really seems like a tipping point in his life. The problem would be that this woman would have possibly been pregnant with the baby at this time and Terry would be inadequate of taking care of her for at least a couple years. I wonder if Terry killed her in late 79 early 80 and that's when he changed his name to Bob Evans and departed, with child, for New Hampshire? As we've seen with Lisa, he was capable of taking care of a young child. Also, I have to imagine by this time LE has been able to vet former tenants at the Casa Del Ray apartments and determine if he was living with a woman and if a baby entered the picture.

Of interest, the maximum date we have Terry in Texas is June of 78, and the minimum we have him in NH is for the writing the bad check on 12/21/79. It's also of note he stated his wife was "Elizabeth Evans" at this time.

His ability to get quickly in and out of relationships is interesting. My best guess is Elizabeth is the woman in the barrel meaning in just 3 years Terry had 3 different girlfriends. Again, this is just my opinion but here's what I believe may have happened.


I agree, when TR makes up the story for Lisa's mother's fate he could have very easily been talking about another woman (his daughter's mother). He did say she was killed in several different ways around TX. Maybe her identity lies in a cold case file somewhere. Woman from AZ's body found in TX, murder still unsolved.

With traveling with a child, I think he used it as a sick survival technique. Remember when he called a friend in AZ for money? People are more likely to sympathize if a young child is involved. I also think he used the single father sob routine to find women which could be the case in the Allenstown victims. Another single parent.

I've thought of this as well. What if he originally didn't plan on killing his own daughter but she walked into the room when it was happening and he panicked she would say something? I also wonder too if that since she was born when he supposedly was still Terry that maybe he thought that she would lead to the discovery of his true identity?
I've noticed one common theme throughout TR's timeline -babies. It appears he moved along when the youngest was no longer a baby. We see it recurring through some of the witnesses, too, like the woman in CA who claimed to have babysat D/L along with an infant. DB and D/L came along possibly after the death of the A4 victims, when D/L was an infant. I believe D/L said she recalled siblings, one also an infant (did I read that somewhere, can someone please confirm or refute that?). He also states in NH he had a 2 year old and a 6 month old, who I believe may be the related child victims. Though we don't know for sure, the unidentified woman who showed up with him at Christmas could have been the middle child's mother, which means she was shortly on the way. It's also possible she had a baby at the time that we don't know about.
I believe he was targeting the babies and kept the mothers around until their feet hit the floor. I don't know if this makes sense, but every single instance involves not just children, but babies.
I've noticed one common theme throughout TR's timeline -babies. It appears he moved along when the youngest was no longer a baby. We see it recurring through some of the witnesses, too, like the woman in CA who claimed to have babysat D/L along with an infant. DB and D/L came along possibly after the death of the A4 victims, when D/L was an infant. I believe D/L said she recalled siblings, one also an infant (did I read that somewhere, can someone please confirm or refute that?). He also states in NH he had a 2 year old and a 6 month old, who I believe may be the related child victims. Though we don't know for sure, the unidentified woman who showed up with him at Christmas could have been the middle child's mother, which means she was shortly on the way. It's also possible she had a baby at the time that we don't know about.
I believe he was targeting the babies and kept the mothers around until their feet hit the floor. I don't know if this makes sense, but every single instance involves not just children, but babies.

Yes that is Dawn's recollection vague recollection of , kinda ironic the same number of victims as the A4 victims... as well as the sexes. I believe it was in the boston globes article in January about finding lisa " I'll look for the link

Here is the link: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2...ly-new-life/vCCxbYYUD63kjIoIMJQiWM/story.html
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