Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 1 *Arrest*

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Her facebook does not seem at all unusual, mostly those games, and her posts for the past two months, which are minimal, are about her sister, her cat, conversations with anyone...

Can't you hide other postings on your page, so when it is viewed publicly, you can't see everything that is on it?
Can't you hide other postings on your page, so when it is viewed publicly, you can't see everything that is on it?

Not sure...I thought you could either hide your "wall" or not hide it...not sure you can hide just parts of it...
Um hm I'm beginning to think that way too. At first it seemed kind of obvious to me that she ran away, but in rethinking it seems kind of clear that was out of her character. The story is odd in that the parents "went in to wake her up in the morning". Who wakes up an 11 year old during the summer?

And since when does a step-father go and wake up an 11 yr old girl in the mornings? My step-dad raised me since I was very young, but he never came in my bedroom to wake me up at that age. Seems more like a mom's job, imo.

ETA: I just read that he has been married to her less than a year. And he was the last one in the child's bedroom @ 9 pm and then in her room first thing in the am? Very HINKY, imo.
Can't you hide other postings on your page, so when it is viewed publicly, you can't see everything that is on it?

Yes, you can hide posts that show up on your wall and you can hide friends that post on your wall, if you don' want them to show up on your wall.
Isn't Zoosk an online dating site?

What a winner.

Kind of creepy. Something about this whole housing set up is very strange. They live in an apt. or part of that large home and Celina's room is in the basement, that is weird. Plus I think a man retired from the government (if that is true he was in the service for many many years and is now retired) would have better resources and not have to live in a split house. JMO I don't mean to upset anyone, just have a feeling about this and his "friends" on facebook, the many with little to no clothes on are alarming. I wonder if his wife, Celina's mom, has any idea about his facebook or even how it all works. I know several people who have no idea how facebook works. I just learned not too long ago, and Twitter, forget it. I still am not comfortable with that site. Anyway, I pray he didn't have anything to do with this. I hope she comes home safe and the only reason she is not calling home now is fear of being in trouble...
I wonder why the sister has not been mentioned. I believe she would know if the step-father was molesting either her or her sister, or if anyone in the apartment building was making advances to them. It appears there might be 3 apartments in the building or maybe 2 apartments and some single rooms to rent. The house has 5 bathrooms I noticed on the real estate site. If there are single rooms to rent, just about anyone could be living in them or staying there temporarily. Its worrying that the step-father appears to have close relatives who are registered sex offenders. Often that behavior runs in families. I wonder if the sisters shared a bedroom. If so, the sister must have seen the missing girl the night she disappeared, unless the sister wasn't home that night.
The family must not have a dog or it would have barked if something strange was happening. Where was the sister that night? And how old is she? I wonder what she knows. I just hope this girl will come home safe. Does anyone know which part of the apartment house the family lived in? Upstairs? First floor? Basement? I saw that the basement only had one bedroom and was partially finished, and the top floor apartment had 2 bedrooms.

On NG they said the girl had 'the basement bedroom.' So that confused me.

Was her bedroom on another floor than the rest of the family?
i think you have 2 different people

I don't know what I did. I just commented to another member how I just learned how to use Facebook, lol. guess I better go back and start over...

I cannot understand why this guy Keith on her friends list has the link for his myspace as the link I gave. OMG, it has been a long day. I will try to figure this out.
It is a pretty rural area up there near the Canadian border. Been up that way a few times and yes I can bet my life there is no cell phone service. All very nice small very New England towns. About as safe as you can get. That just might not exsist anymore.
I am going back to read more also.

Really quickly, because I'm just catching up. It is still safe and small, and cell service is like a miracle when it happens. My iphone gets 2 bars in one corner, and no one else gets any signal. If you see people pulled over, it's either to spot a moose or make a call in on of the few spots where you can.

We have had a home in North Stratford, NH for 12 years. That's below Colebrook, which Stewartstown and Stark can overlap with. The boundaries up there are fuzzy. It's all woods, rural, and even Colebrook with its riteaid and Dunkies (no McD's) isn't "big". It is safe, even in Lancaster, which has a McD's. There's nowhere to go. You can't just walk to meet someone, really. Our nearest neighbor (on Route 3, no less) is a quarter mile away. I wish I could show how limited the options for an 11 yo on foot would be. This is scary. My thoughts were that she would have had to met an older teen with a car, online, but she doesn't seem the type. Without transportation, I don't see how she could have gone far on her own.

There are tons of people up and down on the CT River, so LE will have many eyes. This, too, is a small community, over many acres and towns, but still small. I hope she gets home, safe and sound.
Yikes, even my own dad did not come into my room when I was eleven, as a rule...that was mom's job, back then...

Exactly. My husband and daughter are very close, but he does not 'hang out' in her bedroom. When they have a discussion of some kind they sit in the family room or at the table. But he never goes into her bedroom to wake her up in the morning. And he is her dad. I cannot imagine a new stepfather going into an 11 yr old's bedroom to wake her up. It seems kind of weird, imo.
Really quickly, because I'm just catching up. We have had a home in North Stratford, NH for 12 years. That's below Colebrook, which Stewartstown and Stark can overlap with. The boundaries up there are fuzzy. It's all woods, rural, and even Colebrook with its riteaid and Dunkies (no McD's) isn't "big". It is safe, even in Lancaster, which has a McD's. There's nowhere to go. You can't just walk to meet someone, really. Our nearest neighbor (on Route 3, no less) is a quarter mile away. I wish I could show how limited the options for an 11 yo on foot would be. This is scary. My thoughts were that she would have had to met an older teen with a car, online, but she doesn't seem the type. Without transportation, I don't see how she could have gone far on her own.

There are tons of people up and down on the CT River, so LE will have many eyes. This, too, is a small community, over many acres and towns, but still small. I hope she gets hoe, safe and sound.

This really concerns me. I would imagine a stranger in town would be noticed by others pretty quickly. This may have been a problem starting closer to home.
Did anyone say if she has a cellphone and if it is missing?
I just have a bad feeling that once again, this is not the "random stranger" and may end up being closer to the statistics of home often being the least safe place...
Has her Mom made any statements anywhere? Has the Mom said when was the last time that she saw her? Has the sister said when was the last time that she saw her? Has anyone other than her SD made a statement as to the last time she was seen?
Has her Mom made any statements anywhere? Has the Mom said when was the last time that she saw her? Has the sister said when was the last time that she saw her? Has anyone other than her SD made a statement as to the last time she was seen?

Not in public (that I've seen) but I'm sure they have to LE.
My money is on the stepfather.

I'm sorry if it isn't him, but i definately suspect its him too.
I know i'm biased cuz i was abused by my step father starting when i was 11 yrs old until i was 17 yrs old.
I'm 35 now and just over the past year finally got up enough courage to go to the police and try to get him off the streets. He just finally got put in jail in May.
But yah.....i definately have a creepy vibe about him and most step fathers in general unfortuatnately. :(
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