Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 #11 *Arrest*

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Pensfan is a professional poster who is a Psych nurse and MPH.

I agree with her. WN has shown in the past some very odd behavior and if he doesn't continue with treatment/meds it could happen again. I don't think we should put a big X on him however I do feel that his new neighbors/LE should be aware of who he is. IMO

Here in America we don't do that sort of thing. Until WN is tried and convicted by a jury of his peers we legally assume he is innocent and act accordingly.

Texsun, please don't wager any money that the homicide of CC "will just go unsolved and cold."

Thank you for your most interesting posts. I look forward to seeing more.

In my opinion, and it really sucks to say this, but it couldn't get colder if they stuck it in an icebox. It's possible someone will confess, but I am not holding out a lot of hope for that. It's possible that if the AAG's office stop hiding what evidence they have maybe the public will be able to help, but for their own reasons they don't seem all that interested in doing this.

Unfortunately, any case like this one is always gonna be tough to prosecute. The list of people with access to Celina was freaking huge, and the more we learn the bigger that list becomes. Nor does anyone, including WN, really stand out as a solid suspect. The prosecution must tie someone to the body or they have nothing.

Sadly, I think there will be no justice for Celina.

Hunt, who lives near the home Celina shared with her family, said neither she nor another guest saw anything that caused them to worry about the little girl the night of July 25.

She said they left about 9 p.m. — contradicting statements that Louisia Cass, Celina’s mother, made to the Herald earlier this month. She said the pair were still at the house when she went to bed at 9 p.m., and were in the company of Wendell Noyes, Celina’s stepfather. Louisia and Wendell Noyes have separated

WNs drinking buddies on the porch?
Interesting comments on the bostonherald article.
Lmbo.. I wonder if "WhatwouldTaffydo" knows what they're talking about? it's Friday.. guess they mean "next" week? ;)

I hope so, but likely someone just spouting off at the mouth, frustrated by the length of time that has passed.
If they did this would be a SERIOUS violation of his civil rights.
It is not a civil rights violation for his acquaintances, old drinking buddies, mom, son, or whomever to leak his new address. ;)

It is difficult for many schizophrenic patients to function alone in the community. Many would benefit from living in long-term residential housing, but government funding rarely provides for this anymore. IMO, it would not be considered to be cruel for others to know that Wendell lived in a halfway house or had schizophrenia. If this information was known, community members would watch him more carefully and contact his family, the police, or an ambulance if his behavior began to deteriorate. Without his neighbors' understanding, he might not have a chance to live safely in the community.

One of the last people to see Celina Cass alive says she feels “a lot of guilt” that she visited the New Hampshire girl’s home the night she disappeared but failed to protect the 11-year-old from whoever killed her.

“If I’d have stayed there an extra hour, maybe nothing would have happened,” Cassandra Hunt of West Stewartstown, N.H., told the Herald. “It’s hard to live with that.”

"failed to protect" ... a very interesting choice of phrase, and "nothing would have happened" ... also very interesting.

Would that person's additional one hour presence have prevented a determined "perp hiding in the bushes" from harming Celina or ... would that additional one hour presence have so satisfied a certain other someone that the someone might not have acted out in such an evil manner after all guests had left?

.. or is that story really not relevant, or is it relevant in a way we would not expect?

Hunt, who lives near the home Celina shared with her family, said neither she nor another guest saw anything that caused them to worry about the little girl the night of July 25.

She said they left about 9 p.m. — contradicting statements that Louisia Cass, Celina’s mother, made to the Herald earlier this month. She [Louisia Cass] said the pair were still at the house when she went to bed at 9 p.m., and were in the company of Wendell Noyes, Celina’s stepfather. Louisia and Wendell Noyes have separated.

The other houseguest declined to speak with the Herald.

The newspaper has agreed not to publish that person’s name. FBI agents interviewed the two extensively, Hunt said.

This is the crux of the Celina Cass murder case:
  • WN and house guest CH presented similar stories.
  • LN presented a different story.
  • Unidentified house guest (might that guest be NN or someone else?) declined to present a story.
WN has stated: "We left the door unlocked." and "someone was in the apartment after we went upstairs."

bbm .. who are the "we"? I suspect that was a figure of speech ... as he and LN typically would leave the door unlocked for KM's late-night excursion returns.

LN stated she went upstairs @ 9pm and tha WN was still on the porch.

I believe WN and guests were on the porch at 9pm (give or take a few minutes for the typical end-of-visit banter) because .. the guests were leaving and WN simply was being a gracious host and properly seeing them out the door.

Did the guest(s) know WN would leave the door unlocked?

Did someone, knowing the front door remained unlocked after WN retired to bed, re-enter the apartment?

Did someone not want to stop "socializing" and "drinking" that evening?

After re-entering the apartment, did someone entice Celina to "have a drink" .. and "a" drink turned in to "too many" drinks? Alcohol poisining, and / or was Celina sexually molested, then murdered?

The more I ponder this case, the more I believe someone is hoping LE maintains a focus only on WN .. and not the actual perp.
It is not a civil rights violation for his acquaintances, old drinking buddies, mom, son, or whomever to leak his new address. ;)

It is difficult for many schizophrenic patients to function alone in the community. Many would benefit from living in long-term residential housing, but government funding rarely provides for this anymore. IMO, it would not be considered to be cruel for others to know that Wendell lived in a halfway house or had schizophrenia. If this information was known, community members would watch him more carefully and contact his family, the police, or an ambulance if his behavior began to deteriorate. Without his neighbors' understanding, he might not have a chance to live safely in the community.

By now WN is one of the most well known and recognized individuals in the area. It won't take long for him to be spotted where ever he goes to live. I'm sure the residence of what ever community he moves to will keep a close eye on him. Whether it is for his own safety or their own.

Good post ChuckMaureen. I want to comment on your list. NN did an interview a few days ago, where he said he saw Celina the day before she went missing, (which is Sunday). He did not say what time.

So we know that WN, LN and WN's mother were in the house that night along with Celina.
Now we know that CH was there that night.
IMO NN was also there that night, but he did not come right out and say so.
NN is friends with CH's BF. I think the unidentified house guess is somebody connected to CH and NN.

I had read CH's facebook page some time ago, as she was friends with one of the family members, and her page's privacy settings are open. Couple of things I noticed when I went back to it and read further into the past year:

1. CH is KM's ex-girlfriend.
2. CH had a baby girl in early August. Her due date was August 18, so she'd have been 8.5 months pregnant at the time Celina disappeared.
3. CH's boyfriend and KM were apparently friends but in April CH seemed to have had it with KM and had begun spending time with her current boyfriend. There were many posts about KM letting her down, standing her up, etc., while she became closer to her current BF. KM also made a snarky post on her page at one point, about the current bf.
4. CH gave up the baby, it was hard, but her friends supported her for doing the right thing.

Personally, as I read her facebook posts she struck me as a decent person who did work hard as a massage therapist and watching her sister's children, and cared about Celina. She lived just across the street from them and knowing she was one of the people visiting on the porch is different to me than the image I had previously of a couple of WN's buddies swigging beer to all hours. I mean, it appears the girl has vision problems and doesn't drive, was very pregnant,and maybe saw folks on the porch and just went over to get out of the house.

It also gives a really good reason for KM to pass the house a couple of times and keep going that night when there were people on the porch.
I see people attributing a lot of importance to the difference between someone going to bed "at 9 o'clock" with people still on the porch and the people on the porch leaving at "about 9 o'clock." Five, 10 or 15 minutes one way or the other could make both statements true. Doesn't exactly snap my "gotcha" trap...
I see people attributing a lot of importance to the difference between someone going to bed "at 9 o'clock" with people still on the porch and the people on the porch leaving at "about 9 o'clock." Five, 10 or 15 minutes one way or the other could make both statements true. Doesn't exactly snap my "gotcha" trap...

Nope. There really is no gotcha here with anyone at all. The house was a bustle of activity, with people coming and going. Not exactly the best night to launch a murder / coverup. The person with the best alibi is mom, followed by WN.

KM has no real alibi at all, and actually provides some added cover for WN.
So if LN is saying that when she went to bed at 9:00 and WN did not go to bed with her, at the time she went to bed and he was on the porch with 2 guests.
The guests said they left around 9:00, does this mean that WN went straight upstairs to bed with LN? Not according to LN. Why would she lie about this?
I believe she said she had her TV on and fan, when she went to bed, did she not know WN was there in bed with her at that time? I don't think he was.
LN is divorcing WN and living with KM and his father, who does everyone think that LN thinks is responsible for her daughters death?
Maybe they had separate beds and she fell asleep immediately and didn't hear him come in a few minutes later? I know there are times my dh comes to bed within minutes of me (say he's in the bathroom) and I fall dead asleep so quick I don't hear him come in...we have a tempurpedic mattress and it doesn't move, or make a sound, when someone else gets in or out...I would still consider that we "went to bed together" when we go up together or within minutes of one another...just sayin'...he may consider it that they went to bed together and she may not have looking back on it...
"One of the last people to see Celina Cass alive says she feels “a lot of guilt” that she visited the New Hampshire girl’s home the night she disappeared but failed to protect the 11-year-old from whoever killed her."

“If I’d have stayed there an extra hour, maybe nothing would have happened,” Cassandra Hunt of West Stewartstown, N.H., told the Herald. “It’s hard to live with that.”

On that night, someone was behaving in a manner that now makes CH feel guilty for not protecting Celina or staying an hour later. Was CH's "extra hour" comment only a meaningless phrase? Why would an extra hour make a difference in saving Celina's life? Was someone supposed to go "away" within that next hour? Was someone likely to be so drunk within that next hour that he would be incapacitated? Was KM supposed to come home within that hour and therefore, Celina would have been safe? What was it?
Ughhh. I just don't know. This is making me crazy. Someone or someone(s) know though. Just a matter of time before someone says a little more than they are supposed to. (I hope).

....Thinking of you dear Celina....
Who(m) / what has convinced LN to no longer trust WN?

The longer LE provides no answers to LN, the deeper her belief her estranged husband is the culprit.

I wonder if LE has given up on KM? NN? CH's current BF?

I hope not.......
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