Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 2 *Arrest*

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I went to a FB page that was set up for her when she went missing (I forgot the name and don't have a link, sorry) and was concerned to see that a bunch of folks that seemed to know her were all encourageing her to call them, friend them etc if she didn't want to go back to her home, they would take her in etc... it made me feel like people that know her may have some of the same concerns about her SF that we do.

I saw that too, but in my mind, it was people being hopeful that she was out there of her own will, still alive...hard to say.
I can top that. I went through JC Penney at the South Coast Plaza recently, here in OC, California. My eyes caught a child's bathing suit, for about a 6 to 9 year old. It was a bikini with a padded bra.

I don't care if that's how things are today, that's what kids listen to, that's just how it is, etc. It's inappropriate. It's inappropriate for little kids to be on social networking sites. It's inappropriate for little kids to be dressing like adults. It's inappropriate for children to want to be "sexy". It's inappropriate for little kids to be listening to explicit music, no matter how cool the beat or the tune. At least, that's my opinion.

Because kids are too young to process what it all means and if they think that's how they should be, they can get involved in things that are way too adult for them, or in situations they cannot handle. Their perceptions about reality can be skewed and they may think it's okay to engage in "adult" behaviors, with each other or even with an adult.

I can't say that any of that is at play in this case. Celina seems like a sweet, normal kid, but some of the auto posts about being sexy or in love, at age 11, on her FB, appall me. When you combine an early emphasis on adult sexuality with boredom, low self esteem, easy access to the internet, online predators, and questionable relatives or parental figures in the home, it can be a disaster waiting to happen.

I think it's time, as a society, that we put a stop to the adult sexualization of children and let them have their innocence, privacy and childhoods back.

I don't disagree with you, but I do think that we in this country are more obsessed over sex than violence. And if anyhting I would rather get rid of all the acceptable forms of violence (like TV, movies, video games etc) that kids see than to worry as much about how much sex they see. After all, once they grow up, sex is a normal and acceptable part of life. Violence is never normal and acceptable in real life.
Well, I'll say it, I will be SHOCKED if this turns out to be a stranger abduction.

That is what I originally thought. I was feeling very hinky about the Sf. And I still am, but it seems that LE did 3 days of intense forensics inside the apt and in the cars. And so far no arrests or even 'suspects' named apparently. I do not think the SF is capable of abducting or killing w/out leaving traces of evidence.

And the report that she was wearing a pullover sweatshirt and shoes when last seen is niggling at me. I can always tell if my teen is in for the night at a quick glance. If she is staying home she has a huge t-shirt and shorts and no shoes on. But if she had on jeans, shoes and a hoodie @ 9 pm then I would know she was heading out somewhere. She is 19 so that changes it somewhat, but the point is still the same. Who wears uncomfortable clothing and shoes when they are about to go to bed?

So it seems to me she was possibly heading out somewhere secretly. While she may have thought she was meeting a friend, it might have been a stranger instead.:mad:
Me too!

I don't understand...there's more than 1 sex offender in stepdad's family tree, plus dear ole Wendell has a schizo past in burglarizing his ex & throwing her down the steps (or tried to at least), judge declares him schizo & gets him help, now stepdad's son said he's changed into a better man now and isn't like that anymore. The dude has at least 2 rso in his family, could he have more that just haven't been caught yet? Puhlease, this man is scoutin' out strange on the web even though he's recently married to Celina's mom! Something's up. This doesn't seem right at all.

Is the mom squeaky clean? If so, what's wrong that she didn't consider this man's past? This man flirts with women on fb, I'm trying to be nice but screw it they're nasty hosebags, and based on his web activity this is done ALOT when Celina is home?

I think something's up with them. Maybe it's a stranger...but at this point I doubt it.

Her mom might have self-esteem issues...or she may have never seen his violent side...or she may feel trapped in this marriage for some reason. There could be any number of things "wrong" that are not malicious or even "thoughtless" (for want of a better word). Do I think that a person should bring children into any of those situations? ...No, but that's a whole other discussion. :)
Going back to the days leading up to her missing. What was different, who did she come in contact with, what in her routine changed? Who in town had company from out of town? Something or some one was out of place.

What is the extent of the relationship with her bio dad? Is there a person she comes in contact thru visitation with him that might be the perp? Where does the father live? Was some one from the past there to visit her father in the hospital?

Do we know when the last confirmed sighting or conversation was had with Celina that was by someone other than her mom, SF or step brother?
Do we know if there are any camera's at the restaurant next door or a near by gas station or bank?

I saw the SF fb page and he is a creeper. I wouldnt want any man that into *advertiser censored* near my daughters, it seemed like an obsession and probably just a small indication of how "off" this guy is. As teen girls or young women I dont think we realize that men much older than us are looking at us that way. We want to look cute for guys our own age and havent a clue that men 20, 30, 40 and on up like looking at beautiful, innocent, young women.

Right now my thoughts are all over the place. Celina is very young and a sweet child, the peron who contributed to her missing is someone that she trusted and more than likely should felt safe with.
Praying for Celina tonight!
Possible Scenarios:UPDATED LIST

1. She ran way that night.
2. She snuck out to meet someone.
3. A stalker snuck in and abducted her.
4. A burglar or intruder abducted her.
5. Her Stepfather [or stepbrother] harmed her then covered it up.
6. Accidental death covered up by family.
7. She went outside for fresh air, or to look for her cat, and was in wrong place, wrong time.
8. The non-compliant RSO step-fathers brother abducted her.
9. Suicide

Anything else?

I am still all over the place with my various suspicions. I used to be focussed on the SF, but now I am more leery of her computer interactions.[/quote]


I'm in the same place you are. SF was my main guess at first.
Now the computer with her stating her age as 16 & 20.

But #7 is stong in my mind, also.

I keep picturing some truck driver in the parking lot next door.
It's around 10 PM & he's resting before going North on into Canada....
or possibly Southward.

He watches CC in the area right by the side/basement door, possibly playing with her cat.
He gets out to talk to her, says he has something to show her in his cab, and .....

But I hope so badly that she'd never fall for anything like that.

I've also watched too many episodes of "To Catch A Predator" with Chris Hanson on NBC.
Based on what's been on the shows, there are so many weirdos out there, from all walks
of life, willing to drive for hours, just to be with a young girl CC's age. And the creeps are
all liars about their age, what they look like, etc. GRRRRRR

It could be that someone met up with her, thinking she was 16-20. When they found out she's only 11 and/or heard that a huge manhunt is under way for her, they possibly panicked and did something drastic. This is the first time I've considered any option other than the SF. I still wonder about his family, though. What are the odds of so many sex offenders in one family constellation?
That is what I originally thought. I was feeling very hinky about the Sf. And I still am, but it seems that LE did 3 days of intense forensics inside the apt and in the cars. And so far no arrests or even 'suspects' named apparently. I do not think the SF is capable of abducting or killing w/out leaving traces of evidence.

And the report that she was wearing a pullover sweatshirt and shoes when last seen is niggling at me. I can always tell if my teen is in for the night at a quick glance. If she is staying home she has a huge t-shirt and shorts and no shoes on. But if she had on jeans, shoes and a hoodie @ 9 pm then I would know she was heading out somewhere. She is 19 so that changes it somewhat, but the point is still the same. Who wears uncomfortable clothing and shoes when they are about to go to bed?

So it seems to me she was possibly heading out somewhere secretly. While she may have thought she was meeting a friend, it might have been a stranger instead.:mad:

Was it specified that it was bedtime? (sorry, must've missed this...)
Are the clothes she is said to be wearing based on what is missing from her house? I mean, is that how they determined it? Maybe they determined which shoes she wore by which ones were missing, not that she had been wearing shoes inside the house while watching TV.

If she left fully dressed, it feels like she left on her own, for whatever reason. A stranger/abductor is unlikely to make time for her to dress ,or gather up a complete outfit. The other possibility comes from within the home, that the clothing listed is indeed what she was wearing when something happened.
That is what I originally thought. I was feeling very hinky about the Sf. And I still am, but it seems that LE did 3 days of intense forensics inside the apt and in the cars. And so far no arrests or even 'suspects' named apparently. I do not think the SF is capable of abducting or killing w/out leaving traces of evidence.

And the report that she was wearing a pullover sweatshirt and shoes when last seen is niggling at me. I can always tell if my teen is in for the night at a quick glance. If she is staying home she has a huge t-shirt and shorts and no shoes on. But if she had on jeans, shoes and a hoodie @ 9 pm then I would know she was heading out somewhere. She is 19 so that changes it somewhat, but the point is still the same. Who wears uncomfortable clothing and shoes when they are about to go to bed?

So it seems to me she was possibly heading out somewhere secretly. While she may have thought she was meeting a friend, it might have been a stranger instead.:mad:

Good Point! My son doesn't "get ready for bed" during the summer but if he's hanging around, shoes are off and sometimes just in his boxers! (but it's just him and me so....) Unless the basement is kinda nasty or cold (but it was July, how could that be?) Why a pullover (brisk summer night out when going for a walk?) and shoes???
Her mom might have self-esteem issues...or she may have never seen his violent side...or she may feel trapped in this marriage for some reason. There could be any number of things "wrong" that are not malicious or even "thoughtless" (for want of a better word). Do I think that a person should bring children into any of those situations? ...No, but that's a whole other discussion. :)

I've been saying the same thing. When I first saw the mom on TV, I thought, "This woman is 'beaten down.'" I see who I think is the husband being quite "protective" of her with his hands on her shoulders as she sits in the wheelchair. But sometimes seeming protectiveness is really intimidation and may be indicating, "Keep quiet. Don't you dare open your mouth to LE." I wonder if police have separated the two of them and given the wife ample opportunity to be forthright and honest. For Pete's sake, hospital personnel routinely even do that in ERs when a woman goes in for any reason. I wonder if she is scared of this man? Might she have deep suspicions, and might she be putting two and two together?
I can top that. I went through JC Penney at the South Coast Plaza recently, here in OC, California. My eyes caught a child's bathing suit, for about a 6 to 9 year old. It was a bikini with a padded bra.

I don't care if that's how things are today, that's what kids listen to, that's just how it is, etc. It's inappropriate. It's inappropriate for little kids to be on social networking sites. It's inappropriate for little kids to be dressing like adults. It's inappropriate for children to want to be "sexy". It's inappropriate for little kids to be listening to explicit music, no matter how cool the beat or the tune. At least, that's my opinion.

Because kids are too young to process what it all means and if they think that's how they should be, they can get involved in things that are way too adult for them, or in situations they cannot handle. Their perceptions about reality can be skewed and they may think it's okay to engage in "adult" behaviors, with each other or even with an adult.

I can't say that any of that is at play in this case. Celina seems like a sweet, normal kid, but some of the auto posts about being sexy or in love, at age 11, on her FB, appall me. When you combine an early emphasis on adult sexuality with boredom, low self esteem, easy access to the internet, online predators, and questionable relatives or parental figures in the home, it can be a disaster waiting to happen.

I think it's time, as a society, that we put a stop to the adult sexualization of children and let them have their innocence, privacy and childhoods back.

Very well said.
Thank you.
Good Point! My son doesn't "get ready for bed" during the summer but if he's hanging around, shoes are off and sometimes just in his boxers! (but it's just him and me so....) Unless the basement is kinda nasty or cold (but it was July, how could that be?) Why a pullover (brisk summer night out when going for a walk?) and shoes???

Maybe she didn't feel that comfortable around her SF? Even if he was a good guy, he hasn't been married to her mom that long. I was wondering if maybe she waited until she was ready to crawl into bed to change out of her regular clothes. I dunno about the shoes, though.

OMG. I do NOT know how I did this...but for some reason there was a :loser: smilie before the quote on this post. Definitely not intentional!!! I am so sorry! :O
If she left fully dressed, it feels like she left on her own, for whatever reason. A stranger/abductor is unlikely to make time for her to dress ,or gather up a complete outfit. The other possibility comes from within the home, that the clothing listed is indeed what she was wearing when something happened.

"get your butt home!"

My thinking is that SF wants everyone to think that she went off on her own. And if so, he may have made it look (clothing-wise) if she had.

Maybe she didn't feel that comfortable around her SF? Even if he was a good guy, he hasn't been married to her mom that long. I was wondering if maybe she waited until she was ready to crawl into bed to change out of her regular clothes. I dunno about the shoes, though.

Hey! Hope that Loser smiley wasn't for ME!!!! :waitasec: The pullover was over a shirt (so reports say) so she'd still be covered... and then the shoes definitely has people on the board thinking if she had plans to go out....
Having a child who was similar in height at this age and grade-level, with a more mature face and features than her peers, I can clearly recall how others quite often attributed a precociousness, and even expected/demanded more emotional maturity of her than was attributed to and expected of her peers. At times, I often had to remind strangers and friends of chronological age throughout those years.

You are absolutely right--I've been thinking the same thing all day. The mental/emotional maturity of an 11-year-old is really quite childlike, despite their trying so desperately to act and appear older. They simply don't have the capacity or life experience to rise to that level. I've heard that people's brains don't really solidify and approach maturity until the mid-to-late 20s. If the child is physically developing a little early, then they appear older and more sophisticated, thus attracting older guys up to no good.
Was it specified that it was bedtime? (sorry, must've missed this...)

It was 9 pm and they kind of implied it was good night time. They last saw her in her room on her computer @ 9pm before they went to bed.
Are the clothes she is said to be wearing based on what is missing from her house? I mean, is that how they determined it? Maybe they determined which shoes she wore by which ones were missing, not that she had been wearing shoes inside the house while watching TV.

If she left fully dressed, it feels like she left on her own, for whatever reason. A stranger/abductor is unlikely to make time for her to dress ,or gather up a complete outfit. The other possibility comes from within the home, that the clothing listed is indeed what she was wearing when something happened.

this is the description SF gave them for the last time he saw her at 9PM when he checked on her...
"get your butt home!"

My thinking is that SF wants everyone to think that she went off on her own. And if so, he may have made it look (clothing-wise) if she had.

GOOD CATCH. Because he is also the source of reports that she was on the computer when he last saw her. But, if I understand things correctly, she did not log on to her FB or make any comments that evening. So that seems odd if it is true.

He also said " She never leaves the house." But that does not seem to jive with other things we have learned. He has a very strange way of speaking.
Did they say her shoes were ON or that those shoes are missing?
Hey! Hope that Loser smiley wasn't for ME!!!! :waitasec: The pullover was over a shirt (so reports say) so she'd still be covered... and then the shoes definitely has people on the board thinking if she had plans to go out....

No, DEFINITELY it was not!!! :eek: I didn't see it until the message was posted, and while I was trying to edit it my iPad ran out of battery...and of course I left the power cord at work. :( I am soooo sorry, but no definitely not for you.
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