Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 2 *Arrest*

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His page is still new posts or change in friend count, since it went from 156 on Wednesday, to 155.
That also means he is cruzing around FB while his step daughter is missing. I don't think I would be worrying about FB!! The damage is already done. Now IMO he looks even worse!

I didn't think of it that way...I mean really why would he be on fb right now? That makes no sense. Besides what can he possibly hide? There are ways into everything. Strange action you are totally correct.
That also means he is cruzing around FB while his step daughter is missing. I don't think I would be worrying about FB!! The damage is already done. Now IMO he looks even worse!

I just went there and then went again to check. Nothing has changed and it is still open.

Here's a thought. What do we know about the sister and her online activities? Not saying she has done a thing and not even suggesting it. But what if the sister had unsavory characters that she was speaking to and Celina came out in the dark to do something: get fresh air, catch the cat, whatever and the person thought Celina was the sister and snatched her then? Not that I have any reason to believe anything is solid at this point, but throwing things out there that there may be other things we could look into while we wait.
His page is still new posts or change in friend count, since it went from 156 on Wednesday, to 155.[/QUO

I haven't looked at his fb page, as my 2 young ones have been running thru the house all week & they don't need even a glimpse of what has been mentioned on his page, but has there been any new activity since Tuesday??? Other than this new friend? Maybe we should try and friend him?
A couple of days ago I posted that I found a few CC's on myYearbook web site in her area. They all had different ages. Do you think this could be her too? They were all older ages 16 and up... They were set to private so I couldnt tell any info. I thought it was interesting that it would be set to private when the FB page was wide open....

As much as we all want information, sometimes it is best that none of it gets out. I have followed a couple other cases where she was involved and I think that the woman could keep a secret from Jesus, himself. That's a good thing!

I love Jane Young... after seeing how effective her strategies are. I think she probably also has a huge heart and is a very sweet person.
When she's not lying to you to solve her case. :innocent:

One thing I have seen her do in other cases where the family had no involvement... is ask the media to leave the family alone. Like just before the presser officially started... I haven't seen her do that in this case... but maybe we just didn't see it? Maybe she did after the presser?

Just thought it was interesting that we hadn't seen that here... since we know the media has contacted the family and the family has asked for "absolute privacy."
His page is still new posts or change in friend count, since it went from 156 on Wednesday, to 155.[/QUO

I haven't looked at his fb page, as my 2 young ones have been running thru the house all week & they don't need even a glimpse of what has been mentioned on his page, but has there been any new activity since Tuesday??? Other than this new friend? Maybe we should try and friend him?

No new friend. He actually lost one...
KL is her sister....

Duh, the girl I am looking at probably put Celina's photo up...

Most of C's friends have their pages protected, wonder why she did not?

One or two have their walls open and are posting about C and how much they miss her and that she is like family, etc...but no clues. Not all are minors, but not unusual in a small town and with her various-aged siblings, etc...

PS: KL's wall is hidden...
So are you still able to see the posts on his wall?
Hmm, I'll try again.

I can still see everything that I was able to see before except the one post that was deleted, and I assume that the girl he posted it to deleted it. She is also probably the friend that he lost, but I don't know. Just assuming that part.
Having a child who was similar in height at this age and grade-level, with a more mature face and features than her peers, I can clearly recall how others quite often attributed a precociousness, and even expected/demanded more emotional maturity of her than was attributed to and expected of her peers. At times, I often had to remind strangers and friends of chronological age throughout those years.
When I got out of high school I hitch hiked for 2 months around the United States with truckers. Yes, I was an idiot! I just inherited a need for adventure and travel from my dad. These experiences were creepy and the lifestyle of long haul truckers is a diverse one. I hung out in lots of truck stops, ate, showered, lived it for 2 months. Later I dated a truck driver and traveled alot with him, it is a world all its own...It is a dangerous life full of wierdo's and crazies. The only thing worse is the people who pick you up when you hitch hike in cars!
Do NOT Hitch Hike!
For those who have an issue with Celina's dental care, what type of housing the family lived in, their lifestyle, etc:

This is a VERY rural area. It is mostly woods and mountains and then some farmland. There are no cities or big towns. The small towns (a few hundred people) are 15 miles apart. The big towns have a few thousand. People here are predominantly poor. If you fell down in the woods a few feet from a road and were seriously injured or died you might NEVER be found - period. Same goes for drowning in a river. You can get lost in the woods up here and die from hypothermia in the dead of summer.

Other than people in service industries and education like healthcare , skilled trades, teachers, etc the people here are farmers, loggers, laid-off paper makers, etc. Most of the paper mills that were the highest paying employers here 10 years ago have closed. Dairy farms have sold off their herds. Logging, well it's what men do when they can't find ANYTHING else. Economically the "north country" has been hit very hard. Most of the new jobs that have been created are minimum wage junk with no benefits. Even most people who have dental insurance don't have policies that covers much beyond preventative and fillings - heck, most don't have or have lost their health insurance entirely.

As to the children having different surnames - there are a lot of moms up here who had children (usually when very young) with multiple fathers. These are poor people, most do not go on to college, many don't finish high school. Just the way it is.

This is a very different life than what most Americans experience. We don't go shopping at malls (we don't have any). We pretty much don't go "shopping" - we go somewhere to buy something if we NEED it. If a stranger "hangs out" around town, like at a small restaurant, EVERYBODY notices. If it's cold, you don't turn up a thermostat, you go outside and get some more wood for the stove. Friends, both IRL and Facebook could be virtually anybody you know - from gradeschool to geriatric in age. I'm friends with almost all of my kid's friends. Everybody pretty much knows everybody else. Because there just aren't that many people. It isn't unusual to have friends 20 years your senior or 20 years your junior.

So to the uninitiated, welcome to rural america, where people are poor and don't live like those in suburbia. We don't have perfect teeth, nor do our children. Orthodonture is for "rich people". We mostly don't have nice new houses. Mostly we have old houses - if were fortunate enough to be able to afford to buy one. If not, we rent an old house from somebody. Bedrooms are where there is space for a bed. Anywhere from attic to basement. The "north country" is in some respects a third world nation to many - but it just happens to be in the USA.

Where the heck are you?

I'm sorry but I must politely disagree with a lot if what you're saying here.

First I have been to these exact towns and can't imagine some of the things you're saying.

Are they rural? Yes. Without a doubt. But each home is clean and well maintained. Lawns are kept neat, snow is removed and the actual unemployment rate is far below that of the national average.

Colebrook/Stewartstown depending on how far out you branch has 2000-4000 people. Yes, they log, farm, work in industry and those who went to college may not have returned but the population has decreased by less than 10% in a ten year time frame.

The median income is below the state average but so is the price of real estate and that's true everywhere outside the cities.

There are dentists and a top notch hospital, a volunteer fire department and a town government working hard to keep commerce alive.

Being from a rural area doesn't increase the odds a young woman will get pregnant by three to four different men by the time she's 30. Bad choices determine that.

As for Celina... I'm sure we've all read her Facebook page. Here is a young girl who spends some time on Facebook but not to interact. She plays games and stays up a lot at night. Her statement about "you can't live with your family and you can't live without them" speaks volumes.

There is a great deal beneath the surface and in a normal world a missing child would send up red flags.

This one does, but it gets lost in the craziness of Schizophrenic Step Father, brothers and sisters with different daddies and no close friends. There is not even so much as a post from one of her friends in FB saying, "please come home. We love you".

What's missing in this case? From my outside point if view this child seems disconnected to everyone and everything. Did she go for a walk and fall in the river?
Re: kids growing up too fast...

I went school clothes shopping for my soon to be 1st grader. I could not BELIEVE the clothes they have out there for girls her age!!! Skinny jeans? What 6 year old needs skinny jeans??? I walked out of Kohl's with 2 pairs of "regular" blue jeans, that was it. The shirts were wayyy to provocative for my taste. I wish our school did uniforms.

I can top that. I went through JC Penney at the South Coast Plaza recently, here in OC, California. My eyes caught a child's bathing suit, for about a 6 to 9 year old. It was a bikini with a padded bra.

I don't care if that's how things are today, that's what kids listen to, that's just how it is, etc. It's inappropriate. It's inappropriate for little kids to be on social networking sites. It's inappropriate for little kids to be dressing like adults. It's inappropriate for children to want to be "sexy". It's inappropriate for little kids to be listening to explicit music, no matter how cool the beat or the tune. At least, that's my opinion.

Because kids are too young to process what it all means and if they think that's how they should be, they can get involved in things that are way too adult for them, or in situations they cannot handle. Their perceptions about reality can be skewed and they may think it's okay to engage in "adult" behaviors, with each other or even with an adult.

I can't say that any of that is at play in this case. Celina seems like a sweet, normal kid, but some of the auto posts about being sexy or in love, at age 11, on her FB, appall me. When you combine an early emphasis on adult sexuality with boredom, low self esteem, easy access to the internet, online predators, and questionable relatives or parental figures in the home, it can be a disaster waiting to happen.

I think it's time, as a society, that we put a stop to the adult sexualization of children and let them have their innocence, privacy and childhoods back.
I have read posts from her friends wishing she would come home, be safe, etc...they are writing on their own walls and other friends have chimed in...she has friends and people who love and miss her...
I have read posts from her friends wishing she would come home, be safe, etc...they are writing on their own walls and other friends have chimed in...she has friends and people who love and miss her...

I went to a FB page that was set up for her when she went missing (I forgot the name and don't have a link, sorry) and was concerned to see that a bunch of folks that seemed to know her were all encourageing her to call them, friend them etc if she didn't want to go back to her home, they would take her in etc... it made me feel like people that know her may have some of the same concerns about her SF that we do.
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