Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 3 *Arrest*

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Re who called 911 first...

From the many different posts & comments, I came to the conclusion that CC's sister (KL)
went by foot to several places looking for her. When she reached the friend's house, the
friend's mother immediately called 911. (I don't recall what time it was.)

Sometime during the time that CC's sister (KL) was out on foot, CC's mother or SF or SB,
called 911, also. (I don't know the time for this call either.)

In thread #2 I had posted part of an article from the 29th in the Colebrook Chronicle that said the family reported in the morning, because by noon FB posts to family and friends were being made and LE began searching early afternoon.

The call by the neighbor contacted by the sister was made in the afternoon, around 2:30, if I remember correctly (because at the time we were wondering why the family had not called yet.)
In thread #2 I had posted part of an article from the 29th in the Colebrook Chronicle that said the family reported in the morning, because by noon FB posts to family and friends were being made and LE began searching early afternoon.

The call by the neighbor contacted by the sister was made in the afternoon, around 2:30, if I remember correctly (because at the time we were wondering why the family had not called yet.)

You are absolutely right!! Thank you!! That really clears at least that much up for me!

On that note, it has been an exhausting week. Finished my midterms with a 95.5% in Criminal Law and a 100% in Environmental Science and I started a new class on Ethics at midnight tonight. I am tearing myself away. At least for now. Will get back to it in the morning and hope that there is good news when I get here. I know it is hard, but keep the faith folks! Whenever I get depressed or think that I am losing hope I remember the day I got that call from my mother: "They found Elizabeth Smart today! She's alive!" Still gives me goosebumps and brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it in my head... I got to return the call and favor to her when they found Jaycee. Miracles happen! Let's keep hoping for one here!!! Good night all! And Goodnight Celina, wherever you are. Please be safe...

On the west coast, near the Canadian border, there is the case of missing Lindsey Baum, IMO, from a very similar type of small-town atmosphere.

I can't believe that Lindsey has been missing for two years:(

I lived in Olympia which is near McCleary. Its hard to believe that something so horrible can happen in such a beautiful place.

McCleary is small, but I think that Stewartstown in smaller and much closer to the border.

But you got me thinking.... I'm sure if would be easy to get a child across the border, but why would a kidnapper for the child prostitution rings abduct a child in a very small town from her home?

It just seems like the smaller the town the higher the risk, like how it's proably harder to steel something from a small store than it is to take something from Walmart. And then to go into a home.... that is a major risk to take.

Seattle and Portland have huge populations of homeless kids, probably not very many that are that young but I assume that is why the Pacific Northwest is such a hub for the sex slave abductors because it is easier to steal children that no one will notice are gone.

I know it is hard to believe that young children can be homeless. Down here I never noticed any until, but they are there. We have vans that go out to help them with med services and two organizations that specifically help these kids. It is heartbreaking.

Anyway, am I making sense? Wouldn't a professional abductor go for a very low risk situation instead of something like this?
I just read about this case tonight, and I can't imagine trying to read through all of the posts. I skimmed a few, but I'm just going to play catch up now.

My initial post on this case is to ask if we know what sort of extra-curricular activities Celina participated in. Did she attend church? Play baseball or another sport? Was she a Girl Scout? Was she involved in FFA or 4-H?

Also, does she have a Twitter account and/or cell phone?

Lastly, do we know anything that she was into that might have been used to bribe her? I'm thinking particularly of a concert taking place in a nearby larger city or a state fair or something that would seem fun and that might cause a little girl to take a big risk.
Yes! He was so awesome, wasn't he?!?

Yes, he most certainly was! Have you seen him in Water for Elephants?

Your posts on CC's threads are most enlightening, and I have been looking for them whenever I log on.....Thank you!
Just for information, the Colebrook Chronicle also has video updates on YouTube. Here is a link to the one for the 30th:

‪July 30 2011 BREAKING NEWS (Update 5)‬‏ - YouTube

When Ms. Young was asked about the red truck she stated it was taken just "because it was there", at the home when Celina became missing.

About the garbage, she said the dumpsters were taken to another location for more room to spread out and search, not because anything was found.
I am going to speak openly about my son whom I have referred to earlier in this thread as having been discharged from the Air Force with psychotic episodes of unknown origin and schizophreniform. He is currently 23 years of age and on 70% disability.

He does not have paranoid schizophrenia although he has had some slight paranoia in the past. He thought people were out to get him, were going to beat him or hurt his car in some way. He was insistent that this was the case even though we never saw any evidence of that.

His views of what is normal are very skewed. He obsesses about things..likes movies, actors, actresses, and video games. He obsesses about previous relationships...and always claims to be in love with one of the girls he dated before he became ill.

It is very difficult for him to have good, ongoing friendships. This leaves him with his family...and with the computer. There are days when our son seems much like the young guy we remember...the one who was popular, active and hilarious. There are other days when we hardly recognize him as the person we knew. Fortunately, he is having more good days than bad.

I can attest to the fact that he does not think he is "sick" and does not see the need for medication. His psychiatric team told us that we could "force" him to take his medication, nor could we "oversee" that he took it. It was solely his responsibility. We explained that if he wanted to live in our home, he had to take the he moved out. It has been a very long road.

I'm happy for the the psych nurses who are celebrating that they survived without going "crazy," and I appreciate all they have done to help those who suffer with mental illness. I'm sure it has been a challenge. However, please remember those of us who never "retire" from facing mental illness everyday...because that mental illness belongs to someone we love...a son, daughter, wife, husband, parent.

thank you, shefner, for sharing your personal story. i can't imagine how heart breaking it must be for you every day. that kind of worry takes a huge toll on a person. your son is very lucky to have you. there is a shortage of unconditional love in the world and i hope you realize how special and important YOU are. ((hugs))
I can't believe that Lindsey has been missing for two years:(

I lived in Olympia which is near McCleary. Its hard to believe that something so horrible can happen in such a beautiful place.

McCleary is small, but I think that Stewartstown in smaller and much closer to the border.

But you got me thinking.... I'm sure if would be easy to get a child across the border, but why would a kidnapper for the child prostitution rings abduct a child in a very small town from her home?

It just seems like the smaller the town the higher the risk, like how it's proably harder to steel something from a small store than it is to take something from Walmart. And then to go into a home.... that is a major risk to take.

Seattle and Portland have huge populations of homeless kids, probably not very many that are that young but I assume that is why the Pacific Northwest is such a hub for the sex slave abductors because it is easier to steal children that no one will notice are gone.

I know it is hard to believe that young children can be homeless. Down here I never noticed any until, but they are there. We have vans that go out to help them with med services and two organizations that specifically help these kids. It is heartbreaking.

Anyway, am I making sense? Wouldn't a professional abductor go for a very low risk situation instead of something like this?


Not that I have ever heard or read the words "professional abductor" before, but yes, I would agree a similar situation with less risk would be more likely.

Your post sheds light on homeless children to an extent I had not previously envisioned. Thank you for sharing--and caring!
Until last Thursday, Adam Laro was fighting for his life, in the hospital in critical condition with a serious heart ailment.
. . .
Laro spoke softly, his father, Walter, said, because he had been in a coma and breathing on a ventilator until he was discharged from Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon on Thursday.

“The doctor told him not to come up here,” Walter Laro said, “but he wanted to say something.”

Adam Laro is being cared for by his parents at their Columbia home. At one point during his hospitalization last month, his daughter visited him. “But he didn’t know she was there,” his mother, Marcia, said. “He hasn’t seen her since before he was in the hospital.”
thank you, shefner, for sharing your personal story. i can't imagine how heart breaking it must be for you every day. that kind of worry takes a huge toll on a person. your son is very lucky to have you. there is a shortage of unconditional love in the world and i hope you realize how special and important YOU are. ((hugs))

Thank you much, nanny2five. You are so thoughtful to reach out to me with kindness. Blessings to you....
So true elmomom! I like to watch NG sometimes for updates and such...but I can only take her in small doses. She is so rude! You raise a good point too about different cultures and the media. I've seen a few cases here (I"m sure we could all think of a few) where a foreign family's child goes missing and the parents are often no very interactive with the public/media. Especially if they were raised in and spent most of their life in another country and culture before coming to the U.S. or Canada. In many foreign countries people feel about the media the same way I was describing. They haven't been Americanized to the media the way us natives have.

Phew, I was beginning to think I was alone on the NG thing (and her understudy, J V-M). Anytime I happened to tune into her show just to get a quick update, I became immediately appalled by the silly drama, ridiculous scripting, tacky cut-aways, graphic hype and twisting (or dramatic emphasizing) of words designed to enflame listeners with the not-so-humble goal of boosting network ratings. It's just distraction. Sadly, it seems to have worked for many. Worse still, most of our news reporting has gone this route to a greater or lesser degree.

For me, any obvious attempts to deliberately pull people's emotional cords or pick painful wounds of core human issues or struggles, just feels blatantly manipulative and insulting. I guess I am a true yank too! I don't blame these folks one bit for wanting to avoid the media. In the end, this kind of non-critical reporting feels dirty and/or contaminated and is simply not very useful. I, personally, don't want to have to wash off the crap to find the bits of real news embedded in all this - especially when it comes to matters of such importance. It's not always about entertainment, sometimes it is about life.
Pensfan... Are you in the psych field? A patient? A nurse?
You seem to know a lot about psych.

I'm a retired psych nurse, after 30+ yrs. I worked in both private & state-run
hospitals. Retired not so much because of age, but had the years vested &
took the State's early retirement incentive package.

I do miss it! Never thought I'd say that... but I do.

Hi Peace, I'm in AZ too. I worked at a group home for teens and then one for SMI in Tucson, an agency that worked with CPS in Phx., then was a counselor with teens again in WA. Now I'm back down here and while I'm not working, I am still volunteering a lot with homeless adults and kids.

Do we know that the step father is not taking his meds? I mean because if he were having a break down and hurt Celine wouldn't that be evident to LE? If he is taking his meds then for me his mental illness alone doesn't make him the prime suspect.

We do know that he has had some violent behavior, but who knows if he was talking medication then.

People have weird assumptions about schizophrenia, but in my experience they aren't usually violent. But I've never seen what it is like in the hospitals and most of the unmedicated schizophrenics I talk to are women who are less prone to act out physically.

If he is innocent this must be horrible for him and it really is best that he do whatever he can to minimize his stress so he doesn't have a breakdown. YKWIM?

I totally know what you are talking about when you say you miss it. It sounds weird, but I had the most fun working with the SMI.... they're so much easier than teenagers! :) My grandfather was a psychiatrist and my grandmother was a psych nurse so maybe it runs in the family, but I truly enjoy working with the mentally ill.

Take care, its good to "see" you here! :)
At one point during his hospitalization last month, his daughter visited him.

“But he didn’t know she was there,”
his mother, Marcia, said.

“He hasn’t seen her since before he was in the hospital.”

She worries that seeing her father in the hospital “might have scared” Celina...

The weirdest things anger me about these cases. :waitasec:

If someone took Celina's life... then she never even knew her Dad was okay.
The last time she saw him, he was in a coma and on life support.
That would be the image she was left with.

That will anger me. That would be so wrong.
Hi Peace, I'm in AZ too. I worked at a group home for teens and then one for SMI in Tucson, an agency that worked with CPS in Phx., then was a counselor with teens again in WA. Now I'm back down here and while I'm not working, I am still volunteering a lot with homeless adults and kids.

Do we know that the step father is not taking his meds? I mean because if he were having a break down and hurt Celine wouldn't that be evident to LE? If he is taking his meds then for me his mental illness alone doesn't make him the prime suspect.

We do know that he has had some violent behavior, but who knows if he was talking medication then.

People have weird assumptions about schizophrenia, but in my experience they aren't usually violent. But I've never seen what it is like in the hospitals and most of the unmedicated schizophrenics I talk to are women who are less prone to act out physically.

If he is innocent this must be horrible for him and it really is best that he do whatever he can to minimize his stress so he doesn't have a breakdown. YKWIM?

I totally know what you are talking about when you say you miss it. It sounds weird, but I had the most fun working with the SMI.... they're so much easier than teenagers! :) My grandfather was a psychiatrist and my grandmother was a psych nurse so maybe it runs in the family, but I truly enjoy working with the mentally ill.

Take care, its good to "see" you here! :)

Most schizophrenic individuals are not violent. However, there have been studies that show increased rates of violence in schizophrenic individuals when compared to non-schizophrenic control groups. Studies from 2000 reported rates of violence, taken from official records, as high as 11.3 – 33.3 percent in schizophrenic individuals, compared to 2.2 – 3.8% in control groups with no mental illness.

Brennan, P. A., Mednick, S. A., & Hodgins, S. (2000). Major mental disorders and Criminal Violence in a Danish birth cohort. Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 494-500.

Although most schizophrenics are not violent, these increased rates in the above study may show that there is a very violent subgroup within the population of individuals with schizophrenia.
IMO - She posted to someone that she was thinking about taking walk while she was listening to that rather provocative song, about it getting hot in here, lyrics posted in the first thread. Almost seems like a "cue" inviting a certain admirer that she could possibly be available for an encounter. And by that I'm saying what she had in mind as an 11 yr. old such as "romance" and what the other person had in mind could be two vastly different encounters.

When I was in junior high there was this song that went "Boom, boom, boom lets go back to my room...." It was a great song it was fun to bop around to. Didn't really know or care what the lyrics were, I thought I was hearing "Zoom, zoom, zoom lets go back to my room...." which I thought was lame, but didn't care because it was a fun song.

Did not have a clue what the real words/meaning was until we had a dance at great skate and everyone was snikering. And even then I was still a little fuzzy on what it meant.

So I just have a hard time thinking that Celine would be using it to signal to her boyfriend she would be sneaking out.

I'd be more likely to believe that she would use going for a walk as code for doing something like smoking, but I just don't see that either.

I haven't seen all the personal sites, but if Celine was using code wouldn't she have been using the code quite a bit?
Most schizophrenic individuals are not violent. However, there have been studies that show increased rates of violence in schizophrenic individuals when compared to non-schizophrenic control groups. Studies from 2000 reported rates of violence, taken from official records, as high as 11.3 – 33.3 percent in schizophrenic individuals, compared to 2.2 – 3.8% in control groups with no mental illness.

Brennan, P. A., Mednick, S. A., & Hodgins, S. (2000). Major mental disorders and Criminal Violence in a Danish birth cohort. Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 494-500.

Although most schizophrenics are not violent, these increased rates in the above study may show that there is a very violent subgroup within the population of individuals with schizophrenia.

Not an official study... but lately something seems to be bringing that violent subgroup out. It seems like every time I look, there is another one.

I can only think that maybe it has to do with the economy... the reduction in mental health care resulting in not having/taking medication.

Other than that, I have no idea... I guess it's possible it is just getting reported in the media more? :waitasec:

Jared Loughner of course... yeah... he had a history.

Killed his sister and wounded two other family members...

Shot a long time friend and burned the house down, while already on the run.

The top three recent ones that come to mind...

Mother smothers baby and tries to kill herself...

2 days after mental health workers concluded she was safe.

Uncle beats newborn to death...

Just off a psych hold after killing the dog.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Man kills female worker at his group home that had vowed to help him...

Had been off of his meds for a while and acting erratically.

Man stabs girlfriend's 6 year old daughter in the middle of the night, next to her twin sister
Family says he has a history of Schizophrenia
"It's frustrating, it's frustrating because I don't know where she is, and I worry about her," said Adam Laro, Celina Cass’ father.

He's had heart issues his entire life.

"I can't believe that she walked off. Somebody had to kidnap…"

I think he felt he had to say something because nobody else was... :(

Not that I have ever heard or read the words "professional abductor" before, but yes, I would agree a similar situation with less risk would be more likely.

Your post sheds light on homeless children to an extent I had not previously envisioned. Thank you for sharing--and caring!

I was being politically correct:) Evil Minion of Satan would probably be better. Its beyond comprehension that such people exist just like its beyond comprehension that sex trade exists.

I hope that its different in other cities, that there aren't so many kids on the streets. Its just so scary because most people don't know how many kids/teens are out there, but those predators do. Its just beyond comprehension.
Phew, I was beginning to think I was alone on the NG thing (and her understudy, J V-M). Anytime I happened to tune into her show just to get a quick update, I became immediately appalled by the silly drama, ridiculous scripting, tacky cut-aways, graphic hype and twisting (or dramatic emphasizing) of words designed to enflame listeners with the not-so-humble goal of boosting network ratings. It's just distraction. Sadly, it seems to have worked for many. Worse still, most of our news reporting has gone this route to a greater or lesser degree.

For me, any obvious attempts to deliberately pull people's emotional cords or pick painful wounds of core human issues or struggles, just feels blatantly manipulative and insulting. I guess I am a true yank too! I don't blame these folks one bit for wanting to avoid the media. In the end, this kind of non-critical reporting feels dirty and/or contaminated and is simply not very useful. I, personally, don't want to have to wash off the crap to find the bits of real news embedded in all this - especially when it comes to matters of such importance. It's not always about entertainment, sometimes it is about life.

The sensationalism does go overboard at times, and they do get the facts wrong too which is reallllllllly upsetting, but they do increase awareness.

This town is so small I'm figuring that if someone doesn't know Celine is missing they are hiding under a rock. If the family is uncomfortable going in front of the cameras I don't see the sense in making them especially if they are going to have their every word and facial expression examined to determine their guilt or innocence.

I can't imagine what it is like for Celine's family, I hope she is found soon.
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