Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 4 *Arrest*

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If the autopsy can't find a reason for her death, then it must be drugs. She didn't drown, she wasn't strangled, she wasn't hit in the head.

She didn't fall of a ledge into the river and drown - that leaves someone threw her in the river after she was dead.

Who would give her drugs? Who had drugs to give them!
Females IMO should not be excluded from scrutiny in this case. This is based on statistics that females tend to place children in or near water in most cases.
SF needs to be seriously looked at and all those within Celina's immediate family that lived in that house/area need to be scrutinized as well.
My hinky meter has been sky rocketing and it just isn't with the SF.

Ohh I agree, very very much, maybe we have the same brand hinky meter?
I did click on some of the friends on his list. I have never received such spam on FB. After clicking on them, I didn't get any chat requests from them either. After receiving a couple of these fake friends, it might seem WN would "catch on" and not continue to accept the requests...OR visit the sites. In addition, I have never viewed another FB friend list like his....and I have hundreds of FB friends. I thought it was very telling.

I have received spam like this. I never opened the messages because I wanted to protect my beloved MacBook. :) I think that in order to get chat requests, you would've had to do something more, like send message or add as friend. It could also be that he was targeted because of some sites that he "liked." Re: he wouldve caught on that they weren't actual friends, there were a couple good posts about how his mental illness may have played into it. Just some thoughts.
If the autopsy can't find a reason for her death, then it must be drugs. She didn't drown, she wasn't strangled, she wasn't hit in the head.

She didn't fall of a ledge into the river and drown - that leaves someone threw her in the river after she was dead.

Who would give her drugs? Who had drugs to give them!

No one has said they can't find a reason for her death.
If the autopsy can't find a reason for her death, then it must be drugs. She didn't drown, she wasn't strangled, she wasn't hit in the head.

She didn't fall of a ledge into the river and drown - that leaves someone threw her in the river after she was dead.

Who would give her drugs? Who had drugs to give them!

date rape drug maybe?:sick: Just speculation
WN makes a point at some date to say he is cleaning up his FB friends...and this (what he has on there) is what he has let stay? I think he chose these friends, I don't think they all arrived via spam or whatever...

His friends are now down to 150, so he lost a few more...
Could they have covered it due to weather and so nothing being washed off? There was thunderstorms in area (If I remember farms right??) Maybe didn't have a warrant to take vehicle yet and wanted it preserved?
Maybe pollen, or whatever the <lovely debris> is that ends up on cars after they're parked under certain kinds of trees? Or railroad dust?
REPEAT... the COD is pending. To me, That basically means they know but are not disclosing it at this time.....imo.
A lot of the news are just getting it plain wrong.

Q tip much Mr news peep?
If the autopsy can't find a reason for her death, then it must be drugs. She didn't drown, she wasn't strangled, she wasn't hit in the head.

She didn't fall of a ledge into the river and drown - that leaves someone threw her in the river after she was dead.

Who would give her drugs? Who had drugs to give them!

They said cause of death was "pending"...not that they could not determine what it was. And tox is pretty automatic with suspicious deaths. They may know how she died, but want to know also if there were drugs in her system.

To me, "pending" means "pending us wanting to tell you."
Do we know how her home life was like before her disppearance?

It bothered me allot to see her teeth. Looks like she didn't have proper
dental care. I'm to fussy maybe about teeth.

My little sister had teeth like hers- my parents never helped her with braces- and it was NOT a good home life..the first time I saw a picture of Celina I thought my sister and her teeth and how embarrassed she was of them..trying not to smile in photos like Celina did. Very hard on a young girl to be so self conscious ..
Rumor- Nosing around on FB i just came across one local bashing another about her status. She later said that the FBI told them not to say anything to the media until given the okay, only to answer about her name, age, that she is missed and they want her home.

Also i checked out some of WN 'friends', plenty of *advertiser censored* stars that promote their work via teasing status updates. He even responded to one saying he wanted to see her latest stuff. I have to assume this man knows very little about FB for him to be so open. Is the step-brother KM? I have asked already but don't think it was confirmed?

BBM. I agree that he may have little knowledge of FB. To have an open wall is quite rare nowadays. And to have a page like his (with adult female entertainers galore) is even more rare IMHO. Unless I'm so naive and alot of men are out there collecting these friends. Just a very odd twist to this case.


Hypothetical- if you were a parent/adult in a household, and you inadvertently discovered your child had lied, snuck outside, hidden soemthing, done something without permission, saw something they shouldn't have, stolen, or some other misdeed...especially if it was a newer form of disobedience/ would you respond
Wow! Just checked his FB for the first time. He liked a link that made me want to vomit.
Now I am hide something from prying eyes? What are you thinking?

Not real sure, we will just have to wait and see what happens with it.
If that vehicle has sat there for a week, it has already rained, so it is not to preserve evidence, I have not heard that they have checked it out for the past week, it just got my hink up as to why they would cover it and not take it, surly they would have gotten a warrant before now.
My little sister had teeth like hers- my parents never helped her with braces- and it was NOT a good home life..the first time I saw a picture of Celina I thought my sister and her teeth and how embarrassed she was of them..trying not to smile in photos like Celina did. Very hard on a young girl to be so self conscious .. our parents where not to get my sister dental care...

This was my first thought. No one cared. Even if you do not have insurance,
welfare can help and many dentists in my area will take a payment plan to help a child's teeth.
It is sorta neglect IMO at age 11.
Yes I would think that it would be hard on a yound girl .........teasing and all.
Bless Celina, R.I.P.
Several posters have talked about the possible links between mental illness and violence. I found an interesting article that really clarified the issue for me. Dr. Richard Friedman wrote a really thought-provoking piece in the New England Journal of Medicine:

“Until recently, most studies have focused on the rates of violence among inpatients with mental illness or, conversely, the rates of mental illness among people who have been arrested, convicted, or incarcerated for violent crimes.1 For example, one national survey showed that the lifetime risk of schizophrenia was 5% among people convicted of homicide — a prevalence that is much higher than any published rate of schizophrenia in the general population — suggesting an association between schizophrenia and homicide conviction.2 These studies, however, tend to be limited by selection bias: subjects who are arrested, incarcerated, or hospitalized are by definition more likely to be violent or very ill and thus are not representative of psychiatric patients in the general population.

A more accurate and less biased assessment of the risk of violence perpetrated by the mentally ill comes from epidemiologic studies of community samples. The best known is the NIMH's Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study, which examined the rates of various psychiatric disorders in a representative sample of 17,803 subjects in five U.S. communities. Although this study was not initially designed to assess the prevalence of violent behavior, data on violence were collected for about 7000 of the subjects.3 . . .

The study showed that patients with serious mental illness — those with schizophrenia, major depression, or bipolar disorder — were two to three times as likely as people without such an illness to be assaultive. In absolute terms, the lifetime prevalence of violence among people with serious mental illness was 16%, as compared with 7% among people without mental illness.”

While we know nothing about who killed Celina at this point, I find it interesting that all the literature I’ve been reading seems to state that substance abuse is a much bigger predictor of violence than mental illness.
I can't find it now but read earlier that the police checked the river as part of a usual practice, not based on a specific lead or tip. Saw that at:

Also, about the other apartment in the house that I was curious about before (whether the family rented out rooms to strangers, etc, per the For Rent sign in the front window):


@Mary The tenant next door had moved out 3 weeks ago. It is a duplex.
by David Hurlburt/WMUR Staff 7:59 PM
Hypothetical- if you were a parent/adult in a household, and you inadvertently discovered your child had lied, snuck outside, hidden soemthing, done something without permission, saw something they shouldn't have, stolen, or some other misdeed...especially if it was a newer form of disobedience/ would you respond

Surly not kill them.
They said cause of death was "pending"...not that they could not determine what it was. And tox is pretty automatic with suspicious deaths. They may know how she died, but want to know also if there were drugs in her system.

To me, "pending" means "pending us wanting to tell you."

She might have a very obvious cause of death. I think they just don't want to tell us.
This was my first thought. No one cared. Even if you do not have insurance,
welfare can help and many dentists in my area will take a payment plan to help a child's teeth.
It is sorta neglect IMO at age 11.
Yes I would think that it would be hard on a yound girl .........teasing and all.
Bless Celina, R.I.P.

I am hoping that in such a small town, she was known and loved enough not to suffer the indignities she might have in a large, anonymous seems that this town is made up of many interconnected families, etc...might be a little bit easier on her. I hope.
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