Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 4 *Arrest*

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Funny you should mention this. I somehow missed that post. Can you remember where, or bump up this rumor? Coincidentally, I saw another rumor today that said that someone had possibly stolen some items matching that description from their former employer...

Wow I didn't know that. I'll go look I think it was last night.
I think that after so long there are some water ways that the LE know to check . I live in st paul, minnesota and LE always knows to check the Ford Plant Lock and Dam on the Mississippi river for anyone that has gone missing.. ..
I think when the ME says "autopsy results are pending" means it's not an apparent death when the physical autopsy is done. The results are pending until the tox report comes in.

If she was strangled the hyoid bone would be broken & petechiae in the eyes. A drowning would show water in the lungs. Etc.

There's no reason not to release the results of an autopsy if there were an apparent cause of death.

LE have held info like that back in cases. So the prep doesn't realize all they know and maybe slip up if questioned. There is no reason to release to public any info. They can say they will not discuss the case at all. Not try it in the press but in the court.
The river/dam was just convenient in this case, I believe...quickest place to get her away from wherever she was killed and out of sight...and back "home". JMO
One of the saddest things about following this whole case for me is reading some of the comments made about her teeth. I know that she won't ever be able to read them, but her friends and family might. And it just makes me uncomfortable. It's like talking about somebody's 'flaws' behind his/her back to me, and that's something I just can't stand. And I don't see how it's even relevant.

I NEVER ment it as a flaw on Celina.
I am trying to profile the parents (real & step)
What was more important to THEM.
How long were they married?
step and real.........any grandparents?
Do they work?
Do they own or rent duplex?
S/F like *advertiser censored*? delusional? drink?
just trying to get a read on home life.
My son suffered from his teeth overlapping and his lower jaw was to small.
At age 5, he had 9 baby teeth pulled to make room for his larger teeth.
and neded a retainer.....he is not child is.
I saved and scrimped, did without because we had no insurance.
He still says thank you..........

Are you saying that you think the lead (tracking, tip, whatever) was to a specific upstream location?

No. Sorry if I was not clear. I don't know if the police had any tips or leads which led them to search the river. My understanding is that they searched every place they could think of, and likely would still be searching today had she not been found.
The Murders

And mothers frequently dispose of the corpses in what researchers call a "womblike" fashion. Bodies are swaddled, submerged in water, or wrapped in plastic. Moreover, the NCMEC study showed that while the victims of maternal killings are almost always found either in or close to the home, fathers will, on average, dispose of the bodies hundreds of miles away. All these behaviors suggest that women associate these murders with themselves, their homes, and their bodies.


Well men dispose bodies in water too. Remember Scott Peterson?
OK I just might be wrong but he did abuse a former girlfriend. Does anyone know for sure?

yes I believe 8 years ago he did it at night too I think. Not sure of link but will look for it. BRB

According to court records obtained by ABC, the woman said Noyes broke into her home while she and her two children slept, picked up her mattress and slammed it down.

She also told authorities that he threatened to throw her down the stairs.
At the time, Judge Richard

Read more:
Several posters have talked about the possible links between mental illness and violence. I found an interesting article that really clarified the issue for me. Dr. Richard Friedman wrote a really thought-provoking piece in the New England Journal of Medicine:

“Until recently, most studies have focused on the rates of violence among inpatients with mental illness or, conversely, the rates of mental illness among people who have been arrested, convicted, or incarcerated for violent crimes.1 For example, one national survey showed that the lifetime risk of schizophrenia was 5% among people convicted of homicide — a prevalence that is much higher than any published rate of schizophrenia in the general population — suggesting an association between schizophrenia and homicide conviction.2 These studies, however, tend to be limited by selection bias: subjects who are arrested, incarcerated, or hospitalized are by definition more likely to be violent or very ill and thus are not representative of psychiatric patients in the general population.

A more accurate and less biased assessment of the risk of violence perpetrated by the mentally ill comes from epidemiologic studies of community samples. The best known is the NIMH's Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study, which examined the rates of various psychiatric disorders in a representative sample of 17,803 subjects in five U.S. communities. Although this study was not initially designed to assess the prevalence of violent behavior, data on violence were collected for about 7000 of the subjects.3 . . .

The study showed that patients with serious mental illness — those with schizophrenia, major depression, or bipolar disorder — were two to three times as likely as people without such an illness to be assaultive. In absolute terms, the lifetime prevalence of violence among people with serious mental illness was 16%, as compared with 7% among people without mental illness.”

While we know nothing about who killed Celina at this point, I find it interesting that all the literature I’ve been reading seems to state that substance abuse is a much bigger predictor of violence than mental illness.

I would think anyone working in LE could confirm that....hands down.
I think when the ME says "autopsy results are pending" means it's not an apparent death when the physical autopsy is done. The results are pending until the tox report comes in.

If she was strangled the hyoid bone would be broken & petechiae in the eyes. A drowning would show water in the lungs. Etc.

There's no reason not to release the results of an autopsy if there were an apparent cause of death.

There are definitely reasons that an AG would like to drag her feet about releasing the manner and the cause of death... and those are for investigative purposes.
A standard forensic autopsy includes toxicological reports, and until ALL results are in, the actual report is not considered FINAL. So, in this case, the cause and manner may be quite obvious, but the detail work - stomach contents, blood work, etc, have not come in yet, so the official report cannot be released. Many ME's will release the COD or MOD without waiting for the final report but what has been said here (numerous times) is that THIS AG likes to wait until all her T's are crossed and her I's are dotted before releasing the results.
It has emerged that Noyes, 47, was involuntarily committed in 2003 after being diagnosed with schizophrenia and arrested for threatening an ex-girlfriend.
According to court records obtained by ABC, the woman said Noyes broke into her home while she and her two children slept, picked up her mattress and slammed it down.

She also told authorities that he threatened to throw her down

Read more:

He didn't harm the children. Didn't touch the mother. But he did threaten her with violence. I'm not seeing sex offender anywhere.
Also, Phylicia Barnes was found in a river/dam...and most certainly left there by males, not a hard and fast rule...
OK I just might be wrong but he did abuse a former girlfriend. Does anyone know for sure?

I think he threatened an ex-girlfriend and the Judge sent him to be evaluated. I don't think he was ever convicted though.

Who Killed Celina Cass? Police Question Stepfather Noyes, No Suspects Yet

Stepfather Noyes, who had been medically discharged from the Air Force on grounds of mental illness, was "uncooperative" when the police questioned him, WBZ-TV reported, citing a source.

Noyes had been arrested in 2003 for threatening an ex-girlfriend and was involuntarily institutionalized. But in this case, he was declared unfit to stand trial owing to his mental illness. However, the judge had noted that his mental illness posed "a potentially serious likelihood of danger to himself and others."
Who saw her last? Why did it happen when big sister was reportedly gone? Why is SF not cooperating now? Why was his very public breakdown in front of the camera around the time they were looking at the right place?

If...if... the body was weighted down with cinderblocks and chains what woman would use chains??? I can see cinderblocks but not chains. If the body had been wrapped in chains and then attached to the cinderblocks which were thrown in later after the body wrapped with chains was thrown in I cannot see a woman being able to lift it.

I just think we've been down this road too many time before. I'm sorry I would not put anything past him and this time I hope he's evaluated by at least 3 different psychiatrists.

Maybe it was more than one person. Not at all saying that one was a woman or not. Just that when you put it that way, if there were cinder blocks and heavy chains, maybe it wasn't just one person at all. No matter what sex.
Not saying he did anything one way or the other, just thinking out loud here:

How likely would a person be to commit a crime like this one if they believed that they were being tracked by corrections officers by RFID?

Hey, HR.... You have had some great post here at WS's!!! I think maybe if someone thinks they are being tracked by RFID there is evidence that they are not perhaps thinking rationally, and therefore, they are perhaps prone to erratic thoughts and behavior that doesn't make sense to anyone else. MOO. WN just doesn't seem like a perp that would warrant RFID surveillance. If the government and/or LE needs a list of people to track, I bet we could come up with a noble and mighty list for them here at WS's.
Thanks to everyone that responded to my post about the autopsy. You've all clued me into how releasing the autopsy results really works.
It reminded me of my daughter. Just when her adult teeth came in a friend took her to the park and she fell off a teeter totter and broke both front teeth in half. We had no $ as I was in nursing school and medical card would not cover so the dentist tried to fix as best he could but I did not see my girl smile until I got through school and worked and had insurance for caps/braces now I get to see her smile and she is 26. But from 6-7 until preteen no smile :( Very hard for me to see too. I felt I had let her down.

:grouphug: You did the best you could at the time, you didn't let her down!

I'm a 'retired' dental assistant. Just a heads up for anyone who maybe can't afford dental care but 'makes too much' for public assistance: Some dental schools offer free or much reduced dental treatment. At least they did before I retired! Of course, you'd need to live a reasonable driving distance from a dental school to take advantage of this. I just think a lot of people don't know about this so I wanted to throw that out there.

As far as sweet Celina's smile ... there's just too much we don't know about her dental 'case' to presume her current smile was due to any kind of neglect. As some had mentioned before, she may have still been waiting to lose some teeth and gain some teeth before anything could be started. My son needs braces, is thirteen, and the orthodontist says we're still at least a year away from my son having all the adult teeth he needs to get started. He's taller than me, but he's slow as molasses getting/losing teeth.

Also, some children need their upper palate expanded first before they get braces, which is a slow, painful process.
OK I just might be wrong but he did abuse a former girlfriend. Does anyone know for sure?

All I have read is that he broke into the house, picked the mattress up while she was on it and flipped her on to the floor and threatened to throw her down the stairs. No word on prior actions.

If he's not a SO I'll go back and edit my post. Anyone know?

WN is not a convicted SO.
I think he threatened an ex-girlfriend and the Judge sent him to be evaluated. I don't think he was ever convicted though.


He was ruled incompetent to stand trial in the ex g/f case.
And committed to mental hospital.
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