Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 4 *Arrest*

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Oh, for goodness sake! Leave it to NG to not give the man even 24 hours. However,it is good to hear he is not intubated. I didn't watch it. Too many times NG has the facts wrong, especially this early, to worry about watching her today. Wonder if it is the step dad who was intubated. A friend of mine was under extreme stress at one point and as she was walking out of a restaurant one day in a happy mood for the most part, she all of a sudden got on her knees and then laid down. She had been complaining of a headache for a couple hours. When they got her to the hospital she had had an aneurysm. She is thankfully okay and was lifeflighted out of that parking lot. Just curious who was intubated and what is really going on with the step dad.

It was Deborah Norville and she got several things incorrect. She described her long, blonde hair to AL and kept calling her Selene. She let guests describe the family as having multiple fathers. As far as I know, the 2 girls are AL's daughters and the older brother may actually just be someone that LN unofficially adopted (the child of a former boyfriend).
Oh, I meant a quick, 'before the autopsy' way to determine if her lungs were empty of water. They seemed to be implying her body was put into the water, (thus implying it's clear to them she didn't drown), but she hasn't had an autopsy yet...

I'm sorry I misunderstood :)

Not that I know of, they will wait and do the autopsy IMHO.
I'm wondering if there's an easy way to determine that her lungs did not take in water...?
You mean to determine whether or not drowning was the COD? Actually, making that determination inolves more than just confirming the presence of water in the lungs, which itself can be the result of various ailments and injuries. This pdf contains comprehensive, easy to read information on "bodies in water".
Dr. D: Was beginning to sexualize herself

Epiph: Hey, Doc Drew!!! How about someone else, example---a male pedo, was beginning to sexualize her! Perhaps, he asked her to put up a photo wearing a little makeup; wearing different clothing, etc. (photo of Celina with cap/hat)

The difference in the pictures, is in those sultry ones she has her lips closed. I really don't think it would take an adult pedo to instruct her to do that. She would have figured that out all by herself, with a mirror. I don't think she's wearing makeup in the one with her hair pulled back with the hairband - that's just her natural beauty.

I really hope they find out what happened to her, and prosecute the guilty. Right now I really don't know which direction that will take -
I must not be with it but I don't see anything "sexual" about that picture of her in the hat not smiling. Just a cute kid posing? Might be just me though.
I would also like to know what they would know about her facebook friends being questionable. I am VERY curious about who the friend was that dropped off of her facebook, but that could mean nothing, considering the fact that we are not the only people online that do what we do and there could have been people who didn't want to have their page visited and be friended by a bunch of strangers. But anyway, back to the questionable nature of the friends, I worked my way through her whole list and know for a fact that I was doing so with other members here and most of the friends pages were private. Those that were not didn't strike me as out of the ordinary at all.
Re the references to Celina's questionable "friends" on FB:

I'm wondering if perhaps Celina visited questionable sites that are related to whomever these questionable FB friends are.

Second reporter this evening stating basically same thing about CC's FB friends.

I think it was the same person--Charlie, the editor of the Colebrook Chronicle, He was on both NG and Dr. Drew. Dr. Drew then ran with it and had his other guests comment on it as if it was fact. Charlie described the house in a strange way too, the words escape me. But when questioned he explained it was an apartment house.

I'm wondering if Charlie is not very FB savvy or has little exposure to young girls. I didn't see anything worrying on her FB page or her sister's. The "How sexy are you today" program was odd to me ( I have boys) and I attributed that to having an older sister and her friends who used it. It's something 13 year old girls would do. Celina may have actually only done it once before she disappeared and then the program continued to post to her page every day. Her FB page isn't open or has been deleted so I don't know exactly when it was she first used it.
IMO, only one photo stands out even though I've seen 2 I believe with her lips closed. It's the one with CC wearing a cap. It's not like the others, even the one where she's wearing a white blouse.
It shocks me that Celina was on FB, apparently with no supervision. After everything that has been reported in the media, etc., about bullying and sexual predators, it just doesn't seem safe for an 11 year old to be on FB.

There was so much in front of Celina. What a loss for the world it is that she's gone.
I would also like to know what they would know about her facebook friends being questionable. I am VERY curious about who the friend was that dropped off of her facebook, but that could mean nothing, considering the fact that we are not the only people online that do what we do and there could have been people who didn't want to have their page visited and be friended by a bunch of strangers. But anyway, back to the questionable nature of the friends, I worked my way through her whole list and know for a fact that I was doing so with other members here and most of the friends pages were private. Those that were not didn't strike me as out of the ordinary at all.

I totally agree with you! I'm getting furious and I had to turn the TV off.
You mean to determine whether or not drowning was the COD? Actually, making that determination inolves more than just confirming the presence of water in the lungs, which itself can be the result of various ailments and injuries. This pdf contains comprehensive, easy to read information on "bodies in water".

Thank you! :seeya: I'm going to take some time and read through this.
Isn't there anything that would be in plain sight that would rule out her being placed there alive?

It's possible that she was shot in the head or throat slashed. I really hope not, but they would not need to be a medical examiner to know that is an instant death.
All I know is that earlier today one of the news reporters on some station, mentioned that the bio dad went back to the hospital this morning and was intubated. I have not found any other mention, and asked several times on livewire if they could verify and never saw a response.
So I do not know his actual status currently.
Very odd though that he is not in contact with KL.
The picture had a bit more of a grown up vibe to it. Looked like a bit of make up on, and a more serious look to Celina.

That said, I saw nothing wrong with The pic at all. Nor do I really see anything wrong with what Dr Drew said. Biologically speaking, around puberty, human beings do start to become sexual beings, and begin to be interested in attracting partners. That includes trying on more grown up looks. 11 is a bit young, but many girls do begin puberty that early. So when he says that she began to "sexualize herself", really I think that's all he was getting at.

All JMO.
I honestly don't know how I can keep reading crime stories. I'm a single mom of a six year old boy and the thought of anything happening to him makes me want to die.

I'm sorry, Celina. :'(
I'm not so concerned about her FB page because from what was visible for public view (wall) didn't have anything that stood out except for the 20th when she posted she was going to the movies with her sister and then an hour later she said she was talking to a friend and listening to a song and contemplating going for a walk.

From reading some of the earlier posts, it was alleged she also used IMVU? I'm not very familiar with it but from what I understand people go into some virtual world and can play games whilst chatting with players. If true, I think that would be more suspicious. What game did she play? Who was she chatting with? I can see how a perp can lure children in these types of chat rooms. They can be whoever and whatever they want. Very scary. :(
I think the talking heads and their guests are speculating that Celina was trying to look older and possibly more sexualized. That may be true, but could be totally false. Celina's basketball picture is athletic in nature, her hair is much shorter... Obviously, it was an older photo and sports/school-oriented. The other couple of pictures that I've seen are more personal and she does look older, but they are in no way "sexy" pictures, imo. In the personal photos, she isn't in a school uniform, her hair has grown substantially, and she is closed-mouth. With the the long flowing hair and without a young toothy grin, she appears more serene and mature (the hat in one of the photos is cute, and makes her look more stylish too). I'm not ready to say that Celena's change in appearance in a series of photos is indicative of an intentional attempt on her part to attract people to her (on the internet or otherwise) without some facts to support that speculation. It is, however, disturbing that an 11 year old girl would have an open and (apparently) unsupervised FB account.

The computer records will likely tell investigators a lot. If she was chatting with strange boys/men (or even girls/women for that matter) and looking to meet with anyone on the sly, hopefully those with whom she was communicating can be easily traced through the electronic files. But, now that this is formally a criminal investigation, the family will need to be questioned and cleared as a matter of routine. I think it's equally likely at this point that Celina was just a normal maturing girl who looked older than her age and was harmed by someone much closer to home. Until the family and those in Celina's immediate environment are cleared, we don't even know if she was on her computer before she disappeared (nor do we know for sure when she was last seen alive). Could be somebody was trying to create the appearance that Celena was on the computer at night one minute and then missing without a trace the next...JMO...

RIP sweet Celina...
I must not be with it but I don't see anything "sexual" about that picture of her in the hat not smiling. Just a cute kid posing? Might be just me though.

I didn't either. She probably just chooses to have a picture hiding her teeth, kwim. I had very few pictures taken with me smiling when I had braces. She's a natural beautiful girl.

If they found ligature marks either on her neck, hands, feet, etc...would they just call her death "suspicious" at this point?
IMO, only one photo stands out even though I've seen 2 I believe with her lips closed. It's the one with CC wearing a cap. It's not like the others, even the one where she's wearing a white blouse.

Is it just me or does that picture look to anyone like she could have taken it herself? If I'm remembering the original correctly (uncropped--as it was on Facebook), there was something about the angle, and the fact that it's close up and she's seemingly alone in the shot, it reminds me of a lot of self portrait shots you see on Facebook. (You know, extend your arm and click.)And that it's SO different from the other pictures, that made me think she dolled up a little (primped and put on the hat) and took it herself ... expressly to upload on Facebook (or to send to someone.) And if that's the case, did she take it on her own, or did someone request the shot?

Just thinking out loud.
It's possible that she was shot in the head or throat slashed. I really hope not, but they would not need to be a medical examiner to know that is an instant death.

Yeah, that was my other thought. (Thank you for being brave enough to say it.)

Isn't this AG known for playing things very close to the vest?
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