Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 4 *Arrest*

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So, who did the pick up belong to? I need to go back and read all the posts, I am really behind.

The red truck belongs to the 23 yr old stepbrother. The son of the stepfather. I think he lives in an apt. in the same victorian building.

I think he is very suspicious.
I'll say is wrong and irresponsible of her mother to allow her 11 yr. old to be messing around on FB. Actually, started it when she was 10? It isn't cute or amusing or innocent. I'm amazed and dismayed at the number of people who readily admit that their young girls have FB accts. Brag about it practically. Why?? Does it make them popular?? Really?? We live in a very dangerous world. For the life of me, I can't understand a parent willingly wanting their child to be exposed to that danger. Sad

I think it's wrong, but what do I know? I'm 66. My 13-year-old granddaughter is not allowed by her parents to have a FB account. Not sure she even wants to; she has one of those texting devices.
My son isn't even 1 yet, i don't even want to think about will be out there for him when he is 11. It is a scary world we live in where technology is concerned. I recall discovering the internet in high school and logging into chat rooms where perverts sent messages to me and my friends all the time, that was over 10 years ago, it just keeps getting worse.
I'll say is wrong and irresponsible of her mother to allow her 11 yr. old to be messing around on FB. Actually, started it when she was 10? It isn't cute or amusing or innocent. I'm amazed and dismayed at the number of people who readily admit that their young girls have FB accts. Brag about it practically. Why?? Does it make them popular?? Really?? We live in a very dangerous world. For the life of me, I can't understand a parent willingly wanting their child to be exposed to that danger. Sad

My daughter and her friends all have FB and have had since Middle school and most of their parents are active on FB, my family is ,including my 69yr Mother- and my Dad who lives in Texas is able to interact with his grand-daughter- and my older 2 girls can keep up with their baby sister.
It isn't about being "popular" it is about communication- there is a FB page for the high school here and the sports teams all have accounts and keep players informed using it, more than a few teachers here use FB for home work assignments.

FB isn't the evil empire and not all parents who allow their children on it are neglectful or stupid- My daughter got her account after her friend whose father is the Police Sargent allowed it--(the whole no to FB argument went out the window that day)--- my BIL's 2 kids also have accounts and he is a Teacher at the high school where they live- those kids are not unsupervised and their parents are certianly not uninvolved.

I find it sad really that people can paint things with such a broad brush, it allows them to miss out on a lot of good stuff- I can see my older girls lifes in pictures even though they live hours away- I have located old friends and re-established long lost relationships

Just like anything else in this world FB is what you make it, and what you allow it to be.

I find it sad really that people can paint things with such a broad brush, it allows them to miss out on a lot of good stuff- I can see my older girls lifes in pictures even though they live hours away- I have located old friends and re-established long lost relationships
The red truck belongs to the 23 yr old stepbrother. The son of the stepfather. I think he lives in an apt. in the same victorian building.

I think he is very suspicious.

Where did you see that he was the stepfather's kid? Just curious, because I have seen it both ways and I am not sure, tho would like to know if he is the SFs or otherwise.
I'll say is wrong and irresponsible of her mother to allow her 11 yr. old to be messing around on FB. Actually, started it when she was 10? It isn't cute or amusing or innocent. I'm amazed and dismayed at the number of people who readily admit that their young girls have FB accts. Brag about it practically. Why?? Does it make them popular?? Really?? We live in a very dangerous world. For the life of me, I can't understand a parent willingly wanting their child to be exposed to that danger. Sad

I understand what you're saying but many parents don't realize the dangers out there. They live in their little world and have no idea about the evil people out there. I thought I was a good mother but after reading on here over the last three years, I realized I made a lot of mistakes. I thank God that the internet wasn't around when my daughter was Celina's age because she could have been a "statistic." Something we have to keep in mind is there are MANY parents that don't know what we know. JMO
I know - but she didn't have to be :( It's not your post, trust me, but I get so upset when folks say "she's in a better place now". She never had a chance to experience life, her first prom, marriage, her first baby, or even a grandchild. How do we know she's in a better place.

I know - it makes us feel better to say that. But I can bet my last dollar that Celina would rather be amongst her friends and living life than to have gone what she's gone through. The pain must have been horrific.

I know I will never say "you're in a better place" with any murder victim. Which, IMHO, she was a victim of.

Hugs, and MOO.


It bothers me too. A lot.
I am not religious, so I don't find comfort in that comment.
My sister lost her husband to a heart attack last year. He was only 39. He had been a part of our lives for over twenty years. Not only were we family, but we were also close friends. We even live on the same street.
So many people came up to us and said that same thing, along with "everything happens for a reason".
I think those are horrible things to say to someone that just lost a loved one. How can they be in a better place? They're not with their spouse. They're not with their 8 year old son. They're not living the life they had planned and they'll never see their dreams to fruition. What possible reason could there be to remove a person from the lives of so many that loved him? How is that a better place?
Please, tell me what the step-brother has done to arouse suspicion.
One thing I noticed on the news tonight, in a video close-up of the home there's a "For Rent" sign in the window. Looks like they might rent out rooms to strangers?
Cluciano, i have a huge amount of faith and i still have a very hard time finding any comfort now. i believe Celina has gone back from where she came and imo that is from God, so she is fine, but the evil that is killing more and more babies every day is still here with us and there is no comfort what so ever in that.

i tried to expect a different outcome, but i couldn't. i just had a feeling.

You know, life is beautiful. At least to me it is. I love the world, nature, people (for the most part) and especially the animals. Celina did not get to enjoy many years on the planet. That is not fair. Yes, heaven is free from evil and pain and sorrow (I think) but it's not the same kind of existence and we who remain here cannot really imagine what life after death may be like. Also, many are not sure if there is life after death at all.

But we know that Celina no longer suffers. We also know that she no longer lives here and doesn't get to live through all the things people normally do. I think she went through something horrible and that is what upsets most of us so much, but I must say that from what I understand, in the time of dying her kind of death, adrenaline may be at play and the mind is not in fear or horror, but rather, single-mindedly thinking about survival and finally, peacefully fading to black. In other words, unless she was tortured to death, Celina likely did not suffer too much.

Still, in the end, none of it is fair. And while Celina's life has been robbed, the one's who are truly suffering are those of us left behind who are mourning her loss, especially her family and friends. And those of us who are able, will picture her at peace, playing and feeling wonderful, in a beautiful, lovely place.

I must not be with it but I don't see anything "sexual" about that picture of her in the hat not smiling. Just a cute kid posing? Might be just me though.

I agree. It's just that in that photo, we can see how beautiful the adult Celina would have been, so we may see the photo as more adult. She's not the awkward little adolescent there with crooked teeth and knobby knees. She's gorgeous.

I'll say is wrong and irresponsible of her mother to allow her 11 yr. old to be messing around on FB. Actually, started it when she was 10? It isn't cute or amusing or innocent. I'm amazed and dismayed at the number of people who readily admit that their young girls have FB accts. Brag about it practically. Why?? Does it make them popular?? Really?? We live in a very dangerous world. For the life of me, I can't understand a parent willingly wanting their child to be exposed to that danger. Sad

I agree, 100%. There is no reason, IMO for kids to be on the internet unless they are researching under the direct supervision of an adult. I'm sick of hearing that this is just how things are today. It's not, if we, as a society, say "no."

That being said, we'll have to see if the internet played a part in this tragedy but either way, little Celina should not have been on it. :twocents:
One thing I noticed on the news tonight, in a video close-up of the home there's a "For Rent" sign in the window. Looks like they might rent out rooms to strangers?
This home has multiple apartments.
I started following this case from the start but then I fell behind. I was so hopeful that by the time I caught up there would be good news for once. That wasn't to be but may answers come quickly and justice swift and severe.

Rest in peace precious angel. You were taken far to soon but may your death not be in vain and may those that loved you find some peace from all the strangers you have touched.
That is a long time... IMO

Probably taking photos, and checking out the area around her for evidence, sadly. There are many times during investigations where the body had to remain where it is so that the evidence can be collected. When it water this is even more difficult because things stir so easily. Removing her from the water before this process is finished would make it even worse that the same process when done outside of the water because moving her at all would shift things. I am not surprised it took so long. There is also the possibility that she was trapped or stuck under something and they needed to remove her carefully after having been in the water so long.

Sorry to be graphic, but water can do things to skin that are not good, especially for evidence preservation.
I agree with much of your post, Kalekona. My kids. 19 and 23 now, grew up using FB.

I LOVED FB for many reasons. Number one, I was able to 'research' the friends they were hanging out with when they were in middle and high school. I had their passwords, and I knew what 'bad' happened before I even got the call. LOL If a party became rowdy and the cops were called, it would hit FB instantly. I could call my kid and say " I AM ON MY WAY to pick you up, prepare to be grounded for awhile." they could not hide anything from us.

If she was interested in a new boy, I could read his wall, and read the messages he sent her. That helped me make wise decisions about who she was or wasn't going on a date with. This was when they were younger of course, back when we still had a say in all that.

But most important, imo, was that the kids could do research on their own. They could see if some new friend was really into the stoner crowd or not. My son would not bother with girls that he thought were 'playing' all the guys on her FB. It was a quick way for them to assess new friendships, without falling into the wrong crowd in the meantime.

We live in a very precocious, fast paced community. I think FB was a great tool for the kids to sort through the various cliques and groups and find their own way, without having to go to a coke party to find out they do not want to be involved. My daughter met a cute guy from another school in her drivers training class. They were hanging out after class a little and he asked her out on a date. By researching his FB she saw that he was very good friends with the boys that she knows were doing and even selling coke. She saw pix of him at their parties. Without FB she may have gone out on a date with him. *Shudder*
One thing I noticed on the news tonight, in a video close-up of the home there's a "For Rent" sign in the window. Looks like they might rent out rooms to strangers?

I had seen that they did on a facebook post. Strictly rumor at this point, of course.

ETA: This rumor was not specific on if they rented rooms out in the apartment building, or if they rented rooms out in their apartment.
This sucks! :(
I'm so sick of all this.
I'm so upset....i can't even stand it.
WHY do these things keep happening????
Why all the killing???
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