Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 4 *Arrest*

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I was in a doctors waiting room when this was announced on tv. There was at least a dozen people there, they all knew who she was. I was surprised by that as this is south Florida.
I am glad people are paying attention.
RIP sweety.
I don't think computers were involved at all. Sadly, I feel this will be the familiar story of someone in this child's life. And I don't feel it will be long before charges are made.
I agree that this may be a rather bumpy ride...

I am hoping that Jane Young was just emotional because she had literally just seen the body of an 11 year old girl and the media kept her just a little bit too long.

I worry
that she was emotional because of exactly what she saw and what she believes was done to that 11 year old girl.
I fear that it would take a great deal to make her emotional...

You look at the cases where LE got emotional... Ethan Stacy... Zahra Baker... Kyron Horman....

They are either unsolved or horrific. Hopefully this is neither.

Celina's classmates write on balloons and release them...
Is there some evidence that makes anyone think Facebook is a part of this crime so far??? I looked at Celina's Facebook, and it was sweet and perfectly innocent from what I could tell - unlike the SF's! My daughter has a Facebook account, and I have full access to it. She communicates with her friends, she shares her joy's and sorrows, and tells funny stories about our pets. I also have a Facebook account and I value it greatly because I feel that I have a relationship with my family who live far away. I KNOW what their daily life is like in a way that I would NEVER know about if I waited for a phone call or letter. One of my relatives is confined to a wheelchair, and was supposed to be dead by the time she was 1 year old (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). She is on Facebook, at the age of 18 having the time of her life!!!! I have found Facebook to be exactly like life - you can meet GREAT people - especially old friends and family - or you can meet jerks. With Facebook, you can simply "delete" the jerks! Facebook accounts, even when "open" to the public are much more restrictive than Myspace ever was, IMHO. I also have a Myspace account - my daughter's do not. I don't use it because it is lame and stupid. Anyways.... enough of that - my opinion of social networking sites, is that they reflect real life, and can be good or bad - depends on the person.

No, there's no indication so far. I think there has been speculation, though, because of past cases where kids have gone missing after meeting a new "friend" on the internet. There are internet predators all over the place. Every single Dateline perv featured on the show was setting up sex with plants they thought were minors.

I tend to think FB didn't have much to do with this case either. I'm betting LE is looking closer to home on this one. However, a little, 11 year old girl having unfettered access to FB, her page not even private, may be an indication that this child was not taken care of in the way we would like. I don't know.

But let me say that Celina's FB page was not perfectly sweet and innocent. She had some automatic posts that rated how "sexy" she is on a regular basis. She's 11!

Also, yes, FB is great for adults who have the maturity and frontal lobe development to know who may be "bad" and should be deleted or that their page should be private or that the new, cute, 15 year old potential "friend" may not be 15 at all, or that they shouldn't put personal, identifying info
on the net. Kids don't always get that. I had to teach my brothers-in-law why it was necessary to have FB on private. Even then, it's easy for them to come into contact with friends of friends who may not be that great. Kids just don't have the reasoning ability to be able to judge situations in the way adults do.

I use FB to keep in contact with my vast, overseas family and friends who have moved across the country and the world. It's great. But even I have it on private and so secure that no one can find me if I don't give them the link. They can't see my avatar, nothing. I don't want creeps knowing anything about me!
Celina Cass' Family Sends Out Message Of Thanks (Paternal family)

The girl's father, Adam Laro, said he learned about the news in a phone call from the FBI.

The family said they fear the answers that could come to their lingering questions, but for now, they are leaning on each other for support.

Adam Laro said he doesn't want to jump to any conclusions, but he will wait to hear the results of the autopsy.

Until then, family members said they cannot plan a memorial or funeral.
Celina Cass' Family Sends Out Message Of Thanks (Paternal family)

The girl's father, Adam Laro, said he learned about the news in a phone call from the FBI.

The family said they fear the answers that could come to their lingering questions, but for now, they are leaning on each other for support.

Adam Laro said he doesn't want to jump to any conclusions, but he will wait to hear the results of the autopsy.

Until then, family members said they cannot plan a memorial or funeral.

Wow. Poor guy.
We had a server upgrade a couple of days ago. It takes about a week to get all the kinks out when this kind of work is done on the site. is monitoring it and we should be back to normal soon.

I've been having the same issues whether I have the ads loaded or not.

And all day I kept getting mad at my PC & re-booting, so afraid it was going to die at the worst time!
An order signed by a probate judge indicated N suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and believed corrections officials implanted a transmitter in his body to keep track of him.

Perhaps, LE may already know SF never left the home that evening/early morning.

From your link:

According to several media outlets, Celina's stepfather was taken to a hospital Monday. MSNBC reported that W....... N....... was taken by ambulance after repeatedly lying down in the family's driveway and rolling around, and video showed him dropping to his knees in the driveway and then lying face-down, with his head resting on his hands.

Glad you posted that. There was some discussion on this thread about Celina's father having been taken to hospital and intubated .. but it sounds like it might possibly have been the stepfather instead. I knew I'd read about the stepfather in the driveway, but didn't know where.

Poor man.


OK, looks like both dad and stepdad have been in hospital at different times. Dad on a ventilator when he was in hospital, and stepdad in hospital on Monday I'm going to read and just try not to say another word until I get this family sorted out.
the FBi didn't go see him in person? I find that kind of sad:(
Don't get me wrong. I am in NO way perfect. I yell sometimes, and I get frustrated, and make all kinds of parenting mistakes. But today is just one of those days that I wish I was every kid's mama. Every kid deserves the love, protection, care, and safety that my kids enjoy. Every kid deserves a mama with warm hugs, supper on the table, and a calender full of upcoming pediatrician appointments and school/after school activities. Every kid deserves a hard working, comes-home-to-his-family-every-night daddy, who tells them he'd never ever leave them, wrestles with them on the living room rug, and teaches them to bait a hook. Every.single.kid.

And every single kid deserves to be safe, in their home, in their neighborhood, in their city. Why have we become so evil? Why have we lost sight of what our children need and providing it for them? God have mercy on us, and have mercy on our children.

I don't think we've become more evil. I just think the evil is more publicized. I don't know where you live, but if you aren't local, would you have even heard of this case if not for the Internet? I know I wouldn't have.

The positive part is, the more evil is publicized, the more tools can be developed to fight it, to identify it before the worst happens.

Sending to you hopes for peace.
They mention Celina's older brother Adam.
Who I think is the guy who was standing behind her Dad (Adam) at the press conference.
I think her brother Adam is also with the mother when she had the blanket over her head.
He is in this interview as well.

Adam says while he was in the intensive care unit, sedated and on a ventilator...
Celina visited him.
He doesn't remember the last time his daughter saw him.
She was his little girl with a big heart.

That is the image of her Dad that Celina died with, on a ventilator.
Celina died not knowing if her Dad would live or not.

That is what her Dad has to live with.
Knowing that is how she last saw him and he doesn't even remember it.

It is probably my own personal experience with people in ICU... but that thought... upsets me more than I can even explain.
This sucks! :(
I'm so sick of all this.
I'm so upset....i can't even stand it.
WHY do these things keep happening????
Why all the killing???

BBM Just to share with you and anyone else who reads this post, I am going to go out on a limb and speculate that mothers and/or fathers don't ask enough questions of those strangers who come into his and/or her lives because to do so would not be "minding my own business." I have seen that happen time and time again.....

Because of multiple challenges in my earlier years that I overcame one way or another, I adopted the position long ago that if someone, anyone, says something to me that I don't understand, I question what I'm being told until I gain a better understanding--or the person to whom I'm posing a question tells me he/she does not want to answer my question (or walks away). To be told something that doesn't make sense is, to me, insulting my intelligence.

Perhaps I "march to the beat of a different drummer," but I have avoided some potentially disastrous situations because I asked a question or two when something I was hearing (or not hearing) didn't make sense to me.

"these things keep happening" because the adults involved do not, for whatever reason, want to honor their child (or children's) well being by having the interest and taking the time to ask questions and LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THE ANSWERS being given (or not given) by those whom they want to invite into their (and by extension, their children's) lives!

Thank you for your post.
I don't think anyone is saying Facebook is bad and Facebook may play no role whatsoever in this case.

All the parents who have commented here that they allow their children on Facebook have also indicated that they set guidelines, they are engaged with their children, they monitor the activity, and it's a good window into the child's world and can improve the parent/child relationship. I understand and appreciate that. Seems like the parents here that have commented are engaged and involved in the FB activity that can only legally take place without that involvement if the child is a minimum of 13 years old.

In Celina's case, we know from her father's interview on Nancy Grace tonight that he was not aware that Celina was on Facebook. Her stepfather probably was since he reportedly had a page himself. We have no information as to whether her mom was aware and monitoring (as far as I know). Right now, again, we don't know if FB has anything to do with this case and we don't know whether Celina's FB was monitored or not. We only know Celina violated FB TOS by having a FB page without meeting the minimum age requirement. I forgive her. If her mother had no idea and is fully innocent and devastated by her daughter's death, I forgive her too. If it turns out Celina was targeted by a perp on FB, Celina will undoubtedly become a poster child for the dangers of underaged children using social media and it will be an appropriate cautionary tale and may help others. For now, the fact that she was underaged for FB and it means that it has to be investigated as a potential factor in her death is bringing awareness to the dangers of UNSUPERVISED Facebook activity by children. My parental opinion on the issue doesn't matter in regard to this case; I respect that diligent and engaged parents can decide for themselves and their children. There are bad people around the corner and bad people on-line; supervise and protect your children diligently. The point is clear.

Back to sweet Celina. She is dead. It's not fair. Most likely, somebody killed her and then threw her in the river where she was found less than a mile from her home. Close to home. Close to home. If the top-notch multi-agency LE doesn't already have a short list of POIs based on their week long presence in Celina's town and the fact that they found her body in less than a week, I'd be surprised. If they don't have a good idea of the prime suspect(s), I'd be surprised. But, whether I end up surprised or not, LE will be investigating Celina's FB and computer activity like mad, to either identify potential suspects or rule out a bogus "on-line predator" defense by someone closer to home.

Celina, you are cherished by many. It's all about finding out what really happened to you and pushing for justice for the crime(s) perpetrated against you.
You are so right Izzy- so many horrible crimes took place back in my younger days that I never heard about- I always thought that the crimes like this that we hear about every day now were far and few between but in reality the horrors were happening back then we just didn't hear about them.
Rest in peace beautiful Celina!

I am just now able to catch up and had wished she would be found safe but no, once again a child is gone far too soon, a beautiful girl with a future that is left without closure.

Prayers to her parents, siblings and friends, i can't imagine their pain.
Reannan, I feel anytime you put your name on the net, you could be subject to just about anything. I have no doubts about that one. It's probably one of the best crime tools I've seen that's free and one that's utilized first in many situtations. Beware of your friends.

Agreed. The internet is not child friendly...period. It's mostly a sewer as a matter of
Mostly adult sites with some shopping sites, the news, and blogs thrown in the mix. Even people's manners online are worse than in real life, including their language.
Don't get me wrong, its great entertainment and definitely interesting for mature people.

Also, any educational things found on the net for kids can also be found on DVD or in a book.

Since Dr. Drew has gone into the missing "business," I have had some issues with statements made by him occasionally. Tonight is one of those times.

To state that an 11 year old girl, who just completed 4th grade, was beginning "to sexualize" herself, is not to state that she was going through a typical phase of early puberty.

Dr. Drew does not get a pass from me.

Dr. Drew is a doofus.
I am sickened by this. Hopefully the perpetrator receives the justice they deserve.


While I understand that there are some (perhaps many) who find comfort in their religious beliefs and superstitions, there are also others -- like me -- who find statements about those beliefs more than a little troublesome. This girl is not in a "better place," she is not doing backflips on the Team Jesus Cheer Team or grinning down at us from the great beyond, she's dead. Anything she might have been is gone and will never be. She will never know love, never finish school, never meet the man of her dreams, never hold a job or her child's hand, never see another sunset or even another movie. All that she was and ever will be was taken from her.

It is a horror.
My daughter and her friends all have FB and have had since Middle school and most of their parents are active on FB, my family is ,including my 69yr Mother- and my Dad who lives in Texas is able to interact with his grand-daughter- and my older 2 girls can keep up with their baby sister.
It isn't about being "popular" it is about communication- there is a FB page for the high school here and the sports teams all have accounts and keep players informed using it, more than a few teachers here use FB for home work assignments.

FB isn't the evil empire and not all parents who allow their children on it are neglectful or stupid- My daughter got her account after her friend whose father is the Police Sargent allowed it--(the whole no to FB argument went out the window that day)--- my BIL's 2 kids also have accounts and he is a Teacher at the high school where they live- those kids are not unsupervised and their parents are certianly not uninvolved.

I find it sad really that people can paint things with such a broad brush, it allows them to miss out on a lot of good stuff- I can see my older girls lifes in pictures even though they live hours away- I have located old friends and re-established long lost relationships

Just like anything else in this world FB is what you make it, and what you allow it to be.

I find it sad really that people can paint things with such a broad brush, it allows them to miss out on a lot of good stuff- I can see my older girls lifes in pictures even though they live hours away- I have located old friends and re-established long lost relationships

100% agree. I wouldn't leave my child alone with an unknown priest/boyscout leader, etc. I see no difference...parenting is parenting.
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