Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 7 *Arrest*

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Since her bio-father was not around much, I would have to presume that someone else took her fishing more frequently and since she enjoyed fishing so much, she wanted her real father to take her fishing when he visited also.

Perhaps if anyone else other than the bio-father talked about anything related to the case and Celina (other than the one interview with the SF before his episode) we would have heard more about who took her fishing and what she liked to do.

Now I'm wonder who's truck has mud or dirt in the wheel wells that is consistent with the dirt in the access point to the bridge and the river???? Remember the photo of the investigators looking under the truck when it was on the flatbed tow truck????

Praying that as soon as the tox report comes back and the ME can sign the death certificate as being a homicide an arrest will be made. (It would be a little hard to arrest someone for murder when it hasn't been determined that the victim was actually murdered, if you know what I'm getting at)

AL wasn't around much it seems, but he also seems to be the only one talking. Him or his family. That to me is strange. If the FBI told Celina's mother not to talk to anyone I would think they told all family that. Just don't know.
From an earlier report by Lauren Collins, NECN (New England Cable News):

"Relatives of Celina Cass are thankful for support they’ve received over the last week and say the girl’s mother hasn’t addressed the media because she was told by the FBI not to. This same community has searched and cried and mourned over the last week.

Melissa Jordan lived next door to Celina Cass’ family until three weeks ago. “I feel like we moved too soon. Maybe if we had waited we could have been there. We’re always up late maybe we could have seen something, done something.”

The investigation into her disappearance and death is now a criminal probe. Her step father- Wendell Noyes - has been quietly suggested by people in town as someone who may know what happened, an accusation his family vehemently rejects. "
AL wasn't around much it seems, but he also seems to be the only one talking. Him or his family. That to me is strange. If the FBI told Celina's mother not to talk to anyone I would think they told all family that. Just don't know.

AL was completely removed from all the events surrounding CC's case (he was hospitalized when she went missing, and even before that he lives downstate somewhere I believe)

So, I think there would be no reason for LE to ask that he not talk, since he really doesn't know enough facts/ did not see any evidence/ etc to harm the case, IMHO.
Mods, please delete if not okay.

Have there been any stories mentioning WN ex wife?
AL wasn't around much it seems, but he also seems to be the only one talking. Him or his family. That to me is strange. If the FBI told Celina's mother not to talk to anyone I would think they told all family that. Just don't know.

The FBI may have told the family to not say anything, as they did other family members & "towns-people".

AL & his parents haven't really said anything that can hurt the investigation right now.

Despite AL's parents speaking to the press, I think they & AL jr
know a lot more than what they've said to the press.
AL was completely removed from all the events surrounding CC's case (he was hospitalized when she went missing, and even before that he lives downstate somewhere I believe)

So, I think there would be no reason for LE to ask that he not talk, since he really doesn't know enough facts/ did not see any evidence/ etc to harm the case, IMHO.

I knew he was in the hospital because he stated that LN brought the girls to see him. But, do you think LN has facts surrounding the case other than what has been reported? She gave them the time CC was last seen, and the time SF found her gone. I guess she could shed some light on who was in the home that night or morning, who lived there etc. But, I don't see how that could harm the case. Interesting though. jmo

One more thought, what AL has said has certainly created some speculation. e.g. that the girls were moved to the basement, sleeping on air mattresses. I don't remember who said that CC was afraid to sleep on the couch when her sis was gone. But these statements have certainly aroused speculations.
I find it difficult to believe that the FBI told the family not to talk.
They may have interpreted something as that, but I don't believe it.
It doesn't matter either way to me, whether they do or don't, but saying they are not talking because the FBI told them not to, makes no sense to me and does not ring true.
In any event, I am not sure what I would expect to hear from them anyway; if there were strange, fishy or illegal things going on in the home for example, they would not be discussing those things.

As far as not calling 911, but being "hysterical", I don't understand that at all. If true, it makes no sense at all. If you are worried/scared/hysterical, you call for help. If you are simply asking around if anyone has seen your child, you might wait a while. The hysterical and not calling, do not go together.
I knew he was in the hospital because he stated that LN brought the girls to see him. But, do you think LN has facts surrounding the case other than what has been reported? She gave them the time CC was last seen, and the time SF found her gone. I guess she could shed some light on who was in the home that night or morning, who lived there etc. But, I don't see how that could harm the case. Interesting though. jmo

One more thought, what AL has said has certainly created some speculation. e.g. that the girls were moved to the basement, sleeping on air mattresses. I don't remember who said that CC was afraid to sleep on the couch when her sis was gone. But these statements have certainly aroused speculations.

IIRC, we knew about the girls sleeping in the basement before AL mentioned it in one of his interviews.
I knew he was in the hospital because he stated that LN brought the girls to see him. But, do you think LN has facts surrounding the case other than what has been reported? She gave them the time CC was last seen, and the time SF found her gone. I guess she could shed some light on who was in the home that night or morning, who lived there etc. But, I don't see how that could harm the case. Interesting though. jmo

One more thought, what AL has said has certainly created some speculation. e.g. that the girls were moved to the basement, sleeping on air mattresses. I don't remember who said that CC was afraid to sleep on the couch when her sis was gone. But these statements have certainly aroused speculations.


First, let me say that I theorize that she knows/has seen something. That would explain the way she was acting on the morning CC was gone and why she was so distraught that she wasn't even calling 911.

But as a fact, she was there, in the home after CC was gone, and if there was ANY physical evidence in that house such as blankets from a bed gone missing, she would have seen it.

First, let me say that I theorize that she knows/has seen something. That would explain the way she was acting on the morning CC was gone and why she was so distraught that she wasn't even calling 911.

But as a fact, she was there, in the home after CC was gone, and if there was ANY physical evidence in that house such as blankets from a bed gone missing, she would have seen it.

Gotcha and that makes complete sense. ty
something no one has mentioned ( maybe we aren't supposed to. if so mods remove if need be) I don't know of any, nor do we need to find names, just speculating.

But no one has mentioned anything about any past relationships the mother has had, after AL, prior to WN...there is a presumed boyfriend (KM father) at some point in time. Who else may have been around CC as she has grown up,

Wonder how long the family lived in the home prior to WN, and if there could be previous 'friends' that could have accessed the home? Could there have been a previous really bad relationship and things left festering?
I find it difficult to believe that the FBI told the family not to talk.
They may have interpreted something as that, but I don't believe it.
It doesn't matter either way to me, whether they do or don't, but saying they are not talking because the FBI told them not to, makes no sense to me and does not ring true.
In any event, I am not sure what I would expect to hear from them anyway; if there were strange, fishy or illegal things going on in the home for example, they would not be discussing those things.

As far as not calling 911, but being "hysterical", I don't understand that at all. If true, it makes no sense at all. If you are worried/scared/hysterical, you call for help. If you are simply asking around if anyone has seen your child, you might wait a while. The hysterical and not calling, do not go together.


the only way I have been able to reconcile her reactions is to think that she KNEW, not thought, but KNEW calling 911 was not going to save CC's life. Something she was told, something she saw at the house, etc I think made her realize that CC was dead.
And, when the ground search was called off on Wed we all were scratching our heads thinking "so soon?" - it was after LE interviewed her, she had breathing problems and had to go to the hospital and was put in a wheelchair. After that interview, the whole search for Celina changed, and some have speculated that it looked like the search has changed from one for a live CC to one for recovery of her body.
jmo jmo jmo She told them something that she KNEW, is what I think.
I would think the person that used this access point to the old train bridge and river is someone that is familiar with this area and it is also possibly that this person used this area for fishing. If I remember correctly it was said that Celina enjoyed fishing and releasing. I'm wondering who used to take her fishing and if this was the spot where they would go. Anyone know?

That's why I wanted to clarify a posting that said something about a special place. And that turned out to be totally unrelated to a special place where Celina liked to go.

I posted earlier that dams are good places to fish. That's why I was asking what the "name" of the dam was, to find out the water depth, etc. I had read some of the locals posting following news articles that there were many ponds, areas where people there liked to fish. That is why when someone asked what could be impetus if the divers made a bee-line to the dam, if a fisherman had noticed something awry. I was responding to a question, not supposing that there was ever a prompting to do so by anyone. Having been an advanced scuba diver (not LE) and a fisherman in various areas of the country and outside the country, I think about these things also.

Also, I read in a news article that the sister went fishing as well. So my curiousity was piqued.
I would think the person that used this access point to the old train bridge and river is someone that is familiar with this area and it is also possibly that this person used this area for fishing. If I remember correctly it was said that Celina enjoyed fishing and releasing. I'm wondering who used to take her fishing and if this was the spot where they would go. Anyone know?

That's why I wanted to clarify a posting that said something about a special place. And that turned out to be totally unrelated to a special place where Celina liked to go.

I posted earlier that dams are good places to fish. That's why I was asking what the "name" of the dam was, to find out the water depth, etc. I had read some of the locals posting following news articles that there were many ponds, areas where people there liked to fish. That is why when someone asked what could be impetus if the divers made a bee-line to the dam, if a fisherman had noticed something awry. I was responding to a question, not supposing that there was ever a prompting to do so by anyone. Having been an advanced scuba diver (not LE) and a fisherman in various areas of the country and outside the country, I think about these things also.

Also, I read in a news article that the sister went fishing as well. So my curiousity was piqued.

I asked in an earlier post (no response or answer) if where CC's body was found was a static pool, or if the body had not been found would it have moved further up stream or down which ever the case, and even across the dam. I too am curious as to why they were in that particular spot. Were they tipped off to look there? That is a long river and if they were not tipped off they certainly were lucky to be there. tia
AL was completely removed from all the events surrounding CC's case (he was hospitalized when she went missing, and even before that he lives downstate somewhere I believe)

So, I think there would be no reason for LE to ask that he not talk, since he really doesn't know enough facts/ did not see any evidence/ etc to harm the case, IMHO.

Al lives in Colebrook - about 20 minutes away.

the only way I have been able to reconcile her reactions is to think that she KNEW, not thought, but KNEW calling 911 was not going to save CC's life. Something she was told, something she saw at the house, etc I think made her realize that CC was dead.
And, when the ground search was called off on Wed we all were scratching our heads thinking "so soon?" - it was after LE interviewed her, she had breathing problems and had to go to the hospital and was put in a wheelchair. After that interview, the whole search for Celina changed, and some have speculated that it looked like the search has changed from one for a live CC to one for recovery of her body.
jmo jmo jmo She told them something that she KNEW, is what I think.

And, as one of the news articles stated, WN was staying with his family
& then went to check into a motel with his sister.... how soon after?

He then was taken to a hospital in Concord (?) the next day.
Then sister returned & gave his motel room key to the manager,
saying he would not be staying there any longer.

It appears that LN wasn't with WN the last several days that he was
in West Stewartstown, before going to the hospital the 2nd time.

not to be nit-picky but I do want to point out that this was not said. It was said that they were moved to accommodate someone, but KM was not mentioned by name, and we have all been assuming it was for him. But that was a year ago that he moved in... and recently there was a rumor posted as a comment somewhere that one other person may have been living there after having gotten thrown out of his house after threatening his Mom. If that turns out to be true, then maybe the whole rearrangement of the rooms is much more recent, which fits, and also, having to combine the two girls so that the new guest and KM would not have to share a room. It's all extreme speculation by me, but if that rumor is true, then it makes a big difference in everything, so I wanted to make sure that we don't rule it out without any evidence one way or another. KM was never specifically ID'ed as the reason the girls moved... just that it was to accommodate someone.

Thanks Elmomom! You are right. Mr. Laro's comment about the basement was not in relation to Kevin M moving in specifically (or anyone else for that matter). He mentioned the basement in two interviews that I found; one of them mentioned lots of people coming in and out of the house, along with the move to the basement (which he says was recent, but no time reference to what he considers recent). Neither statement mentions the girls being moved for anyone else though; it doesn't appear that he asked or knows why they were in the cellar, imo...

Reference 1:

Celina’s biological father, Adam Laro, says he never noticed anything strange at the house, until the last time he visited her.

He says recently, Celina and her sister were sleeping in the basement.

“It seems odd to me, very odd. Here they had two beautiful rooms and a nice place to live all of a sudden things got changed by certain people who I won’t name,” says Laro. “Now all of a sudden they’re staying on an air mattress on the cellar floor, to me it’s kind of crazy.”

Reference 2:

"It wasn't a good atmosphere over there," Laro said. "There were a lot of people in and out of that place and a lot of faces every time I went over there."

Laro says he voluntarily gave up custody of Celina, but was allowed to visit her. He says he never noticed anything that concerning, but he says he recently found out that Celina's bedroom, which she shared with her sister, was moved to the basement.

"The next thing I know they are staying on an air mattress on the cellar floor," he said. "Staying down in the cellar and to me it's like, why would they do that?"

It's just one question this grieving father has about his late daughter.
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