NH - Djeswende ‘Wendy’, 66, & Stephen Reid, 67, Shot on Hiking Trail, Concord, Apr 2022 *Logan Clegg Arrested*

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In theory someone from any state could have been in the area since they may have traveled there for Easter. I just don’t think a lot of people from MA are traveling to this particular trail but all it takes is one.

It seems most likely to be either a resident of the area, a former resident, or someone with a connection to the area.

Sorry for the double post. I don't know why it did this or how I did it.
Particularly interesting is the last paragraph, which talks about how even Stephen's closest friends were unaware he had returned to Concord for his retirement. It seems they truly did live a very private life.

Uncertainty surrounding double murder investigation keeps Concord, N.H., residents on edge – Boston Globe
<snipped & BBM>
Although the deaths were ruled a homicide last week, little more is known: not a motive, not who found them or when, not even the precise date the couple were slain.

There’s a bunch of rumors going around town,” said Isaac Guzofski, a server at The Barley House, a pub on North Main Street, “but not a lot of solid information.”


After graduating from Concord High School in 1973, Stephen studied at the University of Notre Dame. The couple met in Washington, D.C., in the late 1970s or early 1980s, when Djeswende was going to college on an athletic scholarship.


According to public records, Djeswende had worked for a nonprofit, the New Hampshire Minority Health Coalition. She had also helped resettle refugees in the United States, according to the family’s statement.


For some of Stephen’s oldest friends and acquaintances, the news of his murder came as a double shock. Serard hadn’t realized his old teammate had returned to town after his globetrotting career — until he read the news of the shootings last week, he said. He was “devastated,” his wife, Lisa, said.
I have a horrible feeling this will be one more that doesn't get solved. I hope I'm wrong.
I think it has a better than average chance of being solved because:
1) Some camera footage has to be out there; daylight crime is an advantage for LE
2) Caliber and type of bullet is known so clues to ID'ing the weapon(s) exist
3) FBI is participating in search for the killer(s)
4) Family & friends will not drop it
5) If homeless are involved, word will get out
6) Other trail users may have seen something or had an experience that offers information and/or direction

It's very early in the investigation. Public interest is high & I believe it will remain so.

I was going to ask about the "former homeless encampment" which has been mentioned and which even appears on one of the newspaper's maps with that label, but I decided to look it up. Apparently it was "cleared" as of this fall:

Homeless camp to be cleared for planned mixed-use development

(paywall after 2 free articles or you can register and get 7 free articles).

The town has cleared two encampments in 2021- one near Black Hill Rd (this one?) and a prior one near Storrs Street. Any local color on this? The article talks about trying to relocate people gradually but about the difficulties of doing that and the likelihood of people just winding up in another similar location nearby.
Particularly interesting is the last paragraph, which talks about how even Stephen's closest friends were unaware he had returned to Concord for his retirement. It seems they truly did live a very private life.

Uncertainty surrounding double murder investigation keeps Concord, N.H., residents on edge – Boston Globe
<snipped & BBM>
Although the deaths were ruled a homicide last week, little more is known: not a motive, not who found them or when, not even the precise date the couple were slain.

There’s a bunch of rumors going around town,” said Isaac Guzofski, a server at The Barley House, a pub on North Main Street, “but not a lot of solid information.”


After graduating from Concord High School in 1973, Stephen studied at the University of Notre Dame. The couple met in Washington, D.C., in the late 1970s or early 1980s, when Djeswende was going to college on an athletic scholarship.


According to public records, Djeswende had worked for a nonprofit, the New Hampshire Minority Health Coalition. She had also helped resettle refugees in the United States, according to the family’s statement.


For some of Stephen’s oldest friends and acquaintances, the news of his murder came as a double shock. Serard hadn’t realized his old teammate had returned to town after his globetrotting career — until he read the news of the shootings last week, he said. He was “devastated,” his wife, Lisa, said.
If I am reading parts of the article you posted correctly it seems the last paragraph refers to some of his oldest friends, not necessarily his closest friends. They quoted an old teammate I am assuming from high school. It seems he may not have had a lot of communication with old classmates after forty odd years. Not unusual IMO
If this has already been shared, my apologies. All caps because the transcript of the video was posted that way. A NH state associate attorney general also speaks about the case (video at link).


Law enforcement experts share insight into Concord double-homicide investigation
An article published today. Includes pics of the trail, including a flag on a branch at the murder scene and map of route they may have walked.

Most murders in New Hampshire involve people who know one another, and typically a high percentage involve domestic violence, said Associate Attorney General Jeff Strelzin. “It’s extremely rare that you have random homicides,” Strelzin said.

“Every case is horrific for the victim and their family, but fortunately in New Hampshire, we have a very low violent crime and murder rate,” he said. “It sort of helps to put things in perspective when you think about what it’s like to live here, and safety.”

Concord’s violent crime rate is low despite double murder
An article published today. Includes pics of the trail, including a flag on a branch at the murder scene and map of route they may have walked.

Most murders in New Hampshire involve people who know one another, and typically a high percentage involve domestic violence, said Associate Attorney General Jeff Strelzin. “It’s extremely rare that you have random homicides,” Strelzin said.

“Every case is horrific for the victim and their family, but fortunately in New Hampshire, we have a very low violent crime and murder rate,” he said. “It sort of helps to put things in perspective when you think about what it’s like to live here, and safety.”

Concord’s violent crime rate is low despite double murder
The route shown from Alton Woods to Marsh Loop trail is along public roads rather than a short cut along the power lines to the trailhead. It seems like a witness or video placed them walking on those streets. Or perhaps the route is based on their usual route.

If the Reids walked the trials at Broken Ground regularly, someone familiar with their route or routine could have been lying in wait.
I was going to ask about the "former homeless encampment" which has been mentioned and which even appears on one of the newspaper's maps with that label, but I decided to look it up. Apparently it was "cleared" as of this fall:

Homeless camp to be cleared for planned mixed-use development

(paywall after 2 free articles or you can register and get 7 free articles).

The town has cleared two encampments in 2021- one near Black Hill Rd (this one?) and a prior one near Storrs Street. Any local color on this? The article talks about trying to relocate people gradually but about the difficulties of doing that and the likelihood of people just winding up in another similar location nearby.
There are a number of very long term homeless encampments in and about in NH. We had one just down the road from us and it was there for over 3 decades. Eventually the landowner decided to develop the land and the homeless families were moved along. This camp had been there for some time, at least 10 years, and it was cleared out because the landowner opted to clear out the land. Most of the people who lived there were families, have jobs, etc. Housing is a problem in the state and waiting lists for affordable housing can take years. Most of the people in these encampments are family units, it's not like what we see on the news in CA. These are not violent people, they're just people trying to get by while they wait for services to kick in. Some, like River Dan, love living off the land, but even he isn't dangerous.
There are a number of very long term homeless encampments in and about in NH. We had one just down the road from us and it was there for over 3 decades. Eventually the landowner decided to develop the land and the homeless families were moved along. This camp had been there for some time, at least 10 years, and it was cleared out because the landowner opted to clear out the land. Most of the people who lived there were families, have jobs, etc. Housing is a problem in the state and waiting lists for affordable housing can take years. Most of the people in these encampments are family units, it's not like what we see on the news in CA. These are not violent people, they're just people trying to get by while they wait for services to kick in. Some, like River Dan, love living off the land, but even he isn't dangerous.
Wow, a 30 year homeless tent encampment of families is not the norm around here.
The largest camp here was relocated to hotel housing due to a horrible rat infestation and an unsuccessful attempt to curb criminal activity. There are some random campers in the woods too.
People living in homeless camps rarely have guns and if they do they are reluctant to use them. I can't think of any example where they have emptied a magazine into somebody and their targets are usually other homeless.

I am more inclined to think this has to do with their work with refugees, someone who didn't appreciate it - either a local who didn't like it or an actual refugee who wanted the door closed after him.

The article gives the impression that they were fairly secretive which is a good way for your murder to go unsolved. I don't know if that is an accurate reflection of the reality or not but if not you would think some other article would have been written with more information.
The route shown from Alton Woods to Marsh Loop trail is along public roads rather than a short cut along the power lines to the trailhead. It seems like a witness or video placed them walking on those streets. Or perhaps the route is based on their usual route.

If the Reids walked the trials at Broken Ground regularly, someone familiar with their route or routine could have been lying in wait.

I agree with the outlet's map that this was the likely route and hope they do have footage from the businesses.

The google street view footage was old, but as I recall, the power line "shortcut" was very steep and had foliage (maybe even a small ravine for run-off). It appeared to me that an adult couple would not take that short cut.

It is hard for me to imagine this couple was targeted. My guess is random crime.

If they were targeted, I wonder if they were helping anyone local such as a refugee dealing with domestic violence? I do know someone who was asked by their church to take in a refugee dealing with domestic violence. The refugee experience can be traumatic and difficult and it does happen. And we all know how dangerous DV situations can be. JMO.
There are various possible motives, but one direction I would like to look further into is the possibility of a hate crime.

Possible reasons for why the Reids might be a target of a hate crime are:
-they are an interracial couple
-they were involved in integration of immigrants

If this is a hate crime, then one might look for suspects among white nationalists, racists, anti-immigration extremists.
Which extremist groups or individuals are active in the Concord, NH area? For example, one group that has gotten some attention
is the National Socialist Club or NSC-131, but there are many other known and unknown groups. Some of these groups tend to
see themselves as militia and train with weapons in the woods. Where any of these groups active in the Concord area?

People in public office or in the public eye are more likely targets. For example, NSC-131 members sent online threats to NH
state representatives Manny Espitia. Michigan governor Gretchen Witmer was the target of a kidnapping plot. Was there anything
in the work and volunteering of the Reids that may have caught the attention of extremists? For example, had there been any
coverage of their activities in the media? Which organizations related to the integration of immigrants were they associated with,
and were these organizations targets of white nationalists or other hate groups?
Concord Couple Homicide Case Update: FBI, Detectives Expand East Concord Area Canvass

CONCORD, NH — Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and Concord police canvassed East Concord on Monday, speaking to residents and asking about security cameras to gather more evidence in the Stephen and Djeswende Reid homicide investigation.

The couple, who moved a few years ago from Burlington, Vermont, to Concord to retire, was killed in a double-shooting on the Marsh Loop Trail on April 21. Since that time, investigators have been analyzing dozens of tips and leads an effort to solve the crimes.

On Monday, investigators visited homes to the west of the trail — expanding the canvass area to East Side Drive, Portsmouth Street, Curtisville Road, and other areas of the city, as much as two miles from the area where the couple was killed.


Brenda Perkins
, a local real estate agent, who lives in East Concord about two miles from the homicide scene, said FBI agents visited her asking about security cameras at her home and questions about the investigation. In a note on Facebook, she said the two men did not show badges.

Perkins said she took a picture of their vehicle — a silver Ford Taurus with Massachusetts plates, and called the police, who confirmed agents were scouting for tips. The vehicle was also seen on Portsmouth Street, where two men spoke with a resident not far from the trailhead. One of the agents had a laptop on the car's hood during the conversation.
There are various possible motives, but one direction I would like to look further into is the possibility of a hate crime.

Possible reasons for why the Reids might be a target of a hate crime are:
-they are an interracial couple
-they were involved in integration of immigrants

If this is a hate crime, then one might look for suspects among white nationalists, racists, anti-immigration extremists.
Which extremist groups or individuals are active in the Concord, NH area? For example, one group that has gotten some attention
is the National Socialist Club or NSC-131, but there are many other known and unknown groups. Some of these groups tend to
see themselves as militia and train with weapons in the woods. Where any of these groups active in the Concord area?

People in public office or in the public eye are more likely targets. For example, NSC-131 members sent online threats to NH
state representatives Manny Espitia. Michigan governor Gretchen Witmer was the target of a kidnapping plot. Was there anything
in the work and volunteering of the Reids that may have caught the attention of extremists? For example, had there been any
coverage of their activities in the media? Which organizations related to the integration of immigrants were they associated with,
and were these organizations targets of white nationalists or other hate groups?

@black_squirrel this is an avenue that investigators are no doubt exploring, Discussion of nationalist and hate group activity in the area is pertinent. If we are to have a meaningful discussion about these murders, one avenue cannot be foreclosed even if it is distasteful. I hope my reply with specifics is germane to this relevant avenue of investigation.

The Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, NSC and fringe nationalist militia groups are active in New Hampshire. Over the past two years, they've been coming out of the shadows into the public square. People self-identifying as nationalists (ie, wearing apparel associated with such groups and holding themselves out as members of such groups) have been attending public meetings in many small towns and larger cities to influence action by school boards, town selectmen, and even library trustees. They've protested and disrupted community events for children. The brazeness of these groups has eye-opening for most people. As a result, individuals in small towns across New Hampshire are coming together organically to stand up against hate and push back against organized hate groups.

To be clear, I am speaking about threats and intimidation from hate groups or militia groups, and small-scale property crimes like graffiti. I am not aware of outright violence, but I can think of three reasons that limit awareness of incidents. First, the local newspapers that still exist tend to be weeklies and therefore don't feature hard news. Second, New Englanders are notoriously private and mind our own business. (It's cultural, not that we are secretive). Finally, the lack of public awareness of hate activity is related to the prevailing feeling among targeted groups and individuals and authorities that nonviolent incidents should be kept quiet. In the past year, however, as nationalists and militia-types have adopted brazen tactics in public, the response has been evolving. Organized disruption and intimidation of public and private events is galvanizing average people who assumed those things only happen "somewhere else". Recognizing the issue is the necessary first step to addressing it.

Maybe I am naive but it seems to me that the murder of the Reids was less likely to be a hate crime. But the possibility must be considered. Organized nationalists and militia-types abound in New Hampshire. The extreme anti-government activists and sympathizers are well-armed and many are hotheads looking for a confrontation. And yet I still have difficulty making that leap to putting hate crime at the top of my list. MOO. Others will have difference experiences depending on the town they are in and their level of engagement.

‘Proud Boys started showing up.’ N.H. government roiled by protests over COVID mandates - The Boston Globe

10 Hate Groups Operating In NH, Watchdog Group Says

White Supremacists Target NH In Record Year For Propaganda

Uncertainty greets the school year

New Hampshire And Moms For Liberty Put Bounty On Teachers’ Heads
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100% agree that hate crime/murder is a real probability here.
Doesn't have to be from a location near Concord NH.
Didn't someone drive many states away to shoot an abortion doctor a few years ago?
Again, who is roaming the woods of Concord NH killing couples w/multiple bullets at 3pm on a holiday Monday?
No. I don't believe they happened to unfortunately come into the vicinity of some nefarious activity on their walk.
100% agree that hate crime/murder is a real probability here.
Doesn't have to be from a location near Concord NH.
Didn't someone drive many states away to shoot an abortion doctor a few years ago?
Again, who is roaming the woods of Concord NH killing couples w/multiple bullets at 3pm on a holiday Monday?
No. I don't believe they happened to unfortunately come into the vicinity of some nefarious activity on their walk.

The subway shooter in NYC was from Wisconsin and rented his vehicle in Philadelphia.

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