GUILTY NH - Krista Dittmeyer, 20, Conway, 23 April 2011 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Why would she be doing drugs to the level of ODing with her baby in the car? I'll be stunned if she overdosed. jmo

I agree. She doesn't seem like the type of mother who would take her baby on a drug deal with her, or do drugs with her baby in the car. Of course, I didn't know her, so I could be wrong.
Regarding the blood and the speculation of drugs. perhaps she was shooting up and couldn't find a vein and she bled? as aweful as it sounds, my hubby is a recovering intravenous user, i was a drug user but never shot up. he would sometimes bleed quite a bit trying to find a vein. we've been clean and sober 3 and a half years. i'm not implying Krista was a drug user, just speculating on where the blood came from. jmo
Truly my first impression of her when I saw her picture was the girl next door type. Sweet looking girl with a beautiful smile, so happy in pictures with her baby. I saw a pic of her ex and I was thrown for a loop. I know you should not judge a book by it's cover but I would have never pictured her with someone like that. I am really hoping this does not come back related to drugs but at this point with no obvious cause of death its so hard not to speculate. My heart aches for that family
Could they have all parked there and met up (drug dealing, party in the, 'fort' which was walking distance or luring her) and then something happened and she went to leave and they stopped her.. I picture a bunch of kids all getting high and one or all of them potentially tripping.. One way or another she ends up dead (They gave her too much, she took too much, they all were completely disorientated, bad drug mix etc) and did not want to face getting in trouble for it.. Perhaps justifying it by saying to themselves/each other that it was not their fault that she had a bad trip or that she put her ex in prison and this was justice..
They may have grabbed her car keys from her after and turned the car on, flashers, heater etc in hopes the baby would be found safe..
A similar scenario(s) could have occurred elsewhere too but with a similar ending..

Thing is.. If she was, 'poisoned' or had, 'OD'd' why would they NEED to duct-tape her? (if that is in fact what is what they did) If she was dead before ending up submersed then she wouldn't have struggled to get away..

It really sounds like those two guys were trying to retrieve some evidence before LE would...
Want to share what I know of forts and ski mountains. Reports say the 2 guys in the woods were looking for a fort and went up the mountain.

From my years working at ski resorts I know some people build forts as party huts. They are called 420 huts, smoke cabins etc.. Its a place for party friendly people to stop during a run and smoke marijuana or drink a few beers together. They are used in summer time as well for mountain bike friendly resorts. Not saying this is what it is, but it fits the bill considering the location and description.

As for the gents being out there, whos to say. On one hand I think if my sister in law was missing I would be out there searching as well. On the other hand it looks suspicious. As far as the time, well I got the impression they were leaving not arriving at the time of questioning. It takes a while to hike a mountain, especially if you don't know where your going and your taking the hard way in the dark after work.

The circumstances and location make me wonder if this is a drop point for drugs. How she ended up in the water is beyond me. Perhaps she sampled the product on the way down. Perhaps said product was bad. Perhaps the toxicology report will tell more. Perhaps she met up with someone on the trail that knew of the drop location and wanted her product, then pushed her in the frigid water or worse. Lots of possibilities in this case

THE BLOOD could be old from a cut finger a month ago. There is no way of knowing. It could be from a perp who after killing her searched her car and found the baby. Could be she bonked him in the nose or cut him while fighting for her life. who knows

None of the above reasoning would help in the fact that the police were so sure she was forced from the car though.

Thanks for the info about forts, Jobu, and for your insight about the circumstances and location!
Could they have all parked there and met up (drug dealing, party in the, 'fort' which was walking distance or luring her) and then something happened and she went to leave and they stopped her.. I picture a bunch of kids all getting high and one or all of them potentially tripping.. One way or another she ends up dead (They gave her too much, she took too much, they all were completely disorientated, bad drug mix etc) and did not want to face getting in trouble for it.. Perhaps justifying it by saying to themselves/each other that it was not their fault that she had a bad trip or that she put her ex in prison and this was justice..
They may have grabbed her car keys from her after and turned the car on, flashers, heater etc in hopes the baby would be found safe..
A similar scenario(s) could have occurred elsewhere too but with a similar ending..

Thing is.. If she was, 'poisoned' or had, 'OD'd' why would they NEED to duct-tape her? (if that is in fact what is what they did) If she was dead before ending up submersed then she wouldn't have struggled to get away..

It really sounds like those two guys were trying to retrieve some evidence before LE would...


Or, they were planting evidence, like a flip flop, closer to the pond so that Krista could be recovered. If this was an accident and a cover-up by her friends, they would have been relieved that the baby was found quickly but might have been freaking out that LE hadn't recovered Krista after a few days (and Nancy Grace was all over it; the devastated family giving interviews...). Upthread it was reported that the friend of the brother said they were at the scene on Tuesday night because police hadn't searched well enough and they were searching for Krista (and a fort). How did he know the police hadn't searched well enough unless he knew Krista was not abducted from the area where the car and the baby were found?

I think the two men were there when something went down, or they were told all about it...What their involvement is, IDK, but they could have been at the scene to aid in the discovery of Krista, or in attempt to hinder the investigation by tampering with evidence (or innocently searching for a friend, as they claimed, I guess)... I will be following this case; interested to find out how interviews with possible POIs play out and very interested in what the toxicology report reveals. RIP Krista...

Hi there, I was wondering if it's possible that the pond had ice on the surface if the pond was up in a ski area/mountain. Could she have walked on the surface to get something and fell through the ice? I keep wondering why she was discovered in the middle of the pond. What about her clothes and shoes? Was she fully clothed? Her death sounds very very suspicious but I wonder if it could be accidental somehow?

Is there still ice there at this time of year? It's hard to gauge that as it's been hitting 90 here everyday for a while now. Ice, really?

Or, they were planting evidence, like a flip flop, closer to the pond so that Krista could be recovered. If this was an accident and a cover-up by her friends, they would have been relieved that the baby was found quickly but might have been freaking out that LE hadn't recovered Krista after a few days (and Nancy Grace was all over it; the devastated family giving interviews...). Upthread it was reported that the friend of the brother said they were at the scene on Tuesday night because police hadn't searched well enough and they were searching for Krista (and a fort). How did he know the police hadn't searched well enough unless he knew Krista was not abducted from the area where the car and the baby were found?

I think the two men were there when something went down, or they were told all about it...What their involvement is, IDK, but they could have been at the scene to aid in the discovery of Krista, or in attempt to hinder the investigation by tampering with evidence (or innocently searching for a friend, as they claimed, I guess)... I will be following this case; interested to find out how interviews with possible POIs play out and very interested in what the toxicology report reveals. RIP Krista...


Great point, Yllek! BBM. The only way you would know the area hadn't been searched thoroughly enough is if you know that's where she is.
One of the things that bothers me is the way they phoned in the tip. They described themselves as "aquaintances" of Krista. Yet the one guy has the last name of Acker. Is he related to baby Daddy? And if he is, why didn't he describe himself as such? And why would he remain around anyway when police arrived. He had to know that LE was going to get his name and explore the relationship.
One of the things that bothers me is the way they phoned in the tip. They described themselves as "aquaintances" of Krista. Yet the one guy has the last name of Acker. Is he related to baby Daddy? And if he is, why didn't he describe himself as such? And why would he remain around anyway when police arrived. He had to know that LE was going to get his name and explore the relationship.

Conflicting interests, perhaps? If the baby's uncle knew Krista was in the pond and wanted her found, but didn't want to reveal his involvement or out those who told him about it, he would be caught between a rock and a hard place. He had to make sure the search team was pushed toward the duck pond somehow, so he called it in but tried to minimize his connection to the go-to suspect in these cases (the estranged spouse). Just guessing. I do think the interaction with the baby's uncle and his friend on Tuesday pm was what led LE to search the previously dismissed duck pond on Wednesday am...

One of the things that bothers me is the way they phoned in the tip. They described themselves as "aquaintances" of Krista. Yet the one guy has the last name of Acker. Is he related to baby Daddy? And if he is, why didn't he describe himself as such? And why would he remain around anyway when police arrived. He had to know that LE was going to get his name and explore the relationship.

It's his brother.
Just read this article on the Conway Daily Sun page (not their FB page), "Two Friends of Dittmeyer's Summoned Police to Cranmore the Night before her Body was Found." It gives a more detailed account of what happened Tuesday night and the backgrounds of the two men. It includes a quote from Ricky Acker from today.

Here's the link:
Truly my first impression of her when I saw her picture was the girl next door type. Sweet looking girl with a beautiful smile, so happy in pictures with her baby. I saw a pic of her ex and I was thrown for a loop. I know you should not judge a book by it's cover but I would have never pictured her with someone like that. I am really hoping this does not come back related to drugs but at this point with no obvious cause of death its so hard not to speculate. My heart aches for that family

I agree with you that she seems like the girl next door type. But seeing photos of her boyfriend did not throw me for a loop. Unless you have seen a photo I haven't, he seemed to have a sweet smile. I saw nothing wrong from photos. What, from his appearance, bothered you?

No, it's his drug record that bothers me. He is a criminal, convicted of drugs and also has some charge related to failure to pay child support for another child. Not the kind of guy one would expect the girl next door to be with. However, sadly, the girl next door often falls for the bad boy. Especially if she is sweet, and naive.

Could they have all parked there and met up (drug dealing, party in the, 'fort' which was walking distance or luring her) and then something happened and she went to leave and they stopped her.. I picture a bunch of kids all getting high and one or all of them potentially tripping.. One way or another she ends up dead (They gave her too much, she took too much, they all were completely disorientated, bad drug mix etc) and did not want to face getting in trouble for it.. Perhaps justifying it by saying to themselves/each other that it was not their fault that she had a bad trip or that she put her ex in prison and this was justice..
They may have grabbed her car keys from her after and turned the car on, flashers, heater etc in hopes the baby would be found safe..
A similar scenario(s) could have occurred elsewhere too but with a similar ending..

Thing is.. If she was, 'poisoned' or had, 'OD'd' why would they NEED to duct-tape her? (if that is in fact what is what they did) If she was dead before ending up submersed then she wouldn't have struggled to get away..

It really sounds like those two guys were trying to retrieve some evidence before LE would...

Is there some info about duct taping her? Can you link me? Wow.
Just read this article on the Conway Daily Sun page (not their FB page), "Two Friends of Dittmeyer's Summoned Police to Cranmore the Night before her Body was Found." It gives a more detailed account of what happened Tuesday night and the backgrounds of the two men. It includes a quote from Ricky Acker from today.

Here's the link:

From your link:
"Acker's history of arrests dating back to 1999. He served time in New Hampshire prison after pleading guilty to three counts of burglary in 2001, and has been arrested a number of times since for charges including receiving stolen property, simple assault, criminal mischief, criminal trespassing and domestic violence charges."
Just read this article on the Conway Daily Sun page (not their FB page), "Two Friends of Dittmeyer's Summoned Police to Cranmore the Night before her Body was Found." It gives a more detailed account of what happened Tuesday night and the backgrounds of the two men. It includes a quote from Ricky Acker from today.

Here's the link:

Hmmm. One would think that a person with any sort of criminal background would stay the h.e. double hockey sticks away from any area a missing person might be found in. Just in case.
Could they have all parked there and met up (drug dealing, party in the, 'fort' which was walking distance or luring her) and then something happened and she went to leave and they stopped her.. I picture a bunch of kids all getting high and one or all of them potentially tripping.. One way or another she ends up dead (They gave her too much, she took too much, they all were completely disorientated, bad drug mix etc) and did not want to face getting in trouble for it.. Perhaps justifying it by saying to themselves/each other that it was not their fault that she had a bad trip or that she put her ex in prison and this was justice..
They may have grabbed her car keys from her after and turned the car on, flashers, heater etc in hopes the baby would be found safe..
A similar scenario(s) could have occurred elsewhere too but with a similar ending..

Thing is.. If she was, 'poisoned' or had, 'OD'd' why would they NEED to duct-tape her? (if that is in fact what is what they did) If she was dead before ending up submersed then she wouldn't have struggled to get away..

It really sounds like those two guys were trying to retrieve some evidence before LE would...

Where did you get the idea there was duct tape involved? I've tried searching for any MSM reports that mention it but haven't been able to find anything. TIA!
From your link:
"Acker's history of arrests dating back to 1999. He served time in New Hampshire prison after pleading guilty to three counts of burglary in 2001, and has been arrested a number of times since for charges including receiving stolen property, simple assault, criminal mischief, criminal trespassing and domestic violence charges."

Nice family. :snooty:

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