NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 5

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UMass is a huge school with many large lecture classes. It would be relatively easy I think for her to just do the required reading (she had her books with her) to keep up with the courses. Many professors also post their lectures online.

It doesn't seem like she was thinking clearly when she left. I don't know what made her so distraught but if she was upset enough it doesn't appear to matter whether or not the car was banged up, she was going. That's part of why I don't think she left the Amherst area with someone else. As Bobbisangel said she probably would have left with someone else in the case. However, it does seem possible that she could have been meeting someone in NH.
Wasn't she a nursing student though? I think she was a junior. Don't they have clinicals on a pretty regular basis by then?

What's more strange to me about the whole week, if that's what she said, is that she had just gotten done with winter break. Why the need for a whole other week off?

eta: What is the exact source of the "week" comment? Is that what her boyfriend said she said to him? Sorry I can't remember right now.
But why wouldn't she go with the bus driver if she was going to go with a stranger? She could have left a note in the car saying who she was going with if she had left with the bus driver. Wasn't he a married man and his wife at home with dinner ready?

Personallly, A cop is the only person I would trust if I was broken down on a highway even if I had been drinking. I wouldn't get in a vehicle with a stranger. I'd sit and wait for a cop to come along and hope he wasn't a crooked one. It really doesn't pay to trust anyone...even the police in this day and age but I would trust a cop before I would a stranger.

I totally agree, Bobbisangel. I can't hold the fact that she didn't take the bus driver's offer, or whatever, because I honestly can't say that I wouldn't have done the same thing myself just to be extra cautious. My only thing about her getting in the car with a cop was that she was drinking. But, then again, if she had walked far enough away from the car (to disassociate herself from being the driver) and was freezing she may have taken up a cop's offer for a ride. Or it may have been someone pretending to be a cop who stopped her while she was walking/running along the street.
I totally agree, Bobbisangel. I can't hold the fact that she didn't take the bus driver's offer, or whatever, because I honestly can't say that I wouldn't have done the same thing myself just to be extra cautious. My only thing about her getting in the car with a cop was that she was drinking. But, then again, if she had walked far enough away from the car (to disassociate herself from being the driver) and was freezing she may have taken up a cop's offer for a ride. Or it may have been someone pretending to be a cop who stopped her while she was walking/running along the street.

Wasn't that a rural area where her car was found? I mean pretty isolated? Seems like that is what I remember but I could be thinking of someone else.
If it was though...traffic might have been few and far between. Does anyone know for sure that she had been drinking or did she buy the alcohol to drink when she got to where she was going? Even if there was an open container in her car she could have opened that at home and not even drank while she was driving. Such a mystery. All we know for sure is that she just vanished like so many other females. Was it snowing out then or just really cold?
I was thinking about this this weekend and I had never thought about the possibility that maybe Maura was being stalked. It would explain some of her strange behavior. That would explain why she was so upset at work that day - maybe the guy showed up, maybe he called, maybe she saw him lurking around and it upset her. She decided to go away for a week in the hopes of just getting away from the situation and maybe she thought if she went away for awhile he would go away. All the alcohol in her car and the cup with wine in it represents to me that she was very stressed perhaps even frantic and was just trying to drink it away and calm herself.
The two wrecks in such a short amount of time could have been cause by her looking in her rear-view mirror over and over to see if he was following her so she wasn't paying attention to the road in front of her.

Of course the obvious flaws in that theory are: Why didn't she tell anyone? I am always surprised at how many woman are in dangerous circumstances and they don't say anything out of shame - they feel it is somehow their fault or fear that if they tell this person will hurt them or their family and as a lot of people know it is hard to prove a stalking and hard to prosecute or out of doubting themselves - thinking they are just over-reacting, they don't want to worry their family, they really don't want to get the police involved because what if it turns out to be nothing and they have worried all of these people needlessly. There are a lot of possibilities as to why she wouldn't say anything. Maybe she thought she could take care of it on her own.

And then of course, if she thought she was being stalked or followed then way wouldn't she accept help after the second crash? I don't know. Maybe she did not know she was being followed that day. It is possible she knew she was being stalked by someone but she didn't really know what they looked like so she was scared of getting into the car with anyone she didn't know because she couldn't be sure they were not the stalker. Obviously what happened to her at this point is part of the big mystery. Perhaps he had been following her and was using a different car than she had seen before and he was able to trick her into getting in - who knows. Maybe it was him that put the rag in her exhaust pipe in an attempt to cause problems that would result in her pulling over at some point.

I am just brainstorming here......
Wasn't that a rural area where her car was found? I mean pretty isolated? Seems like that is what I remember but I could be thinking of someone else.
If it was though...traffic might have been few and far between. Does anyone know for sure that she had been drinking or did she buy the alcohol to drink when she got to where she was going? Even if there was an open container in her car she could have opened that at home and not even drank while she was driving. Such a mystery. All we know for sure is that she just vanished like so many other females. Was it snowing out then or just really cold?

Hi Bobbiesangel! Yes it was a rural area she was in when she wrecked. I am not sure if it was snowing that night but it had been snowing recently because the roads had ice on them.

A plastic bottle was found in the car that smelled like wine and wine drops were found in the snow by her car and spilled in the car. I am pretty sure the box of Franzia had been open and LE is pretty certain Maura had been drinking.
Wasn't she a nursing student though? I think she was a junior. Don't they have clinicals on a pretty regular basis by then?

Normally yes she would have lots of clinicals but I know a few UMass nursing students who transfered from another program at UMass and they were so far behind that they would have had to spend an extra year at UMass and do their clinicals during their fourth and fifth years (commonly called "Super Seniors" at UMass). Since UMass works on the cohort model I think the same case would have applied for her.

I think a stalker is a good possibility that hadn't thought of before.
The stalker theory could also explain the "mysterious" phone call that got her so upset.
I live less than 15 miles from where Maura disappeared. It was snowing that night, heavily at times. It is a very rural area once you get out of the small local towns. At night, and especially if there was a snow storm, you could drive for miles or sit broken down for a very long time and not see another vehicle. AT that hour there would have been a few vehicles on the road, but not many.

She could have wandered off for some reason, froze to death, and then been dragged further off by coyotes, wild dogs, hybrid wolves, bear, etc and simply never found. An outright animal attack is very unlikely, but animals scavenging is not

She could have been abducted by a stalker, passer-by, or a local criminal/pedator/SK who may monitor police radio transmissions. Hiding someone in a house, barn, outbuilding, etc would be incredibly easy up here, as would disposing of any remains.

I think local LE bungled this from the get-go, and I think there are things that aren't being told. Either a coverup of incompetence or worse.

I don't think she is alive, and I don't think this one is going to be solved anytime soon.
What I think is most important is the breakdown of a theory - once broken - it leaves remaining less possible explanations. Hopefully the break down will be solid.

I encourage more theories, an examination of them, and hopefully some progress towards the truth will be accomplished through teamwork.

Let me see where I think I still be afloat and where I might have some leaks.

BF, When I read your posts I thought we seemed to be on the same page. I've been thinking about his case for the last couple of days and it strikes me as odd that she took a week off to be alone. A week is a long time for a college student to be alone and that decision in itself is troubling. I could better understand her taking off a weekend, but not a week. To me, it points to either suicidal thoughts or the theory that I've already mentioned several times that she was going away to be with an unknown 'friend". In either case I can see her refusing help---IF she did in fact refuse it.

Perhaps my saying that what you are saying makes sense in my mind could be a waste of posting space - but I'll say so anyway. :)

The dent in her car is odd (appears to be a flat-bed truck type of dent, maybe a tow truck)

This is something I've failed to consider. Lacking an expertise in accident forensics, I don't know what to make of it. She was in a ditch, who knows how that would impact a car.

I have not seen any reports of, or lack of any pre-existing dents. Does anyone have more information? Very possible I missed such a report.

If she was rammed, I believe that whatever happened to her was completely unrelated to anything prior to her arrival near where the car crashed.

Perhaps there is some one that knows that her car had no dents prior to the trip - and that there is no possibility that the dents could have come from anything other then what you describe. I would favor that information at least before I consider it likely myself.

Wasn't that a rural area where her car was found? I mean pretty isolated? Seems like that is what I remember but I could be thinking of someone else.

If it was though...traffic might have been few and far between.

It has been established that although a rural area, however, at least two of her neighbors took notice of the crash.

Does anyone know for sure that she had been drinking or did she buy the alcohol to drink when she got to where she was going?

New Hampshire police searched her computer and saw she obtained directions to two locations in the New Hampshire/Vermont area.

Even if there was an open container in her car she could have opened that at home and not even drank while she was driving.

I feel her not asking for help when she bought the alcohol alone is a material piece of evidence. That most importantly tells me her trip was made of her own free will.

In my mind, where she drank only provides a possible motive to flee the accident scene.

That would explain why she was so upset at work that day - maybe the guy showed up, maybe he called, maybe she saw him lurking around and it upset her. She decided to go away for a week in the hopes of just getting away from the situation...It is possible she knew she was being stalked by someone but she didn't really know what they looked like so she was scared of getting into the car with anyone she didn't know because she couldn't be sure they were not the stalker.

The telephone calls made to her the night she disappeared have been identified and discussed.

Chances are about equal in my mind that (if there was foul play) - the foul player knew her in Massachusetts and accompanied her. However, the reason I believe she felt amicable with her possible accomplice follows.

The only motivation I could imagine for her not telling her father that an individual had some type of interest in her (either 1. A true relationship or 2. A creepy stalker) was that she had a motivation not to tell - perhaps ambiguity or inner conflict as to who she would choose.

However, I can see that you have pointed our a possibility here.

I don't know what made her so distraught but if she was upset enough it doesn't appear to matter whether or not the car was banged up, she was going. That's part of why I don't think she left the Amherst area with someone else. As Bobbisangel said she probably would have left with someone else in the case.

Although the evidence indicates a suspicious car was around - I agree that it doesn't necessarily mean that the suspicious car is a car involved. It is slim evidence true, slightly possible I suppose.

Under speculation - her accomplice (or accomplice turned adversary) could have driven with her in the car. I don't know if uncontaminated car forensics were performed to tell us with certainty - but it would help weed out possibilities.

However - I speculate it would be possible that a plan was put forth to part ways after the week off, requiring two cars.
The link below is the for the Southshore x-press article on Maura that is a very good overview of the case. If you scroll down half way on this page, yopu will see a photo of the car with the suspicious "triangle shaped dent" that doesn't look like it came from hitting three trees or a snowbank. The shape suggests a piece of metal or other "non-natural" object. It has been suggested that there are tow mounts that fit on the back of light trucks that are this shape. Apparently the tow truck operator has denied causing this. He claims this is what the car looked like at the scene of the accident.

Today, July 9, 2008, Maura Murray has been missing 4 years 5 months.

Those who love and miss her will never give up looking for her.

Her family and friends are so grateful for the professionals who gave up their holiday weekend (July 4th and 5th) for another search.
Press Release:

This past Friday and Saturday a group of licensed private
investigators from NH, VT and MA, along with K-9 teams from as
far as Connecticut searched wooded areas in Haverhill, NH in
search of Maura Murray.

Maura went missing in February of 2004 after a minor automobile
accident on Rte 112 and has not been seen since.

The family reached out to the Molly Bish Foundation a couple of
years ago and since that time a group of private investigators has
been working the case pro bono. This weekend's search was the
third ground searched performed by the team for Maura's case.

As information was developed just three weeks prior to the search,
our usually sources of housing for the teams was not available.
Local private investigator Nanci Mahoney, who was not part of the
Maura Murray Task Force, donated her townhouse and obtained her
neighbor's townhouse to house all the K-9 teams and some of the
investigators as well as providing a home made breakfast for all
Saturday at 5:30am.

Shannon Door owners Tom and Tess Mulkern donated the Friday
night meal for the teams. Betty Jane Newton donated a case of
"Doggie Yogurt" for our K-9 partners and Starbucks Manager Kim
Elliot donated the Saturday morning coffee.

Without the kindness of these people this weekend could not have

On behalf of Maura's family, the Molly Bish Foundation, the K-9
teams and investigators I want to take this opportunity to sincerely
thank all of those who assisted us.

(Posted with permission of Murray Family)

Press Release with photo can be found at bottom right of the Home Page of www.MauraMurrayMissing.com
Sooooo sad that over a year has passed since one of us have "bumped" this thread for Maura.........missing 4 years and 5 months on July 9 2008.
Thanks for posting Kemo. I have read this before but it is nice to refresh my brain. I had forgotten, or at least had not thought about in awhile, the fact that all that alcohol she had bought was not in her car.

The police report states she struck some trees. Are there pictures of the trees she struck? If she hit a tree there would evidence of the impact on the tree. What gets me is the lack of tire marks. If she was about to hit a tree she would have slammed on the brakes. From what I understand there were no skidmarks found at the scene.

The neighbor says she say a man smoking a cigarrette in the car. Did the police ever check the car for ash and did the first officers on the scene remember smelling cigarrette smoke in the vehicle?

Why did Maura say she called AAA when she didn't? Were forensics ever ran on the car to determine or try to at least that she was alone in the car? If she wasn't alone maybe the other person jumped out of the car and hide to avoid detection and then when Atwood left came back and got Maura.

Reading the article again just brought back so many frustrations. Why wasn't the A Frame house investigated more thoroughly after they got a hit? What about the knife Mr. Murray was given and gave to police? Why was that not taken more seriously. I would think that LE would want to solve this case but sometimes the way they act makes me wonder.

Many articles I have read about Maura mentions State Trooper Moynahan arriving on the scene but it was not determined if he was dispatched or just happened by and stopped. It seems suspicious to me. It would certainly be someone Maura felt she could trust to get a ride with.
The link below is the for the Southshore x-press article on Maura that is a very good overview of the case. If you scroll down half way on this page, yopu will see a photo of the car with the suspicious "triangle shaped dent" that doesn't look like it came from hitting three trees or a snowbank. The shape suggests a piece of metal or other "non-natural" object. It has been suggested that there are tow mounts that fit on the back of light trucks that are this shape. Apparently the tow truck operator has denied causing this. He claims this is what the car looked like at the scene of the accident.


Thank you - very good article. Looking at the picture, Luke and Bo Duke would have had to been driving the car driving on the front wheels for a tree to cause the impact. If the Hulk were driving and the car ran out of gas, he might have pounded his fist on the hood frustrated the car stalled. All way beyond reason.

But in the year's time the car was stored, all sorts of things could have happened to the car. Nearby demolitions, vandals with bats in hand. What condition does the police report say the car was in?

If she called AAA - I'd expect there to be record of the cell phone call from the Cell company.

If she was about to hit a tree she would have slammed on the brakes. From what I understand there were no skidmarks found at the scene.

Perhaps the ice on the ground prevented the skidmarks?

As to having legal authority to check the nearby house, I doubt they would have it. No search or seizure without probable cause.

There was no call to AAA, as there was no record and no service for cell phones in the area. She did not want the Police to attend the scene due to suspected drinking and driving and questions that may be asked by her family as to why she left school and was leaving and told no one.
There was no call to AAA, as there was no record and no service for cell phones in the area. She did not want the Police to attend the scene due to suspected drinking and driving and questions that may be asked by her family as to why she left school and was leaving and told no one.

Yeah, I know AAA was never called and then the call to her BF was traced back to a calling card, right? The fact she said she called when she didn't and obviously didn't want the police called lends itself to believing she had a plan, she thought someone was coming to get her, etc. I backed my car into a ditch(a really deep one, we were like vertical) when I was 17, had been drinking and had snuck out of the house. I called AAA and they towed my car, etc, etc but my point is I didn't have any other choice because I knew no one was coming for me and I couldn't just sit there and I certainly wasn't going to just take off walking out in the middle of nowhere. I would have even welcomed the police at that point.
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