NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 5

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Her actions leading up to her disappearence are bizarre. I understand wanting to get away and be alone but from what I can tell that was not something she typically did and why would she do it then in her rickety car she was having all kinds of problems with - that points to desparation IMO. I wonder if she was pregnant. Reading the article I had a flash of the birth control pills and alcohol and wondered if she hadn't planned on trying to make herself mis-carry the baby instead of having to go through an abortion, telling her family, etc. In 2004 the morning after pills and 'abortion' pills were not as readily available as they are now. Perhaps she planned on staying in a secluded place for a few days and basically abuse her body in an attempt to lose the baby. It sounds crazy but woman do 'crazy' things when faced with situations like unwanted pregnancy. She was definitely preparing to go somewhere which surely did not work in her favor as far as LE is concerned. They too quickly thought of her as someone who wanted to vanish but after all this time, surely not.

I don't want to say this couldn't have happened because it could have but the morning after pill as well as private abortion services are extremely available at UMass and in the surrounding area, even back in 2004 (I was a student in the area at this time). In fact we even had a nickname for the lineup of women in front of the health services center at UMass on Saturday morning for the morning after pill.
Bumping for Maura - here in the UK, hers and Jasons story wa son Montel last night. It really moved me. Thinking of her and her family today.xxxxxxxxxx
Has anyone else been reading the Topix board on this case? Some weird (and many more plausible) theories are being suggested on there. They are suggesting that the damage caused to the car is actually consistent with a tow hitch.
I have tried but since Topix has no moderators there is too much to weed through. Too many people pretending like they know things but really don't, silly bickering, etc.
I agree there are some interesting theories and insights I just hate weeding through all the crap to find it.
Has anyone else been reading the Topix board on this case? Some weird (and many more plausible) theories are being suggested on there. They are suggesting that the damage caused to the car is actually consistent with a tow hitch.

It might also be consistent with a winch. Although they are less common, I can name several guys with them on the front of their trucks.
thanks for linking it Kemo. I always have a hard time finding the board. Topix is interesting but I have to be a patient and forgiving mood to deal with all junk and people posting just to get attention.
I've often wondered if it wasn't a cop that picked Maura up....a not so on the up and up cop. It's been known to happen before. If she really wouldn't go with the bus driver I would bet she would have gone with a cop. She was a really beautiful young lady that would catch the eye of a crooked cop.
I've often wondered if it wasn't a cop that picked Maura up....a not so on the up and up cop. It's been known to happen before. If she really wouldn't go with the bus driver I would bet she would have gone with a cop. She was a really beautiful young lady that would catch the eye of a crooked cop.

I have always thought that was the case and its a topic that has been talked about extensively over at the Topix board. Since she didn't go with the bus driver (at least that's what LE is assuming) I doubt she'd go with just anyone unless it was someone she knew, she was forced, or it was a police officer.
I think she got away from there fast to AVOID an encounter with a policeman. She had been drinking and had an open container. I suspect she either attempted to travel on foot off the highway and suffered some "misadventure" (possibly deliberate) or she accepted a ride from an unsavory stranger.
But why wouldn't she go with the bus driver if she was going to go with a stranger? She could have left a note in the car saying who she was going with if she had left with the bus driver. Wasn't he a married man and his wife at home with dinner ready?

Personallly, A cop is the only person I would trust if I was broken down on a highway even if I had been drinking. I wouldn't get in a vehicle with a stranger. I'd sit and wait for a cop to come along and hope he wasn't a crooked one. It really doesn't pay to trust anyone...even the police in this day and age but I would trust a cop before I would a stranger.
The first questions in my mind were - did perhaps someone else make the phone calls to Stowe and look for directions on her computer. Did she leave voluntarily?

Due to the fact that she entered the liquor store alone and did not attempt to get help at that time, I conclude that all of her actions up to that point were her by her own free will. Included in her purchase was a box of Franzia wine. The box was probably 5 liters big, plus there were other items bought in addition to the 5 liters.

Her choices included:

1. Take a week off
2. Buy more alcohol then I believe she could drink alone.
3. Not inform her family where she was going.

Now for speculation. But this is the only speculation that can scale to the facts.

As I understand it, Maura worked at a security job at the door of a dorm. I have seen discussions in this thread that convince me that the call from her sister did not trigger her upset mood - the logic being that she was upset more then an hour after the call, but her supervisor - as I understand it - stops by every half hour.

Now - assuming that she had a second boyfriend that her family and fiance was unaware of - it may be possible that she didn't want to tell her family about the individual.

This individual could possibly have communicated with Maura while she was at work, but alone. Just walk up to her and talk to her. Possibly, they may have had to keep a low profile the weekend her father was in town. Possibly this type of hiding could have prompted the other person to ask when she would finally come clean. Resulting in tears.

The other individual could have repaired her car for her, or paid to have it fixed. More reason for tears would include guilt for looking for the car and pointless separation.

The other individual could have accompanied her on the trip. Obviously that individual did not accompany her to the ATM or liquor store. Makes more sense if there was another car (as does to accompany a broken car traveling that distance unless it was fixed - still an open but not material question) If he followed her, it was likely with her knowing he was following - explaining her turning down help at the accident scene, or her comfort with the car - and her playing along with dad to look for a car - all the while not wanting to buy it after the effort was made to fix the other car unbeknown to her dad.

Perhaps she wanted to see this person also when she crashed the car. I have no idea if where the crash was - was in route. Who knows - she may have been in the passenger seat. [Edit to add: I am referring to her crashing her dad's new car - and asserting she was in route to see her dad at such a unusual hour to cover - one account has Maura telling her friends she was going back to her dorm, but instead took the car.]

This other person would not have ever called her cell phone or received calls from her - as the record seems to indicate by their absence. For this theory to make sense, she must have really fallen in love with person. But was very careful not to let anyone know.

Now - as to what the other persons plans were - I have no way to speculate. As for her, probably to return in a week. Less likely to use the week to go off with someone she barely knew.

With this speculation in mind - chances are that she was taken away from the area by her accomplice. There was a report of a suspicious truck. The absence of solid evidence of her being there - leads me to conclude she didn't stay. Her father has looked everywhere.

I do suspect fowl play unfortunately - and that she was coaxed and trapped by a swindler a lot earlier then we have previously believed. Her actions prior to her disappearance gives weight to that possibility.

I think it is possible that Maura had "an accomplice" which is why I mentioned in my previous post that "someone she knew" could have picked her up.

That being said, I don't know if the alcohol found in the car proves that she had an accomplice. If she was planning to be away for a week and she really enjoyed drinking alcohol (by all accounts she did) it is possible she could drink that amount over the course of a week. Alternatively she could have been on a "beer run" where she was buying enough alcohol for several weeks. It wasn't uncommon at all for people I knew in college to buy alcohol that would last them for several weeks, especially after or when close to receiving a pay check as Maura was.
I'm sure I have said it before but.....the phone call her boyfriend recieved really bothers me. If he would have answered his phone would things have turned out differently? Would she had been able to give him info? or would it have been the same breathing, sniffling, etc? We wiill never know.

Hi Ben Franklin and welcome to WS. I am pretty sure the crash site was in route to her dad's hotel that night. I don't recall ever hearing otherwise. It is strange that she would choose to take the vehicle back at that hour and how was she planning on getting back home? Was someone going to pick her up?
One of the reasons I don't think she had another boyfriend is because I think in the investigation it would have been discovered. They went through her things, analysed her computer - surely they would email eachother and never found anything incriminating.

And why would she lie to Atwood and say she had already called for help when she hadn't? She didn't want the police or a tow service to come to the scene and I don't think that is all stemmed from her drinking. Most girls alone at night would have welcomed the police, drinking or not. Sometimes I really start leaning toward Maura disappearning of her own accord.
I am pretty sure the crash site was in route to her dad's hotel that night. I don't recall ever hearing otherwise.

I live in the Amherst area. Maura crashed her dad's car on Route 9 and the dad's hotel was located on Route 9 so she was probably en route. I think it is unusual the Maura got into two car accidents in such a short amount of time, but college kids seem to be constantly getting into accidents on that stretch of road.
I'm sure I have said it before but.....the phone call her boyfriend recieved really bothers me.

In my mind this could be several things. Least likely - the fiance made this up to spur the investigation. More likely - a sadistic act by the "accomplice" unbeknown to Maura. Logically inconsistent - that Maura reached a phone somewhere enabling her to make a last disparate phone call before she died, yet she asked no one for help or no one was in the area at all when she called - and no one has found a dead body lying next to a phone in a remote area. You could say, well she used her cell phone, but it also does not make sense that she would not simply use the cell phone without the added phone card, if she was able to.

One of the reasons I don't think she had another boyfriend is because I think in the investigation it would have been discovered. They went through her things, analysed her computer - surely they would email each other and never found anything incriminating.

But, an individual with foul play on their mind would avoid being seen, avoid any emails or phone calls. Whoever it was would have had to assert that they didn't have a phone or email - or the situation was such that the necessity of using the phone or email did not exist. I only imagine a situation by which her future accomplice would only approach and talk to her while she was at the security desk job. Possibly this person went to the art gallery or worked at the art gallery.

Once she was in the accident, she had no way of ensuring for her own safety and no certainty of her ability to provide for herself - yet she turned down help. No place to live, and the outside environment is very uncomfortable.

The existence of these basic human needs lead me to conclude that she had an accomplice to help her, or that the bus driver is lying and he did something with her.

Cyberlaw's theory also holds some water - is that she disappeared to make a new life, and a DUI arrest would have spoiled her plans, so she ran. What doesn't make sense is why she wouldn't send a message through an intermediary to inform interested parties to stop looking.

I don't rule out that she could have been suicidal - and instead of killing herself where she had planned, her plans changed with the accident - so she just started walking towards the mountains knowing that with time, she would die of exposure.


P.S. This forum is annoyingly restrictive to the point of paranoia - a detailed message requires you to log in a second time - plus email sign up confirmations, a second approval and a day wait, etc. First time I logged in I thought the thread might be locked - had it not been for the recent activity. It annoys me a bit, but could impede upon additional help.
I reposted here by mistake. My apologies. While I have this here anyway - I should say that I didn't have a chance to read s_finch's post - I read most of the beginning of this thread. I agree with s_finch as my favored theory.

This case is/has always been so baffling to me. The dent in her car is odd (appears to be a flat-bed truck type of dent, maybe a tow truck) as well as so many other things, why was she there, where was she headed.. Ughhh, I cannot nor want to even think it could be one of my children.... I sooo pray for some kind of answer in this case.
I reposted here by mistake. My apologies. While I have this here anyway - I should say that I didn't have a chance to read s_finch's post - I read most of the beginning of this thread. I agree with s_finch as my favored theory.


BF, When I read your posts I thought we seemed to be on the same page. I've been thinking about his case for the last couple of days and it strikes me as odd that she took a week off to be alone. A week is a long time for a college student to be alone and that decision in itself is troubling. I could better u nderstand her taking off a weekend, but not a week. To me, it points to either suicidal thoughts or the theory that I've already mentioned several times that she was going away to be with an unknown 'friend". In either case I can see her refusing help---IF she did in fact refuse it.
If she was going away for a week to spend that time with someone other then family or her boyfriend why the need to take two cars? Why wouldn't they have just rode together?

I remember my college days and I couldn't have taken a day off or I would have been 10 miles behind. I can see taking a weekend off but not a whole week from classes. And why drive a car that she was having problems with?
None of it makes any sense. She sure was secretive about what she was doing. Most girls would have at least told a close friend.
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