NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 7

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James Renner posted the following on his blog:

"Before I go much further with posting details of the investigation, I would very much like to post a little more about Maura's life before the disappearance. If you knew Maura, please contact me at becarriedaway@hotmail.com"

See: http://mauramurray.blogspot.com

I found the supervisor interview very interesting. It looks like Maura was upset about something her sister said. Perhaps, she hurt Maura's feelings without knowing it? I'm trying to see it through a siblings point of view. I have 4 siblings too, like Maura. Every once in a while, over the years feelings can get hurt over a small thing said or misunderstanding. I may be way off base, but it appears Maura may have been upset over something her sister said or Maura was misunderstanding her sister in some way over their conversation. Perhaps, Maura was just super sensitive that day and took something wrong.

Hope this makes sense!
I found the supervisor interview very interesting. It looks like Maura was upset about something her sister said. Perhaps, she hurt Maura's feelings without knowing it? I'm trying to see it through a siblings point of view. I have 4 siblings too, like Maura. Every once in a while, over the years feelings can get hurt over a small thing said or misunderstanding. I may be way off base, but it appears Maura may have been upset over something her sister said or Maura was misunderstanding her sister in some way over their conversation. Perhaps, Maura was just super sensitive that day and took something wrong.

Hope this makes sense!

It's very possible something Maura's sister said to her upset her, but it is also possible that Maura just blurted out "My sister" to get the supervisor to quit prying into what was wrong. The sister has said many times that nothing was said in their 10-20 minute conversation that was that out of the ordinary or cause for an issue.

I think the fact that Maura is being described as almost "Canatonic" (zombie like) when the supervisor encountered her, in some way is related to her irrational skipping of town just a few days later. But until we know for sure, that could've just been a entirely separate incident that has no bearing on anything.

I do know that this James Renner guy has told me that "maura had other reasons to be upset" when I emailed him and went through possible theories on what was troubling Maura.

I do believe he has a lot more information about the case then what he has released on his blog so far, and he is just slowly releasing stuff in increments to tell the story as he has discoverd it. IMHO.
It's very possible something Maura's sister said to her upset her, but it is also possible that Maura just blurted out "My sister" to get the supervisor to quit prying into what was wrong. The sister has said many times that nothing was said in their 10-20 minute conversation that was that out of the ordinary or cause for an issue.

I think the fact that Maura is being described as almost "Canatonic" (zombie like) when the supervisor encountered her, in some way is related to her irrational skipping of town just a few days later. But until we know for sure, that could've just been a entirely separate incident that has no bearing on anything.

I do know that this James Renner guy has told me that "maura had other reasons to be upset" when I emailed him and went through possible theories on what was troubling Maura.

I do believe he has a lot more information about the case then what he has released on his blog so far, and he is just slowly releasing stuff in increments to tell the story as he has discoverd it. IMHO.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember it was mentioned (will have to see if I can dig it up) that there were actually two call that night. The first was between MM and her sister, and then later the one that got MM so upset.... So when MM's sister says she didn't detect anything wrong, she is talking about the earlier of the two calls... the later call was with someone else IIRC...
I could be wrong, but my impression is that her visit to NH was impulsive, which would mean she had no plans to meet anyone.


I think it is likely that her visit was impulsive (as in not planned for a long time before she began to call for a place to stay). However, that does not preclude that she hadn't spoken in person to someone she wanted to meet. I do agree that scenario is unlikely since she apparently was travelling alone.
It's very possible something Maura's sister said to her upset her, but it is also possible that Maura just blurted out "My sister" to get the supervisor to quit prying into what was wrong. The sister has said many times that nothing was said in their 10-20 minute conversation that was that out of the ordinary or cause for an issue.

I think the fact that Maura is being described as almost "Canatonic" (zombie like) when the supervisor encountered her, in some way is related to her irrational skipping of town just a few days later. But until we know for sure, that could've just been a entirely separate incident that has no bearing on anything.

I do know that this James Renner guy has told me that "maura had other reasons to be upset" when I emailed him and went through possible theories
on what was troubling Maura.

I do believe he has a lot more information about the case then what he has released on his blog so far, and he is just slowly releasing stuff in increments
to tell the story as he has discoverd it. IMHO.

Well, we'll see what he has that professional reporters, PI's, family members and LE officers haven't put out in public. I am skeptical, for now.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember it was mentioned (will have to see if I can dig it up) that there were actually two call that night. The first was between MM and her sister, and then later the one that got MM so upset.... So when MM's sister says she didn't detect anything wrong, she is talking about the earlier of the two calls... the later call was with someone else IIRC...

Old Steve,

As long as this information from James renner is accurate (which I have no reason to doubt it, since he has taken the time to actually interview real people associated with Maura instead of just rehashing old news), Then he has already proven that there was no second phone call.

Alot of the news reports that had come out professed to there being a second phone call that came in to maura around midnight- just before 1 a.m. and that that was when Maura became upset.

However, in the interview James did with the supervisor on his blog, She remembers responding to Maura being upset around 10 or 1030 which was not long after Maura talked to her sister (phone records show what time she talked to her sister).

The police released early statements back in the day stating that the phone call maura got from her sister is what upset her.

when reporters and investigators interviewed Mauras sister, she was always very adament that there was no way that their phone call would'dve led to Maura being upset (I believe that is when the news reports started assuming there had to have been another phone call).
So what I am saying is that there was never a second phone call that night.

Police statements in the past confused reporters into assuming there had to have been a second phone call when there wasn't. I also think they assumed Maura's shift ended around 1 a.m., so that is why they might have thought she got a second phone call that night shortly before she was due to check out of work. ----But now we know Maura actually went home around 10:45ish or so.
Old Steve,

As long as this information from James renner is accurate (which I have no reason to doubt it, since he has taken the time to actually interview real people associated with Maura instead of just rehashing old news), Then he has already proven that there was no second phone call.

Alot of the news reports that had come out professed to there being a second phone call that came in to maura around midnight- just before 1 a.m. and that that was when Maura became upset.

However, in the interview James did with the supervisor on his blog, She remembers responding to Maura being upset around 10 or 1030 which was not long after Maura talked to her sister (phone records show what time she talked to her sister).

The police released early statements back in the day stating that the phone call maura got from her sister is what upset her.

when reporters and investigators interviewed Mauras sister, she was always
very adament that there was no way that their phone call would'dve led to Maura being upset (I believe that is when the news reports started assuming there had to have been another phone call).

I agree with this. We'll probably never know what upset Maura, but I do think there was a possibility that she may have took something her sister said wrong. Her sister just didn't know it, because Maura didn't bring it up at the time. If Maura didn't disappear, it may have come up in an argument down the line. All in all, it could have just been sibling rivalry and/or a misunderstanding. Family members and close friends can bring out some very strong emotions sometimes. Sometimes without even trying.

JMO, but it can change at any moment. . .
Her whole last night is strange .
I have never understood this part though ....
After the accident a couple stopped right ? to ask if she was alright . Did they speak to HER ? I have seen it stated in a couple places that they spoke to someone but has it ever been confirmed that it was her ?
Her whole last night is strange .
I have never understood this part though ....
After the accident a couple stopped right ? to ask if she was alright . Did they speak to HER ? I have seen it stated in a couple places that they spoke to someone but has it ever been confirmed that it was her ?

A bus driver stopped and asked her if she was okay. The only couple I know of are the Westmans, who lived across the street from the accident. They called the police, but did not talk to Maura directly. I don't rhink they even left their house.

Here is some info on the case: Disappearance of Maura Murray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A bus driver stopped and asked her if she was okay. The only couple I know of are the Westmans, who lived across the street from the accident. They called the police, but did not talk to Maura directly. I don't rhink they even left their house.

Here is some info on the case: Disappearance of Maura Murray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There was a second couple, the Marottes, that lived either on the same side of the road that Maura wrecked on, or right along the curve in the road just before the weathered barn. The news reports were not very detailed concerning the Marottes location, they just say they live across the street from the westmans.
But it was actually the Marottes that were witness to the school bus driver coming up on the scene. And one of the two couples (Westmans, Marottes) also reported that the school bus driver parked his bus in an unusal fashion that particular night, backing it in the driveway all the way up to the house as opposed to its normal parking spot which was towards the end of the driveway. I can't recall right now, which couple it was that noted the unusal park job by Butch Atwood that night. but it is out there in a news report somewhere.
That's Interesting so small but you never know .Myself and i know lots of others included have been suspect of the bus driver so hearing that it reminds me of the things e allways say to tell us every detail u never know how small something may be to you but turn out to be huge in the bigger picture.. However I don't think it matters i thought i read somewhere he died a few years back.

P.S Ididn't mean it dont matter to know the truth i ment for justice with him...
There was a second couple, the Marottes, that lived either on the same side of the road that Maura wrecked on, or right along the curve in the road just before the weathered barn. The news reports were not very detailed concerning the Marottes location, they just say they live across the street from the westmans.
But it was actually the Marottes that were witness to the school bus driver coming up on the scene. And one of the two couples (Westmans, Marottes) also reported that the school bus driver parked his bus in an unusal fashion that particular night, backing it in the driveway all the way up to the house as opposed to its normal parking spot which was towards the end of the driveway. I can't recall right now, which couple it was that noted the unusal park job by Butch Atwood that night. but it is out there in a news report somewhere.

Interesting - you bring up the school bus being parked differently. IIRC it was backed up all the way to the house, and IIRC the driver remained in his bus for some time - the phone call he made to LE by him was more involved since he was inside his bus IIRC again...
confusion to about his saying his wife, when he lived with his girlfriend in his mother's house... IIRC the house was full of lots of stuff since he was a real pack rat...

Someone did an investigation to see the view the SBD had from his bus - could actually see MM car from where he was? and there was a question as to if a nearby street light was working...

So what does all of it mean???? Don't know.... maybe he was curious but not so curious he wanted to really be involved... especially if he though MM had been drinking... maybe he saw someone pick her up, but then kept quit all the years for reasons?
Obviously the school bus driver (being the last person to be known to speak to Maura) would've definitely qualified as someone for the Police to take a close look at. One big problem with him being a suspect however in something evil happening to Maura, is the whole time-line of the events that night. There was very little time for him to have been able to do anything. You had neighbors that knew him watching out their windows (westmans, Marrottes). He would've literally just stumbled onto the accident scene (meaning he had no pre-planning that could've taken place) and it wasn't but minutes after he made contact with maura (all proven by the witness statements of the neighbors) that he himself had his wife/girlfriend phoning in to the police to report about Maura.

I think a possible reason for him backing all the way up to his house with the bus that night, might've been just to get off the bus quicker or holler for his (Wife, Girlfriend) to notify the police about the wreck.

I am only guessing, but it sounds like normally he would return from a bus trip, park his bus at the end of the drive way, fill out whatever reports needed to be filled out and then head in. But because of the wreck that night, he deviated from his normal routine and either yelled for his wife/girlfriend from the bus or made a quick stop inside to tell her to call police before then going back out and finishing out his routine stuff that he did after trips.
(snip)One big problem with him being a suspect however in something evil happening to Maura, is the whole time-line of the events that night. There was very little time for him to have been able to do anything. You had neighbors that knew him watching out their windows (westmans, Marrottes). He would've literally just stumbled onto the accident scene (meaning he had no pre-planning that could've taken place) and it wasn't but minutes after he made contact with maura (all proven by the witness statements of the neighbors) that he himself had his wife/girlfriend phoning in to the police to report about Maura.(snip)

This makes sense to me. I don't see how the SBD could possibly have had the opportunity to do anything in secret. The SBD-did-it hypothesis would apparently require that he tells his w/gf to call the police first and then proceeds to do something bad.
One other thing that may have already been talked about before. I am pretty sure the School bus driver was once a cop and was pretty good friends with the responding officer that came out to Maura's wreck to investigate.

Don't really know how that adds to anything, but I did find that interesting when I read that somewhere.
I am going to backtrack somewhat my last statement about butch atwood being a former cop because i can't find that info anywhere now. I still think he was at some point, but the fact he knew the officer (Cecil Smith) that responded to Maura's accident, was probably more to the fact that they lived in a relatively rural area where everyone probably knew everyone else.

If i recall and i will try and find some concrete proof sometime, but i think butch atwood was a cop maybe in his earlier days back in taunton.
Wiki gives alot of info but leaves alot of unanswered questions also .
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